What to do if you are ugly: we turn the shortcomings into advantages

What to do if you are ugly: we turn the shortcomings into advantages

Beauty is a subjective concept is a fact. The perception of beauty is largely formed by an environment in which a personality grew, religious or state foundations, as well as influential personalities.

However, female beauty is considered at any time and in any country an advantage, an element of self -confidence, the opportunity to get a little more, all other things being equal. So, millions of women of different eras at least once woke up a dissatisfied with life or themselves, but all because, in their opinion, they are not beautiful enough. And they compared themselves to recognized or invented ideals, falling into despair, losing the remnants of confidence, plunging into the abyss of discontent.

How are they make beautiful ones from ugly: what to do if an ugly appearance?

  • The modern world has become widespread social networks, Where on the one hand you can get confirmation of your merits, boast of the surrounding standard of living or something else, but on the other hand, there is a temptation to compare yourself with other people, often not in their favor.
  • As many psychologists noticed, the social network is, in some way, a fair of vanity, Where everyone can take off or mouth, regardless of what is in real life, but only on the basis of a beautiful picture.
  • But, let's recall the great designers, actresses, movie heroines, fashion models. Many of them were and remain ugly, in the concept of canons (Coco Chanel, Sarah Jessica Parker, Julia Roberts)however, they have power, influence, money and many fans of their talent, due to the fact that they were confident, they knew how to turn shortcomings into dignity and show the whole world true - the beauty of the mind, charm, business qualities or perseverance in achieving goals.
You consider yourself ugly - you need to fix it
You consider yourself ugly - you need to fix it
  • Remember the heroine of the Soviet film "The most charming and attractive", Which spoke about the need to be born active, and not at all beautiful. What can only mean one thing - no matter how your initial natural data, the only right way is to take responsibility for your life and take up acting, and not suffer about appearance, erasing a miserable existence.
  • And here the question faces any woman - what makes people ugly? There are two ways to resolve the issue. The first, It is more time to invest in your appearance, more effort, more money, and to achieve the ideal, and to get tremendous pleasure from what has created itself.
  • Or the second - to create their own ideal, which others will already want to inherit, which in itself excitingly and enormous increases their own confidence. Both of them are similar only in one thing - they require determination and sequence.
  • Therefore, since you are reading this article, the case remains with the small - the first step, the motivation for action. Now, it's time to move on to practical advice. What do if you are ugly?

Ugly voice: What to do?

  • We immediately want to note that an ugly natural voice phenomenon is quite rare. Try to remember now at least one child whose voice is ugly or unpleasant. We are sure nothing will come of it.
  • And all because children sincerely and genuinely use intonations and voice, and therefore it is always pure and interesting. And only in the process of education, when society and parents endlessly pull the child, forcing to speak quieter, or less emotionally, or “decent”, children learn to clamp, be shy, and forcibly change intonations. So, nature awarded everyone with a full -willed voice, and only our efforts deprive him of his natural beauty.
We develop a voice
We develop a voice
  • In order to “revive” the voice, add flexibility and volumetric sound to him, several simple rules must be observed.
  • Firstly, correct breathing. This is the secret that only people own, who, on duty of the service, need public speeches. Correct breathing, gives the voice the necessary depth, raise the tone of the voice, increase the volume, but here it is important not to strain the ligaments, otherwise you can completely tear your voice.
  • Make sure that each breath is made through the nose, drawing air directly into the abdominal cavity. You need to exhale with a “wide” throat, as if you want to warm your palm with your breath. These exercises will allow you to achieve the desired level of sound without overwhelming the ligaments.
  • Secondly, it is necessary daily work on the voice apparatus. These are such special exercises aimed at the development of strength and the flexibility of the voice. For the exercise, you will need a table of vowels, which must be pronounced loudly in different registers - high, medium, low and vice versa. Follow behind the position of the body, the back is straight, the hands are relaxed, the sound comes out on exhalation.
Beautiful voice
Beautiful voice
  • Third, this exercise is aimed at enravity. If you allow your voice apparatus to sound naturally, without clamps, you will gain an unexpected depth of sound sound. Therefore, it will be very useful to go into a deserted space and shout well.
  • You can sing loudly, any songs or sounds, the main thing is not to think about how it turns out, just sing and enjoy freedom. Remember these sensations. And then, try to return to them more often to get freedom of expression of voice intonations.
  • The only important warning is a warm -up, since the unprepared voice apparatus is easy to damage. If you feel compression in the throat, dryness or pain, stop immediately. This means you sing or scream incorrectly, overstrain the ligaments. Return to the initial exercises and try next time. Remember, professionalism comes with practice.

