A mercury thermometer crashed in the apartment: what to do at home, where, to go, where to hand over mercury, a broken thermometer? Is mercury dangerous from a broken thermometer: consequences, symptoms and signs of mercurism, mercury poisoning

A mercury thermometer crashed in the apartment: what to do at home, where, to go, where to hand over mercury, a broken thermometer? Is mercury dangerous from a broken thermometer: consequences, symptoms and signs of mercurism, mercury poisoning

A thermometer crashed - the catastrophe of the "apartment" scale with possible serious consequences. The article describes all actions to independently eliminate mercury at the household level.

Mercury is a dangerous substance related to toxins of the 1st class of danger.

What is dangerous mercury from the thermometer: symptoms of mercurism

In the nineteenth century, mercury was used in the production of felt felt for hats, and the eccentric behavior of hats became a source of many jokes and funny stories. Over time, when the source of deterioration in the mental and physical health of the Hatter was revealed, chronic poisoning with mercury evaporation was called “Hatter's disease”.

Interesting fact. Lewis Carroll created the image of his hero-a crazy hatchman-having studied the anamnesis of real molecanate patients of one of the medical institutions.

Symptoms of "Hatter Diseases":

  • uncontrolled rhythmic movement of the hands (tremor of the hands),
  • sudden mood swings: from depressive states to joy,
  • obsessive ideas,
  • deterioration of the general physical condition, including dysfunction of the heart, kidneys, lungs.

In science, for “Hatter’s disease” there is a term - “mercurism” (in the table of chemical elements, mercury is listed as Mercury).

The risk of getting to know symptoms mercurialism Everyone exists:

  • having a regular medical thermometer in a home medicine cabinet,
  • tonometer with mercury,
  • using fluorescent lamps.

It is worth crashing a glass capsule, moving mercury balls break out to freedom, you are looking for an answer to the question: “What to do?!”

What to do if a mercury thermometer crashes at home?

Do not ignore the incident!

Calm down, act quickly and collected.

Step 1. Remove children, elderly and pets from the premises and open windows.

Important! Do not arrange through ventilation! A draft can scatter mercury balls throughout the room!

Step 2. Prepare a solution of potassium permanganate.

He is preparing like this:

  • 2 g of potassium permanganate (“potassium permanganate”) dissolve in a small amount of hot water.
  • Add 1 liter of cold water and 1 tablespoon of ordinary table vinegar to the resulting concentrate of potassium permanganate.
  • To stir thoroughly.

Reference: 1 teaspoon of powder "potassium permanganate" is 15 g.

Important: not dissolved crystals of potassium permanganate, entering the skin and mucous membrane, can cause a burn!

In addition, you will need: you will need:

  • glass jar with a dense lid. The bank should be partially filled with ordinary water,
  • rubber pear (sprint) or medical syringe,
  • wide adhesive tape-scotch.

Step 3. Put on a wet gauze bandage and rubber gloves. You can replace gloves and shoe covers with plastic bags or polyethylene stretch.

Important. The bandage should be wet, not wet!

Step 4. Collect mercury.

How many mercury is in a thermometer?

Remember: There is only 2 g of toxic substance in the medical armometer.

How to assemble mercury from a broken thermometer from the floor?

What can not be done?

  • Touch the balls of mercury with unprotected hands
  • Encourage mercury
  • Brush
  • Vacuum the vacuum cleaner

The easiest and most effective way of independent demurkurization is using an adhesive tape-scotch.

  • Gently glue the adhesive tape 20 cm long to the surface with mercury balls and fragments of the thermometer.


  • Remove the tape with a smooth slow movement, avoiding sharp jerks of the tape.
  • Gently glue the tape in a lump and place in a jar of water.


The operation needs to be repeated several times until you collect everything, relatively large, mercury balls.

Small balls can be assembled using a pear or syringe.


Important: Use the pear correctly. Do not press it like a pump, but only suck in air with mercury.

If the metal ball is rolled out of the container, try narrowing the hole with the needle.

