What to do if a person choked on saliva, food, water, liquid, chips and began to choke: first aid

What to do if a person choked on saliva, food, water, liquid, chips and began to choke: first aid

First aid, if a person choked on saliva, water, food.

From childhood, everyone knows the proverb "when I eat, then deaf and him." During food, it is advisable to be silent so that pieces of food do not fall into the trachea, as well as the respiratory tract. In this article we will tell you what to do if a person choked. 

Is it possible to choke on saliva and die?

Yes, such situations are not uncommon. Most often, problems arise in preschool children. Usually these are babies infants, up to one year old. The fact is that up to 3 months in children, a cough reflex is not developed, they still swallow very poorly, so they can choke on milk, or the masses that regulate.

Is it possible to choke on saliva and die:

  • In this case, the child does not swallow, and part of the liquid remains in the mouth and can fall into the trachea or respiratory tract. Up to 3 months, the situation is absolutely normal, which is why children after feeding are recommended to put a column so that the remnants of food, air freely leave the mouth.
  • However, if problems are saved if the child is more than three months old, you need to contact a neurologist. Indeed, most often the problem is with neurology, perhaps the child has birth injuries. Due to neurological problems, the baby may not have some reflexes, including a cough reflex.
  • That is, the child cannot clench, or there are problems with swallowing. That is why some children sprinkle with a fountain after eating. This is alsoinvestigation neurological problem. 
  • Therefore, with such children it is necessary to be constantly on the alert and in no case do not put to bed in a separate room. The fact is that the child may choke at night and die. With such children, you need to sleep in one room, preferably in one bed to hear how they breathe, and in which case provide first aid.
Suppled with saliva
Suppled with saliva

What to do if the child choked on?

If this is a baby up to 1 year, then the standard techniques that are used for adults are not suitable.

What to do if the child choked:

  • It is necessary to put the child on the forearm so that he is upside down.
  • After that, light pathetic movements between the shoulder blades are carried out.
  • You can massage in the direction from the lower back to the chest.

Why a person constantly, often chokes in saliva: reasons

The child choked
The child choked

This often happens if a person is in a hurry somewhere, talks during meals or laughs. In this case, you just need to take food more carefully, do not talk a lot and discuss interesting situations after a meal.However, What to do if a person does not talk during meals, and does not laugh, but still often chokes?

In this case, there are several reasons that contribute to the frequent ingress of saliva or food into the trachea. In this case, it is necessary to provide medical assistance. In the case of often repeated situations, you must contact a doctor.

A person constantly, often chokes in saliva, reasons:

  • Parkinson's disease. This is a neurological ailment, as a result of which a person cannot swallow food normally. He has a swallowing reflex, food may show the wrong throat. Most often found in older people. 
  • Damage to the lymph nodes. This often happens after a disease, pharyngitis, laryngitis, or acute respiratory viral infections. In this case, the lymph nodes may be a littleenlarged, as a result of which the lumen of the esophagus and the larynx narrows. Therefore, food may fall out in the wrong throat. 
  • Violation of the integrity of the ligaments. Usually occurs after surgical interventions, or after a person swallows an umbrella. As a result, the use of a foreign body is damaged by ligaments, so a person cannot swallow normally, pieces of food do not fall into the esophagus, but into the trachea. 
  • Tumors, or oncology of the larynx. Narround objects, as well as tumors, can prevent the normal swallowing of food. Pieces of food enter the respiratory tract, which causes breathing, or a strong cough.
Reception of Gamlich
Reception of Gamlich

How to provide first aid if a person choked on?

There are several basic rules and techniques that should be followed in order to produce first aid. It is necessary to pat between the human shoulder blades. This will help if he coughs.

How to provide first aid if a person choked on:

  • This means that pieces of food partially blocked the respiratory tract, the trachea, so part of the air enters, but in sufficient quantities. Sineva may be observed in the lower lip. This means that oxygen is not enough.
  • Few people know how to correctly perform these tapping. Most often, strong blows are applied with a fist when a person is in a standing position. This is wrong, and only exacerbates the situation, pushing the pieces of food even deeper into the respiratory tract.
  • In this case, it will be more difficult to remove them. Therefore, the best option is to ask a person to bother up, and strike with a palm in the area between the shoulder blades. It is necessary that the movements are in the direction from the lower back to the neck. That is, as if pushing and sliding, and not direct pats.
He choked
He choked

I accidentally choked on saliva, I can’t clench: what to do?

