What to do so that Lizun is not leap to hand: tips

What to do so that Lizun is not leap to hand: tips

Lizun is one of the children's favorite toys: he is a serve, soft, plastic, taking any shape. It is not without reason that it is called the "hand for the hands" (in English it sounds like handgles). Another name for the toy is a slime.

In composition, this substance is similar to the silicon polymer obtained as a result of experiments on the creation of rubber analogues. Not finding at first practical use, later this composition gradually became the basis of the toy, which unexpectedly gained popularity.

Why does the domestic lizun stick up to his hands?

  • Many have learned to make such lizunov on their own at home. Moreover, the components of the materials are inexpensive, and pleasure is a mass. You only need glue (PVA, if you want Lizun to be opaque, and ordinary silicate - for transparency).
  • In addition, ordinary water, any dye - from food to watercolor paints or gouache, and ordinary drill, which is also called sodium tetrabera.
  • Having mixed all these components into a single mass, you can get excellent lizun, the hardness of which will depend on the amount of drill - The more it is, the more solid the toy will be.

But it happens that the lizun made by his own hands sticks to his hands. This can happen for several reasons:

  • Added too small amount of thickener.
  • The materials that you used in the manufacture of Lizun were poor quality or completely expired.
  • The dye that you added to the toy turned out to be too much in relation to other components.
  • Incorrect storage. If you keep Lizun in warm or under the open sun, this will almost guaranteed to make it sticky. It is best to store it in the refrigerator, placing it in a plastic can or container.
  • Add to a toy too much soda solution or its improper consistency.
  • The service life has ended, which is from six months to a year for Lizun, produced in industrial conditions, and about 2-3 months for created by yourself.

What to do so that Lizun does not stick to his hands?

  • First try it a little dry - The problem can watch in high humidity. Open the container cover and hold it for 4-5 hours. It is better to place a very wet lizun on paper (napkins are not suitable for this).
  • Lizun can stick Due to dust and dirt-in this case, use tweezers or a pin to remove larger impurities, and just wash the dust under a stream of running water.
  • The reason may cover that Lizun is simply poorly kneaded, especially if you just made it. Try to knead the toy well. In the same way, you can use it if Lizun stood "idle" for a long time.
Knead well
Knead well
  • If a the cause of the stickiness - Too long stay in the sun or just warm, cool Lizun in the refrigerator or another cool place.

What to add if Lizun sticks to his hands?

  • The same soda solution, baking soda (half a teaspoon) poured with three teaspoons of warm water and stirred until it is completely dissolved. Cool at room temperature and then with a syringe (without a needle!) Little the liquid into Lizun, after each injection restlessly knead Lizun with your hands. This tool should not be abused, since Lizun with each new administration of the solution will lose elasticity and viscosity.
  • Starch - An excellent thickener, moreover, is safe, most importantly, use potato or corn. Do not be too lazy to sift it so that lumps do not get into Lizun, and then add a tablespoon to Lizun and knead for 5 minutes. If Lizun stopped sticking to his hands, and starch is not absorbed, it is better to remove the excess using a paper towel or a napkin.
  • Baby oil can also be made so that Lizun did not stick to his hands: Just add the product near a teaspoon and open.
The composition of Lizun
The composition of Lizun
  • "Persian" - This tool is good not only for washing, but also for Lizun. 10 ml will be enough for him, pouring which, the toy also needs to be actively kneaded.
  • Foam, which dad uses when shaving, you can “sacrifice” the child to “save” Lizun from stickiness. Enough amounts of about a tennis ball. Naturally, all this together must also be carefully kneaded in the hands. At first glance, the foam seems a bit too much, but all of it is gradually absorbed.
  • If you did not use lizun in the manufacture of lizun drillYou can try adding it.
  • You can also try to use, as an additive, hand cream, lotion or vegetable oil. Only they do not need to add them to Lizun - it is enough to process their hands and knead the toy.
  • As an option - hydrogen peroxide. Literally 1-2 drops, no more, so as not to make Lizun liquid. It is better to add a couple more drops later, if after kneading it did not become less sticky.
  • Pour a pair of chips of small salt In the container in which you store Lizun and shake several times. Leave all this in the refrigerator, better for the whole night. Salt has the ability to adorize excess moisture that Will make Lizun not so sticky.
  • All of the above methods are suitable only if you yourself made your lizun. For a toy purchased in a store, they are not suitable.
Sticky lizun
Sticky lizun

You should not use butter or even more mocked cheese for the “salvation” of Lizun (such recommendations can be found on the Internet). The addition of food products can cause fungal phenomena that will lead to cloudy lizun.

Video: What to do if Lizun sticks to his hands?

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