What to do if you have an ugly face: ugly eyes, ugly nose, ugly lips, ugly smile, ugly eyebrows

  • We will be frank, ugly face, not to hide. If the figure can still be adjusted with the right clothes and sports activities, then you can’t dig up the facial features in the folds of the fabric.
  • There is, of course, your own pros in unattractiveness. Most likely, you will work well on the development of other personal qualities in order to get recognition. And the second plus follows from this - you can be sure that you love and appreciate not for "beautiful eyes", and because you are interested, because you are a professional, because you are attentive and responsive to your partner. And this is worth a lot.
  • Of course, there are no magic pills that can make your face as you would like to see him. But you have at least two paths if you are ugly that will help you become happier.
  • The first is the path of self -perception. Take your appearance as a fact and demonstrate calm self -confidence. This will be a powerful signal for others to perceive you with due respect. This means that you are aware of how you really look, but you radiate inner confidence that your personality it is much more beautiful or multifaceted than you can judge purely externally.
  • Acceptance does not mean that you logically understand that you are unattractive. Acceptance means that feelings of resentment, anger or uncertainty in your appearance will no longer poison your life. This means to be in the world with the fact that you are objectively less beautiful than that you would like.
It is important to accept yourself
It is important to accept yourself
  • Second - the path of responsibility to oneself. Everyone can become more beautiful, paying enough attention to their the diet, the state of health, weight, hairstyle, makeup, posture. These details will help you feel more confident, in many ways, even distracting attention from the shortcomings, demonstrating a great taste, amazing strength of spirit, peace and internal rod.
  • If you have doubts about your own taste, you may well attract professionals from this sphere to get the best result. However, remember that you must feel comfortable in a new image, which means he will certainly listen to your feelings, trying on New hairstyle or makeup.

What to do if you consider yourself ugly?

  • There is, of course, another alternative, if you consider yourself ugly - this Surgical change in appearance. Now there are a lot of minimally invasive or classic ways to get The desired oval of the face, chest size, eye cut or nose shape.
  • And among people who resorted to such radical measures, there are many really satisfied with the result. However, you must understand well that surgical intervention is risk. The risk associated with the state of your health, with the expected results, the risk of unprofessional operation.
  • Indeed, along with successful results, you can also track a lot of failures that lead to deplorable results, the collapse of hopes and, unfortunately, even to lethal consequences. That's why, surgical operations It is certainly possible, but it is necessary to clearly realize the risks that they carry in themselves and be prepared for the consequences of these risks.
Surgical change
Surgical change
  • We cannot help but recall here about one Hollywood actress, having amazing popularity and recognition - Sarah Jessica Parker. It is distinguished by a rather non-standard appearance, repeatedly received anti-Titulas for her unattractive appearance, but it was Sarah that spun the head of the famous Hollywood handsome men, and in the end was able to create a large loving family.
  • She has very much Non -standard appearance, However, an amazing sense of style and elegant naturalness made her image whole and attractive. And she also worked a lot to be in good physical form, always well -groomed, fresh and airy. She is precisely the woman who made herself, despite external data.

Ugly nails - what to do? It will be useful to read this article. With the help of a beautiful manicure, you can correct any problem, even if you have ugly hands.

Ugly hair: what to do?

  • Let's dwell on what is ugly hair? If we are talking about thin, brittle, deprived of volume of hair slurred color, then everything is very simple - such hair needs good hairdresser.
  • The modern fashion industry allows sparing staining, nourish the hair with the necessary moisture, delicately lay it. You just need a little more effort, and devote a little more time to the choice of the master and care funds, as well as choose a successful haircut.
  • An important factor affecting the condition of the hair is diet. And if the hair looks bad from the hands, you need to reconsider your diet, and also consult a doctor about the need to receive vitamins of Group V. Of course, this tactic will not give instantic results, but after a month or two of the result it will be visible for sure, and in a longer term you will get an amazing result.
  • Another step towards improving the type of hair is special cosmetic and salon care procedures. For example, having noticed the appearance of the first baldness, you must contact a doctor a trichologist who may prescribe darsonval procedure. This procedure involves the processing of the scalp with high frequency pulsed currents, penetrating deep into the subcutaneous layers, but do not damage the outer skin. This allows you to improve metabolic processes, activate sleeping bulbs, and increases the protective mechanisms of the skin.
Hair beauty is very important
Hair beauty is very important

For cosmetic purposes, to improve the general type of hair, one of the modern procedures can be applied:

