What to do if the back hurts? What is the back pain about? Treatment of back problems

What to do if the back hurts? What is the back pain about? Treatment of back problems

The article will tell the causes of pain in the back and spine.

Back pain can occur at any age, sometimes for no apparent reason. If the pain is not severe and worry periodically, people are delaying with a visit to a doctor. However, it must be remembered that the pain indicates pathologies and you cannot postpone the visit to the doctor for later.

To independently understand why the back hurts, try to analyze the previous days. A common cause of discomfort is stretching of ligaments, occurs due to the raising of heavy cargo or non-standard load on the back.

Back pain below the lower back, reasons

The back in the back below the lower back often appears in people after 40 years. It can be strong and not very, can constrain movements or transmit pain to internal organs. There can be several reasons for such pains:

  • A common cause of back pain below the lower back is age -related bone changes. Due to the deformation of the joints, bones and ligaments and pain occurs
  • Pain of this kind can occur earlier if human activity is associated with loads on the spine. Diseases such as osteochondrosis and arthrosis can develop
  • Also, pain can occur due to tumors in the spine
  • Infections such as tuberculosis and brucellosis can cause pain
  • Sometimes imaginary pain in the spine. They are transmitted to the back by nervous ending. The cause of pain is hidden in diseases of the internal organs: kidneys, liver or reproductive system

As you can see, the reasons are very diverse. That is why only an experienced doctor will help prescribe treatment.

Pain in the lumbar region
Pain in the lumbar region

The causes of back pain when swallowing

When swallowing, pain can be transmitted to the back. As a rule, when swallowing, the spine hurts between the shoulder blades.

  • The back pain during swallowing can indicate serious diseases of the digestive system: stomach or intestines ulcer
  • Also, such symptoms appear with diseases of the lungs and diaphragms. Then, the pain will occur not only when swallowing, but also when breathing

Why does it hurt in the back under the shoulder blades?

The pain between the shoulder blades can have a variety of causes associated with the disease of the spine or soft tissues:

  • Pains that happen regularly and for a long time may indicate the development of one of the diseases of the spine: intervertebral hernia, scoliosis or kyphosis
  • Heart disease can be causes of discomfort in the back
  • Some infections, such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, can cause discomfort
  • If the back pain occurs when breathing, and especially when inhalation, then most likely the cause of the lung disease
  • Shooting pains that occur due to loads occur as a result of intercostal neuralgia-pinching of the nerve
  • Osteochondrosis causes complex pain in the joints, including in the spine
  • If the battles appear due to inclination or turning the head, then this may indicate a pinching of the shoulder muscles. Pain, as a rule, happens after sleep in an uncomfortable position or prolonged sitting work
  • Also, the pain between the shoulder blades can indicate diseases of the stomach and intestines
  • During pregnancy, there is a strong load on the entire back, so pain may appear
The pain between the shoulder blades
The pain between the shoulder blades

What does the back pain mean when extending?

  • Sometimes, pain during extension is a natural reaction of the body because of which it is not necessary to panic. For example, a slope is not a natural pose for our back. Joints and ligaments feel strong tension with prolonged inclination. Therefore, it is normal to feel pain when extending after a long inclination
  • A rather common cause of pain during extension is a long sitting condition. It negatively affects the blood supply to the spine and spinal muscles
  • If the pain is regular, then this may indicate diseases of the bone system, for example, osteochondrosis
Pain during extension
Pain during extension

What is the pain in the back in a dream?

  • The back in the back during sleep can talk about a poorly selected place for sleeping. Experts recommend sleeping on a solid surface or using an orthopedic mattress. Then the spine is in a natural position and does not deform. If you are used to sleeping on a soft one, you have chopped with many pillows, then this may be the main reason for the appearance of discomfort in the back
  • The back in the back varies in its location. Pay attention to where exactly the back hurts: in the cervical region, thoracic or lumbar. Try to find out the nature of the pain
  • If the pain occurs only in a dream, but no reason during the day, the reason may be neuropotological
  • If pain occurs during the day, then the cause of pain is a disease of the bone system or internal organs. In this case, do not postpone a visit to the hospital
Pain in a dream
Pain in a dream

Home treatment of back pain

It is not acceptable to self -medicate in any back pain! Home treatment can be used as auxiliary measures for the main treatment prescribed by a doctor.

  • If the cause of pain is age -related changes, then you can suspend the aging of bones with proper nutrition. Products rich in calcium should be eaten by everyone who has osteochondrosis. The daily diet should be present: cottage cheese, eggs, milk, broccoli and cauliflower
  • Drink vitamins and trace elements that contain calcium. This will help maintain bones normally if you have a power broken
  • If the back pain is too severe, the pain can be loosened by drugs. For example, “No-shpa” is a safe plant tool that will help relieve muscle spasm and reduce discomfort
  • With sprains and pain in the muscles, use special ointments and gels: “diclofenac”, “ketorol” and others
  • With back pain, it is recommended to hide the back for the night with a woolen scarf
  • Often a doctor prescribes a complex of easy exercise that will help to cope with back diseases. However, you do not need to do any exercises yourself. This can lead to aggravation of the problem
  • Massage is an excellent remedy for removing pain and stress in the back. If the doctor has allowed such a procedure, regularly massage
  • From traditional medicine methods, therapeutic baths are widely used. If there are no contraindications, you can take a bath with dry mustard. To do this, dilute 200 grams of mustard powder in the bath and lie in it for 10 minutes
  • Warm compresses can be applied to the sore spot. A simple and effective method is to apply salt bags that can be done yourself
Compress for the back
Compress for the back

Anti -inflammatory drugs for back pain

These funds, like other methods of treatment, can only be used after consultation with the doctor:

  • Diclofenac. Perhaps the most common anti -controling agent for back pain. It is not expensive, it is used by dispersals, dancers and gymnasts. Diclofenac is in the form of ointment and tablets
  • Drings. This drug is able to relieve pain, relieve swelling and redness
  • Ketorolak. This tool is made of acetic acid. It is safe and has an analgesic effect

Vitamins for back pain. Will vitamins help if the back hurts?