In this case, there is no one to provide first medical care, you will have to save yourself on your own. The main thing in this situation is not to panic.

I accidentally choked on saliva, I can’t clench what to do:

  • Of course, most often a person is lost, he has a state of stress, does not quite give a report on what needs to be done. However, there are simple manipulations that will help to extract pieces of food from the respiratory tract. To do this, take a chair and put it.
  • Lear your chest on the back, so that it is in the area between the lower ribs and the navel. Now try to lean so that the back of the chair is knocking in this area.
  • Sweep your head forward so that a slope forms, pieces of food will easily leave the larynx. If this does not help, you can independently take Gamlich. To do this, put a palm bent into a fist in the diaphragm area.
  • In this case, the second hand should grab this fist. Now strike from the bottom up, and lean forward. Thus, you will create favorable conditions for pieces of food to leave the trachea. 

Where does the baby get when a person choke?

Where does the baby get if a person chokes up? In the human body in the throat, they are two gaps: the esophagus and the trachea. If a person speaks, hurries during eating, food may penetrate the throat. That is, instead of the esophagus, it enters the trachea. This is exactly what the strong cough provokes, if pieces of food are large, then suffocation. 

Reception of Gamlich
Reception of Gamlich

What to do if you choke on water?

The most dangerous is the situation when a person does not cough, choked on with water, but simply turns blue, cannot breathe. The main mistake is attempts to take deep breaths. In this case, the liquid pushes deeper into the respiratory tract and finally overlap them, causing suffocation.

Therefore, it is necessary to make fast and sharp exhalations on the contrary. That is, as if to hark, helping himself with the muscles of the press. You are trying to push the pieces of food without breathing, but rather exhaled. It is advisable to lean forward so that the liquid freely leaves the trachea.

What to do if it choked on water:

  • If you are in the room, and the person does not breathe, while he turns blue quickly, grabs the throat, this means that there is very little time. After about one minute, a person will turn blue and he will come a clinical death due to a respiratory arrest.
  • What needs to be done in this case? Taping on the back is unlikely to help. An ideal option is a special technique of gamlich. To do this, place a fist in the abdomen, between the navel and the lower ribs, and grab the fist with the second hand.
  • Thus, your chest will fit tightly to the back of the victim. Now try to tilt him forward so that the head also hangs down. With sharp movements, it is necessary to press in this area.
  • On average, it is necessary to make approximately 5 pressure. In this case, with a sharp pressure, the water will quickly leave the trachea. However, this method may not work if a person has excess weight, or a pregnant woman. In this case, it is dangerous or absolutely useless to crush into the abdomen, or because of the thick fat layer that will not allow to influence the respiratory tract. 
  • It is necessary to grab in the area immediately under the chest, and also perform sharp pressure that, and from the bottom up, as if indicating the residues of food, the direction in which they should move. You can lay a person on a slanting surface with the head down, and perform tapping movements with a palm in the area between the shoulder blades. 
First aid provision
First aid provision

I choked on food, what to do?

What should not be done when a person choked on? As indicated above, in no case should you apply strong blows on the back when a person is in an upright position, that is, it is worth it.This is the opposite Pushes pieces of food deep into the respiratory tract, which covers his breath, can aggravate the situation. 

I choked on food, which should not be done:

  • In no case should you give a person when he coughs, drinking water will aggravate the situation and, together with pieces of food in the larynx, trachea, can get water.
  • In no case should you proceed to indirect massage of the heart, artificial breathing if extraneous objects are not removed from the larynx.
  • First, it is necessary to delete an outsider, then provide resuscitation procedures, indirect heart massage and artificial respiration. If you immediately begin to do artificial respiration, then you will introduce an extraneous object into the trachea, the respiratory tract. 
I choked on
I choked on

As you can see, resuscitation procedures to extract a foreign body from the respiratory tract are quite simple. The main difficulty lies in the panic of the victim, and others do not know what to do. The main thing in such a situation is not to be confused. 

Video: a man choked on food

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  1. i flutter with water and I can breathe, nothing happens. I'm hz where she goes

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