What does infantility mean - the meaning of the concept, the features of the infantile person, the form of infantility, the causes and the manifestation of infantility in women. What needs to be done to avoid infantility?

What does infantility mean - the meaning of the concept, the features of the infantile person, the form of infantility, the causes and the manifestation of infantility in women. What needs to be done to avoid infantility?

When a girl behaves like a child and does not want to develop, she does not see the goal for further life - this indicates the signs of infantilism. Let's look at this concept in more detail.

Adults and who have reached certain heights in life often recall their childhood moments in life, because they are filled with warmth and joy. Many of us dream of plunging again at the brightest moments of youth.

Most of us remain children, while living in the harsh world of reality, where everything is not as fabulous as it seemed. These people will not cross the border that will give them a chance to become an adult. Is infantilism the main problem of the modern world or a drawback?

The meaning of the concept of infantility

Infanticity is naivety, immaturity and incomplete development of the psyche.

IMPORTANT : Infantile person - This is a personality in whose actions immature acts prevail, inability to take responsibility, obligations for yourself and start all decisions to make yourself. The lack of goals in life and unwillingness to change something in oneself and in life.

The infantile disorder of the individual implies the existence of qualities and actions that are characteristic of the baby in an adult. However, this does not apply to mental development, skills. In infantile people, they are the same as in ordinary people.

Experts say that this is the most common deviation in psychological practice. This problem serves as the basis for other disorders.

In terms of state, people after the collapse of the Soviet Union collided with infantility. After all, the state has ceased to take care of people to the extent, engage in their safety, development. In the 90s, educational institutions no longer raised children, and parents were so busy living in a new state that they did not have enough time to engage in their own children.

Forms of infantilism

Psychological infantilism. Delay in human development. A person’s thinking is formed with a large delay and does not meet his age at all. This drawback is not always associated with a delay in mental development.

Physiological infantilism. The baby still receives air and nutrition in the womb, if there is a lack of the necessary elements for the life of the embryo body, then oxygen starvation occurs, and as a result, underdevelopment of the fetus.

Infantry indicators in humans

The infantile existence of an individual can be observed on the various steps of his life: from caring for his health, to the concepts of creating and maintaining family relationships. The nature and direction of the thought of the infantile person is identical in almost all aspects with the character and thoughts of the child.

A person remains at the same level as in a psychological and social perspective. What is infantilism manifested?

Without goals
Without goals

Infantile signs can be found both together and separately:

  • Dependency.
  • Addiction.
  • Helplessness.
  • Inability to make decisions and solve problems.
  • Absence or unwillingness to develop.
  • Lack of life goals.
  • Highness and self -centered.
  • Unpredictable behavior.
  • Inadequacy.
  • Nonalness.
  • Interest in addictions, including bad habits (a person does not understand harm).
  • Violation of perception.
  • Inability to communicate with other people.
  • Inability to adapt.
  • Undetered mobility.
  • Lack of desire for work, high earnings.
  • Lack of social development, sociability.

Manager and dependent

Each of the listed personalities does not want to be responsible for his actions, nor adapt to the interests of others, nor independently make decisions, nor solve problems. They all hope that they will help them relatives and close people.

Infant lives playing

The kid, with the help of games, learns the world still, being small. Life for infants is a constant game. They have fun, attend clubs or social events, sit at the computer playfully in network games, constantly go shopping, change tablets, phones even if it is not affordable for them, etc.

Infant lives only in his own world, where he does not need to think about global problems, accept and delve into solving complex tasks and fulfill them on his own. All this does not give him any idea of \u200b\u200bthe surrounding world, about the people who surround him.

He does not think about what they feel and what they think about. For him, this world is different. It is difficult for these people to find a common language with other people. They do not know how to take into account the interests of others and therefore it is difficult for them to find friends who would understand them. However, they do not want to make efforts to understand others.

Absence and inability to set goals in life

The infantile subject is not characterized by the ability to analyze certain circumstances, make their assessment, predict, think who he will be in the future, what awaits him. In this situation, it is good to trace infantility when, to solve any problems, he needs to think about how, and with the help of which to achieve the goal.

If he nevertheless reaches the goal, then decisions and scheme of behavior will be so simple and primitive. This scheme of behavior is completely unusual for a person, because he does not seek easy ways, but on the contrary, hesitates different complex combinations, unlike infant.

How to recognize an infantile person?

