What will happen if pour water into boiling oil or spray, throw ice? Why is such a reaction taking place?

What will happen if pour water into boiling oil or spray, throw ice? Why is such a reaction taking place?

In this article, we will consider what will happen if pouring, spraying water or throwing ice into boiling oil.

Sometimes very interesting thoughts arise in my head. And it seems that each person’s nature has laid the instinct of self -preservation, but for some he does not work. Or just curiosity prevails. Today we want to raise an extremely important, but also funny to the first look, how to pour water or throw an ice cube into boiling oil. And we will talk about possible results in more detail.

What will happen if you throw ice or spray, pour water into boiling oil?

Let's reason logically and consider everything with visual examples. Remember for a minute how you fry the scrambled eggs. Now cover it with a lid and remove it after time when condensate is already formed. As a result, hisses and spray hot hot.

  • Recently it scattered over the Internet, or rather on a YouTube channel, a video of a young experimenter. Where young Vladislav pours a glass of water into boiling oil. We will provide you with the visual results of such an experience below, but so far we want to aggravate the attention of all parents on a similar topic.
  • To prevent a fire in your house or, even worse, injuring a child, have a conversation with him on a similar topic. As experience showed, even such banal topics require attention to themselves.
Here is such a picture will appear if pouring water into boiling oil
Here is such a picture will appear if pouring water into boiling oil
  • But that's not all. Unfortunately, not many know about fire safety. For example, some manage to extinguish the closure and light ignition in the outlet using the same water. And do not forget that the oil has a unique feature - it quickly lights up.
  • And the poured water will not be able to put it out, but only strengthen the output of the fire. Moreover, its large number can cause a whole explosion. And the surge of the couple will only extend fire to the surrounding objects.
  • If we talk about the ice, then "the amount will not change from the rearrangement of terms." Remember the course of physics and possible states of bodies. So, ice is water, but in a solid state.
  • Therefore, having sprinkled a handful or throwing just one cube of ice into boiling oil, the same instant explosion will occur. Perhaps only with a slight delay in a split second.
  • Just spray of water in the oil will cause hissing and raising steam. But drops from oil in this case can also be dangerous, because they will be randomly flying around the area, causing a burn.
This is just a harmless ice cube in hot oil
This is just a harmless ice cube in hot oil

Why can't you pour water into boiling oil?

Yes, a pan or pan left on the plate can be ignited in just a few seconds if it is overexposed.

Important: you can only extinguish burning oil with oxygen overlap. That is, if possible, you need to cover the pan with a lid, but not glass, and wait for the fluid to cool. Otherwise, when moving or with the slightest air hit, hot oil will light up again.

  • The fire begins due to the fact that the oil that you use for cooking is too high boiling temperature. And the heated sunflower oil first begins to boil, after which it burns and ignites very quickly.
  • To be more specific, the plant product will smoke when it reaches 213 ° C, but a substance from animal fats has slightly lower indicators in 191 ° C.
  • It is strictly forbidden to extinguish inflamed oil with any water. Do not forget that in terms of your physical characteristics, oil is hundreds of times lighter than water. Therefore, water, getting into the oil, does not dissolve, but falls to the bottom. Meanwhile, an oily film will begin to form on the surface of this mixture.
You can only extinguish hot oil, covering it with a lid
You can only extinguish hot oil, covering it with a lid
  • Also do not forget that water boils at a temperature of up to 100 ° C. And at the bottom it begins to seethe, and the oil is on top. And because of this, it begins to stain and spray throughout the kitchen. After all, evaporated vapors of water simply lift it.
  • Also, the explosion that occurs in the contact of hot oil and water is also explained by the fact that the boiling point of the oil is very large. It is almost 2 times more water.
  • The liquid, in contact with the hot oil, instantly evaporates and forms steam. As a result, an explosion occurs, and the remains of the oil settled on the surface of the stove and are even more ignited from the flame of a gas burner.

Interesting: the oil, which flows into boiling water, does not give such a reaction. For the same reason that we indicated above. After all, it so instantly cannot heat up to the required temperature. Therefore, there is no reaction.

In order not to guess, it is better to see everything with your own eyes. Therefore, we offer you a clear example of such a “harmless” experiment. ” Fortunately, the matter is that the child was not injured, but got off with a slight fright and major repairs in the kitchen.

Video: What will happen if you pour water into boiling oil?

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