What can and what can not be eaten at night? Vegetables, fruits, drinks, dairy, meat, fish products that can and which are not recommended for the night: list. Low -calorie salad and low -calorie casserole for dinner from seafood and cabbage: recipe

What can and what can not be eaten at night? Vegetables, fruits, drinks, dairy, meat, fish products that can and which are not recommended for the night: list. Low -calorie salad and low -calorie casserole for dinner from seafood and cabbage: recipe

In this article we will consider what can be used at night, and which products should be abandoned.

Food is a weakness of many people, especially when it comes to night and evening meals. Often such meals are prohibited, since it is generally accepted that they are the main enemies of a beautiful figure. But is all this really, is it really impossible to eat after 18.00 and before bedtime?

Is it possible and how to eat right at night?

Most often, we are afraid to eat at night precisely because of fear of gaining excess weight or losing the result from the diet. However, subjecting yourself to hungry sleep, you make your body even worse, because in principle he does not understand what is happening, and begins to accumulate his reserves, which you will soon see on your stomach, hips, etc.

You need to eat 2-3 hours before bedtime
You need to eat 2-3 hours before bedtime
  • It is possible and even necessary to eat in the evening, since hunger strikes never affect the body and work of the gastrointestinal tract in a positive way.
  • Moreover, you need to forget about the stereotypical rule: "You can’t eat after 18.00." Remember, the last meal should occur 2.5-3 hours before bedtime.
  • The above does not propagate the random consumption of food at night. Food should be light and hearty. At the same time, you need to know that the daytime meals should be adequate, that is, you can’t eat fried chicken with freshly baked bread all day.

Important: the dish you want to eat before bedtime should not contain more than 200 kcal

  • Products used before bedtime should not have caffeine.
  • Of course, in the evening, oily, fried food and flour products need to be excluded in the evening.

What dairy, meat, fish products, vegetables, fruits, drinks can eat, drink at night?

Everyone is known about the benefits of dairy products. However, you need to understand that fatty dairy products are not suitable for eating them in the evening and at night. Moreover, it is important to know that milk is considered an independent product that is not recommended to be consumed with other foods.

  • For an evening snack, low -fat cottage cheese, kefir, cheese are perfect. All these products in their composition have protein and calcium, which our body is very necessary for its normal work.
  • It is important to know that even such useful products cannot be eaten in unlimited quantities. As a snack, you can drink a glass of milk, kefir, eat 30-50 g of cheese or a couple of tablespoons of cottage cheese.

As for meat and meat products, you need to say the following:

  • The meat is allowed to eat at night, but it should not be fat. Therefore, exclude pork, beef and any fried meat from the evening diet.
  • You can afford to eat a small piece of welded or baked chicken, turkey fillet.
  • If desired, you can eat a little veal cooked.
  • Meat products like smoked meat, sausages, rolls are not recommended for the night.
The diet can be varied
The diet can be varied

Fish and seafood are one of the permitted products for consumption at night:

  • It is allowed to eat low -fat fish like tuna, hek, etc. Folder fish, for example, is better to leave mackerel for lunch.
  • From seafood at night you can eat everything. Mussels, squid, rapans, shrimp, sea scallops - all these goodies can be on your table during dinner.
  • Do not forget that seafood can be combined with vegetables. In this case, you will get a full -fledged dish, which will be much more satisfying.
Fruits at night you can not everything
Fruits at night you can not everything

Relative to vegetables and fruits at night:

  • Vegetables, except for potatoes, can be eaten almost everything in the evening. In principle, boiled potatoes, not flavored with sour cream, oil, etc. For a light dinner, is also suitable (in modest quantities, of course). You can eat vegetables not only in raw form, but also in boiled, stew, and sooty.
  • As for fruits, not all of them are suitable for dinner and evening snack. At night, you can eat a non -layer apple, orange, grapefruit, since these fruits are low -calorie. Moreover, Grapefruit has established itself as a good fat burner. In this case, you can prevent you from eating citrus and acidic apples exclusively your dislike of them and increased acidity, which, due to such fruits, will increase even more.
  • With bananas, avocado in the evening you need to be extremely careful. These fruits, although useful, however, are very high -calorie and, if you afford them at night, then a small piece.
  • Mango and pineapple can also be consumed during an evening snack, but with the latter you need to be careful, it, like citrus fruits, has the ability to increase acidity in the stomach.
  • It is recommended to use figs at night, but exclusively fresh, since it perfectly quenches the feeling of hunger.
  • In berries, you should not refuse yourself. For 2-3 hours before going to bed, you can use raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc.