To recognize the infantile subject, it is necessary to take into account his relationship with his mother and dad. A good sign will be if the individual in communication with parents adheres to equality, takes care of relatives.

If, on the contrary, parents completely take care of him and do not allow to take a step on their own, each time this manifestation of care increases - in this situation, the child simply cannot cope with the onslaught and amenable to parents. This is already an alarming sign, in front of you is a child who does not want and will not grow up.

Important: the main goal in life is not to think about anything and do nothing.

When a person does not think about anything, he is not able to solve everything on his own, he shifts all obligations to others, he is not interested in anything - in this case he lives a carefree life. An obligation is a feature that is opposite to infantility. The infantile person shows its carefree behavior, constantly goes to the parties, has fun. Even if he is not at all the mood that is needed for fun, but he will play his role to the end, because he is the soul of a company that has no responsibility.

From a public point of view, an infantile entity constantly needs money, he does not stay long at one job, he can’t see promotion in his career at all.

The same situation can be traced in appearance. These subjects have a special facial expressions, in which there are notes of ridicule and neglect. Their lips are slightly lowered, the nasolabial folds seemed to stop in hatred of something.

Causes of infantility

Experts in the field of psychology believe that infantilism occurs in dysfunctional families with improper education. The age at which infantilism from 8 to 16 years is born. The initial stage of manifestation of infantility is scandals, manipulation, disobedience, lack of responsibility even in the process of gaining knowledge.

The origins of the emergence of infantility are still going on since childhood, family, development and education. As they say: "The apple from the apple tree does not fall far." Infanticity can transmit from parents. After all, parents are an example to follow. Children adopt the habits of infantile adults and subsequently become the same.

It can also be education and attitude with the child. Being already an adult, parents try to impose on their children what they would like to do at his age, but for some reason this did not work out. Parents are trying to control every step and thoughts of the child, while slowing down his mental development.

  • The constant fear for his child encourages his parents to decide for him, to think for him. The parent is trying to focus all his attention on the child.
  • To embody all your desires with the help of a child, not allowing to express their opinions and desires. When excessive care is manifested constantly, the child gets used to it and stops thinking himself, because all parents will decide for him.
  • Such a person will become an infantile personality. The child will regard this as care, great love from the parents, in fact it will be the fear of loss.
  • If the child negatively reacts to excessive custody, he will achieve his and will not obey the desires of his parents.

In the future, improper upbringing will lead to the fact that the parent and the child will act together, their psychological environment will merge together. Now these will not be two different people, but one. Each of them will not be able to perform any actions on their own.

The problem of infantilism is based not only on education, but also a lack of time. Nowadays, parents do not pay sufficient attention to the development and raising of the child, due to the constant need to earn money.

To somehow free themselves from the baby, they give them other tasks:

  • View cartoons or films.
  • Games on the computer.
  • Listening to music.
The child is left to himself
The child is left to himself

The consequence of this will be the development of an illusion of permissiveness in a child. With this, he will be able to manipulate people.

  • Educational institutions and the current school system of education also affect the emotional state of children. Our education system is not adapted to all children at once, but only to those who have matured before and are open to absorb information.
  • Most students cannot completely perceive the issued information. For example, early in the morning, his brain is not yet completely ready to perceive a large flow of information, and from 8 am lessons begin.
  • Children, unlike adults, cannot immediately be rebuilt to the workflow. The school curriculum coincides with the period of growing up the child, the correct perception of the world. During growing up, receiving this information is not always safe. The child does not fully understand her necessity, can skip classes, and not completely study subjects.

The concentration in educational institutions is now aimed at acquiring knowledge in basic subjects, abandoning the process of education. Most of the primary school teachers do not bother to tell children, "what is good and what is bad." These gaps in the child’s head form immaturity.

From the age of 14, the child begins to show independence, this period is one of the main ones in the development of the personality, he is also called a sensitive period. This period is irrevocable and in no way can be missed, otherwise it will lead to non -self -control, degradation and personality disintegration - the main signs of infantilism.

Manifestation of infantility in women

Infantilism has a biological difference. It can manifest itself in both female and male in physiological and psychological terms.

Scientists prove that in psychological terms there are no special differences between male and female infantility. All signs of infantility are manifested in social views.

