What will happen if you scan the mirror: the estimated versions and the results of the experiments

What will happen if you scan the mirror: the estimated versions and the results of the experiments

In this article, we will consider the results of the experience and compare them with the alleged theoretical ideas, what will happen when scanning the mirror.

A modern person is not used to sitting still. He seeks to develop, enriched with new information and experiment, which is required by modernity. And the latest technologies burst into our lives with rapid and continuous steps. And now the connection of these two faces causes crazy interest. Therefore, in this material we will consider how the mirror and scanner will behave during the scanning process, and also learn about the possible results of experience.

If you scan the mirror, what will happen: estimated versions

The mirror is an original mystical object that has absorbed many secrets and guesses. Many rituals and various experiments were often carried out with him. We offer to recall stories around two parallel mirrors. We will not go into a similar topic. We just want to remind you that the mirror always caused fear to some extent. Even with one thought.

Important: all legends and assumptions around the mirrors are an elementary imagination. In those distant times when the first mirror surfaces arose, it was difficult for a person to understand the whole secret of manufacturing technology. Therefore, their reflection caused fear and panic, spreading various fears.

  • Not every person will decide to scan the mirror. Buying a new scanner every day is a very expensive pleasure. Specialists, without verification in reality, were put forward a number of theories. Here are the most common versions that will be if you scan the mirror:
    • the scanner will break;
    • we will see a dark spot;
    • we get a real image of the mirror;
    • On a piece of paper, a “window” will open to another world;
    • a scanner will appear from the middle;
    • the display of people who looked in the mirror will be displayed;
    • at the output you get a blank sheet of paper.

As you can see, a person’s imagination is limitless. And most importantly, each thought is justified by its supporters. We will describe each of the theories from the real positions of its representatives.

  • The scanner will break. This is due to the operation of the device. The scanner is a very sensual device. The scanning process is built in such a way that the running laser lamp illuminates the element aimed at scanning and recreates it on the sheet.
    • During the fixation process itself, light from the device, falling on the mirror, is reflected back into the middle of the scanner. Accordingly, the equipment will break through oncoming lighting with an alien object. After all, the lighting with the rays of the mirror is not a characteristic functional feature of all the components of the scanner.
One of the theories of the scanner may break
One of the theories of the scanner may break
  • We will see a dark spot. Supporters of this theory are physics, which explain their vision as follows. In the process of the scanner, the main role is the device with a lamp, which illuminates the scanned object. In our case, a mirror.
    • When we press the Start button on the scanner, the device illuminates the necessary area that needs to be killed on paper. Next, the resulting image is transmitted to the sensory matrix. And through the functional mirrors of the device, the image is combined and reflected on paper or computer screen.
    • Since we have a clean mirror surface, where the surrounding objects are reflected, the running video itself will light the mirror with rays. And those, in turn, will unite in a whole picture. And the more light there will be, the more pixels will be in the image.
    • As a result of this process, we get an highlighted image, which on paper will be displayed as a dark spot.
  • We get a real image of the mirror. The scanning device is made with very sensitive organisms. It is thanks to them that we can translate existing items or images to paper.
    • The scanner sensor will kill the surface on a sheet of paper, which will be scanned. Since this is the functional feature of the device itself. By scanning the mirror, this mirror will be displayed in the picture.
  • Now add a little mysticism - on a piece of paper the “window” will open to another world.
    People very often believe in otherworldly phenomena. And the mirror has always been considered a mystical object. We will neither refute nor defend this position - even scientists did not come to a common opinion on this attribute.

