What does a full -flowing river mean? Top 18 of the most full-flowing rivers of the world: review, photo. The most full -flowing river of the world: a brief characteristic, interesting facts

What does a full -flowing river mean? Top 18 of the most full-flowing rivers of the world: review, photo. The most full -flowing river of the world: a brief characteristic, interesting facts

In this article, we will consider the rating of the most full -flowing rivers of all continents and find out the first honorary place by full -flow.

Rivers are the freshwater arteries of the planet Earth. Thanks to them, water is enough for the existence of plants and all living things. Full -flowing rivers that never dry out are the special wealth of mankind. After all, these are those rivers that know how life was born. And we will learn about them a lot of interesting things in this material.

What does a full -flowing river mean?

Water covers most of our planet. In addition to oceans and seas, there are also rivers, which affect the supply of freshwater water in the world. They all have different characteristics that attribute them to one or another type. Before moving on to the ranking of rivers in full use, this term itself proposes to disassemble.

  • So, a river that flows into the ocean or sea can be considered a full -flowing.
  • It should not dry out and have a length of more than 500 km in size.
  • The pool of such a river should have a territory of 10,000 km² or even more.

TOP-18 of the most full-flowing rivers of the world: interesting facts, the history of water bodies

In addition to the Amazon, there are still many rivers with full -flowing pools. They are smaller in size, but completely worthy to wear this title. You can talk a lot about all the variety of these water arteries, but we will try to talk about the most interesting.

18. The river about which the songs are composed - Volga

The Volga is far from the largest freshwater river in the world. Her place in the top in the last lines. But this reservoir boasts other important records. The river is inferior to giants, but is still considered one of the largest rivers. In Europe, it is the longest and most water. This is the largest river, which at the end of the path does not fall into the sea or ocean, but into the inner reservoir of the Caspian Sea. A long Volga 3530 km, and its water pool is 1,360,000 km² of water. The Volga flows almost completely throughout Russia, but there is a small tributary in Kazakhstan.

Open the Volga list
Open the Volga list

The river gave the name of a large part of the territory of the state, which is called the Volga region. The river also gave life to large cities, because the banks are located on the shores -Candida, Samara and Nizhny Novgorod. Fast waters of the river at once nourish eight larger and smaller hydroelectric power stations. The Volga received her source in the Ural Mountains, and her age is about 5 million years old. The channel of the prehistoric paleo Volga differs from the modern child. Once she flowed along a deep canyon and was a stormy mountain river. The current Volga has different 200 tributaries, and the river basin has a total good length of 574 thousand km.

Beautiful shores of Russian landscapes
Beautiful shores of Russian landscapes

17. River, which bears the name of the saint Lavrenty

This river is a very large water artery of the mainland North America. It flows through the territory of two large states of Canada and the USA. The river of St. Lawrence is 1197 km full long, but its pool makes a lot of water - 1,344,200 km². The name of the river was given by a navigator and French colonialist Jacques Cartier. The reservoir will fall into the bay with the same name.

Even landscapes correspond to the name of the river
Even landscapes correspond to the name of the river

The river is quite deep, so it used to serve as waterway for merchants. And in our time, it fulfills its role completely, because large oceanic cargo ships often swim along it.

It was here that two water worlds were destined to meet. At a depth of 400 meters, salted and fresh water are mixed. The sections of the river are different, there are stormy and calm places. Where the river is separated by thresholds at a distance of 160 km, the course is turbulent. But then there is a unique area with a length of 60 km with many small islands under the name “thousand islands”. Here the water is deep and calm, so they are suitable for shipping.

The river is calm, so suitable for drying goals
The river is calm, so suitable for shipping goals

16. Canadian river in North America - Mackenzie

On the territory of the state of Canada, the largest river of the entire American part of the north called Mackenzie flows. It is named a pond in honor of its discoverer - the Scottish traveler Alexander Mackenzie. The event took place in 1789. The river is 1738 km long, and its freshwater pool makes 1,805,200 km² of water. The river is quite deep, which made it a navigable artery. If you take the entire watercolor system, then its land paths have a length of 2200 km.

