What can not be done by guests at the wedding: 17 prohibitions

What can not be done by guests at the wedding: 17 prohibitions

If you are invited to a wedding, it is important not only that you, as a guest, are satisfied. Being a guest, get acquainted with the main prohibitions at the event.

The wedding is a serious and exciting event not only for the newlyweds, but also for guests. There are rules for both the heroes of the celebration and for the guests themselves, who should adhere unconditionally.

The wedding ceremony is a difficult and long -standing tradition, which over many centuries has overgrown with rules and rituals. They are so firmly rooted that the rules exist even for guests of the occasion.

What can not be done by guests at the wedding: 17 prohibitions

What is the ban for guests at the wedding:

  1. In no case should take someone else with you, if this person was not invited in advance. Even before the celebration, this must be discussed with the newlyweds and tell in advance how many people will be from your family.
  2. It is also worth sharing your impressions, photographs from the event after you discuss this with a couple.
  3. Neglect the dress code. When the invitation indicates that the theme of the party is black white tones, you should not come in clothes of other colors. You will look funny against the background of others.
  4. Do not distract the photographer and interfere with the video.
  5. Punctuality at such a responsible event should always be present. Tamada paints everything in minutes so that everything is in time and the event was at the highest level.

  6. The world of modern technologies filled the life of each of us so much that even at the wedding there are people who will sit in gadgets. Distract at least on this day from the phone and spend time with benefit. After all, the wedding is not so often.
  7. If you adhere to a special nutrition, it is worth discussing this in advance before the bank menu.
  8. To answer phone calls Or constantly speak on the phone. People gathered here to distract and plunge for a while into the atmosphere of the holiday, and not listen to your problems.
  9. Criticize. You did not make the menu you are not entitled to speak out about any dishes. When you have a wedding, you will do everything as you like. In this situation, just enjoy a pleasant company and a delicious dessert.
  10. Give unnecessary gifts. In most cases, the newlyweds say that they need and, based on these desires, everyone buys the right gift. If this was not specified in advance, put a couple in the place and think that you want to be presented to you and that at first you will be useful.
  11. You can not be guests at the wedding in the spotlight. On this day, all attention should be focused on the young, everything else is fading into the background.

    Do not attract attention
    Do not attract attention
  12. Do not know the boundaries. Alcohol and entertainment should be within the framework of decency. So that then neither young nor you have to blush.
  13. To take children if it was not negotiated in advance. If only adults are gathering, then all entertainments are provided for their age, and some of them may not be quite decent.
  14. Do not dance. Both guests and newlyweds might think that you don’t like something, do not spoil this wonderful evening.
  15. Ask questions not in the subject. Like that: "When are you planning children?"
  16. Do not compare. Each has its own taste and vision of their wedding, because we are all different and each has its own taste.
  17. Take French leave. Even if the pairs are busy, you should wait until she gets free and say goodbye, and thank for a wonderful evening.
It is important to say goodbye
It is important to say goodbye

Of course, the newlyweds on this day are very worried and worried so that everything goes as best as possible, and each of those present is remembered forever, try not to attract attention to ridiculous antics.

Video: Wedding prohibitions

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