What to do if the nails are on the arms, the legs are wide and short, ugly shape of the nails? As from ugly nails on the arms, legs make beautiful: recommendations, ideas of manicure, reviews

What to do if the nails are on the arms, the legs are wide and short, ugly shape of the nails? As from ugly nails on the arms, legs make beautiful: recommendations, ideas of manicure, reviews

The ugly shape of the nails in the hands of an experienced master of manicure effectively turns into a decoration of female hands. You will learn about how to create a masterpiece of wide nails with an ugly shape.

Modern manicure techniques offer many designs to adjust wide nails. Masters not only adjust the form, but also give the nails aesthetic attractiveness.

Ugly nails: tricks for visual lengthening of nails

How to lengthen nails at home? If you want to adjust ugly nails yourself, then take up several tricks:

  • Is always get rid of the cuticle - Cut or move the grown area to the base of the nail as much as possible. Additional sections of the plate will help lengthen short nails.
  • Form with a file oval shape And get the elongated nails. Give preference to glass files.
  • When applying dark shades of varnish, leave the side lines unpainted. The boundaries of the nail will correspond to the contour of the varnish.
  • When applying a pattern or decorative jewelry, focus on the middle of the nail, distracting attention from the width of the plate.
  • Refuse the square shape of the nailUse the overgrown part to correct the form. Several grown millimeters will help visually lengthen the nails.
  • Between matte and shiny varnishes Give preference to the second option, so you will distract attention from the natural shape of the nails.

Ugly nails: how to fix the shortcomings?

Unexpected nails in addition to shape have many other disadvantages. Visual effects help to hide any flaws:

  • Contrast combination of light and dark shades Allows you to draw attention to the desired area, profitably adjusting the shape. The dark shade visually reduces, light expands. Dark varnishes allow visually lengthen short nails.
  • Irregularities The nail plate is disguised with the help of ornate patterns, geometric shapes and arbitrary strokes.
  • Visual volume for a flat nail plate Add shiny and mother -of -pearl varnishes. Nails with rounded drawings also look more voluminous.
  • When bending the tips of the nails, it is better to hold short length. A strong plate grows even more, so you need to use the means to strengthen. The use of quality files also positively affects the correct growth of nails.
  • Brown nails are the result of a lack of vitamins. With a constant problem with nails, you need to drink a course of useful additives. For external influence on the clean plate, apply oil for strengthening nails and cuticles.
Use oils
Use oils
  • With a problem nail plate, use a more gentle coating. For example, gel polish causes less side effects than an acrylic coating.

Ugly nails: what prevents visually lengthen them?

When designing nails, it is very important to consider the natural shape of the plate. Arbitrary application of drawings and shades can not only decorate the appearance of the hands, but also visually emphasize the disadvantages.

Consider several taboos in the design of wide ugly nails:

  • A large number of prints. The more drawings on the nails, the more attention they attract. It is enough to emphasize one nail, and apply the classic coating to the rest.
  • Clear horizontal lines.In order for the nail to seem longer, it should not have even horizontal lines. A strip drawn in the middle of the nail visually reduces the length of the plate by 2 times. Therefore, we avoid clear horizontal contours.
Visually shortened
Visually shortened
  • Poisonous screaming tonality.Acid shades deprive the appearance of the nails of femininity and sophistication. Applying bright tones to the ugly shape of the nails creates the effect of sloppiness.

Ugly nails on the legs

In order for the legs to have a beautiful and healthy look, it is necessary to take care of the skin in a timely manner and make pedicures. You can transform ugly nails on the legs with the help of effective cosmetics and interesting pedicure designs.

To form a beautiful and healthy nail plate, we follow the following care rules:

  • Using nutrient oils moisturize the nail plate, cuticle and skin on foot.
  • To remove the applied coating, we use means without acetone. This will help to avoid cracking and relaxing the nail plate.
  • The internal processes of the body are also responsible for the external state of the nails, so we do not forget about high -quality nutrition and a course of vitamins.
  • Ugly nails on the legs Often they have a yellow tint and relax. In this case, a doctor’s consultation and drug treatment are necessary.
Need to be put in order
Need to be put in order

The ugly shape of the nails on the legs is how to fix: recommendations

The correct sequence of pedicure allows to prevent deformation of the nail plate and fix the ugly shape. If you have ugly nails on your legs, be sure to read the information below.

