What does the St. George ribbon and its color scheme mean? What is the history of the origin of the St. George tape? How to carry a tape in honor of memory and respect?

What does the St. George ribbon and its color scheme mean? What is the history of the origin of the St. George tape? How to carry a tape in honor of memory and respect?

In this article, we will consider the centuries -old history of the St. George tape, which will help to find out its meaning and characterize the selected color scheme.

In anticipation of a wonderful event, the holiday of May 9, the vitality of the triumph of victory are St. George ribbons. Unfortunately, rarely anyone guesses what this unique tape actually means. Let's try to figure out this particular and seemingly simple question.

The story of the origin and significance of the St. George tape

We must not only know, but also be proud of our history. After all, without her, we would not be. And she herself is so exciting that even children will listen to her with pleasure. By the way, parents are simply obliged to convey to their children such a valuable treasure of knowledge.

  • The founder and ancestor of the amazing reward, which is called the St. George ribbon, is the great and wise ruler - Empress Catherine II.
  • The queen invented and established a military prize back in 1769. The historical period of the ancient era was characterized by a brutal, bloody and merciless war between Turkish and Russian troops. As a result of a difficult battle, a reward was formed.
  • The St. George ribbon performed at the same time a prize, and encouragement, and an incentive for valor and courage in a difficult battle with the enemy. Therefore, to get it was considered a great honor !

Important: the introduced Order was called an excellent empress in honor of the defender of all the warriors of St. George. In those historical times, the St. George ribbon was simultaneously attached to the exquisite Order of St. George the Victorious.

Georgievsky tape originally had a black and yellow color
Initially, there was a black and yellow color
  • But the color has changed a bit since then. The empress, under the strictest control, ordered to release tapes with 3 black stripes and a pair of purely yellow color.
  • It is not known why the paint began to darken, but the fact remains unchanged - the orange color replaced the yellow tint. But this did not happen the next day, such a change occurred gradually, over several years. Or rather - in 1913.
  • After the final end of the civil war in 1917-1918, the ribbon was forgotten, and then completely began to be under a dangerous ban. It was strictly forbidden to wear and tie it to any orders and ranks. But this is not all, for disobedience there was a punishment in the form of arrest and penalties.
  • And, as a result, they forgot about the ribbons for more than 20 years. And now I recalled a good “forgotten old” at the end of 1941. And according to modest general estimates after 1945, about 15 million people received the award.

Important: the St. George tape paved the thorny path of history from a remarkable tape to the soldier’s Order of St. George the Victorious. We will certainly assume that the excellent attribute described above is a symbol of the unification of many peoples and generations.

This is not just a reward for victory in battle, this is our memory and pride
This is not just a reward for victory in battle, this is our memory and pride

What does the St. George ribbon mean in the modern era?

The meaningful St. George ribbon in itself resembles some similarity to the ancient St. George ribbon of the last century. The latter, the above significant tape, in turn, was an important component of the Order of St. George in ancient times.

  • There is an opinion that it is more correct to call the epoch -making tape not to St. George, but the Guards. But this is just an assumption. We will dwell on the name and description of the memorable St. George tape.
  • No, history mentions that on the paramillets of sailors, the uniforms of officers and other full -time units as a jewelry, it was the “Guards”. This has been drawn from the time of the USSR. And so far, such a tape reflects the guard units of the Russian army.
  • Initially, the origin of the St. George ribbon was identified as memory with our new generations about the terrible struggle, which claimed millions of lives of loved ones, including the most dear relatives.
  • After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the representative ribbon described above complemented this no small importance - it became a symbol of the greatest victory.
  • But this is not all - it is a symbol of courage and folk power, as well as unity and support. After all, men in the literal sense of the word defended children and women in their lives, and those, in turn, were in a hurry to assist the wounded fighters.

Important: throughout a long and rapid 250 -year -old era, the St. George ribbon symbolized courage, courage, military valor, heredity of high values \u200b\u200band great traditions.

The tape still carries the symbolism of unity, because without it there can be no victory
The tape still carries the symbolism of unity, because without it there can be no victory
  • This is the memory of those difficult times and eternal, low bow to veterans, the number of which is invariably decreasing every year. After all, “I remember! I am proud ” - a phrase that became an unchanged addition to the St. George ribbon in many countries of the world.
  • After all, she is a symbol of our respect, admiration for those who gave their life for our happy future. The significance of the St. George ribbon every year continues to increase. It has become an integral part of patriotic actions, various demonstrations, as well as all kinds of commemorative events and processions.
  • And all of them are dedicated to the main holiday of our days - Victory Day against the fascist invaders. This is a terrible sacrifice valuable in human lives that "then they won the victory and blood!"

How to wear the St. George ribbon correctly?

It is mistaken to assume that the attributed attribute described above is a decoration that can be attached to anything. Volunteers and accompanying the action people remind that it is necessary to keep in mind the following: a ribbon is a sign of award and memory. Therefore, such a treatment with her is extremely impermissible. Moreover, this is a disrespect for veterans and dead soldiers.

  • You even need to tie the tape correctly. No, there are no strict criteria in this matter. But the most common option is a loop that is pinned by a pin to a blouse or shirt.
  • The fair sex fell in love with bows that they can have a simple (simply folded shape) and a complex interpretation (that is, a full -fledged bow is tied). By the way, the first method has been loved by kindergartens since Soviet times.
  • Also in a simple way, a checkmate or lightning is reached down, which is reminiscent of the English letter "N" is considered in a simple way.
This is the simplest variation in the folding of the tape
This is the simplest variation in the folding of the tape
  • But the most important rule - it should be closer to the heart! We remind you that it is directed more in the left side, therefore, you need to fix the tape on the left side.
  • On a mirror of transport, it is also allowed to be tied only on the left side, for example, for a mirror. If you want to instill patriotism from childhood, then tie him a St. George tape on a scooter, stroller or bicycle.
  • It will be appropriate to carry the tape on the wrist in the form of a bracelet.
  • But it is forbidden to cling to the St. George tape on:
    • bags;
    • hair in the form of a hairpin or a bow;
    • neck;
    • trousers, for a belt;
    • and, moreover, instead of shoes for shoes.
  • In this case, it is better to refuse to attach a tape of memory and respect from the undertaking at all. Otherwise, this will show your bad manner and absolute ignorance in the history of your people.
The tape needs to be mounted on the chest, on the left side
The tape needs to be mounted on the chest, on the left side

Why is such a color scheme selected or what do the colors of the St. George ribbon mean?

So the right moment has come to talk about the color of the ribbon and determine its meaning. There is an opinion among the people that the St. George ribbon reunits a gamut of two colors: black gunpowder and orange flame of fire.

  • The component of the color of the beautiful attribute of the St. George ribbon includes such color schemes as orange and black color. What marks and means a reunification of flame with smoke and fire with gunpowder. This is a traditional version that takes its roots since the reign of the empress.
  • Another opinion says that these colors correspond to the colors of the coat of arms of the Russian Empire. The composition of which is the black eagle on the golden halo.
  • They also complement the interpretation of the first version, having a little improved it - these are Russian villages burned in fire. And again we see the connection of fire and black smoke.
  • Although the idea suggests that the empress chose a yellow color due to the fact that he is a reflection and continuation of the golden color. And we remind you that the tape was then a reward, and therefore was emphasized by this color.

But, no matter what its colors mean, and whatever the intricate symbolism is talking about - the St. George ribbon is actively used on postcards, posters and photographs dedicated to military topics. It is an integral attribute of all shares and unites different eras.

Video: What does the St. George ribbon and its colors mean?

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