Continues the list of Canadian river
Continues the list of Canadian river

The Mackenzi River basin includes large lakes of Woollaston, as well as the largest lake of Canada - Claire, which is located on the territory of the created natural reserve. The list also complements the list of a unique large bear lake, which connects the same tributary with the river. Mackenzie is a river that has been covered with ice from September and can be in this state until July.

But this river is covered for half a year
But this river is covered for half a year

15. Ob - River with many bridges

The river was discovered by merchants who were not afraid to go far beyond the Ural Mountains, along with their guides. The river is one of the largest on the world map, its length is 3650 km. The area of \u200b\u200bthe basin of a full -flowing river is 2,900,000 km². The beginning of this pond gives the merger of two rivers of Katun and Biya, and it flows into the Kara Sea. At the same time, it forms the largest bay near the sea - the Ob lip.

The Altai Territory River
River of the Russian Territory

Ob is a steamboat deep river, and the first ship along it passed back in 1844. Already 1895 flights on the river and tributaries operated 120 private steamers. Ob Leader River in Russia on the Pool Square. If you take the full -flow indicators, then it takes third place, losing to the Yenisei and Lena rivers. The navigable river is still and about 14 bridges have been built on it. The longest in Siberia is the Ugra bridge, the north is the north bridge, as well as the Burgundy bridge and others. On its shores there are many large and beautiful cities - Surgut, Novosibirsk, Barnaul and others.

The river is one of the deepest, so suitable for steamers
The river is one of the deepest, so suitable for steamers

14. Amur - the river that managed to connect Asia and Russia

Amur literally means "Big River." It flows near the borders of two large states of Russia and China, also flows on the territory of Mongolia. The region is East Asia. The length of the reservoir is 2824 km, and the water pool of 1,855,000 km². The mouths of this river are the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. The Chinese gave their name to the reservoir - "The Black Dragon River." By the way, they believed that a good black dragon really lives in her waters.

The river that shares Russia from Asia
The river that shares Russia from Asia

Amur creates the merger of two rivers - Argun and Shilka. Due to the features of the Amur valley, it is divided into three conditional sites: upper, middle and lower. Amur is one of the ten largest world rivers and is the fourth large river of Russia. The waters of the river are very rich in various fish -108 species out of 139 can be caught here.

This river contains 108 species of fish
This river contains 108 species of fish

13. Iravadi - Big river of a small state

A large important water artery serves as a trade route. It flows through the territory of the little-known state of Southern Asia-Myanmar. The length of this reservoir is 2170 km, has a pool with an area of \u200b\u200b411,000 km². Its source begins two small rivers - NMAI and Mali. The river crosses the whole country, while changing in width and appearance.

A small state can boast of such a large river
A small state can boast of such a large river

The upper tributaries laid their path in deep gorges, and the lower channel becomes wide enough - about 800 m. Next, it again forms three non -fingered to 100 m gorge at once. Iravadi created a unique border near the Andaman Sea, in which a belt of a dune is located 240 km long. The river is considered navigable, but the ships are hindered by shallows and numerous islands.

Due to the large number of islands, large vessels cannot swim on it
Due to the large number of islands, large vessels cannot swim on it

12. Chinese pearl or river Zhuzzyan

The river takes third place in length in China with an indicator of 2200 km and the second - in terms of full -flow, because its pool is 437,000 km². Zhuzzyan flows into the South China Sea, but not immediately. Before that, she creates a wide delta, on the shore of which there are million-plus cities-Hong Kong and Macau. In the same delta.

Beautiful and bright river in China
Beautiful and bright river in China

Partially settled another large city - Guangzhou. It is for a reason that the reservoir is called a pearl river, because the fishing for the extraction of pearls here flourishes and is well developed. In order for the vessel to swim along the river, the authorities have to clean it. But such work does not bring special results, Zhuzzyan is included in the top of the most dirty water arteries in the world.

