Which of things cannot be stored at home: signs. What things attract poverty? What three things can not be kept at home?

Which of things cannot be stored at home: signs. What things attract poverty? What three things can not be kept at home?

A list of items that cannot be stored at home.

To establish your life, it is necessary to remove all the garbage from the house. This is exactly what Feng Shui followers think, because it is these people who are in every possible way fight with trash in the house. In this article we will tell you what things cannot be stored at home. 

Is it possible to have and store old slippers, calendars, things, clothes at home?

Some people like to collect garbage, fold old things. These are greedy people who do not want to throw out old things that they have not worn for several years. Many do not know what things cannot be stored at home, They can be the cause of poverty and failures.

How store old things:

  • However, it is necessary to understand and remember that the old clothes that have failed have arrows, damage, must be thrown away. There is no need to store torn clothes, it attracts misfortune, poverty. 
  • It is forbiddenstore old slippers,they need them throw away. The inhabitants of the apartments were faced with the fact that home slippers are quickly eager. Each person in the apartment has a couple of torn slippers that failed, but the hand does not rise to throw them away. However, there is no need to regret, things store negative energy, they need to get rid of them.
  • In order for such things to be worn longer, replace ordinary home slippers with beach slippers. They are rubber, and the term of socks almost never ends. 
  • Old calendars testify to the past time. A person should look into the future, strive there, and not often look back at the past. Old calendars must be thrown away, because they return back. 
Thundered shelves
Thundered shelves

Is it possible to have and store the things of the dead at home?

Where to put and how Store the things of the dead? A whole article is devoted to this issue, what to do with them is indicated here. Things need to be distributed, burned, or burying. As for things related to the death of a person, that is, they were on the deceased, at the time of death, then they need to be burned and nobody to give them. This is especially true if a person was seriously ill. The clothes that you give can cause human disease.

Is it possible to have and keep things at home at home?

Quite often, people who recently moved to new housing are worried about the question: mwhether to store things of the former owners at homeitfurniture items, old things needed in the household. Esoterics always unanimously answer, similar things cannot be stored at home. It is not known in what mood people left, and what prompted them to sell housing and leave things to new owners.

You have no idea what kind of people lived in your apartment, and what energy is saturated things. Yes, indeed, many mastersfeng Shui, esoterics argue that almost all the furniture, things of people, accumulate energy, not only positive, but also negative. Like things cannot be stored at home,they can become a source of illness, negative energy. 

cleaning company
cleaning company

Why cannot be stored broken, blue children's toys, dishes with cracks, broken figurines?

Pay attention, you need to throw away not only unnecessary clothes, but also things. This applies to broken children's toys, dishes, which is covered with cracks. Yes, indeed, tea sets can be very expensive, because they stayed from a grandmother, a distant relative.

Is it possible to store cracked dishes, toys, broken figurines at home:

  • Despite the antiques and a rarity of such things, if they are covered with cracks and do not look attractive, they must be thrown away. You can not store at home dishes with chips. This applies to plates, cups.
  • Such things can cause a deterioration in family idyll, and the destruction of relations. Relations can crack like a cup or a vessel. This applies to broken figurines available in the apartment.
  • Do not try to glue such things. Is it possible store a cracked dish at home? If there are cracks on it, then they wear negative energy. Many esoterics believe that things break down for a reason. The process is associated with the accumulation of energy, including negative. As soon as its number is huge, the thing does not withstand, fails.
  • Similar things must be thrown away. Treat philosophically, the subject has served its own, it must be thrown away. He performed his functions. 
Broken dishes
Broken dishes

Is it possible to store artificial flowers, reeds at home ?

Many questions arise relative to decoration of the room. The housewives are interested in What flowers cannot be stored at home? Women love to collect dry flowers, and doikebans From dry plants. But not all dry flowers can be kept in the house.

