What prevents you from getting rich: thoughts and actions that doomed to poverty

What prevents you from getting rich: thoughts and actions that doomed to poverty

What steps should be taken to secure a comfortable existence? Many people ask this question, but not everyone succeeds in revealing access to success.

This secret was also revealed to psychologists who assure: to become successful, rich, successful, you must first change yourself, your worldview. If you firmly decide to end poverty and take the path to wealth and prosperity, we recommend that you carefully study this material. And you will understand what habits, thoughts and actions you need to get rid of, and what steps should be taken for your self -improvement.

What prevents you from getting rich: thoughts and actions that doomed to poverty

Fortune is capricious, and her attention to her person must try to earn. She may not notice the people who are diligent and hardworking, in the sweat of faces earning themselves for food at once in several works. And at the same time, it would seem, it would seem, it would seem unremarkable opponents. In the pursuit of the “ruble” you can stand your forehead, tearing at work. And until the end of their days, you can’t understand why poverty has remained your lot.

The solution to this phenomenon lies on the surface, but only a few could understand and solve it-therefore they were able to achieve something in this life. Believe me, only by changing internally and setting up on the right wave, you can count on the smile of Fortune. Study, delve into our recommendations, and further - it's about you! What prevents a person from getting rich?

Low self-esteem

  • This may seem strange, but the fact remains, often those who did not have time in many subjects at school and were considered mediocrity, subsequently held senior positions or achieved success in business. And, on the contrary, excellent ministers often become losers, being “overboard” of life. Why is this happening?
  • If you have recognized yourself in this excellent student, a lobe, then you underestimate yourself, and very much. You can never give up! If you have a failure in one thing, you can’t give up in desperation and think: “I am not capable of anything!”
  • Try yourself in something else, because the field of activity is truly endless, and your talents will probably come in handy in some other field, and there you will be appreciated. And if you continue to continue to consider yourself something worse than others, then in this case you will never be lucky to get out of tenacious poverty clutches.
  • The most important thing in such a situation is to correctly configure yourself psychologically, to make it clear to others that you are no worse than them, and therefore worthy of respect. Bringing a heavy burden on the complex of low self -esteem behind you, you will never be able to achieve well -being, and therefore you will have to be content with small.
  • Considering yourself a loser, you will never dare to ask your leader to promote or an increase in salary, and he will think that everything suits you. Meanwhile, your colleagues - and quite possibly, are not as smart and diligent as you will become, bypassing you in a bend, to successfully move up the career ladder.
  • Isn't it offended by this state of affairs? Maybe yes. In this case, immediately stop considering yourself in something unworthy-you can’t see such self-esteem. You need to confidently say to yourself: "I am worthy to be successful and happy!"and then make it clear to everyone else.
  • And stop sitting alone, closing in your cocoon woven from complexes, disappointments and pride, achieve life blessings yourself, because no one else will do this for you!
Work out self -esteem
Work out self -esteem

Shifting guilt to circumstances

  • Have you noticed behind yourself that in all your failures you are constantly shifting the blame for circumstances? Thinking, have you ever accused your parents who cannot satisfy your financial requests because of their low-income? Or maybe you are constantly expressing dissatisfaction with your poor, unprovable work? Or maybe you are not satisfied with your education, a place of residence, arrogant employees or an excessively strict bosses?
  • If everything is so, then it is time to think about it yourself, and not you yourself - the root cause of all your troubles, maybe it prevents you from getting rich in your thinking? Stop already in your failure to blame everyone and everything! Not external circumstances, but only you yourself are responsible for your plight.
  • You need to admit to yourself that only your unwillingness to change something in your life is guilly in the fact that you constantly need money. Drop to the side, like an unnecessary trash, self -pity, laziness and all other bad habits that prevent a person from developing, achieving success and getting rich. Shake yourself finally and fall asleep, you yourself are a blacksmith of your happiness (or misfortunes).

