What to do if the kitten has eyes fester? Treatment of suppuration of the eyes in kittens in drops, ointments, folk remedies. The eyes of the kitten are fester: causes, treatment, reviews

What to do if the kitten has eyes fester? Treatment of suppuration of the eyes in kittens in drops, ointments, folk remedies. The eyes of the kitten are fester: causes, treatment, reviews

The causes and methods of treating suppuration of the eyes in the kitten.

Kittens are very cute creatures that cause a lot of positive emotions in adults and children. A person feels guilty if the animals are sick. In this article we will tell you why the eyes of the kitten fester, and how they need to be treated.

Why do the kitten fester your eyes?

Supervision in the eyes of kittens in age up to 3 months is a fairly common problem. Moreover, this is not always associated with the influence of the external environment, most often kittens are born with a problem that exacerbates as the animal grows. 

Why does the kitten fester the eyes:

  • Chlamydia. Oddly enough, but not only people, but also cats suffer from this ailment. Typically, kittens are transmitted to the ailment when passing through the mother paths of the mother. The cat gives birth to its kids with chlamydia, which is why they have infectious conjunctivitis. 
  • Follicular conjunctivitis. It occurs if the lymph nodes are inflamed. Together with the discharge from the eyes, photophobia, swelling in the eyelids will be observed. Please note that in this ailment, the wool around the eyes very often falls out. 
  • Purulent conjunctivitis. Most often manifests itself in two eyes, while the cat has not only purulent discharge, but also fever. Initially, the discharge from the eye area is very liquid, but gradually become thick, with a green or yellow tint. 
Purulent eye
Purulent eye

Kitten month, eyes are festering: reasons

With blepharitis, the eyelids are inflamed. This is due to the effects of allergen, burn, or contact with harmful chemicals. Blepharitis is found atinfection of the kitten worms, with seborrhea. Often occurs due to deficiency of vitamins.

The kitten is a month, the eyes are festering, the reasons: 

  • Amer. This happens if the baby conflicts with his brothers and sisters, or other animals with whom he lives together. Perhaps you did not notice when the cats were fighting, and one another scratched his eyes. 
  • Foreign object in the area of \u200b\u200bthe century. Similarly, in people, when the species hit, particles of food, the eyelids become swollen, the eyes sour. It is necessary to extract an extraneous object from the eye. 
  • Violation of temperature norms in the room. With a draft, the kitten can catch a cold. 
  • Viral ailments. This often happens in cats of homeless and domestic. With such ailments, the doctor will help to understand. 

The kitten has a snot and the eyes are festering - the reasons: how to treat?

Calcivirus (calcivirosis) is a dangerous viral ailment, from which approximately 30% of cats suffer. It is not necessary that the cat is street. Often the virus can be brought on clothes, on unmarried hands. A virus without introducing an animal in the body can be stored on clothes and shoes for about one to two weeks. Therefore, the owner can bring a disease from the street. Calcivirosis is not dangerous for people, but about a third of cats die from this viral ailment and complications that it causes. 

Manifests itselfcalcivirosis The following symptoms: 

  • Hrymilly and sneezing for one or two days. 
  • Strong discharge from the eyes. They appear on about the third day. At the cat, appetite worsens, can refuse food, and body temperature rises. 
  • About the seventh day, small sores can occur in the mouth, stomatitis. 

The kitten has a snot and the eyes are festering than to treat:

  • Treatmentcalcivirosis Antiviral. The animal is given by immunomodulators, as well as treat related infections that are caused by the weakening of the body as a result of the effect of the virus.
  • Very often, cats die from complications of a bacterial nature that arose against the background of the virus. Among them, pneumonia, arthritis, arthrosis, dehydration, and renal failure can be distinguished.These ailments, caused by the virus, and its untimely treatment.
  • Rashes in the mouth are treated with antiseptics, lubricated lyugoland washed with a solution of furatsilin. From such ailments, cats are vaccinated at a young age. If the cat is street, then the virus can infiltrate the body, because it is transmitted from mother to child. 

In kittens, eyes are festering and sticking together: treatment with folk methods

There are a lot of ways to cure suppuration of the eyes in the kitten. The treatment method depends on the original cause. When using the same drugs for different ailments, treatment can be ineffective. The easiest way for such purposes is neutral agents that will help remove mucus, suppuration, and alleviate the condition of the kitten. 

In kittens, eyes are festering and sticking together, treatment with folk methods:

  1. Tea. It is necessary to brew strong tea, without adding fruits, moisten a gauze swab and attach for a couple of minutes to the sore eye. Wait until solid formations are completely dissolved in tea. 
  2. After that, it is necessary to wipe with a swab from the outer corner to the internal. After that, you need to take new tampons. For each eye you need to use new tampons. 
  3. Ramomia tincture. For these purposes, it is necessary to brew chamomile in the amount of 1 tablespoon of grass per glass of boiling water. Keep on low heat for 2 minutes. After that, it is necessary to cool the mixture to a temperature of 20 degrees, moisten a gauze swab or a cotton pad in the solution. In the same way, it is necessary to hold on a kitten for 2 minutes on the eyelid and wipe from the outer corner to the internal. 

The kitten has his eyes fester - how to rinse?

To rub the eyes, you can use not only decoctions of medicinal herbs, but also pharmacy drugs that are widely used in surgery and in the processing of wounds of various origin. 