But this is also the dirtiest reservoir
But this is also one of the dirtiest reservoirs

11. Ganges - Big Aquatic River

This legendary river begins in the Himalayas from a large Gangry glacier. It is considered the third in water supply in the world. The length of the reservoir is 2700 km, and the volume of the pool is impressive - 1,060,000 km². The river makes a long way, crossing the Gan plain in China, and flows into the Bengal Gulf. Ganga is a mythical river, because the ancient inhabitants believed that it went down from heaven. Therefore, it is sacred to all Hindus.

Gang can surprise with beautiful shores
Gang can surprise with beautiful shores

Pilgrims carry out rituals on its shores and make cremations of the dead. In some places for believing Indians, cities are considered on its shores Varanasi, Allahabad and others. The waters of Ganges irrigate fields, and its pool is considered the most densely populated in the world. The sacred Indian river Gang for a European man will seem very dirty. Due to the precipitation of the water of the river muddy all year round, and the life of 500 million. The population complements the picture. Personnel and industrial waste falls into the water, which is why Gang received the title of one of the muddy rivers in the world.

But more often the picture is not pleasant, because this is the dirty river in the world
But more often the picture is not pleasant, because this is the dirty river in the world

10. Another large river, only on the Indochina Peninsula - Mekong

On the Indochina Peninsula, the Mekong River is considered the largest. The length of the Nine Dragons River is 4,500 km. Its pool has a considerable area of \u200b\u200b810,000 km². It flows through the territory of six states: Cambodia, China, Laos, Vietnam and others. The river flows along the bottom of the deep gorges. She bypasses sharp thresholds and, at the same time, creates the widest Khon waterfall and a huge delta with an area of \u200b\u200b70,000 km².

The Mekong River opens the first ten
The Mekong River opens the first ten

Mekong flows into the South China Sea. Locals use the natural wealth of rivers, like irrigation water and constant spills for sowing rice. Mekong is rich in fish and birds. Big cities have grown on the shores. Moreover, the first settlers appeared here as early as 2100 BC. e. The river delta is recognized as one of the most extensive Delta in the world.

This river rich in the river is widely used in industry and in agriculture
This river rich in the river is widely used in industry and in agriculture

9. The main river of North America - Mississippi

Mississippi sounds literally like a large river. And it is recognized as one of the greatest in the world. Mississippi flows through the United States, but the pool is also relate to Canada. The length of the reservoir is 3770 km, and its pool occupied a territory of 2,981,00 km². Before falling into the Gulf of Mexico, the river creates a wide delta. 10 states of America crosses Mississippi, and if you count the pool, then 31.

The famous US river
The famous US river

The indigenous inhabitants on its shores lived in antiquity, and were Indians. Mississippi is a navigable river, so there are not rarities of barges and large ships. The river is known for environmental problems. Due to industrial development and pollution of its waters, a whole “dead zone” appeared in the Gulf of Mexico. The US water artery is actively shifting to the side, and this can threaten a disaster for the New Orleans and other ports of the river. Mississippi is a river of mood, in her story she repeatedly changed the channel.

Mississippi flows through 10 states
Mississippi flows through 10 states

8. Lena - Beautiful and cold Siberian river

The Lena River is the largest of the Rivers of Central Siberia. The length of the reservoir with a delta is 4294 km, and the fables took an area of \u200b\u200b2,490,000 km². Lena flows through the territory of the two regions - Irkutsk Yakutia. This area is cold, so there is eternal permafrost. The river often freezes, and in winter up to 20 km³ of ice can appear on it. Its difference from other cold rivers in Russia is frequent glacial congestion.

Cold river Lena
Cold river Lena

The river is the basis of the development of the region, this is the main transport path of Yakutia. On Lena, ships are actively floating, and 8 main ports are located on the banks. Actively developed passenger shipping. Eternal colds do not contribute to active settlement, there are few settlements on the banks. Yakutsk is considered the largest.

