What to give a girl at 5-7 years old: a list of the best gifts

What to give a girl at 5-7 years old: a list of the best gifts

To please your little tiny, study gift options from the materials below.

The choice of a gift is a complex process, especially if this gift must be purchased for a small child. The interests of children are always different, since each person is individual in the same way as his tastes.

It should be noted that many factors affect the interests of children and age is one of the most important. Today we offer you to consider the most interesting and original gift options for small princesses for 5-7 years.

What to give a girl for 5-7 years?

Before you, in principle, begin to think about a suitable gift, try to remember a few facts about the child, they will help to purchase exactly what he loves.

  • What, in principle, the child is fond of, for example, likes to read, needle up, play games where you need to think or, conversely, in outdoor games. If you need to choose a gift for a girl, this does not mean at all that it will definitely do doll, children's cosmetics etc., many princesses love to play cars, pistols etc.
  • Consider the child’s age and his capabilities. Of course, at the age of 5 it is not entirely appropriate to give adults books Without pictures that the baby can read no earlier than in a few years, but to understand even later.
  • Interest in the gift. Even if you know exactly what you please the child, but at the same time he has a full house, it is better to refrain from such a presentation. Children like to get what they love, but interest in such a gift can pass very quickly.
Books for children
Books for children

So, girls 5-7 years old, depending on their interests, are perfect the following gifts:

  • Sport equipment. It may seem to someone that at the age of 5 it is early to ride skates, rollers, etc., because it is enough traumatic, but in fact this age is very suitable-it is always easier to learn in childhood. You can give it bicycle, videos, skates, penny border, skis etc. You can give special equipment to such an inventory. Well, if you are very worried about the fact that the child does not learn how to ride on any inventory, give him a bonus training lessons with a coach
  • Musical instruments. Such a gift is appropriate if the child is already engaged in music, but has no instrument or really wants to do it and parents confirm the seriousness of his intentions
  • Books, children's coloring pages etc. Such gifts are suitable for all children, even those who only learn to read. If you give such presents to a child who is just learning to read or already reads, but bad, give preference to books with a large number of pictures, drawings, etc. The girls will most likely be more likely tales, stories about princesses, queens, animals, although there are exceptions.
  • Of course, any girl can even be presented for 5 years children's cosmetic set. Give preference to such cosmetics that is made of natural components.
Cosmetic set
Cosmetic set
  • No less appropriate present can be casket, chest for jewelry, hairpins, rubber bands etc., all all fashionistas love to add their jewelry.
  • Also, little princesses can be given dolls. You can give a regular doll-bundle, which needs to be fed with a special mixture, change clothes, etc. or a collectible porcelain doll. The latter will be a great gift to more adult girls.
  • Sports wall, ropes etc. Such presentations are appropriate if in the house, the apartment there is a place for their installation.
  • Creator's Kit. Girls for the most part love to make something with their own hands, for example, crafts from beads, dolls. That is why such sets will be a very good gift. When choosing such a presentation, be sure to consider the age of the crumbs.
Creative set
Creative set
  • Developing and role -playing games. Such a gift is suitable for both 5 and the 7th princess. Such games develop children, help them know the environment and the world. For girls, you can buy games such as "Cook", "Doctor", etc.
  • Home Puppet Theater, shadow theater. This gift is also suitable for girls 5-7 years old. Such a lesson develops a child’s imagination. The advantage of the home puppet theater and the shadow theater is that parents can play with it with the child, thereby interestingly conducting leisure.
  • Various accessories for creativity: paints, pencils, felt -tip pens, crayons, plasticine etc. Such classes will develop the imagination of the child and his motor skills.
For creativity
For creativity
  • Training notebooks. Special notebooks in which there are simple tasks for teaching children to read, writing, etc. With the help of such a gift, the child in a playful way will be able to gain initial knowledge.
  • Puzzles, designer. Such a gift will help the child develop logic, motor skills, thinking.
  • Watch. This present is more appropriate to give the princesses 6-7 years old, when the child is already in need to track the time (the start time, end of the lessons, arrival at school, home, etc.).
  • Girls 7 years old can be presented world map, globe, encyclopedia About the world

The following can be considered no less interesting and useful gifts:

  • Kite
  • Album for collecting brands, stickers
  • Children's album
  • Photoshoot
  • A trip to the tour, a weekend round (take into account the fact that the child should go with someone from adults)
  • Walking to the water park, zoo
  • Certificate for a trip to children's entertainments, master classes
  • Prayer for drawing
  • Inflatable pool, vest, overslete, circle
  • Umbrella, handbag
For creativity
For creativity

As you can see, it is quite easy to choose a gift for a small princess, since the choice is huge, and each child is individual and has its own preferences. However, knowing the tastes of the child, you can please him precisely the present that he needs, so when choosing a gift, first of all, consider the interests of the one to whom you will give it.

Video: Gifts for girls 5-7 years old

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