  • Keratin recovery, Which involves the application of a special keratin -containing composition for the entire length of the hair, after which the "sealing" of the hair with the use of ironing. After the procedure, the use of soft sinufant Herring remedies. Hair will get shine, become a little thicker, will be even and smooth.
  • Lamination of hair, which allows you to preserve the dyed hair longer, give it additional density and shine. The procedure provides for the application of a biologically active composition under the influence of high temperature, using the same hair iron.
  • Botox for hair (without injections, externally) in some ways similar to previous procedures, only the ingredients of the applied composition that contain amino acids, vitamins, hyaluronic acid and various care oils differ.
  • Ozonation, Which is performed by the method of subcutaneous administration into the scalp of the head of the ozin-oxide mixture. The procedure is painless, but involves conducting courses, about 10 procedures with an interval of 1-2 days. It gives an excellent result, but it takes time and a good specialist, preferably with a medical education.
  • Nanoplasty, which allows the hair to give shine and smoothness to the hair and completely does not contain substances that negatively affect health, as it consists of the most environmentally friendly components, such as wheat extract, amino acids, collagen, and natural oils.
  • Biorevitalization of hair, which, as well as mesotherapy, involves subcutaneous injections, however, a different composition containing a large amount of hyaluronic acid is used;
  • Mesotherapy of hair, which implies subcutaneous injections into the scalp, for the introduction of useful drugs that stimulate hair growth that saturates the scalp vitamins, normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands. The procedure is not pleasant, but it helps to stop hair loss, improve the condition of the hair.
  • Well, if it is completely the deplorable condition of the hair, For example, after surgery or in connection with hormonal changes, it is certainly important to comply with the recommendations of doctors for the speedy restoration of health.

But in order to like yourself in the mirror, you can apply one of the listed methods:

  • If the length allows, then the hair can be collected in fashion today bunch, hiding under them special such bagels or donuts for hair, which are produced in the main shades: bright, brown, black. It will allow you to give volume a bundle, without weighting your hair, is reliably attached with two studs. Also take a closer look at shignons and Kanecalon, which can be weaved into real hair, giving it volume.
  • If the length does not allow you to collect hair, then you can resort to the help of hair jewelry such as bandages or scarves. Hundreds of videos about how to tie a scarf on your head and look stylish on the Internet. The main thing is to fill your hand and choose the right color and texture.
  • If the above is not suitable for you, you can contact the master for hair extension. He will tell you possible extension options that minimally injure real hair, and at the same time can offer the correct length or color scheme. In any case, you must be prepared for the fact that the procedure will need to be repeated through 3-5 weeks.

Ugly legs: what to do?

  • Ideal slender long legs They are extremely rare. More often, the legs have a certain degree of curvature, not long or too massive. Well, we will work with what nature awarded. Moreover, there are methods. Therefore, you need to stop panic - what do if you are ugly? Use further tips.
  • First - if everything is very bad, then you must immediately contact orthopedic For advice, if the legs have a strong curvature that threatens the health of the spine, a complex surgical operation will be prescribed to correct them. The recovery period is very long, but it can save life or improve its quality.
It is important to contact a specialist
It is important to contact a specialist
  • More often, of course, girls are too critical in relation to their appearance, and perceive minor shortcomings as a tragedy. In such cases, you can resort to plastic surgery. For example, to reduce the distance between the legs, from the inside, they put Silicone implantsallowing to give the feet the desired shape. The same way is suitable if ugly breasts.
  • Or another option is to pump your own fat cells to give the lower leg volume or add volume to too narrow hips or buttocks. These operations are not very traumatic, but there is a risk of complications.

What to do if you are ugly and fat?

  • What to do if you are ugly and fat? For those who are not lazy and are ready to take control of their body, special complexes of physical exercises, allowing you to pump the lower leg, take shape to the buttocks, reduce or increase the volume of the legs.
  • This does not need special simulators, but only well -chosen by a specialist complexwhich can be performed at home. It is important to remember that the key to the success of any exercise is regularity, and after a month you will receive the first results. The main thing is to act.
  • And also, it will not be superfluous at all train a beautiful gait and proper posture. A straight back and an elegant gait will allow you to look more free, to look more attractive, less focusing on your legs.
Engage in yourself
Engage in yourself
  • Well, also, think about your wardrobe in such a way that exclude clothes and shoes, which attracts too much attention to the legs.
  • Choose skirts of midi or maxi lengths, free cut, flying or voluminous. If you really want to wear mini, add the right boots to the image that keep their shape well and adjust it to the leg, but do not tighten it completely, this will help adjust the curvature and give the image of playfulness.
  • Avoid shoes with too high heels - In addition to the fact that they emphasize the curvature, they also violate the gait, which focuses not on the legs.
  • Choose jeans and styles of styles puffs or clashes, Of the high -quality materials that hold the shape well, which are visual, make them more slender.
The main thing is to love yourself
The main thing is to love yourself

And also love yourself and not think what to do if you are ugly. Remember - you are unique. Many Hollywood beauties have far from perfect legs, but they are not attractive with their feet. In the end, nothing prevents you from studying and choosing a few winning poses for photographs.

Video: How to change appearance and love yourself?

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  1. very good article, I liked it!

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