Is it possible to store artificial flowers, reeds at home:

  • Kamyshi are magnets for diseases. Kamysh cannot be kept at homein  the contrary case can cause the disease, or the death of close relatives. Many esoterics recommend not throwing a wedding bouquet, but dry it and store it as a symbol of well -being. However, this applies only to the wedding bouquet. If these are ordinary dry flowers that were donated to you, you need to part with them and not dry. 
  • As for artificial colors, these things are ballast, a buffer. They do not carry any energy at all, are empty objects, collect dust. Such flowers cannot be kept at home.
  • This is very important if a person with allergies lives in the apartment, or excessive sensitivity to dust. Artificial flowers are not the best option for decorating the room. Try decorate the house fresh flowers, or growing in pots. Take artificial flowers on the trash. 

Is it possible to store shells, empty jars at home?

Many of the modern housewives have long forgotten what the workpiece for the winter is. But there are those who seek to prepare a lot of delicious jam, salty cucumbers every summer every summer.

Is it possible to store shells, empty jars at home:

  • It is these people who have questions about the storage of empty containers. According to esoterics, empty jars cannot be stored at home. This applies to banks remaining after the use of blanks.
  • Where to go? FROMthe shelling housewife, who annually presents something, cannot allow banks and buying new ones every year. An ideal option would be to store them in the cellar, basement, on the balcony or in the pantry. In the kitchen, on the table or in the closet it is advisable not to store them. So it is worth doing if you were treated to contain something in Tara.
  • If you have given a small number of cucumbers, blanks, be sure to return the empty jar to the owner. However, it is impossible to return it in this form. Put the coin, or pour a handful of cereals. After all, it is believed that you are cleaning the negativity and emptiness from your home, and give it to someone else. So that a person does not have any health problems or troubles in the material sphere, give the filled banks. 
  • Such superstition applies to shells brought from the seas and handed as souvenirs. According to some fen- expertsshui, store shells at home it is forbidden. The shells areempty houses where no one lives. Accordingly, they are empty, they can attract negative energy to themselves. It is recommended not to store shells in the room, not to buy them, and not to give as a souvenir to relatives. 
Full banks
Full banks

Is it possible to store stuffed animals, horns, animal skins at home?

In order to decorate their housing, people resort to the acquisition of a large number of objects.

How to store animal skins:

  • Scutures of murdered animals, skins are very popular. They decorate the floor instead of carpets, and the bed. However, adherentsfeng Shui They say that such things keep dead energy, which can cause diseases and misfortune.
  • That is, similar Things are impossiblestore in the house, according to adherents of Feng Shui. Many esoterics claim that this is only the past that we got from the Gentiles. In those days, shamans really, with the help of the scarecs of the killed animals, carried out rituals that could cause death.
  • Accordingly, it is from those times that people are afraid store in the house Scarets of animals, and other similar paraphernalia, which is associated with dead animals. Hunters, really often store in the house The stuffed animals of killed animals, including skins, with the help of which they decorate their housing. 
Stuffed animals
Stuffed animals

Climbing plants, is it possible to keep at home?

Many women devote most of the free time to growing colors. This really takes place, because plants purify the air in the room, can prevent allergies.

Climbing plants, is it possible to keep at home:

  • Very often among plants there are useful, aloe and kalanchoe. Plants are a kind of domestic first -aid kit that will cure a large number of diseases without drugs. However, not all flowers can be kept at home.
  •  There are a number of colors that should not be grown in the apartment. Among them, climbing plants: ivy, begonia. It is believed that such flowers cannot be kept at homethey attract diseases, discord in family relationships.
  • Do not refuse to grow such plants on the balcony, including in the winter garden or behind the balcony, as obscuring plants. They will help keep the house cool, create a shadow. Which is very relevant if you live on the sunny side. 
Home plants
Home plants

Is it possible to store objects of magic at home at home?

As for objects of magic, they are also undesirable for storage in the apartment. This applies to any things that were used in rites, especially with the release of negative energy. They will store magical energy, which will not know how to affect the inhabitants of the apartment. The attributes of magic, in particular black, must be stored outside your own housing. If you are doing something like that, then it is best to remove the office, not to carry out magical actions in your house. 

