What can you do to pregnant women? Is it possible to do fluorography during pregnancy, x -ray? Is it possible for pregnant women vaccinations?

What can you do to pregnant women? Is it possible to do fluorography during pregnancy, x -ray? Is it possible for pregnant women vaccinations?

Having become pregnant, the woman begins to ask a lot of questions, what can be and what is not possible. This is especially true for the firstdles. Women who bear children for the first time, often do not know anything about many prohibitions and contraindications during pregnancy. And sometimes on the contrary, having heard old beliefs and grandmother's stories, they are absolutely absurdly afraid of simple things. This article will help to figure out cute ladies with what is harmful and what is useful for pregnant women.

Can pregnant women do fluorography?

Fluorography during pregnancy
Fluorography during pregnancy
  • Fluorography is a type of radiological study. It is less dangerous than an X -ray, however, when it is carried out through the human body, Retgen rays also pass, and the share of radiation is also present here. In addition, fetal cells are very sensitive to radioactive particles and may be changed under their influence
  • Gynecologists of the whole world were divided into those who sees nothing terrible in conducting fluorography in the early stages, and those who believe that the first two trimesters are not at all suitable for this procedure. The former are sure that modern equipment is able to protect the future mother from radiation or at least reduce him to a minimum, completely safe for the embryo. The latter are convinced that the early terms are the most responsible in the development of the fetus, and X -rays can negatively affect its positive course
  • In any case, when planning pregnancy, it is advisable to go through fluorography in advance with a partner and already have its results at the time of conception. Well, if the doctor insists on the obligatory study, you need to stipulate your situation with a gynecologist and radiologist. Those, in turn, will give a number of recommendations that allow the woman and her future baby from radiation as much as possible

Fluorography can be prescribed to a pregnant woman in the following cases:

  1. A person constantly in contact with a pregnant woman revealed a positive Mantoux reaction or poor fluorography results
  2. The woman on the eve or during pregnancy regularly stayed in places with an increased risk of tuberculosis disease
  3. Relatives of a pregnant woman suffer from tuberculosis or they found a suspicion of this disease
  4. The doctor suspects the presence of serious diseases of the lungs or heart

Is it possible to dye your hair with pregnant women?

Hair dyeing during pregnancy

Any woman wants to always look beautiful, and the period of pregnancy in this regard is no exception. Therefore, many girls are faced with the question of whether they can dye their hair, being in an interesting position.

Nobody can give an unambiguous answer to this question. Hair dyeing during pregnancy has both opponents and those who do not want to deprive cute ladies of the opportunity to feel comfortable. Nasters of staining argue their solution with the following facts:

  1. The composition of hair dyes includes a large number of chemical elements, the effects of which have not been studied on the body of a pregnant woman. In addition, these components can do mainly not to the mother herself, but to her baby
  2. When stained, many paints distinguish a sharp caustic odor. During pregnancy, a woman is strictly forbidden to inhale vapors of chemicals. In the first trimester, such aromas can also provoke nausea and vomiting in a woman
  3. During pregnancy, a hormonal coup occurs in the female body, which is also reflected in the condition of the hair. Dying hair during this period in the usual color of proven paint, young ladies risk getting a completely different shade
  4. Often, being in an interesting position, unfortunate girls are forced to suffer from the non -shaking herself, allergic reactions. Such a reaction can be caused by the contact of the scalp with paint

The same scientists who do not against a woman's hair dyeing during pregnancy believe that her psycho-emotional state is much more important than unreasonable arguments put forward to hair dyes.

In any case, the choice remains with cute ladies. However, if they do not imagine themselves with grown roots, there are a couple of recommendations for them:

  • hair dyeing is best done after the twelfth week of pregnancy
  • it is advisable to choose paint without ammonia and hydrogen peroxide (professional paints)
  • it is better to choose a type of painting in which the contact of paint with the scalp will be minimized (highlighting, amber)
  • it is desirable to paint no more than once a month
  • before painting, you must definitely conduct an allergy test

Can a pregnant woman make teeth?

Dental treatment during pregnancy
Dental treatment during pregnancy

Naturally, it would be an ideal option if a woman healed all her teeth in preparation for pregnancy and entered this state completely healthy. However, it often happens that she already learns about all problems with her teeth with a planned manage from a dentist. It was then that questions arise whether it is possible to make teeth to pregnant women.

