What to do so that it does not rock transport: tablets, folk recipes, a bracelet from motion sickness in transport for children and adults, instructions, tips

What to do so that it does not rock transport: tablets, folk recipes, a bracelet from motion sickness in transport for children and adults, instructions, tips

A review of folk remedies and pharmacy drugs from motion sickness for children and adults.

Many parents of young children are familiar with motion. Indeed, babies aged 2 to 12 years are most susceptible to motion sickness, and medicine cannot explain this phenomenon in any way. The most interesting thing is that children under 2 years of motion is not observed, because in most cases in transport, in an airplane or directly on the ship, the child sleeps.

What happens to the body while driving in transport?

After 2 years, troubles may begin, this is due to the fact that in a person in the inner ear there are villi, which are responsible for the location of the body in space, and give a signal to the brain. The second option for obtaining information about the place of position is vision. Accordingly, the emergence of an imbalance between the inner and external picture leads to nausea and motion sickness. The brain does not understand what happens when a person is motionless when being in transport, that is, he does not walk, but simply sits, but at the same time the picture changes outside the window.

A reverse reaction occurs at sea. A person, on the contrary, shakes and rinses, shakes from the side to the side, but the picture is the same all the time. Due to these inconsistencies, the brain cannot digest information, a person is rocking. Now there are a huge amount of money from motion sickness. These are mainly tablet preparations, but there are also bracelets and plasters.

At the station
At the station

Bracelet from rocking Travel Dream: How to use?

Now on sale there are very popular bracelets among young mothers from rocking. The principle of action is based on ancient medicine, more precisely on acupuncture. On a person’s body there are active points, when pressing on which you can achieve the treatment of some diseases, as well as get rid of motion sickness. Each person on the wrist has a point called the pericardium.

Features of work:

  • When pressed on it, a signal is given to relax the vestibular apparatus. Thanks to this, the symptoms of motion sickness are reduced, nausea decreases, a person ceases to tear. It is such bracelets that resemble elastic products with a ball inside.
  • It is necessary to place this ball directly on the pericardium and wear throughout the trip. The bracelet will be effective not only in buses, airplanes or ships, but also on time on carousels in time so that the child does not rock. The main difficulty is to correctly find this active point, when pressed on which the symptoms of motion sickness are reduced. An accurate instruction is attached to the bracelet, which should be followed in order to find this active point.
  • It is located at a distance of 3 fingers from the tendon. The child may not allow to measure his fingers, so take a centimeter tape and determine the distance, folding three fingers together: index, middle and ring. At the distance of this segment, put the length from the tendon on the wrist. This is what will be the pericardium. It must be influenced if the symptoms are very strong.
  • You can also press directly on this ball during the trip so that it more actively stimulate this point, sent signals to the brain in order to relax the operation of the vestibular apparatus. It is worth noting that many mothers note the inefficiency of such bracelets. This is due to the fact that they often buy universal products that are suitable for both adults and children.
  • Accordingly, this ball does not press very much on the baby wrist, so its effectiveness is reduced. Be sure to buy a bracelet in size, according to your baby, refuse to purchase universal means.
Bracelet from rocking
Bracelet from rocking

Pays from motion sickness in transport for children: Review

If, nevertheless, the bracelet from motion sickness did not help you, you can purchase special tablets. They are sold for children aged 1 year. The main active substance can be both the active component and essential oil, as well as the hoods of certain plants that reduce motion sickness. You can use drugs. They are produced both in the form of tablets, capsules, and in the form of chewing tablets, candies or powder. It is advisable for children to give a remedy for nausea in candies or chewing tablets.


