What to do to the driver if the traffic police inspector stopped on the bridge: what do you need to know?

What to do to the driver if the traffic police inspector stopped on the bridge: what do you need to know?

In this article we will consider what the driver should know and do if he is stopped by the traffic police inspector on the bridge.

Sometimes drivers are faced with a situation where the traffic police inspector stops on the bridge. And now there is a double concept of the situation. Indeed, based on the rules of the road, stopping on the bridge itself is strictly prohibited and can even cause a fine. But it is also necessary to stop by order of an employee of the traffic police. Therefore, it is worthwhile to figure out in which situations the inspector may demand a stop on the bridge, and also analyze the driver’s behavior in this situation.

Why does the traffic police inspector stop a moving car on the bridge, what to do to the driver?

  • Traffic rules very clearly regulate this situation. Clause 12.4 of the PPD says: "" The stopping of the vehicle is prohibited: at railway crossings, in tunnels, as well as on overpasses, bridges and under them».
  • Therefore, it becomes clear logically that you can stop only in permitted places. That is, after the remark of the traffic police officer, you should get to the right place. Moreover, another remark complements this rule - part 4 of Art. 12.19 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, where it is clearly indicated about the size of a fine of 500 rubles for a stop in the wrong place.
Stop in inevitable places is prohibited
Stop in inevitable places is prohibited
  • From the side, the situation looks quite incomprehensible and strange-can the inspector of the road service really write out a fine for what he himself demanded?
  • In connection with the situation, the question arises of the need to stop the bridge in general. To correctly solve this problem, you should refer to paragraph 88 of Order No. 664, which states that it is not allowed to slow down the car in areas where the stop is prohibited.
    • You can stop the car only when this stop will help prevent a crime or administrative violation, as well as to help the victims in a road accident and avoid real threats to human life and life.

Unfortunately, the driver cannot know in advance for what reason his car is inhibited by the inspector of the road service. Do not forget that you will have to stop in any situation, but with some amendments.

IMPORTANT: A traffic police officer must slow down only with a road stick. Here is the first advice - if the inspector waves his hands, then feel free to pass by.

The gestures of the controller are much more important, but they should be published with a stick
The gestures of the controller are much more important, but they should be published with a stick
  • In the case of an emergency stop of the car, they are required to ensure the safety of the movement of other cars on this road area. Therefore, remember the extremely important rule - if there are 2 stripes on the bridge, then even a minute parking is prohibited. But with 3 lanes, not very long braking, by order of the inspector is allowed.
  • In the event that the signs prohibiting the stop ending, it is not so far away, then it is better to completely drive this distance and stand at a place that is allowed to stop. This should be acted especially in cases where you notice a camera that fixes violations for an employee of the traffic police.
  • The same applies to the beginning of the "dangerous" zone. Follow the signs, because they will report the beginning and end of the entrance to the bridge. Sometimes it happens that such attentiveness will help confirm that the parking was still or not on the bridge.
Also do not forget to pay attention to the signs
Also do not forget to pay attention to the signs
  • If you find yourself in a situation where an employee of the road service intends to write you a fine for a stop in the wrong place, you should remind him that gestures of the traffic controller are much more important than traffic signs.
    • When an employee of the traffic police will draw up a protocol, indicate that you do not agree with this situation. And also mention that you have an entry from the DVR and will go to court. It is unlikely that after this, the inspector will have a desire to draw up a document.

Important: the same 88 point of regulations indicates that the employee has no right to write out a fine, if he himself stopped in the wrong place. After all, he takes responsibility for road safety!

As you can see, you should rely on signs and markings, because such insignificant strokes will tell you how to do the right thing in such a situation. Although the law can be interpreted a little in two, but the protection on the side of the driver. After all, the inspector can stop on the bridge, but takes responsibility.

Video: What to do if the traffic police inspector stops on the bridge?

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