A woman should understand that bacteria living in sick teeth are very dangerous for the fetus. Therefore, you need to treat your teeth. However, it is worth clarifying several rules:

  1. The most optimal time for treatment is the second trimester of pregnancy. In the first three months, the placenta has not yet been formed, and the embryo is most exposed to danger. Therefore, at this time it is not advisable to treat teeth, especially under anesthesia. In the third trimester, such an awesome visit to the dentist can provoke premature birth
  2. To date, the equipment of the dentists is so perfect that the pain in treatment is practically excluded. To the same women who are very afraid or have a high pain threshold, local anesthesia (special safe drugs) can be used. In no case do you use the means of general action anesthesia for pregnant women

If a woman experiences severe toothache in the first or third trimester, she urgently needs to seek help from a doctor. In some cases, the risk of treatment in these terms is justified.

Can pregnant women do inhalations?

Inhalation during pregnancy
Inhalation during pregnancy

With diseases of the respiratory organs, a pregnant woman, like every person, can suffer from suffocating coughing. Since taking medications during this period is limited to her, it can be used in inhalation procedures. It is immediately worth noting that inhalation over potatoes and any other steam have long had sunk into oblivion. Firstly, it is dangerous based on safety precautions. Secondly, the patient risks obtaining burns of the nasopharynx and other respiratory tract.

To date, there is a more civilized way of combating a cough - a home inhaler or nibulizer. This device allows small particles of steam to penetrate even the most tiny parts of the respiratory organs and ventilate them.

The use of a pregnant woman in combination with a nibulaiser of any additional additives must be stipulated with the attending physician. Inhalation of some aromatic oils and drops is contraindicated during the period of bearing a child.

Can pregnant women get vaccinated?

Vaccination during pregnancy
Vaccination during pregnancy

The vaccination situation is exactly the same as with other diseases. It is desirable that the woman and her environment are completely vaccinated in the period of preparation for pregnancy. This will reduce the risk of infection with serious illnesses and save the future mother from many dilemmas and experiences.

Of course, every woman is worried that the virus introduced during vaccination can penetrate through the placenta and harm the baby. But here it is worth considering the risk of the influence of the same virus on the child in case of its disease. The consequences can be much harder. In addition, many scientists believe that the maternal placenta is such a powerful barrier that penetration through it is practically excluded.

However, it happens that the instruction of the pregnant woman is a necessity (in the case of an epidemic or infection of someone close to a rare viral disease). In this situation, the doctor weighs everything “for” and “against” and makes the only right decision - to vaccinate. In order for the vaccination of a pregnant woman to be successful, only a few conditions must be observed:

  1. Pregnant women are contraindicated by vaccinations with live vaccines
  2. It is advisable to refuse vaccination in the first trimester of pregnancy
  3. If a woman was vaccinated in the initial periods, and she was not aware of her interesting situation, doctors must inform her of the possible consequences. At the same time, we are not talking about termination of pregnancy at all
  4. It is advisable to vaccinate with an immunoglobulin in order to avoid a negative Rhesus in order to avoid a Rh conflict with a fetus at the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy. This vaccine is advisory, but the future mommy is better not to refuse her
  5. If in the area where the pregnant woman lives, an epidemic is announced, its instruction from the virus is mandatory

There are a number of diseases in which pregnant women are simply necessary:

  • rabies
  • polio
  • anthrax
  • yellow fever
  • japanese encephalitis
  • meningoccock infection
  • pneumococcal infection

Is it possible to massage pregnant women?

Massage during pregnancy
Massage during pregnancy

Yes, you certainly may. After all, massage is one of those few relaxation products that are allowed to use during pregnancy.

However, there are several rules that must be observed during the massage procedure during pregnancy:

  1. It is undesirable to massage on the hungry stomach or immediately after eating. The best option for massage will be the time after an hour and a half after eating
  2. Do not massage a woman's stomach
  3. In the room where massage will be carried out, there should not be drafts and loud sounds
  4. A woman needs to take the most convenient pose in which no pressure on the stomach will be provided
  5. The duration of the procedure should not exceed forty minutes
  6. After the massage, it is advisable for a woman to lie down a few more minutes
  7. If during the massage, the woman feels some kind of discomfort or pain, it is better to stop him
  8. When using aromas during massage, it is necessary to in advance a test to the skin reaction on them. Some essential oils are categorically contraindicated for pregnant women: sage, wormwood, Issop, mint and wandering lavender

It is forbidden to massage pregnant women if she has the following ailments:

  • strong toxicosis
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy
  • unsuccessful previous pregnancy
  • swelling and increasing pressure in the second half of pregnancy
  • blood diseases
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • infections
  • diseases of the skin
  • phlebeurysm
  • acute and chronic diseases
  • tumors

Is it possible to do tattooing pregnant women?

