What can hurt under the right and left armpit in women and men? The armpit is swollen, stretches, pulls, a bump, ball and hurts in the armpit: the reasons, what to do, which doctor to contact? Can a heart be sick on the left under his arm?

What can hurt under the right and left armpit in women and men? The armpit is swollen, stretches, pulls, a bump, ball and hurts in the armpit: the reasons, what to do, which doctor to contact? Can a heart be sick on the left under his arm?

The causes of pain in an armpit.

Few of us are very familiar with the lymphatic system. But often it is precisely the malfunctions in her work that provoke pains in the axillary cavity. In this article, we will consider in more detail the causes of pain with armpits and methods of treatment.

What can hurt under the left armpit in women and men?

In general, there can be many reasons. It is quite difficult to find out the reason yourself.

The causes of an armpit pain:

  • Lymphadenitis
  • Furuncle
  • Inflammation of the lymph node
  • Tumors, including malignant
  • Ailments of the cardiovascular system
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Mammary cancer
  • Hydradenitis
  • Depilation
  • Condition after tattoos
  • Shingles
Pain armpits
Pain armpits

Can a heart be sick on the left under his arm?

Yes, for heart diseases, in addition to stitching and cutting pain in the left armpit, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat and breathing problems are characteristic. All these symptoms can indicate myocardial infarction and coronary disease.

What can hurt under the right armpit in women and men?

The most interesting thing is that pain in this area can also indicate pathologies of the cardiovascular system. But this happens extremely rarely. More often all the causes of pain are:

  • Malignant and benign neoplasms
  • Cyst
  • Pyoderma
  • Pathologies of the heart
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Bitches of the hormonal background
Pain armpits
Pain armpits

The ball under the skin does not hurt: what is it?

Especially attentive should be women. Indeed, often pain and neoplasm in the armpit indicate breast cancer.


  • Neoplasm. It can be either fibrodenoma - the growth of glandular tissue, or cancer. In this case, it may not get sick. If you observe an increase in the mammary glands, discharge from the nipple and seal, urgently consult a doctor.
  • Inflammation of the lymph node. It may also not be accompanied by pain. But it is worthwhile to understand that this is an alarming signal. He speaks of a serious infection.
  • Wen. This happens quite rarely, but causes a lot of inconvenience.

The armpit is swollen, aching, pulling, in an armpit, a bump, a ball and hurts: reasons

There are several reasons for the appearance of a painful cone in the armpit:

  • Hydradenitis. This is a disease characterized by inflammation of adipose tissue. Most often, a wen appears, which is quite painful. The people are called "bitch udder." Provoked by staphylococcus.
  • Chirik. This is a purulent neoplasm in the armpit. With inflammation, it has red color and loading.
  • Inflammation of the lymph node. There is pain, but there is no redness. This is an enlarged area in the axillary cavity. There is aching pain. In this case, it is often caused by the presence of infection in the body. Inflammation of the lymph nodes can talk about leukemia and cancer.
The armpit is swollen
The armpit is swollen

The armpit, the lymph node, the bump in the axillary cavity crashed: what to do, which doctor to contact?

Such ailments are engaged in a surgeon. You will not have to do the operation. If the formation is benign, then you will be prescribed drug treatment. If this is a wen or hydradenitis, then the doctor will make a small incision and remove the contents of the cone. Malignant neoplasms are removed under general anesthesia.

The armpit hurts: treatment, tips, what is possible and what is impossible?

Do not self -medicate, it is quite dangerous. First of all, it is worth finding out the cause of the pain. If there is a neoplasm or a ball, you should sign up for a surgeon.

Methods for treating pain:

  • Operation. It is carried out according to indications. Most often, opening and drainage of “bitch uppers” is performed, as well as the removal of glandular tissue in the case of fiberudenoma.
  • Improving immunity and eliminating the cause. If we are talking about inflammation of the lymph node, then it is necessary to find the problem and take medications that will destroy the infection.
  • Lotions, ointments. They are used only if it is a wen or a boil. Most often, antibacterial drugs are used, such as Levomekol, Trimistin.
  • Folk methods. Typically, cabbage iste, various compresses with herbs are used to treat branching udder.
Pills for pain with armpits
Pills for pain with armpits

Something that should not be done:

  • Try to heat the neoplasm of a lamp, salt or a heating pad. If this is a wen, then the pus, as a result of such procedures, can spread to the nearest fabrics.
  • Drink medicines without a doctor’s prescription. They can cause a deterioration in the condition.
  • To inactive. If this is inflammation of the lymph node, then it is worth determining the cause. After that, its elimination is carried out. If it is lymphadenitis, staphylococcal infection spreads very quickly. It should be destroyed by antibiotics and drainage and cleaning.
Treatment of pain with armpits
Treatment of pain with armpits

There can be many causes of arns. This is mainly this lymphadenitis and wen. But there are frequent cases of inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Video: Pain with armpits

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Comments K. article

  1. I had the cause of the pain precisely the heart. Especially the pain intensified at those moments when the pressure increased .. a malicious phenomenon, of course. Thank God that I have not suffered like similar ones for a long time (cardioactive and proper nutrition helped in this). But I can advise everyone who faced this, first of all, the cardiogram and check the spine will help doctors understand the problem

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