Effective recommendations for the beautiful shape of the nails on the legs:

  • One once a week Cut the overgrown part of the nail. This will help to avoid growing and relaxing the nail, especially in the season of wearing closed shoes.
  • Every 3-4 days correct the shape of the nail with a file. The movement of the tool is best carried out in one direction. In a square and rectangular shape of the nail there should not be sharp corners, adhere to smooth shapes. Nails are sawn in front of water procedures.
  • For a neat type of cuticle Lubricate it with oil daily. Cutting the cuticles on the toes is extremely undesirable.
  • Polishing the nail Allows you to align the surface and eliminate lifeless cells. The coarse areas of the skin around the nail are removed with peeling.
  • To remove dirt from under nails and skin folds, use a soaped toothbrush or other improvised product daily. After water procedures, moisturizing should be.
Nail care
Nail care

Pedicure for ugly nails: Ideas

Ugly nails on the legs can be transformed using a correctly selected color scheme and the simplest patterns. Consider several techniques for a beautiful pedicure.

  • Visually expand the nails, and add volume to horizontal lines and drawings.
  • For short and wide nails The drawing is applied along the central vertical line or on the sides of the plate.
  • Classic jacket Visually draws the plate of the nail. This type of pedicure is suitable for any shape of the nails.
  • Stones pattern It also allows you to adjust the shape of the nail. To visually add lengths, the stones are distributed on the tip of the nail.
  • The correct shape of the plate allows you to apply bright and juicy shades, with preliminary application of a colorless base.
  • Protect the nails from the negative effect of varnish allows Basic coating. The transparent layer will make the nail more accurately and minimizes the contact of the plate with chemistry.
With rocks
With rocks

How to paint ugly nails with varnish: tips

Applying varnish to the nail plate should transform the appearance of the nail, and not emphasize the disadvantages. Staining nails has a certain sequence.

Let us consider in stages how to paint ugly nails on the legs with varnish:

  1. Put the cuticle with a pedicure tool, it should not come into contact with varnish.
  2. Apply to the nail protective Transparent or pink coating.
  3. Apply color coating in 2 stages, withstanding intervals for drying each layer.
  4. The last layer is applied transparent society. It will maintain the integrity of the applied varnish and add shine.
  5. Traces of varnish outside the nail plate are wiped with a ear stick moistened with a varnish removal.
  6. Accelerate the drying of the varnish You can use a bath with cool water.
Applying by all rules
Applying by all rules

The color of the varnish on the nails should not be screaming, give preference to an elegant and feminine pedicure. Shiny varnishes hold on the nails much longer than matte. With independent drawings, use stencils and stickers.

Manicure for ugly nails: Ideas

Any professional master knows how to lengthen the nails with a manicure, what color lengthens the nails and how to properly apply the coating. If you want to choose yourself a drawing for manicure for ugly nails, then use useful recommendations.

  1. To lengthen too wide nails Distribute the color coating along the middle of the nail. On the right and left we leave unpainted gaps a few mm. Such a manicure visually lengthens the nails and adds sophistication.
  2. Reduce the side boundaries A wide nail plate allows the drawing of dark lines on the sides of the nail, a light translucent tone is taken as a basis. The shape of the nails cut on the sides lengthens the fingers visually.
  3. Pastel and light shades give the nails a well -groomed look, while do not focus on the shape of the plate. A dim plain coating can be diversified by an accent on the ring finger.
  4. Lovers of simple and concise drawings can lengthen the shape of the nail using several geometric lines. Design, lengthening nails should be unobtrusive.
  5. Choose the dark color of the varnish visually lengthening nails. For perfectly coating on a wide plate, use black, burgundy, dark blue and green tone.
  6. With the help of gel varnishes with shimmer, perform manicure lengthening short nails. Similar properties are possessed by the technique of applying the “cat eye”.
  7. Red varnish It will become a decoration for the hands of any woman. The key point before applying red shades is a correctly adjusted nail plate.
  8. Manicure, which is based on classic jacket, perfectly fall on any nails. An additional pattern or sticker on one of the nails will add uniqueness without violating femininity.
  9. During a sunny summer, any nail form will be decorated with juicy shades of manicure. Add mood with a shade of blue sky or ripe berries. When using several bright colors, it is not advisable to apply a pattern and additional jewelry.
  10. Decoration of any shape of nails will become a manicure in style gradient - A blurry transition from light tone to dark.