Nameless 4

As soon as the first ball is “caught” - send it to a jar of water. When all the mercury is collected, tightly close the jar with a plastic lid. Place the jar in a cool dark place.

Wash the floor thoroughly with a solution of potassium permanganate using a tissue napkin (rinse the floor with such a solution for several days).

Place a napkin, gloves, shoe covers in a hermetically closed container and pour potassium permanganate (water-marganese solution).

Important: do not use additional chemicals for wet cleaning after demurcurization!

Where to throw a broken mercury thermometer?

The collected mercury, a container with gloves and other objects that are contacting with mercury balls, take it to the mercury point. The address of the item can be found in the Ministry of Emergencies.

Important!!! Do not pour water with mercury into the sewer or in the yard! Do not throw a jar of mercury into a garbage container!

What to do if the thermometer crashed onto the carpet, how to collect mercury?

Video at the end of the article " Deadly errors in the collection of mercury. How to collect mercury correctly!"Will tell you how to remove mercury from the carpet without prejudice to your health.
After cleaning mercury:

  • turn the carpet from the edges to the center,


  • pack as tightly as possible in a plastic film,
  • take out of the dwelling.

Important!!! Things that were in contact with the mercury are subject to delivery to the “Mercury Settlement Mercury Paragraph”!

Where to hand over mercury from a broken thermometer: the disposal of mercury from a thermometer

  1. Collect mercury described above.
  2. Pour the location of mercury balls with a solution of potassium permanganate.

To slow down the process of secretion of mercury vapors will also help with a soap-pile solution. For its preparation, you will need:

  • 1 liter of hot water
  • 30 g of soda
  • 40 g of grated soap

Mix all components thoroughly until the soap dissolves. Treat the location of the mercury with a solution ( after the mercury is collected!).

3. Gently collect bedding (collect, turning from edges to the center to stop rolling small balls) and place it in a dense cellophane bag.
4. Call representatives of the Ministry of Emergencies (phone number "01").

How much to ventilate the room, where a mercury thermometer crashed?

Important: the room where the mercury broke up, after demurcurization should be ventilated for 7 days.

If this is a dwelling, the stay in it should be limited to children and the elderly.

Is it dangerous to keep a crashed thermometer at home?

Many consider talking about the dangers of mercury by an empty concussion. At the same time, childhood and stories about mercury balls are always recalled, constantly skating in the drawers of the desk or about pranks with the substitution of coins.
All these stories have one conclusion: all his childhood lost with mercury and is still alive!

However, no one talks about the general deterioration of ecology, which leads to a deterioration in the health of not only adults, but also children. The world is full of toxic plastic, poisoned water, genetically modified products.

It is quite difficult for a weakened human immunity to remove the blow with mercury pairs.

How quickly does the mercury evaporate from a broken thermometer?

Important: At the maximum permissible concentration of mercury vapors in an atmosphere of 300 ng/m³ within a few minutes after the throcery is broken, this indicator grows to 4783 ng/m³

Fact: 2 g of mercury, evaporating, pollute 6000 m³ of air.

Poisoning with mercury from a broken thermometer: symptoms and signs

Mercury is a very volatile substance. The pairs of metal, along with the air, fall into the lungs. Then, about 80% of the poisonous substance, along with the blood, penetrate all organs of the body and poison the body.

As a result, a person feels:

  • nausea
  • difficulties in breathing
  • joint pain
  • headache
  • weakness, etc.

With mercury poisoning, urgent hospitalization is required: Mercurism does not spare the central nervous system and kidneys.

Is it dangerous to keep a broken thermometer at home? Science claims: dangerous!

Where to go if the thermometer crashed?

  1. "Extraordinary" number familiar from childhood "01"
  2. City emergency rescue service
  3. City sanitary and epidemiological station

Video: Deadly errors when collecting mercury. How to collect mercury correctly!

Video: How does mercury destroy brain neurons?

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Comments K. article

  1. The mask will not protect against mercury vapors. All described household funds do not react with mercury. Have you taught chemistry at school?

  2. Maria, these recommendations are provided by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and the Elimination of the Consequences of Natural Disasters.

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