What is depicted on the emblem of the Russian Federation: description and significance of the symbols of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. The history of the Russian coat of arms, photo, description and meaning of each element and symbol on the coat of arms of the Russian Federation

What is depicted on the emblem of the Russian Federation: description and significance of the symbols of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. The history of the Russian coat of arms, photo, description and meaning of each element and symbol on the coat of arms of the Russian Federation

The Russian coat of arms is not just a drawing. He has a rich history, and each element carries a hidden meaning.

The official symbol of any country is its coat of arms. Any coat of arms, as a rule, has its own long and interesting story. Each symbol of the coat of arms has a strictly defined value. The coat of arms may depict the main type of activity of the country, an important historical event, animal or bird. In general, anything that is important for the people and the state.

In addition to the coat of arms, any country has also a flag and anthem. This article is devoted to the emblem of the Russian Federation. But if you are interested in learning, for example, about the flag of the Russian Federation, then we recommend that you contact another article on this link.

What does the state emblem of the Russian Federation look like: photography

So, the state emblem of the Russian Federation is an image of a two -headed eagle, on each head there is one small royal crown. And the crown of a larger size crushes both heads. In one paw, the eagle has a scepter, in the other - a power. These are symbols of power since the time of tsarist Russia. The coat of arms of the capital of Russia is placed on the chest of the eagle - the city of Moscow. On it, George the Victorious kills a snake with a spear.

The modern emblem of the Russian Federation looks like this
Now the coat of arms of the Russian Federation looks like this

It is noteworthy that each city of the Russian Federation has its own coat of arms, which is chosen through a popular vote!

It is worth saying that the coat of arms of the Russian Federation was far from always the way we know him now. Over the past 100 years, several coups have occurred in Russia. The power has changed, the name of the country changed, accordingly, the coat of arms and flag changed. A modern emblem has existed only since 1993. In 2000, the description of the coat of arms changed, but the coat of arms itself remained the same.

The coat of arms of the RSFSR looked as follows
The coat of arms of the RSFSR looked as follows

The photo below shows how the coat of arms of the RSFSR from the coat of arms of the USSR was different.

One coat of arms is the processing of another
One coat of arms is the processing of another

The row of the Russian Empire, approved in 1882, is more like a whole composition. Archangel Michael is depicted on the left, the Archangel Gabriel on the right. The small coat of arms inside, crowned with the emblems of the principalities - the progenitor of the modern Russian coat of arms, only in black.

Complex of the Russian Empire
Complex of the Russian Empire
Small coat of arms of the Russian Empire
Small coat of arms of the Russian Empire

And before Russia became an empire, the Russian state had its own flag. It is very similar to the small coat of arms of the Russian Empire, but not so well detailed.

Depending on the ruler and the general situation in the country, the coat of arms changed. There were at least three versions of the Russian coat of arms until 1882. But in general, they all represent the processing of the same image.

Option 1
Option 1
Option 2
option 2
Option 3
Option 3

Next, we will outline the history of the coat of arms of Russia.

History of the Russian Emblem: Description for children

The history of the emblem of Russia begins in the Middle Ages. In Russia there was never a coat of arms, instead of it used images of saints and the Orthodox cross.

It is interesting! The image of the eagle on the coats of arms was relevant in ancient Rome, and before it in the ancient Hittite kingdom. The eagle was considered a symbol of the highest power.

So how did the double -headed eagle migrate to the coat of arms of the Russian state? There is an opinion that the symbol came from Byzantium, but there are guesses that the image of the eagle was perhaps borrowed from European states.

Many countries have a coat of arms with an eagle in different variations. An example in the photo below.

Even such a coat of arms was used
Here is such a coat of arms used in Armenia, the emblems are similar in accordance with many countries

They approved the coat of arms only in the 16th century. No one will call the exact date now. The coat of arms changed with every new ruler. The elements were added or cleaned by the following rulers:

  • 1584 1587 - Fedor Ivanovich "Blessed" (son of Ivan IX Terrible) - an Orthodox cross appeared between the crown of the eagle
  • 1613 - 1645 - Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov - Image on the chest of the Oryol of the Moscow Emblem, the Third Crown
  • 1791 - 1801 - Pavel the First - the image of the Cross and the Crown of the Maltese Order
  • 1801 - 1825 - Alexander the Great - the abolition of the Maltese symbols and the third crown, instead of a scepter and power - a wreath, torch, lightning
  • 1855 - 1857 - Alexander the Second - the redrawing of the two -headed eagle (processing), the approval of three crowns, power, scepter, in the center - the horseman in armor, killing the snake.

The coat of arms of the Russian Empire was valid until 1917 unchanged. After the coup, the new government approved a simpler, “proletarian” coat of arms - a sickle and a hammer.

This was what the coat of arms of the USSR on coins looked like
This was what the coat of arms of the USSR on coins looked like

And after the collapse of the USSR and the reorganization of the USSR in the RSFSR, the coat of arms was slightly redesigned (the photo is already in the article). Then the coat of arms was returned, resembling the coat of arms of the Russian Empire, but in another color scheme. It was in 1993.

What is depicted on the emblem of the Russian Federation: the description and meaning of the symbols of each element of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation

Each component of the coat of arms bears a certain meaning:

  • heraldic shield (the same red background) is the main element of the coat of arms of any state
  • the two -headed eagle is a symbol of the highest power and bilateral policy of the Russian state
  • crown - high dignity, state sovereignty, national wealth
  • scepter and power - symbols of power
  • the rider on a horse, killing the snake - according to one version, is St. George the Victorious, according to the other - Tsar Ivan III. It is difficult to give an accurate definition, it is possible that this appeal to the ancestors, the embodiment of the legend, or simply an image made to order of Ivan III.
Russian coat of arms can be portrayed against any background
Russian coat of arms can be portrayed against any background

How many flowers are on the coat of arms of the Russian Federation?

There are several colors on the Russian coat of arms. Each color has a meaning. For example:

  • red - the color of courage, courage, spilled blood.
  • golden is wealth
  • blue - sky, freedom
  • white is clean
  • black (at the snake) - a symbol of evil

It turns out that three out of five colors are also available on the emblem of Russia and on the flag. For the country, the meaning of these colors has always been very important, because it was courage, purity and freedom that have always been a driving force in the soul of a Russian person.

Video: Coat of arms of Russia (documentary)

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