What to take with you to a camp for a girl and a boy: a list of necessary things in the summer and winter camp. How best to mark things to a child in a country camp: ideas. What can and what can not be transmitted to the child in the camp when visiting it: a list of permitted and prohibited products and things

What to take with you to a camp for a girl and a boy: a list of necessary things in the summer and winter camp. How best to mark things to a child in a country camp: ideas. What can and what can not be transmitted to the child in the camp when visiting it: a list of permitted and prohibited products and things

A list of things for a children's camp and ways to mark things.

A trip to the camp for many children is an entire event. Especially if this happens for the first time. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully prepare, take the necessary things with you. It is desirable that your suitcase be lifted and everything is placed in one road bag. In this article we will tell you what to take with us to a children's camp for boys and girls.

List of things in a summer camp for girls 7-16 years old

Of course, girls are fashionistas, and therefore they need to more carefully fold the bag than boys. Do not forget anything, so follow our list. You can add or remove things, you need to make you comfortable and you do not have a shortage of something.

It is necessary to choose a good bag, it can be a suitcase on wheels or a road backpack. In any case, lightning should not diverge, but best if it is fixed with the help of the locks. Keep in mind that someone from the camp or your peers will bring the same backpack or bag. It will not be superfluous to sign or mark with some kind of identification signs a suitcase.

Clothes and shoes:

  • You need to take T -shirts, the minimum amount of 4 pieces. It is desirable that they are of different colors. It is best if they are combined with shorts, skirts, and elegant clothes, heels.
  • Take a tunic for jeans for cool evenings, you will need about 2 pieces. Take about 3 pairs of shorts, they will save you on hot days. You need a skirt, take 2-3 pieces. It all depends on what clothes you prefer.
  • Lower underwear, take a couple of light and a couple of dark bras, and there should be as many panties as in the shift. Usually 14-21. Do not forget the night shirt or pajamas.
  • Socks. You will need about 5 pairs of socks. Also take with you one hat and one panama, or a cap.
  • If you have several swimwear, the minimum amount should be equal to two. In case one needs to wash, the second can be worn. Be sure to take an elegant dress with you, and one sundress.
  • You will also need a sweatshirt, jacket or bomber. The fact is that the weather is not always warm in the camp, so it will not be superfluous to take about 2 pieces of blouses of different types. It can be a bomb on the buttons or a business jacket with a long sleeve. Perhaps it will be a cardigan.
  • Shoes. You need one pair of high-heeled shoes for the holiday, disco or some dates. Some slippers in which you will walk directly in the case, that is, it is a replacement for home slippers. And two pairs of shoes for daily socks. It can be ballet shoes or closed sandals, as well as one pair of sneakers, in case you participate in a sporting event or for cool evenings.
We collect things
We collect things

Personal hygiene items:

  • Naturally, everyone is bathing, watching cleanliness, so you need shampoo. Please note that you should not take a whole bottle, because it can spill on the road. He takes up a lot of space. Disposable bags will be an ideal option.
  • Take tampons, gaskets. They should be taken if you have menstruation. Do not forget about wet wipes, best for intimate hygiene. Grab soap and washing powder. They will come in handy for washing, washing and washing things.
  • Of course, there is no washing machine in the camp, but you can capture washing powder to remove complex spots or some pollution.
  • Cream from the sun, as well as a remedy for mosquitoes. It is best if it is a substance in the bottle with a drop distributor or ordinary ointment. Toothbrushes and toothpaste. You will need about 2-3 towels, it is better to take two bath towels with you and two small, for washing.
  • Be sure to take a deodorant with you. It can be an antiperspirant, and it is also worth taking perfume with you, for special occasions.
Twers to the camp
Twers to the camp

To treasury:

  • Girls of 13 years old love to dress up, put themselves in order, so of course you can not do without cosmetics. Take mascara with you, some kind of light foundation.
  • It is also necessary to take a foam for washing or some kind of tonic. You also need a pencil for the eyes, lip lipstick, cotton wheels, scissors are manicure. If you have ordinary varnish on your nails, then take a few varnish bottles with you, as well as a liquid for its removal.
  • Place all this in a convenient cosmetic bag. In addition, shadows, as well as concealer, will be useful.

Be sure to make sure that there is something to eat on the road. This is some kind of quick food, drying, snacks, chips, as well as doshirak, or fast food food. For example, mashed potatoes or soup. In no case should you take cutlets, cakes, dairy products, as well as smoked meats, canned foods. The fact is that on the road they can deteriorate.

