What does the Clover symbol mean: description, clover like a talisman

What does the Clover symbol mean: description, clover like a talisman

The four -leaf clover is always associated with luck and luck and this is for a reason. Since ancient times, people believed that this plant brings to the one who found it true happiness and success.

Today, many people choose this symbol as a talisman from failures and troubles.

What does the Clover symbol mean?

  • Four -leaved clover is not only good luck and joy, but also unearthly happiness.
  • It is generally accepted that the one who finds such a plant will find true happiness in the near future, receive an unexpected but very pleasant news, something very good will happen to him in the near future.
Symbol of good luck
Symbol of good luck

In addition, it is worth paying attention to what each leaflet on the plant means separately:

  • The first leaf of the plant is considered a sign of fire. It symbolizes success in creativity, glory, popularity, inexhaustible life energy.
  • The second sheet refers to the water element And he is responsible for prosperity. It symbolizes money, profit, increase in wealth, as well as harmony.
  • The third sheet refers to the elements of air. It symbolizes such feelings and qualities as love, fidelity, honesty, hope, sincerity and kindness.
  • The fourth sheet - earth sign. This is a symbol continuation of the genus, fertility, life, health, strength and energy.

Clover symbol four -leaved: History

It is a mistake to think what a plant is like a four -leaved clover is a symbol of good luck only in our country. In fact, clover with four sheets is recognized as a symbol of good luck and happiness almost around the world.

  • Buddhists It is believed that this plant helps to find the unity of the soul (subconscious) and the body (mind).
  • Egyptians It was believed that a four -leaf clover was able to protect a person from the influence of evil forces, spirits and black magic. And such a talisman was given to the newlyweds at the birth of a new family. It was believed that this would help them live a long and happy life together.
  • Carpathian Slavs They determined for themselves that clover with so many leaves is a symbol of the eternal world.
  • Indians They believed that this symbol would certainly bring them success on the hunt and in working on Earth. He was constantly depicted on trees, walls of houses, sheds, etc.
  • India, like Egypt, is of the opinion that a four -leaf clover is capable of save people from evil forces and spirits.
It is considered an important symbol around the world
It is considered an important symbol around the world
  • It is believed that the four -leaved clover appeared on Earth thanks to Eve, who took him from paradise during her exile as a reminder of her former happy life. Many experts believe that it was from here that the sign came that the four -leaved clover found by the found happiness, luck and prosperity.

Clover symbol is four -leafed: what to do if found?

Finding a four -leaf clover is a huge success and luck. But what needs to be done with him to gain success and happiness?

Here are the most common rites for good luck from such a plant:

  • Eat, making your most testament desire. It is believed that such a desire will come true, and in the very near future.
  • Eat with your lover. Thus you fight your love and live in peace and harmony all your life.
  • To disrupt and bring to the house. Then wrap in a clean white rag and put under the porch, threshold. So you will not only attract good luck to the house, but also drive away evil spirits, negative energy from yourself.
  • To disrupt, wrap in a blue rag and wear for some time in the inner pocket of clothes (closer to the heart). This will help you find peace of mind, will save from excitement and ailments
  • Dry the plant, grind and place in a linen bag. Put a bag in a purse and always carry with you. In this case, the clover will act obereg and magnet for good luck.
  • Put yourself in the wallet. Such a rite will help solve financial difficulties.
  • Put dry in shoes (under the insole). Such a rite is needed by those people who have not acquired a soulmate.

Tattoo, earrings, suspension, pendant in the form of a clover of a four -leaf

  • Since such a symbol brings people well -being, luck and happiness, Use it very often.
  • Some prefer to make a four -leaf clover tattoos, some buy a four -leaf clover for themselves talisman (pendants, pendants, earrings) In the form of such a plant.

Putting on earrings, a pendant or pendant in the form of a clover with four leaves, a person receives:

  • Protection against negative energy, evil eye and damage
  • Good luck in monetary and love spheres
  • Strengthening health and increasing vitality
  • Fulfillment of desire

Clover tattoo also serves as a powerful amulet:

  • Women who made such a tattoo can count on increased attention from the opposite sex.
  • Men with such a tattoo gain good luck and success in all their affairs and undertakings.
  • In addition, everyone who has such a tattoo on the body will be located under the protection of all 4 elements, not only happiness, but also love, prosperity will be found, will learn to live in harmony with themselves and others.

A four -leaf clover is a powerful symbol that brings people joy, luck and success. However, it will only work if you also make any efforts to obtain the desired result.

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Video: About a four -leaf clover - a symbol of good luck

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