Because of the cold, wonderful they cannot swim normally
Because of the cold, wonderful they cannot swim normally

7. Brahmaputra

The large water artery in South Asia Brahmaputra is the left tributary of the Gang River. It can be noted that individual sections of the river have different names. In Tibet, she is Matsang, in the Bangladet the river was called Jamun, but in the Himalayas she is Siang. Regardless of the name, its length is 2896 km, and the pool is large - 651 334km². Bakhmaputra carries his waters to the Bengal Gulf.

River of South Asia

Four states can be considered a river - this is India, China, Butana and Bangladesh. In general, this is a calm navigable river, which flows parallel to the Himalaya mountain range.

It flows through 4 countries
It flows through 4 countries

6. Yenisei - Another Siberian river

The area of \u200b\u200bthe pool, which is occupied by the Yenisei, is 2,580,000 km² and this is impressive. It is still considered one of the longest in the world with an indicator of 3,487 km. The flow of water per year is 624.41 km³, and the first place in Russia in full use.

The river that took first place in Russia
The river that took first place in Russia

All these tons of water flow into the Kara Sea. The river serves as the border of Eastern and Western Siberia. The uniqueness of the river is that it flows through all the climatic zones of the Siberian region. In the lower Yenisei you can meet white bears, and camels feel good in the upper part of the current. This is a river on which many bridges and many cities were built. For example, Krasnoyarsk, Zheleznogorsk and others. It is considered the navigable and main artery of the entire Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Full -flowing river in Siberia
A full -flowing river serves as a border in Siberia

5. Parana And her facts

The South American continent is rich in full-flowing rivers. Parana is one of them. Flowing in the territory of the three countries of Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil, has a length of 4,380 km. The river basin did not take a small area of \u200b\u200b2,582,672 km². This river carries tons of water to the Atlantic Ocean, or rather, in the bay of the La Plata. Parana successfully serves the water border of the two states - Argentina and Paraguay. This large water artery in which vessels float.

Parana flows through 3 countries
Parana flows through 3 countries

The opening of the river took place back in 1515, and Huang Diaz de Solis, the Spanish navigator, did it. And only after 5 years in these places was Magellan. Now on paraning 29 largest dams and many bridges have been built. Big and beautiful cities such as Buenos Aires have grown on the shores.

The river is decorated with dams and waterfalls
The river is decorated with dams and waterfalls

4. Orinoco - The river that is shrouded in myths

The Orinoko River was opened one of the first, exploring the new light. Columbus in 1498 was amazed at the beauty of the local landscapes. He had no doubt that in front of him is one of the four paradise rivers. The area of \u200b\u200bthe pool of this river is 880,000 km², and the length represented by a reservoir of 2,736 km. The river flows through the territory of the state of Venezuela and ends the path, falling into the Atlantic Ocean.

The river that was opened by one of the first
The river that was opened by one of the first

There are often floods on Orinoko, at this time its width can reach 22 km. The reservoir known to the animal world, it has become a house for rare species of Orinsk crocodiles. It was here that the conquistadors were looking for a mythical golden city, destroying the indigenous Indians. But they didn’t find anything. Orinoko took the fourth place in full use, it consumes 33,000 m³/from the water.

Oronoco is rich in the animal world
Oronoco is rich in the animal world

3. Yangtsy - third place in the category The most full -flowing river

This long and full -flowing river flows through the territory of China, its length is 6,300 km. The pool occupied an area of \u200b\u200b1,808,500 km², thus covering the fifth of the entire state. The river is very important for the country's economy and culture. Every year it brings 20% of GDP.

In the third position of Yangtze
In the third position of Yangtze

The pond shares the south and north of China, ending with the path near the shores of the East Chinese Sea. Yangtzi literally sounds a “long river” for obvious reasons. Its shores were seen by the origin of the civilization of Southern China, and Chinese dolphins lived in the waters, which were currently extinct.

A river that divides China into two parts
A river that divides China into two parts

2. Congo - Second place in the category The most full -flowing river

It flows mainly through the territory of the Congo state. This is a large full -flowing African river, its length is 4374 km, and the pool took an area of \u200b\u200b4,014,500 km². The river is violent, because it rushes through the thresholds, forming a lot of waterfalls, and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The Portuguese opened this "large river" back in 1481.