Not a desire to change your life

  • “Waiting for the weather by the sea” is the favorite pastime of many of our compatriots. After all, it is much more pleasant in their fantasies to build rainbow prospects that literally tomorrow they will fall on them from the sky. And at the same time not even to move a finger for your dreams.
  • Do not wait for merits from nowhere, believe me, will not look into your house Santa Claus with a bag full of bills. And the fairy will not wave for you with her magic wand to ozol you.
  • Stop deceiving yourself with unrealistic dreams, and tune in to the fact that d you will have to be offended by your own hands (or intelligence).
  • Success itself does not come in itself, so we must move, achieve, try - sometimes and mistaken at the same time. The folk proverb says correctly: "A rolling stone gathers no moss". So you are not lying, dreaming of a better life.
  • Most likely, no one will offer you highly paid work, since there will always be hunters. So try to find it yourself!
  • The main thing is not to give up: for example, in 9 places you will be refused, and you will be lucky at the tenth attempt. Remember: passive people never succeed in getting rich.

Saving on everything

  • Although this may seem to be paradoxical, excessively economical people should hurry to get rid of the habit of counting every penny - only in this case you can earn decent money.
  • It's all about psychology. The poor man’s head is busy with his thoughts on how to meet his meager budget, what discounts or benefits to him can still be used.
  • But a citizen with a tight wallet has a completely different direction. He will think about how to make the money work on himself, what kind of business to invest in, so that they will ultimately return to their owner storitsa.
  • The wealthy person will become even richer, and will be able to spend them quite calmly with benefit and pleasure for himself. He does not need to think about how to live tomorrow - he already has everything “in chocolate”.
  • Psychologists do not advise looking for discounts and constantly save on everything - this prevents you from getting rich, but to do search for additional income.
  • And do not forget about the saying: “They meet the clothes ...”, since having come to an interview with relatively well -paid work in the “economy option” clothing, you will most likely be refused to be vacancies. But a fashionable solid costume, a stylish hairstyle, expensive perfume and self -confidence will help you start your way to success.
Let it be more expensive, but better
Let it be more expensive, but better


  • Absolutely everyone knows about the popular proverb about the fact that the boring is brought to pay twice. But not everyone delves into its deep meaning. And in vain.
  • Often, people in order to save money try to purchase cheaper goods for themselves, and cheap can not be of high quality. As a result, leatherette boots are soon falling apart, or their uncomfortable block rubs the corns, and therefore, soon such shoes are in the garbage dump. And examples of this can be given by mass.
  • But we will not do this, but try to convey one simple thought to your mind. Quality things They will serve you for a long time, and, moreover, it is important - to delight you and even increase self -esteem.
  • But in any case, cheap kitsch will have to replace in the near future with something more comfortable. So why not please yourself immediately with high -quality new things, and not “pay twice”?


  • Motor is the reverse side of the shade, but both of these antagonists are not able to lead you to wealth. Do not try impulsively as soon as possible to spend all your cash on things, which, ultimately, will be completely unnecessary.
  • This is nothing more than psychology of poor people that prevents you from getting rich: Build more cheap foods according to discounts (half of which will have to be thrown out of indecent), some trinkets or children's toys (which will break in 3 days).
  • Or purchase 3 cups at a price of one (and there is nowhere to put dishes in your closet) or discerned cosmetics, which you most likely will not use. When buying all this “trash” (you can’t call it differently), you are firmly sure that all this will definitely come in handy.
  • At the same time, you reassure yourself with thoughts that these things are very inexpensive. But try to prosper all your sighted expenses, and you will understand what “pleasure” is in a considerable penny. And, meanwhile, all these “happy” acquisitions, most likely, will remain dusting somewhere on the shelf.
  • Therefore, it is worth stopping and “turning on” your practicality and logic - and do I really need these 3 new cups? And, it seems that then the mind will prevail over your eternal traction to buy something unnecessary, but cheap.
Do not save, but do not trample
Do not save, but do not trample


  • The personalities who were able to achieve a lot in this life cause some people a sense of black envy. What can you do is such a kind of "side effect" wealth and independence.
  • Few of the poor are able to believe that self -sufficient people made themselves, and on the way to wealth they had to work a lot on themselves. For some reason, it seems to everyone that on these lucky money they woke up with golden rain by themselves, and for this very reason, many envious people wonder: “Why not me in its place”?
  • Try to get rid of this negative feeling that eats you from the inside. Believe me, envy will not let you develop fully, switch to the solution of the issues you need. Everyone has their own road, so walk along their own, without envy anyone. Get the same benefits as your more successful acquaintances have already done. Better take an example from them, not envy.