  • Most people who are not endowed with sufficient knowledge believe that every woman has a piece of infantility from birth.
  • How does it manifest in women? Men perceive them to little girls in the guise of adult women. They surround them with care, tenderness, they constantly want to stroke, warm them from the cold and protect them from dangers.
  • Such women believe that a romantic man should constantly be next to them. With these women, they want to relax and plunge into another world. They are easy to communicate, they do not think about marriage, about the birth of children, because they have not learned to set goals.
  • Men with such women evade ordinary problems, they like to fool around like children together. Their vagaries are so primitive that they do not even angry them.

Infantile women dream of seeing a daddy husband near them. The main criteria for choosing a partner will be: security, generosity, responsibility, masculinity. This man should be a hero who will help to solve all problems, will take care of as a little defenseless girl.

Infantry, any woman can both have from birth and develop her in herself. In a slightly childish voice, she tries to achieve the location of a man. They want to seem fragile and sensitive. They use this method so that the man is not angry with them when they did something wrong. The change of the timbre of the voice gives a signal to the man that although she did something wrong, but at the same time they think that little ones should not be scolded.

Infanticity forms the naivety that a woman is trying to show at the slightest opportunity, but at the same time she understands everything well. Next to such women, men seem more experienced that it raises their self -esteem.

  • An infantile woman is able to show an insult, but at the same time she feels anger in her soul. They also skillfully use other techniques: sadness, tears, feelings of guilt and fear. She can turn on the grief when she cannot figure out what she herself wants.
  • She can pretend that she cannot exist without a man, she no one, she needs his support, like air. Such women do not like to start serious conversations, they will not ask, they will simply bring everything to whims and pay to get what they want.
  • A truly infantile woman lives in constant chaos. She constantly needs help to get her out of difficult situations. She has many friends, but they are much younger than her. She dresses not like a lady, she likes shabby jeans, sneakers, T -shirts with fabulous heroes. She loves to have fun and enjoy life.
  • Such women love adventures, so they attract men. They will never be bored with them, because they have no everyday life.
Men are drawn to such women
Men are drawn to such women

The results of the experiments showed that 35% of women show signs of infantility while near men. The remaining 65% speak from the fact that such girls live in their fabulous world constantly.

The reason for the manifestation of infantility in women is that it is much easier for them to exist. It’s easier for them to get a man they like, who will patronize, idolize it and provide.

Is infantility a problem or can you live with it?

Those self -respecting psychologists do not justify infantility. They consider this not the problem of a separate lifestyle, not another worldview, and moreover, not belonging to another subculture. This problem is associated with inability, to independently achieve the goals, to be realized in social society.

However, given all this, such people can show creative abilities. Unlike most people, their right hemisphere works more, they do not set their frames and can create without limiting themselves. They dream and fantasize. Possessing these qualities, they will become great artists and musicians.

Prevention of infantility in children and adolescents

Statistics say that infantile people get from children and adolescents with authoritarian parents.

Therefore, if you have such features, then take into account the recommendations in the picture below as the prevention of infantility in your child.

There is no better for the formation of personality and hypopre.

To grow a decent person from your child, use a democratic style in education.

How to get rid of infantility?

Infantile people understand what their main problem is and in what situation they were. Many of them admit that their life is inferior. However, the child is much harder to change independently than an adult. Without support, he cannot even take a step to overcome this problem, because in this way he will come out of the comfort zone.

If the problem lies in the upbringing of parents, and they missed the moment when the child should become independent, then in this case you need to contact specialists. If you are lucky to find the problem in the early stages, then you should not delay the solution of this problem. The older a person, the more difficult a cure and recovery occurs.

In order to prevent this, each parent must monitor the process of education.

We get rid of infantility
We get rid of infantility

Methods that help to free themselves from infantility:

  • Parents should in any situation ask the child’s advice, discuss the accumulated problems. Discuss monetary issues. Let the child feel necessary, at the same level with parents.
  • Constantly interested in the problems of the baby that he has in his soul. Give him the right to do difficulties on his own.
  • Give the child to class active sports. This will develop a sense of responsibility and determination in it.
  • Do not close it from the surrounding world, let him walk with one -year -old, communicate with them.
  • Do not use in communication with the child "we". There should be only “I” and “you”. So you will develop independence in it.
  • You can also use drugs, vitamins. They improve brain function, memory and help concentrate attention.

Following all these methods of education, you will protect the child from more complex problems that may arise in the future.

Video: Infantile woman

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