The kitten has his eyes fester than to rinse: 

  • Furatsilin solution. To prepare the product, it is necessary to dissolve two tablets in 250 ml of hot water and heated almost to a boil, with constant stirring. It is necessary that the tablets completely dissolve. Cool the product to room temperature, soak them a cotton pad, and wipe the cat's eyes.
  • A solution of potassium permanganate. Please note that the liquid should be slightly pink, that is, the solution should be weak. In no case is a strong solution, as it can cause a burn of the mucous membrane. A pair of crystals for one glass of warm boiled water is enough. In the same way, it is necessary to soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution, wipe your eyes. 
  • For eye processing, you can use ready -made solutions. Among them can be distinguished Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Decessan. These solutions are created without the use of alcohol, so they do not cause a burn of the mucous membrane and unpleasant sensations during treatment. Ready -made funds can be purchased at the pharmacy. Choose a solution that is suitable for processing the mucous membranes. For example, for chlorhexidine it is a 0.05 % solution. It is necessary to impregnate a gauze segment and wipe the eyelid from the outer corner of the eye to the internal. Treatment with such antiseptics is carried out 3 times a day. This allows you to remove suppuration, and also reduces the concern of the kitten. After all, suppuration, dry crusts cause discomfort, unpleasant sensations in the animal, so the cat can additionally infect the wound. 

How to process the kitten's eyes if they fester?

For the treatment of suppuration of the eyes in kittens, ointment and drops are often used. It is worth noting that ointments are more effective, because due to their thick consistency remain on the mucous membrane longer, thereby there is a long-term therapeutic effect. 

How to process the face of the kitten if they are festering:

  • Tetracycline ointment
  • Erythromycin ointment
  • Levomycetin 
  • Floxal 
  • Sofradex 

All these ointments are best purchased in small tubes with a thin nose. In order to process the kitten's eyes, you need to help you. It is necessary to fix the head of the kitten, raise its upper eyelid and into the space between the eyeball and the century, and introduce a thin sausage of the ointment. If the kitten is not given, it is very resistant, then you can introduce the ointment into the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower eyelid.

Then blinking, the animal will independently spread all the ointment on the surface of the eyeball. Please note that these ointments will be ineffective in case of viral lesion, since in the treatment of such diseases exclusively antiviral agents are used. In order for the ointments to work effectively, they must be used 2-3 times a day. 


The kitten closed the eye and fester - how to drip?

It can be used for the treatment of suppuration of the eyes in a cat's cat. It is worth noting that they actless, than ointments due to liquid condition. With frequent blinking, they are washed out of the eyes along with tears and discharge. Below is a list of eye drops from suppuration in cats.

The kitten closed the eye and fester than to drip:

  • Lacryan 
  • Lacrimin 
  • Tsiprovet 
  • Barrier 
  • Dexamethason 

It is necessary to treat suppuration of the eyes in the cat with drops for 2 weeks. Please note that they must be used according to the instructions, most often applied 3-5 times a day for 2 drops in each eye. You will also need the help of someone close to fix the cat’s head and enter the medicine into the eye area. 

The fact is more difficult if the cat has blepharitis or keratitis. These diseases must be treated under the supervision of a doctor, regularly visiting the clinic. The fact is that infectious blepharitis, as well as keratitis, are often treated with antibiotics, not only local, but also those that are found inside.

Most often these are injections, that is, injections. Perhaps you will have to carry the cat daily to injections in the veterinary clinic. If conservative treatment is ineffective, surgical intervention is often prescribed, with the removal of keratosis nodes, as well as suppuration in the eyelids, with blepharitis. 

Eyes fester
Eyes fester

The kitten fester the eyes - prevention

Prevention is of great importance. Very often, cat owners are to blame for the fact that pets are sickconjunctivitis. It is necessary to adhere to the following rules in order to protect the cat from suppuration of the eyes.

The kitten has eyes fester - prevention:

  • Strengthen the cat, washing your hands, after visiting the street or toilet. 
  • Do not allow the pet to contact homeless animals. Visit doctors regularly and take tests. 
  • Do not forget to make an animal vaccinations, as well as give anthelmintic drugs twice a year. Very often the cause of suppuration is parasites. 
  • Buy animals using flea shampoo. Some pets may have an allergy to fleas bites, which is manifested by lacrimation. 
  • Keep chemicals away from the animal, as well as detergents for cleaning the apartment. Very often, the cause of suppuration, inflammation of the eyes is contact with washing powder, or a dishwasher for washing dishes. 
  • Enter new food gradually, increasing the amount in the diet. Often, with the introduction of a new feed, a pet may be allergic. 

The kitten has eyes fester: reviews

Please note that you need to contact a doctor to choose the right treatment, and get acquainted with reviews. Keep in mind that an incorrectly selected tool can not only not improve the condition, but cause complications. 

The kitten has eyes fester, reviews:

Oksana. We have an ordinary yard kitten, which we picked up from the street. After they brought home, they found that the kitten had terrible sketching eyes. We did not contact the veterinarian, used furatsilin for washing, smeared with tetracycline ointment. After about 2 weeks, the kitten completely recovered. 

Maria. Our cat's eyes began to acidify after a walk on the street. Perhaps I picked up the infection. We turned to the veterinarian, we were prescribed washing chlorhexidine, an ointment of Floxal. It turned out to be very effective, after about 7 days my eyes stopped sour, but we extended the treatment up to 2 weeks. 

Alexander. In our yard, kittens were born, but the cat does not live in the house, but lives on the street. After the kids opened their eyes, they south very much. I felt sorry for the kittens, so I periodically wiped my eyes with strong black tea, dripped with cheap drops - albucid. I myself know that these drops are burning, but effective. A week later, the cats got good health, their eyes stopped sour. 

Sore eye
Sore eye

As you can see, the eyes are acidic in the cats is a common problem that can beprovoked allergies to feed, or injuries. With timely diagnosis and treatment, it will be possible to completely defeat the disease. 

Video: suppuration of the eyes of a kitten

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