List of things
List of things

Documents and other necessary items:

  • This is a certificate of what you are ill, as well as diagnoses. We need a certificate that for 3 days you have not contacted infectious patients, and you can be in the company of children. A ticket to the camp, as well as a photocopy of birth certificate, or a passport, if you have. All other things take with them if necessary and if desired. You can take an umbrella, an inflatable circle or pillow with you if you are swimming poorly. Different creams or special products are suitable, if you are burned in the sun.
  • Mobile phone. It is best to take an inexpensive phone with you, which will not be a pity if it is lost, it will break, or it will be stolen on the road. Because theft in the camp happens quite often.
  • Be sure to take the money with you. The amount is determined by parents. It is necessary that the child be able to purchase souvenirs, as well as buy something edible. Take what you are fond of to do late evenings. It can be a book or painting. Perhaps this is embroidery with beads on the canvas. You can take a crossword puzzle with you to pass the time.

Please note that the optimal age for visiting the camp is 9-10 years. This is a great age for the first visit. If you send a young child, for example 7 years old, then you should think that children at this age are dependent on adults and may simply not cope without their help. In this case, it is desirable that the camp is at a distance of about 2 hours from the house.

Children aged 6-8 years are still quite poorly coping without the help of parents. This applies to independent fastening of lightning, tieing the laces, performing some small manipulations. For girls, this is a manipulation of hair. Therefore, if you send a child 6-8 years old to a children's camp, you must start in advance, about six months before the trip, start and accustom the child to simple operations. For example, a girl should learn to comb, braid her hair, at least in a tail or braid. Also tie the laces, fasten sandals, dress yourself. It is necessary to teach the child to independently refuel the bed and wake up on the alarm clock.

Tell the child about identification signs on his clothes. That is, about notes or figures, stickers on things. Tell us that this clothing belongs to him. Often, after the end of the camp administration, a huge pile of drawing things has to be thrown away. Teach the child to independently lay out clothes on shelves, wash, brush his teeth, trim nails, performs the simplest manipulations. So that the child can rest in the camp for two or three weeks.

A suitcase with things
A suitcase with things

Many children ask to give them expensive gadgets, tablets or gyro scooters on the road. We advise you to refrain from fulfilling the child’s request, and not to give expensive devices. Because it is quite possible that the child will lose or spoil the subject. At the same time, the administration is not responsible for the loss or breakdown of these things. Decide for yourself whether you are ready to give the child such expensive electronic devices.

List of things in a summer camp for boys 7-16 years old

In principle, things for the boy are not much different from things for the girl, with some amendments.

List of clothing and shoes:

  • A few T -shirts, T -shirts
  • 2 pairs of jeans, as well as shorts
  • Tracksuit, sweater, olympica or some kind of warm blouse
  • Raincoat or light jacket
  • At least 10 sets of underwear, as well as socks
  • Be sure to 2 pairs of bathing swimming trunks
  • Slipans to visit the pool
  • Sneakers, they may be needed during sporting events or in the evening in cold weather
  • A couple of beautiful sets of clothing for a disco. It can be a shirt with trousers or something more stylish: a sweatshirt with jeans

Hygiene items for the boy:

  • Soap
  • Mocepa
  • Toothbrush
  • Comb
  • Shower gel
  • Shampoo. It is desirable if it is 2 in 1
  • Do not forget to take toilet paper with you, as well as washing powder or soap. In order to wash clothes that get dirty
  • Some cosmetics: deodorant, razor for a boy, manicure scissors, as well as some kind of toilet water
  • Three towels: 1 for washing and 2 for the beach
  • Cream from mosquitoes, as well as from the sun
Healing complex
Healing complex

Other necessary items:

  • Be sure to take a container or package for contaminated things with you
  • Notepad and marker are also needed in order to write down the wishes of counselors
  • Take things and objects for your hobby. It can be tennis rackets, dominoes or cards

Please note that you can’t take cigarettes and lighters with them to boys, stitching items, as well as equipment or gaming items that you can get hurt: scooter, grocery scooters or rollers. You can also not take weapons with plastic bullets or some pistols. You can not take drugs and potent drugs, except if your child needs constant taking any drugs. It is necessary to notify the head physician. In addition, it is impossible to take with you objects that promote violence or an immoral lifestyle.

Things for the boy
Things for the boy

How best to mark things to a child in a country camp: ideas

Sometimes children's things are required to marry a children's camp, especially for babies aged 7-10 years. Therefore, the question arises of how to make things more noticeable, distinguished from the clothes of other children.