Lack of income control and expenses

  • Most likely, you have repeatedly got into a familiar situation for many: to live and live before the salary, and money has already ended on your card. We have to occupy from friends in order to somehow interrupt the days remaining to the pay. The mood disappears from this, and in return there is dissatisfaction with oneself and with all the white light because of its lack of money.
  • And you ask yourself in bewilderment: “Where could I spend so much money? After all, I did not make large or unplanned purchases. ” Control your expenses, and you will no longer fall into such unpleasant situations.
  • Know that wealthy people also lead balance of their income and expenses, Otherwise, they simply could not get rich. Get out a separate notebook into which you will become all the movement of your money.
  • For example, they replenished the telephone account, bought products, drove in a minibus - absolutely all this in the article of your expenses. Looking at the end of the month your notes, you will understand what expenses could be avoided at all.

Working with minimal salary

  • If you get a minimum salary, then you will have to find your part -time job on the side, or change your job at all - if you want to break out of poverty not in words, but in practice.
  • Think about if you are paid such a little money, then you will receive for yourself some other benefits that are completely and completely suit you. For example, you are not too annoyed by work, you do not need to give all your way to physically or mentally: I served in the warmth the due number of hours, and went home.
  • If you will rule you laziness, you will never make yourself a career. Shake yourself and finally understand that without any effort on your part you will come to my whole life on these pennies, which is called a “minimum salary”. It is impossible to live with dignity on it, so you have one way out: to completely turn your life, break out of the "warm swamp", in which you are so comfortable.
  • And, you know, where should you start? With general cleaning in their home. Get rid of the old trash and things that have not come in handy for a whole year, pushing the house in the house. If there is harmony in it, then order will reign in your thoughts and deeds. And you will probably be able to find the right solution for yourself.
Come in a house and in thoughts
Come in a house and in thoughts

Not owing to dreams and goals

  • Put the question for yourself: “What benefits do you want for yourself”? Not household, such as utility bills or improved meals, but more global. And if you fail to quickly give an answer to it, then it is not surprising that you do not have enough funds.
  • Why do you need money if you find it difficult to answer for yourself for what purpose you need them. To begin with, learn to set a clear goal, and it is very important that it is achievable, decide on the terms of its implementation.
  • The goal can be diverse, because everyone chooses priorities for himself: relax at sea, repair an apartment, buy new things or even a car.
  • Having set a clear goal, it will be much easier for you to raise funds. If your salary does not increase, or business in business has stalled, then, most likely, problems arose in your mind. Connect your non -standard thinking, and you will definitely find a way out of a dead end.
  • Psychologists have found that the rich and poor people think differently. The poor are constantly regretted about lost opportunities, believe that all the best remained behind them and accuse others of their failures.
  • The psychology of the rich completely different plan. They believe that ahead a lot of good things are waiting for them, and they will be able to successfully be implemented in many projects. People with the thinking of a rich person can easily dream: how their children learn abroad, how they master the prestigious profession, how successful, pleasant people surround their family ...
  • Believe me, successful people are much more likely to make mistakes, but it is impossible to break them with failures. They dream and set new goals from a dream, achieving success. A person who has the psychology of the poor can gain financial well -being. But, having failed in some ways, immediately unfolds before his own eyes the joyless picture of poverty and the collapse of his life.
  • In the people of the poor lives a subconscious fear of wealth and their owners, and the rich organically enter into success. The psyche does not endure stressful situations, therefore, for example, in an expensive restaurant, a low -income person will feel “out of place” and he will want to leave this chic institution “for the rich” as soon as possible. And that is why-because of the fear of wealth-a rich environment will push a person with the psychologies of the poor from his midst. The psychology of the rich allows even a person to be far from rich to feel equal with more successful people.
The rich have a dream and create a goal from it
The rich have a dream and create a goal from it

So try to liberate and understand that the rich did not fly from a different planet, they are the same people as you themselves. Only with completely different thinking. Try to understand what prevents you from getting rich. And begin to perceive the world not from the position of the poor, and its boundaries will certainly expand for you.

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