It is also worth paying attention to drinks that you can drink at night:

  • At night, in principle, it is not recommended to use a lot of liquids. It is completely necessary exclude coffee, strong black tea, soda
  • Afford you can green tea, milk with honey, boiled water with lemon juice, chamomile tea.

TOP-5 products that can and should be eaten before bedtime

Of course, if you wish, you can write a whole list of products that can and even need to eat in the evening. However, among them you can distinguish the 5 most useful and safe:

  • Low -fat poultry meat. White meat, that is, chicken, turkey fillet, belongs to non -fat. You can cook such meat in a variety of ways - stew, bake, cook. It is necessary to exclude only fried meat, since vegetable oil is always used for its preparation, and these are calories that are unnecessary to us. Moreover, white meat is considered very useful, the substances that make up its composition favorably affect the human nervous system, soothing it and contributing to strong sleep.
  • Sea fish. Such products differ from almost everyone else in that they are easily and quickly absorbed by our body. Well, the fact that marine fish is a storehouse of useful trace elements and vitamins is not worth talking about - perhaps even children know about it. Such fish can be steamed, baked and boiled.
Dishes should be low -fat
Dishes should be low -fat
  • Buckwheat. Buckwheat in its composition has many useful substances that are necessary for our body for normal functioning. Of course, buckwheat porridge at night can be eaten in moderate quantities and without oil, fat, etc.
  • Green vegetables. Here we can note cucumbers, different types of salads, cabbage, etc. Such vegetables will become your faithful assistants in the fight against hunger, especially at night. In the evening you can afford to eat even 2 and 3 cucumbers, while you will not postpone excess fat anywhere.
  • Lentils. Such a product should be in every house, because it has very few fats and there are a lot of different vitamins and trace elements. From lentils for dinner, you can cook delicious diet soups and cereals.

Pitting food: What is allowed to eat before bedtime?

Not everyone can satisfy hunger with a piece of cheese or cucumber, which is why night meals often occur. In order to control yourself and not eat everything that is in the refrigerator at night, you need to prepare hearty, but low -calorie dishes for dinner.

  • Buckwheat with a salad of fresh vegetables. If you really want a hearty food and more, prepare for yourself a brewed buckwheat porridge on the water and a salad of cucumbers, Beijing cabbage and radishes. To refuel such a salad is allowed by olive oil and lemon juice. In no case, of course, you can not refuel the salad with mayonnaise, fat sour cream, etc.
  • Chicken fillet with salad leaves. This option of a night snack is also permissible. White meat, as mentioned earlier, is allowed to eat in the evening, but the leaves of the salad at any time of the day do not carry threats to your figure.
Food should be hearty
Food should be hearty
  • Natural yogurt without additives. Natural yogurt can also be eaten well before bedtime. If desired, you can add fresh blueberries, raspberries, etc., in this case, in which case you will get a full -fledged sweet and useful food.
  • Nuts. It should be noted right away that nuts are very high -calorie and fatty products and it is impossible to use them as the main food. But they are great in order to feed the body a little in the evening. So if you wanted something hearty and not lean, eat a small number of nuts, up to 50 g or add them to the salad.
  • Steam rice with fish. In this case, fish must be chosen sea and not very fat. You can cook a couple of polions, hek. At the same time, rice and fish can be slightly flavored with soy sauce. Such a dish will be very satisfying, but useful.

Low -calorie salad for dinner from seafood and cabbage: recipe

Seafood and vegetables are great for dinner and evening snacks. At the same time, a variety of salads can be made from seafood, adding certain vegetables and even fruits to them.

  • Shrimp - 200 g
  • Beijing cabbage - 1 small head
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp.
  • Soy sauce - 2 tbsp.
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp.
Seafoods are very useful
Seafoods are very useful

Next, we cook the salad in this way:

  • Boil shrimp in salt water for 1-2 minutes. If the product is fresh, it will be enough for 1 min. If the shrimp shrimp, hold them in boiling water for 2-2.5 minutes. Also, cooking time depends on the size of the seafood. Next, wait until the shrimp cooled, and clean them from the shell, also remove your head.
  • Cabbage must be washed and dry. Next, chop it in any way convenient for you.
  • Wash the cucumber and cut into small cubes.
  • In a deep plate, mix seafood and vegetables.
  • In a separate container, mix juice, sauce and oil.
  • Season the salad with the resulting mixture, mix.
  • It is not recommended to salt the dish, especially since the seafood will be salted.
  • Such a salad can be eaten at any time of the day, since it has a low calorie content.