    • But still, supporters consider the mirror a bearer of otherworldly energy, which hides many secrets in themselves. Therefore, if you scan the mirror, you can see in its reflection the parallel and other world.
There have always been a lot of mysticism around the mirror
There have always been a lot of mysticism around the mirror
  • A scanner will be displayed from the middle. When scanning, the video, moving on a horizontal plane, illuminates the element for playback in the picture. The practical purpose of the mirror lies precisely in the reflection of the subject, which is in front of it, through a smooth mirror surface.
    • Accordingly, the whole plane will become light, and in the mirror the middle of the scanner behind the glass surface will affect. That is, a scanning head, lamp and carriage will be visible. This whole design will be transferred to a piece of paper.
    • But a prerequisite in this theory is that the distance from the scanner to the scanned mirror should be sufficient to reproduce the image. However, this “sufficient distance” is not specified anywhere. Therefore, the definition of the necessary distance for this process can only be assumed, and not to be approved for sure.
  • Displays of people who looked in the mirror are highlighted. This version is similar to the same otherworldly theory that with a “window” to another world. By scanning the mirror, you can easily touch the unknown and secret world.
    • Mirror magic entails memories and absorbed environmental energy. Therefore, it is believed that in the shot, it is quite possible to see the reflection of people who looked in the mirror the day before and left part of their energy there.
  • The output is a blank sheet of paper. Another theory resembling a version of physicists. Or are these physicists whose opinion was divided.
    • After transferring the scanned object to a sensitive matrix of specially equipped glass, reflected in the priority mirror, the rays will be lit the entire surface of the scanner. That is, we will get a clean surface, which the scanner will break on paper.
Scanned small mirror
Scanned small mirror

We offered you general theories. But the most interesting is that persons or groups of people dynamically develop their positions. And they are also actively sent to the widespread masses of the population, without checking their guesses in practice. And only adhering to some unverified information.

What will actually happen if you scan the mirror?

So we are arranged by nature that we are not used to trusting written information on paper. And we persistently look for and check it. Yes, not everyone will take responsibility for possible results. Recall that there is even a theory of a broken scanner. Therefore, before such experiments it is necessary to weigh the possible consequences. More precisely, the price of repairs or new equipment.

What is needed for work:

  • the presence of the scanner itself. Home and expensive component;
  • a mirror with approximately the same size as the panel of the scanner. It is very important that there is no just and wide back walls;
  • skillful hands or theoretical knowledge, how to use a scanner.

The algorithm of actions

  • If there are rims or some metal fixes on the mirror itself, before starting experience, try to get rid of them. This is not so much a precaution as for its convenience. This will also help to avoid possible scratches on the surface of the scanner.
  • Lay the mirror “face” down on the scanner and cover everything carefully with the lid.
  • We make a reservation right away that the scanners are different. Therefore, there are various settings. If necessary, select the proper parameters. If you plan to make several copies for comparison, do not forget to indicate the number of operations.
  • It remains only to click on the green “Start” button.
This is what a photo of a scanned mirror with some defects looks like
This is what a photo of a scanned mirror with fingerprints looks like a photo

Compare the results

During scanning the mirror, three results may occur that depend on various factors that affect the outside. More precisely, from the characteristics of the mirror itself and its wear.

  • If the mirror was new, clean and without scuffs, then we get white paper with a dark image of the frame of the frame (if any) and mirrors. It will turn out in the form of a smeared and darkened spot.
  • If the subject subject is shaved, with fingerprints and scratches on the glass, then we will get the result appropriate. That is, there will be a dark spot with all defects on it.
  • Now the number one problem will rise in such cases - if the scanner cover is open. Yes, sometimes a bulky mirror, or rather its back, becomes the reason for this. The form of reflection, in principle, will not change, but the color scheme will be lighter. Since the subject will fall more than the light than from the scanning video.
And this is what a clean scanned mirror looks like
And this is what a clean scanned mirror looks like

The result is interesting and partially unexpected. Analyzing the scanning process itself, the work of the scanner and its structure, it was possible to say that the result would be a clean or almost clean sheet of paper.

According to physicists, this is due to the fact that the subject is illuminated and reflects its rays. Which as a result brightly shines the surface. But we see that the theory exists only on paper. In practice, a black square or circle is obtained. Depending on what shape the mirror was at hand.

Video: What will happen if you scan the mirror?

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