Is it possible to store a broken clock at home?

Among prohibited things that you can not store at home, there is a broken watch.

Is it possible to store broken watches at home, tips:

  • The chronometers are a measure of time, their stop is associated with a stopfuture. Products must be thrown away if they fail. The clip of hours symbolizes the time stop.
  • Leaving non -working chronometers in the house, you remain to live in the past, and do not strive to the future. It is for this purpose that you need to throw away such hours, or take them into repairs. You can sell for disassembly. Now there are a lot of similar ads with addresses where broken old watches are purchased.
  • They contain precious metals, they can be quite expensive in the market of such products. But even if the failed watch is not ancient or antique, we still recommend that they throw them away or pass them to a special collection point of such things.  You can’t store a broken clock.
Broken clock
Broken clock

How to decorate the house?

What then Decorate the house? We figured out that almost everything that modern people decorate the house cannot be stored in it. Because most often these things do not contain any energy, is ballast, empty objects.Sometimes They are products that accumulate negative energy.

How decorate the house:

  • From all of the above, we can conclude that the house can be decorated exclusively with charms, and useful things. Special dry herbs, such as wormwood and mint, will be an ideal option. They scare away evil spirits, and are a certain protection for their own home.
  • However, in no case can you store dry reeds in the house, including Kovil. Plants are a symbol of otherworldly life, and can attract diseases. It is necessary to decorate the house with the help of amulets made of clay. It can even be ordinary brooms that decorate with berries and ribbons. They are often hung over the door. You can decorate the house with horseshoes, or ancient plates attached above the entrance to the house. 
  • You can decorate housing with vases with fresh flowers, or dried flowers. However, be sure to make sure that Ikebana does not have reeds, Kovyl. It is allowed to store some dried plants, including wedding bouquets. 
  • You can decorate your house using dream catchers. The subject is considered a useful talisman that captures evil spirits, bad energy. With the help of such talismans, you can improve the dream of households, to prevent the appearance of a large number of diseases. Such products will be useful for those who are often depressed or in a bad mood. 
Decoration of the house
Decoration of the house

Things that cannot be stored at home

In addition to these things, there are also a list of attractive poverty, and contributing to a deterioration in the financial situation. 

Things that cannot be stored at home:

  1. Old amulets, talismans to attract money. In Feng Shui, this is a toad with coins, fat little men with large stomachs. Usually, to attract money, they rub their tummy. However, if such a talisman broke, cracked, or a piece fell off from him, then he no longer performs his functions. That is, it no longer attracts money. Accordingly, it is necessary to get rid of things and not store them in the house. 
  2. If clothing items are out of order, they must be thrown away. They are no longer stored in the house. This also applies to household appliances. It is believed that such products absorb positive energy, and can incorrectly transform it into some negative. After all, now household appliances do not work or work incorrectly. It is necessary to get rid of it, or take it for repairs.
  3. Everything that is broken, you can not store at home. This contributes to the deterioration of the financial situation and poverty of the owners. In order to live in abundance, it is necessary to monitor things and their integrity. If you are not going to repair some household appliances, be sure to sell it for spare parts. 

Poverty things

Many decorate their homes with some kind of paintings, but from the point of view of Feng Shui, these are absolutely useless jewelry that needs to be thrown away. They can accumulate negative energy, especially if the image is in the image, or sliding weather.

Feng Shui adherents claim that the house is allowed to store paintings with the image of something good, including it can be a beautiful forest, or dawn. All that contains the images of sunset, rain, snow, cannot be stored in the house. The picture is considered a symbol of negative energy, and the deterioration of family relations. 

Things attracting poverty, list:

  • Broken dishes
  • Wondered old wardrobe items with holes
  • Broken clock
  • Dry flowers
  • Curly plants
  • Torn slippers
  • Other people's things
  • Old wallet

Periodically carry out general cleaning, getting rid of the "dead things."

Video: What can not be stored in the house?

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