Also, a low -calorie seafood salad can be made as follows:

  • Shrimp - 100 g
  • Mussels - 100 g
  • Squid - 1 carcass
  • Salad leaves - 1 bunch
  • Beijing cabbage - 150 g
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Soy sauce - 3 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - 1.5 tsp.
Bright salad
Bright salad

Cooking, following such instructions:

  • Boil shrimp in salt water for 1-2.5 minutes. Next, clean them from the shell, we also remove the head.
  • Boil mussels in salt water for 3 minutes. If the mussels are large and frozen may need a little more time, if small ones, 2 minutes are enough.
  • The carcass of squid must be lowered into boiling water to the floor., Then remove the film from it, remove the insides, etc., then we boil the product in salt water for 1 min. It is not necessary to cook the carcass longer, because it will become rubber and lose its taste.
  • My salad leaves, dry and chop in any convenient way.
  • The cabbage is the same and chop.
  • My cucumber and chop into cubes.
  • My tomatoes and every pcs. We cut into 2 parts.
  • Send seafood and vegetables to a deep container.
  • In a separate plate, mix the juice, sauce and oil.
  • The resulting refueling is bombarded the salad.

Low -calorie casserole for dinner from zucchini and chicken fillet: Recipe

Casserole always differed from many other dishes with their nutrition and heart. If you cook such a dish from “right” products, then it can be safely consumed for dinner and during evening snacks.

  • Zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Files Kurin (turkey) - 1 kg
  • Egg protein - 10 pcs.
  • Oatmeal bran - 2 tbsp.
Tasty casserole
Tasty casserole

We will cook the casserole like this:

  • My zucchini and chop on a grater, give the juice to drain of vegetables, and then drain it. Once again, squeeze grated zucchini and drain the juice.
  • We clean the onion and chop into small cubes.
  • We clean the carrots, my and rub on a grater.
  • My tomato is chopped with cubes.
  • My pepper and remove the core from it, then cut into strips.
  • My meat, dry with paper towels and chop into small pieces.
  • Beat the squirrels.
  • In the baking container, connect the vegetables and meat, mix the ingredients, evenly distributing them in shape.
  • Gently add the bran to the proteins, slightly mix the mass.
  • Now we pour the vegetables and meat with white mass.
  • We send the casserole to a warmed oven for about half an hour.
  • If desired, the finished dish can be decorated with chopped herbs.

TOP-5 products, the use of which you need to refuse at night

In order not to harm your health and figure, you need to know not only those products that you can eat at night, but also those that it is better to abandon at this time.

There are products that are better to abandon
There are products that are better to abandon
  • Refuse From consumption at night meat - pork, beef. These products are quite heavy for our stomach, in addition, they stimulate the functioning of the nervous system, and at night it is useless to us.
  • Garlic. It is not recommended to use garlic at night, as it can cause heartburn and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  • Pasta. Any pasta should be eaten in the morning, or at least for lunch and then in a limited quantity.
  • Fruit salads. Before going to bed, only a few fruits can be consumed. From such delicacies as watermelon, melon, cranberries in the evening is certainly better to refuse. The thing is that such products are diuretic and do not recommend them to eat at night.

As you can see, there are a huge number of dishes and products that can be eaten in the evening without harm to health and figure. Think about the menu for the day, cook in advance and then you will never have problems with night overeating.

Video: Why do we eat at night? How to overcome the evening zhor?

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Comments K. article

  1. In the evenings in the evenings in general, I am saved only by a sport expert with a protein cocktail, well, or cottage cheese with a kefir ... This, by the way, not only does not harm the figure, but also helps the muscles, so I kill 2 birds with one hit))

  2. But is it possible for example at night, not far from bedtime, pickled cucumber!?

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  20. Is it possible to eat a vegetable salad at night

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  22. Is it possible to eat a vegetable salad at night

  23. Is it possible to eat a vegetable salad at night

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