What do the colors of the Russian state flag mean - white, blue, red: symbolism. The origin of the Russian flag: description, photo

What do the colors of the Russian state flag mean - white, blue, red: symbolism. The origin of the Russian flag: description, photo

Find out why the flag of the Russian Federation is a tricolor, and what is white, blue and red on it.

Traditionally, the state has symbols - flag, coat of arms and anthem. These symbols are usually recorded by the Constitution of the state and carry information about its history, traditions, political regime, state system, geographical, and so on. The flag of the Russian Federation has three colors. Unfortunately, not all citizens of Russia can name them and, especially, tell them what they mean, what is the origin of the tricolor.

The origin of the Russian flag: description, photo

The Russian tricolor is a panel with three horizontally located strips equal in width - white, blue and red.

Important: Tricolor has its own holiday - the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation, which is celebrated on August 22. It was on August 22, 1991 that the current state flag of Russia replaced the state flag of the USSR when it was raised over the White House in Moscow.

As you know, since ancient times, military units have used various flags, banners, banners, and gonfalls, which were respectfully and carefully, for their distinction. To drop the banner, give the banner or flag the enemy was the same, or even a big shame than to lose the battle. The flags and banners were symbols, the images on them were also symbolic.
So, for example, in the history of Russia a significant event was the siege and assault on Kazan by the troops of Ivan the Terrible. In the annals, when mentioning this event, a banner with the image of a miraculous image of Christ is also mentioned. It was under this banner that a historical victory was won.

The banner of the
The banner of the "All -Most Savior" Ivan the Terrible, 1552.

Since the time of Ivan the Terrible, another banner was used with Saint Michael depicted on it, jumping on a horse, and with the image of Christ on the other side of the trapezoidal panel.

The great banner of Ivan the Terrible. 1560.
The great banner of Ivan the Terrible. 1560.

The stem banner of the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and Peter 1 is also known

Herbal Banner 1696
Herbal Banner 1696

Important: although these banners were used on behalf of the king, they were not yet state flags.

The beginning of the history of the white-blue-red flag is attributed to the times of Alexei Mikhailovich and subsequently Peter 1.

  1. According to one version, it is believed that before Peter’s trip to the Netherlands, one of his advisers told the king that the flag of the Netherlands is a tricolor that is not horizontally located white, blue and red stripes. Then an order was given to purchase matter of the corresponding colors and make a panel from it for a ship structure.
  2. According to another version, by order of Alexei Mikhailovich for the new ship, the eagle was also ordered to release the matter of blue, white and red colors to hook the flag on it.

Peter I made a tricolor the flag of the Russian Empire.
Peter I made a tricolor the flag of the Russian Empire.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to test the correctness of each version at the moment, since only fragmentary references in some flags have been preserved.

At the same time, there are documents (Decree of Peter 1 “On flags on trading river courts”) commanding to raise the flag on river vessels performing various trade operations. It is believed that such a flag was a blue-red-white tricolor, possibly with the image of a small Andreevsky cross of blue in the middle lane.

It is important: it is obvious that the modern Russian tricolor known to us was initially trading flag, and it took years to become a national and state symbol.

What do the colors of the Russian flag and coat of arms mean: Symbolism

Of course, it is interesting to know the symbols of the flowers of the flag, why these colors are used for the state symbol, and why this is their sequence.
There are several interpretations, but there is no official explanation of the symbols of the flag flowers.

What does red color mean on the flag of the Russian Federation?

Red color on the state flag of Russia can mean:

  • sovereign
  • historical region of Great Russia
  • defenders of the Fatherland, spilling their blood for him

What does blue color mean on the flag of the Russian Federation?

The paths of blue symbols are:

  • by heraldry: wisdom, strength, nobility
  • blue as the color of the Virgin
  • historical region of Malaya Russia

What does white color mean on the flag of the Russian Federation?

White color can mean:

  • freedom
  • cleanliness
  • historical white Russia
Possible importance of the colors of the Russian flag.
Possible importance of the colors of the Russian flag.

What do the three colors of the Russian flag for children mean?

Children can offer the interpretation of the symbols of the flowers of the flag in this way:

  1. White color in our country is the color of endless snow, white -barreled birches, clouds in the sky, daisies in the meadow. White color can mean peace, conscience, purity.
  2. Blue color is the color of the sky, water in rivers, lakes and seas. Blue color symbolizes the truth, nobility and fidelity.
  3. Red color is the color of the sun and fire. It symbolizes valor and courage.

Therefore, the colors of the state flag of Russia as a whole in their unity can mean the beauty of nature and the world and the wonderful human qualities.

The colors of the flag of the Russian Federation are riddles.
The colors of the flag of the Russian Federation are riddles.

Video: Flag of Russia. History in pictures for children and adults. Banner. Banner. Flag

How old is the Russian tricolor?

In the latest history of Russia, a tricolor as a state flag has been operating since 1991.

Video: History of the Russian flag

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