Galushki or Kletski: what to call correctly? What is the difference between gallushki and ticks?

Galushki or Kletski: what to call correctly? What is the difference between gallushki and ticks?

Both Galushki and Kletski can be cooked in a soup or formed as an independent dish. Perhaps these concepts mean the same thing?

Wikipedia Determines the ticks as a dish that includes egg and flour, i.e. dough. Galushki Also perform in it pieces of dough.

What are Galushki?

  • What are Galushki? As we have already found out at the very beginning, these are elementary Pieces of dough, which boil either in the broth, or in the water. This dish is the most common in Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary), in addition, among the Caucasian peoples - Chechens, Ingush.
  • You can add to the duck cottage cheese, potatoes with onions, and sometimes apples. Often, the ducks are kneaded on semolina. Each has its own, proven by several generations, a recipe, but there are certain classic rules.
  • In particular, you should roll out the dough into a tourniquet up to one and a half centimeters thick, and then cut pieces-quadrators.
  • These squares need to be given to lie down for half an hour, and you can cook. The cooking method is also traditional: to lower it into a boiled liquid and wait until they they will come up. Nothing complicated, as we see.

What is Kletski?

  • What is Kletski? Kletski is also a dough, initially quite cool. It was also cut into pieces, but, as a rule, then these pieces rolled up in balls. The filling could be present, for example, A piece of fat or minced meat. Over time, instead of flour, they began to use Cereals or potatoes, and the dough accepted a more liquid consistency.
Klots with meat
Klots with meat
  • To this day, the stroke has reached in the form of a liquid dough that is not rolled out, but is typed with a spoon and descended into an boiled liquid. Arriving, the ticks increase in volume, absorbing the liquid. They are also ready after leaving to the surface.

What are Galushki and Kletski made of?

  • As practice shows, the basis for the preparation of both dumplings and blexics can be a wide variety of ingredients. So, Belarusian jackdaws (a variety of gallushki) in their composition may have cottage cheese, minced fish or crayfish, Moreover, sometimes fish minced meat can be used instead of flour.
  • Also, the basis of gallushki can be potato, and as a filling - fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese or meat masses and minced meat. Instead of flour (usually wheat or buckwheat), sometimes a semolina is used. In the classic version, it is flour, milk (for bite), an egg. There is also an apple version of the dumplings.
Galushki or Kletski
Galushki or Kletski
  • The ticks are also possible with a variety of recipes. Biscuit and almonds, in caramel and with cottage cheese, and just classic - all these are small round blees.

What is the difference between ticks and ducks?

  • As you can see, the difference is first of all - in the consistency of the test: For dumplings, it is necessary cool, like dumplings, for blex - liquid, similar to pancake.
  • Galushki cut into pieces, And the dough for the bite it flows with a spoon.
  • The dough sliced \u200b\u200binto squares for dumplings should “lay down” for about 30 minutes, ticks do not need this.
  • Kilski are more tender and airy, than Galushki.
  • The size of the dumplings reaches 5 cm, Kletski is small, 1-2 cm balls.
  • Galushki are often served on the table as an independent full -fledged dish, ticks are mainly a component of soups.
The difference in consistency and submission
The difference in consistency and submission
  • Well, what is important for the hostesses, the recipe for cooking gallushki is longer and laborious than just a stabbed dough for blex.
  • The main "admirers" of the Gallushki are residents of the countries of Eastern Europe and the North Caucasus, Kletski are popular in the countries of old Europe.

Analogs of the well -known clesk and dumplings are in many cuisines of Europe. So, in addition to the Belarusian Glac, the Germans are popular with Speetzle, Kedliki, Knokel loves in the Alps, and in Italy - Nyokki. Buckerbze is called an analogue of our Kletsok in Switzerland and Austria, Krokakor - Swedes, Salma - Tatars, Mammar - Uzbeks and Uyghurs. By the way, the lazy dumplings that are made with the addition of cottage cheese can also be considered an option on the theme of dumplings and bonds.

Galushki or Kletski: how right?

  • Both names are correct, because, as we found out above, these are, although very similar to each other, but still different dishes.
  • Galushki is an independent dish, preparing from cool dough, kletski - the ingredient of soups, For which a liquid dough is needed.

Video: soup with ticks

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Comments K. article

  1. “Boil either in the broth, or water” 😅 The author does not know where the Galushki cook? In my opinion, it would be appropriate to use “or”, not “either” 😅

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