What will happen if a person swallows a sewing needle: consequences. What to do if a person or animal swallows a sewing needle: tips, a complex of measures

What will happen if a person swallows a sewing needle: consequences. What to do if a person or animal swallows a sewing needle: tips, a complex of measures

The consequences of the swallowed needle.

Many of us since childhood know that the needle is a very dangerous subject. If it enters the body, it can reach the heart and lungs, cause death. But this outcome is the most tragic and is extremely rare. In this article we will tell you what the swallowed needle can threaten.

A person swallowed a sewing needle: options for entering the body

Many are surprised at how to swallow the needle at all. It sounds very strange and stupid. In fact, this is not so. There are absolutely random options for entering the needle into the body:

  • Mostly seamstresses, fashion designers who often keep needles in the teeth during work suffer. In this case, you can sneeze, cough. Accordingly, with a stream of air, the sewing needle enters the throat, possibly further into the esophagus.
  • The needle can get into the throat if you accidentally sewn something, and kept it in your mouth with a thread.
  • Often, small children who have great curiosity suffer from this and they all drag into their mouths.
  • Pets can also swallow the sewing needle quite by accident, finding it on the floor or in the carpet. If this happened, you need to immediately go to the doctor and do not try to extract it on your own, even if it is stuck in my throat.

Man swallowed a sewing needle: consequences

In most cases, the needle stucks in the sky or in the throat, and the ambulance workers can easily be removed. At the same time, there is also the possibility of a sewing needle in the esophagus.


  • Doctors also believe that this is one of the favorable outcomes, because in 80% of cases an acute object that fell into the stomach is displayed naturally, that is, with feces. In the remaining 20%, the needle can pierce the stomach or intestines. But this happens extremely rarely, because the intestines and stomach are covered with grease, which is quite slippery, repels the needle.
  • The needle from the stomach can fall into muscle tissue or remain in the stomach. But if you did not notice any consequences after swallowing the needle, this does not mean that you need to calm down, do not see a doctor. The fact is that even if the needle is located in a convenient place and does not threaten a person’s health and life in any way, over time, under the influence of constant moisture, it will begin to rust, which is fraught with the occurrence of an inflammatory process, as well as blood poisoning.
  • After the doctor makes an X -ray, he will determine where the needle is. It can be pulled out of the throat with the help of an otolaryngologist, that is, tweezers and clamps. This is an absolutely painless manipulation.
  • If the needle hit the stomach, you should wait for it to come out naturally. If this does not happen, an X -ray and the doctor is made at the location of the needle a decision on the fate of the patient.
Swallow the needle
Swallow the needle

What to do if a person swallows a sewing needle: tips, a complex of measures

If you swallowed the needle, you first need to contact a doctor. If there is no way, then you can use our tips.


  • Take a small piece of cotton wool, about 1 g, roll a ball out of it, grease with vaseline oil, swallow. It is believed that this kind of product will help to close the sharp end of the needle, which in the future will not be able to damage the insides. Next, it is necessary to eat about 250 g of oatmeal or semolina. It is necessary that the porridge is viscous, this is done so that the food has become obsolete with the wall of the stomach, and make it less insightful, soft.
  • Do not put pressure on the stomach or crush, massage, in the place in which discomfort is observed. The fact is that the needle can advance through muscle tissue, because the muscles very often work and tenses, which helps to advance a metal object inside the body.
  • Do not worry if the needle hit the esophagus or stomach. Typically, doctors do not do any intracrete operations. It is enough to use hysteroscopy, laparoscopy. These operations are considered the least traumatic, do not leave behind scars and seams.
  • Also, do not cause vomiting, take laxatives. Because in this case, the body is dehydrated, which contributes to the rapid advance of the needle through the internal organs.
Swallow the needle
Swallow the needle

The sewing needle was swallowed by a pet: what to do?

If this is a pet, the principle of action is exactly the same. It is necessary to contact a veterinarian who will make an X -ray and finds in which place the needle is located. The fact is that the needle can remain easy. But in this case, an operation is necessary so that the needle inside does not rusty and does not lead to a secondary infection. Therefore, after detecting a needle in a lung, an operation is performed, followed by amputation of part of the organ.

Most often, the needle usually gets stuck or gets confused somewhere in the veins or muscles, from where it is quite simple to remove. The easiest option is removal with tongs from the throat or sky. Many are afraid that the needle will fall into the heart and lead death. This happens extremely rarely, because before getting into it, it is necessary to overcome a long way, having passed a lot of veins, organs. Before you go out naturally, the needle can injure the organs, which will cause the development of an ulcer, erosion, as well as various neoplasms.

The dog swallowed the needle
The dog swallowed the needle

We advise you not to joke, immediately after you swallowed the needle, contact the doctor. Perhaps there is nothing wrong, it will be taken out of the throat without pain and surgery.

Video: What will happen if you swallow the needle?

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