Tattooing during pregnancy
Tattooing during pregnancy

Highly qualified masters of tattoos, as a rule, dissuade their clients from applying tattooing during pregnancy. They recommend waiting for these few months. And after delivery and successful breastfeeding, they will be happy to perform any whim of a woman.

The fact is that such a procedure is quite painful, and when conducting it, the master is forced to use painkillers. As you know, women during pregnancy are prohibited from taking most drugs. Therefore, they will have to endure the pain even more, which is extremely contraindicated in health and psycho-emotional state.

In addition, no one knows what effect the paint has on the body of the pregnant woman, and whether it can harm the fetus.

Is it possible to do pregnant hair removal?

Pretition and pregnancy
Pretition and pregnancy

In the instructions for all means and devices for hair removal, pregnancy is indicated as a contraindication to action. In cases with domestic and salon electricians, as well as wax and shugaring, this fact is due to pain that are undesirable during pregnancy. However, if a woman is fond of such procedures for a long time and does not experience much discomfort and pain during their conduct, then she can not deny herself a desire to be well -groomed. Those who, during the period of bearing a child, decided to do their hair removal for the first time, it is better to postpone this experiment.

As for the laser and a photo of epilation, then the woman will have to make a decision herself. Although cosmetologists argue that these procedures are absolutely safe, this is not confirmed by anyone. No studies were conducted related to the effects of laser and photos of rays on the body of a pregnant woman.

Can I have sex during pregnancy?

Pregnancy and sex
Pregnancy and sex

Not only possible, but also necessary. Having sex and obtaining orgasm during pregnancy positively affects not only the emotional state of the future mother, but also on its genitals. The man’s seed contains such substances that can soften the cervix, which at the most crucial moment can help a woman avoid tears.

However, when making love for pregnant women there are some rules:

  1. In the initial periods, it is necessary to refrain from too active sex
  2. A woman should choose a pose so that she feels comfortable in her
  3. With insufficient lubrication, it is better to use lubricants

Contraindications to the leading sex of a pregnant woman are the following factors:

  • the risk of termination of pregnancy
  • the risk of premature birth
  • bleeding and pain in the uterus
  • multiple pregnancy
  • low placental attachment
  • the presence of infectious diseases of the genital tract in a partner
  • the leakage of amniotic fluid
  • eastmic-cervical deficiency

Can a pregnant woman do an X -ray?

X -ray during pregnancy
X -ray during pregnancy

Often, the lack of treatment is much more dangerous than the procedure for X -ray examination. This is especially true for those areas of the human body that are at the maximum distance from the fetus.

If we talk about the X -ray tooth or limbs, then the risk is minimal. The most important thing for a woman is to warn the radiologist about his interesting situation. Then he will give a series of tips and try to protect the stomach from exposure to rays as much as possible.

But from the pictures of the abdominal cavity or organs of the pelvis during pregnancy, it is better to refuse.

What exercises can be done to pregnant women?

Exercises for pregnant women
Exercises for pregnant women

Pregnancy is not a reason to lie on the sofa and do nothing. On the contrary, the condition of the woman will be many times better if she is active. The most effective and pleasant for her will be hiking, Pilates, yoga or swimming.

For pregnant women, whole complexes have been developed that allow their organisms to prepare for quick and painless childbirth. These are breathing exercises and gymnastics.

However, some women should not indulge themselves with physical activity. This category includes ladies who have the following states:

  • constant tone of the uterus
  • strong toxicosis
  • unsuccessful previous pregnancy
  • gestosis
  • low placental attachment
  • chronic or acute diseases
  • when playing sports, abdominal pain occurs
All about pregnancy
All about pregnancy

This article received answers to many questions that bother pregnant women. However, they should understand that the article is only advisory in nature. Not a single country in the world and not a single scientist has conducted an experiment on a pregnant woman, and he is unlikely to ever spend. Therefore, the effects of many substances and drugs on the body of the pregnant woman and its fetus are not hitherto are not known.

Exercises for pregnant women: video

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