Undoubtedly, the lack of vitamins and trace elements negatively affects the whole body. Including, this factor can provoke back pain.

  • If you have frequent muscle spasms, use B vitamins B. Especially valuable at the same time, vitamin B12 is. These vitamins are contained in the liver, meat, rye bread and legumes. Also, the doctor can attribute these vitamins in the form of injections. B vitamins are able to relieve spasms and have an analgesic effect
  • Vitamin A is the most important substance in building joints. Use carrots, oranges and apricots. Choose vitamin complexes in which there is vitamin A
  • Vitamin C is able to counteract harmful bacteria and has anti -inflammatory property. Use ascorbic acid, citrus fruits and cabbage
  • Also, the same microelements should be present in the vitamin complex: calcium, copper, iron, selenium and zinc

Why can the back hurt: tips and reviews

  • The back is a complex of bones, muscles and joints. Deal with the nature of the pain in order to find out the reason
  • Do not delay a visit to the doctor. Any disease at the initial stage is easier to overcome
  • Remember that back pain can be due to diseases of internal organs. Watch the rest of the symptoms
  • Do not self -medicate. It is especially harmful to engage in medical gymnastics independently, this can lead to a deterioration in the state
  • You can use drugs yourself only if you are sure that the cause of pain is stretching or muscle spasm
  • To prevent back pain, lead an active lifestyle, sleep on a solid surface and eat fully

Video: causes of back pain





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Comments K. article

  1. You can cure pain in the spine without surgery and other physical intervention. Modern medicine unfortunately very often fights only with the consequences of the disease, but in fact you need to look for the cause. Healers can completely heal and restore the spine without consequences and operations. In this method of treatment, the effect is at the energy level precisely on the very cause of the disease. Such healing is the most correct. Treatment only physics is erroneous.

  2. What other healers? When you can not lie down or get up, a tear from your eyes flow, and you are talking about healers. Only to the doctor and start normal treatment. I first took a neurodiclite for two weeks, in which the diclofenac and vitamins of group B, and then a month of neuromultivitis. But after that I had pain and I forgot about my back. Therefore, my advice, only to a professional and full treatment. And at the energy level, no one will cure your back.

  3. my back hurts periodically, after childbirth (my husband’s massage with a balm does from horsepower.

  4. After complaints about back pain, my doctor prescribed neuromultivitis in the form of injections. At first they put for five days in a row on injection, then two weeks for two injections per week. The treatment helped, my pain stopped, which is very happy. Nevertheless, vitamins of group B in therapeutic dosage are needed to treat back pain.

  5. The main thing is not to pull and not hope that it will pass by itself. I myself came across pain in the back, which is not enough here. My doctor appointed me injections for twenty days- Alflutop is called. After them, the inflammation decreased and the back ceased to hurt.

  6. My back was very sick here last week, I don’t even know what it was connected with, but before it wasn’t. The house was the only painkillers- Dialrapid, he accepted him, lie down and everything passed. If it repeats, I will go to the doctor.

  7. I myself now accept arthrophis from pain in the joint and the article I fell straight to the topic, as they say.

  8. Sometimes it happens to me that after a working day I somehow slide off, I’m sitting, I’m moving little, and plus age still. The doctor advised me to take Ethrelex in such cases, it helps to relieve inflammation and it does not affect the stomach poorly. I have relief after this means.

  9. The latest drug treatment drugs are very interestingly described.

  10. I am saved by the balm relaxing horseforce from pain, it is not only from the back, but also from the joints good

  11. I have no particularly serious problems. But the back periodically hurts anyway, I am in the office all day, I move little, there is also excess weight -I think that the reason lies here. She complained to the doctor that she entered the back, prescribed Ethorelex. He relieves inflammation. Lighter is easier to back and for the stomach the product is not harmful.

  12. Recently, it entered the back, I somehow straightened up, and I was also at work. Dialrapid gave me a colleague. It is divorced in water and drunk -not a nasty remedy. The pain began to retreat quickly enough. Now I will acquire this tool, so that just in case I would have it.

  13. Immediately you need to sign up for a doctor -if the back hurts. I went to the neurologist, he said that there was no terrible terrible, he said that it would be nice to remove the inflammation. I asked to prescribe a good, but not very expensive medicine, he advised Etoleks -the decisions of foreign funds of the same plan, the doctor praised him. And the truth I was satisfied-I drank pills, somewhere about thirty minutes passed and the pain began to subside.

  14. Sedentary work, that and my back began to grab (

  15. Galina, not necessarily because of sedentary work, can start grabbing the back. Old injuries can also make themselves felt. I am even observed by a neurologist now, and it was on the advice of a doctor that I began to take Ethorelex. The product and pain and inflammation affects, I feel much better.

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