A wide plate is perceived by a master rather as an advantage than a disadvantage, with such nails it is easier to work with tools. Small nails do not always allow you to realize a creative idea. A beautiful manicure will sparkle with new colors on well -groomed and well -moistened hands.

Shine and contrast
Shine and contrast
The game of drawings
The game of drawings
French saves the situation
French saves the situation
Light color
Light color

Ugly nails on hand: photo before and after manicure

  • Visiting a professional master allows you to turn ugly nails on the hands into a work of art. Consider several visual examples of the condition of the nails before and after manicure. Manicure at home often leads to brittleness and relaxation of nails.
  • Improper use of manicure tools inhibit the growth of the nail plate.
  • Professional nail care includes many different services.
  • Correction The nail is carried out with the help of a trim and hardware manicure, nail extension, gel polish, acrylic plastic.
  • The healing manicure includes spa treaters And it helps to achieve an impeccable appearance.
  • Nail extension allows you to get any desired result in a short time.
  • Professionals can modify any natural form in the desired and consolidate the result for a long period.

How beautifully to decorate small ugly nails: tips

Compliance with key manicure rules allows you to transfer fashion trends even to small ugly nails. For modern fashionistas, we offer several popular manicure options.

  • Ombre.To embody the fashion gradient, you will need two colors of varnish with a difference of 2-3 tones and a soft sponge. The upper half of the nail is covered with dark varnish, the lower half in a lighter tone. In a similar technique, sponge varnish is applied. The touch of the sponge to the nail allows you to smoothly blur the boundaries.
  • Metallic.Metallic varnishes are long preserved on short nails. Use golden, silver, steel shades. Add strips of silver or gold to the ring finger. In the cabin, you can embody mirror or chrome manicure.
  • Geometry.Using stickers and stencils, you can arrange small ugly nails with geometric lines. The strips in the form of a vertical arrow visually stretch the nail plate.
In gray tones
In gray tones
In white
In white
  • Point drawing.Neat contrasting points applied vertically will make the nail longer. Points of different sizes are best placed in a clear sequence - thick at the base, thin closer to the tip of the nail.
  • Graffiti.Abstract drawings will add volume to small nails. Using a manicure brush, form arbitrary stains and wavy lines.
  • Combination.Apply multi -colored varnishes in several layers. For example, inside one figure, draw a smaller figure of a different color. Contrast layers will distract attention from the natural shape of the nail.

Ugly wide nails: reviews and recommendations

  • Tatyana, 26 years old.At home, I perform a trimmed manicure without painting. I decided to try to change the shape of the nail and visually lengthen the plate. Having tried many different techniques has identified several effective methods for himself. She changed her short square nails in an oval shape. The method of trial and error calculated what color of the varnish lengthens the nails - I always make a manicure with plain varnish of dark shades. Daily moisturize the cuticle with oil. To correct the form, I use only a glass file.
  • Sofia, 32 years old.By nature, I got not the most beautiful shape of nails. I do not always have the opportunity to make a manicure in the cabin, so in my own care of the nails I allocated several gold rules for myself. Once a week I get rid of the cuticle, this allows you to increase the space of nails. Before cutting, I work out the cuticle with an orange stick, thanks to this the plate has become more even. To strengthen the nail plate, she stopped using grinding files.
  • Anastasia, 28 years old.Every three weeks I visit the masters of manicure, where they apply a new drawing to me. To adjust the shape of my wide nails, the master always tells what color of the varnish visually lengthens the nails. I noticed the professional trick of the master. When painting French manicure, the master draws the lower white edging slightly below the line of the overgrown part. Thus, visually lengthens the main plate. When stained with a plain varnish, the plate is a little painted on the sides. The shape of the nails acquires an impeccable look.

Video: Transforming ugly nails

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  1. The main thing is that the nails are healthy, and what form they are already a tenth question) I have thin nails after gel polish. In addition to the baths, I also drank Natubiotin, which contributes to the production of keratin and collagen. Really the nails became stronger.

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