  • Dramina - This tool helps from nausea and vomiting, permitted to children from 1 year old. The composition includes a special substance that reduces the activity of the vestibular apparatus. It can cause drowsiness and inhibition of the central nervous system. Therefore, most likely, the child will be sleepy and sleep all the way. But for that he will not be sick. In order for the tablet to work, it must be taken 30 minutes before the trip, and then take it every hour, depending on the effect.
  • Avia-More tablets. They contain several components: cockalus, Veratrum album, as well as Borax. In order to reduce the manifestation of motion sickness, it is necessary to take one tablet 1 hour before the trip, then dissolve every half an hour, until the end of stay in transport. It is worth noting that you can not give more than 5 tablets for one trip. Therefore, it is worth stretching the intervals between the techniques of the tablets, if the trip is quite long, and the child is rocking all the time.
  • Kokkulus. This is a homeopathic preparation, which consists of a specified plant, or rather its powder. It inhibiting the nervous system, acting on the vestibular apparatus. It is necessary to take 5 granules one hour before the trip, and then 5 more granules every 3 hours. For children, the dosage is reduced, they need to take only three granules of the drug.
The baby was rocking
The baby was rocking

Polishment preparations for adults


  • Bonin. This medicine is taken with nausea and vomiting, during a trip in transport. The drug contains Meklozin substance, which is an antihistamines blocker. It is enough to take 2 tablets an hour before the trip or once when motionless. If necessary, repeat after 24 hours. The drug is allowed to children from 12 years old, so if you have a small child, this drug is not suitable.
  • Daedalon. This is the drug that contains dimenhydrinate. This substance is also a histamine receptor blocker. Swelling, vomiting, nausea, as well as vomiting are reduced. Accordingly, it reduces the manifestation of marine disease, as well as motion sickness during trips. It is allowed to children from 12 years old, but if necessary, you can give babies aged 6-12 years. It is necessary to take 1-2 tablets, every 4-6 hours. If this is a child of 6-12 years old, it is necessary to give half a tablet 3 times a day.
Nausea on the road
Nausea on the road

Folk remedies from motion sickness: recipes

If you do not want to purchase drugs in pharmacies, or you think that such substances cannot be given to the child, you can use folk recipes.


  • You can use a mixture of honey and almond oil. It is necessary to mix a teaspoon of bee nectar with a drop of almond oil. Take inside absorbing. Please note that you cannot use if the honey is allergic.
  • To prevent nausea and vomiting, you can take ginger root. In the pharmacy you can purchase special granules, which are often used during nausea and vomiting. Immediately before the trip, make a ginger root, add it to refreshing drinks.
  • You can use a mixture of honey and peppermint. It is necessary to drip one drop of peppermint oil in a teaspoon of bee nectar and let the child dissolve before the trip. You can cook mint tea. To do this, a teaspoon of chopped grass is poured with a glass of boiling water, boiled for 2 minutes and filtered. If necessary, you can add lemon.
  • If it is very accommodated, the brewing of green tea will help. It is necessary to take several leaves of green tea, chew it.
The baby was rocking
The baby was rocking

How to make it so as not to rock: tips

In addition to all these funds, get rid of nausea during the trip, you can adjust the travel conditions.


  • Choose the right places. The ideal option for people with young children will not be the back row, but the front seats so that the person does not look from the side, but forward. That is, directly along the line of transport.
  • The plane has the best place that people with motion sickness will need - near the wing. Here, shaking is least observed, a person feels better.
  • Before the trip, try not to eat fat and flour. It is best if it is a weak snack. You can eat fruit and vegetable salad or light sandwich with cheese.
  • Try not to take fatty, flour products, as well as fried foods with you. It enjoys vomiting.
  • If an adult is rocking, you can use a very unusual method. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of water. Take out about 20 ml from the resulting solution and pour into 100 ml of red semi -dry wine. Take such a remedy with you, take in small sips when motionless. Additionally, you can cool wine with salt water.
We get rid of motion sickness
We get rid of motion sickness

As you can see, it is not difficult to get rid of motion sickness, the main thing is to know several basic tips. Just in case, purchase funds from motion sickness at the pharmacy.

Video: Rolves in transport

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