The famous river has another name - Big River
The famous river has another name - Big River

They examined the region in search of gold mines. Congo is a beautiful navigable river with a global hydropower supply. She is known and the most beautiful cascading waterfalls. For example, Stanley has seven thresholds and a height of 60 m, as well as Livingston waterfall with a height of 270 m.

Congo is famous for a waterfall with a height of 270 m
Congo is famous for a waterfall with a height of 270 m

The most full -flowing river of the world: name, brief description

A lot of rivers falls under the full -flowing criteria, but the most full -term in our time is called the Amazon.

  • This large river is located in the South American continent. It is formed by the smaller two rivers Ukyali and Maranjon. The Amazon with its tributaries boasts 7,000 km long and tolerates 19 km3 of fresh water per day.
  • The dimensions of her pool are impressive - 7,180,000 km². This is the first indicator in the world in full use. And she carries all these stormy streams of water to the Atlantic Ocean, which became her mouth.
  • At the same time, a huge delta with an area of \u200b\u200babout 100 thousand km² is formed. The river managed to create a river island of impressive sizes of Marajo - this is one of the largest islands of this type.
  • The Amazon has many large and small tributaries, 20 of which have a length of more than 1,500 km. Important in this river network are its rather large tributaries of Shing, Madeira and others.
  • The geographical decomposition of the Amazon river is also interesting. The part belonging to Brazil is considered the largest. The river also flows through the territory of Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru.
  • Under the waters of the Amazon river, another interestingness is hidden. At a depth of 4 km, specialists of the Brazilian observatory found an underground river with the name Hamza. Moreover, the rivers move in one direction.
The famous Amazon river, which takes first place
The famous Amazon river, which takes first place
  • A few more interesting facts:
    • the total length of all waterways of the Amazon with all tributaries of 25 thousand km;
    • the flow of water is impressive. A year 7,000 km3 and this is 15% of the flow of all rivers on the planet;
    • The Amazon has navigable channels, some swim ocean liners;
    • if you take the area of \u200b\u200bthe Amazon river basin area, it is almost comparable to the area of \u200b\u200bthe mainland Australia;
    • The Amazon received the title of the most full -flowing river relatively recently. Previously, this title belonged to Nile;
    • so that every resident of the planet receives 1 liter of water, the Amazon needs about 30 seconds;
    • The navigators called the Amazon “Mor of the Dulcha”, which means “the beautiful sea”, and this is for a reason. The width of the reservoir can reach 50 km, so there is still no bridge that would connect two shores. Such a bridge has not yet been able to build;
    • according to scientists, the Amazon is a river of very advanced age. She is 9 million years old;
    • the discoverer of the river became Francisco de Orlyan. He was a French conquistador. The event occurred in 1542. On the banks of the river, his detachment fought with the Amazons - women of warriors. Because of which the river got its current name;
    • since 2011, the river has been the title of one and seven wonders of the world, and this is also not in vain.
It is interesting that not a single bridge was built on the river
It is interesting that not a single bridge was built on the river
  • The Amazon is a river around which life boils. About a million species of animals and plants live on its shores. It is in her pool that is the tropical forest, which is considered the largest in the world.
  • A recognizable symbol is the vines, by which Tarzan so cleverly jumped. These strong stems grow very quickly and are 100 m long.
  • Large animals and fish live in these parts. For example, anaconds, kayman, capybras and jaguars. River dolphins and dangerous piranhas, as well as a large number of other large and small fish, swim here.

Stormy full -flowing rivers have a huge supply of fresh water - a source of life on the planet. Often the ecological state is anxious and the desire to rectify the situation. The above rivers are the most full -flowing and beautiful in the world, so there should be a special careful attitude and increased attention to them.

Video: The most full -flowing river in the world

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Comments K. article

  1. And where then is the Nile in the top 18?!

  2. The top is made in full maintenance, not a genuine, so the Nile is missing

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