Options for inscriptions or droppings for clothes:

  • Stickers. You can buy them at the fittings store. Of course, this is not an inscription with the name and surname, but a distinctive feature. It is glued from the wrong side in the gate or abdomen. Hello Kitty stickers may come for girls, and for boys these are cars. There are also other options for stickers with different inscriptions. For example, exclusive, hero, as well as stickers with emblems of superheroes. For example, Superman or Spider-Man.
  • Embroider with threads. To do this, use the muline so that the color of the threads is much brighter and more noticeable for tags. Embroidery is applied from the back.
  • You can sew separate ribbons with inscriptions. If you do not need to sign clothes, then make it some kind of distinguishing one. It is necessary that there are distinctive features. You can sew small pieces of ribbons of the same color. For a boy, it can be dark gray, dark green or dark brown. It is necessary that your child can definitely choose his own things from a pile of other people's things.
  • Order inscriptions in a photo studio. Many photo centers are often engaged in printing photos on T-shirts, cups, as well as some kind of clothes. You can ask that your child’s name is printed in small ribbons or tags. Next, you will need to sew ribbons for clothes.
  • The simplest option is the use of a gel pen or marker. The inscription is simply applied from the wrong side of the clothes to the tag, or directly in the collar area. It is worth remembering that the gel handle is easily washed off during washing so that this does not happen, you need immediately after applying the inscription to verify it with a hot iron.
Sewing tags
Sewing tags

List of things in a winter camp for girls 7-16 years old

The trip to the Winter camp is somewhat different from a similar visit to the summer camp, because the shift is much shorter. The number of things is smaller, but they are larger and occupy more space in suitcases.

List of things:

  • 2 types of jackets. One should be a spare, in case the first has a zipper.
  • 2 pairs of warm pants on a fleece. Some of them should be a little insulated.
  • Several sets of thermal underwear for a girl. It can be pantyhose with combing, as well as warm T -shirts and body.
  • 2 pairs of jeans.
  • Elegant clothes.
  • Lingerie, at the rate of some panties per day.
  • 2-3 bras.
  • Socks, one pair for a day of rest. You will also need several pairs of woolen socks, in case of walking in the forest.
  • 2 warm headdress.
  • Scarf.
  • 2 pairs of gloves.
  • Fat sweater or a very warm sweater.
  • Shoes. One pair should be for sports, it can be ordinary sneakers or sneakers. Also warm shoes are sneakers on the laces insulated. It is advisable to take rubber boots with you in case the snow is melting. Need shoes for the pool. It can be ordinary rubber slippers, as well as grab home slippers for walking around the body.
  • Hygiene products. A toothpaste and a brush, a washcloth, a shower gel, soap, a hat for the pool are needed, if it is in the camp. Toilet paper, several packs of disposable scarves or napkins, in case the child has a runny nose. Girls need gaskets, tampons. In addition, you will need a deodorant and scissors for cutting nails.
  • 2 bath towels and one common for washing.

Please note that the administration is not responsible for electronics, as well as expensive jewelry. Do not wear gold jewelry, earrings, rings and bracelets to the child. Because with loss, you will not be able to compensate for the damage. In addition, it is worth taking care of money. In some children's camps, there are markets, traders offer sweets, as well as some souvenirs, go along the beaches. If this is allowed in the territory of the children's camp, then cash will be quite appropriate. Well, there are children's camps that do not let merchants into, and there are no markets, shops nearby. Therefore, it makes no sense to take cash with you, since there is nowhere to spend them. It is not allowed to take cigarettes, matches, lighters to children. If these items are found, they will be thrown out, disposed of. Some children's camps have very strict rules regarding unresolved products or objects. If they are found in a child, then it can be expelled from a children's camp, without compensation for the cost of a ticket.

A suitcase to the camp
A suitcase to the camp

In addition, you will need a birth certificate, a passport, a medical certificate, a ticket. If this camp is abroad, a statement from parents certified by a notary public is necessary. We need money, notebook and pen, if you need to write down something. A magazine is useful to read on the road, as well as a note in a bag with the address of the house and camp. Indicate the name, name, patronymic of the owner on the tag, in case the child loses the bag.

Some games or toys may come in handy that will not be very sorry if they are lost. On New Year's Eve, it will be necessary to take a masquerade suit, some interesting masks, and it is also necessary that the child takes a small backpack with him on the road. This is necessary in case there are walking walks at short distances in the camp. You can take a mug, dry alcohol or a thermos in a backpack to drink tea, as well as eat sandwiches.

A suitcase to the camp
A suitcase to the camp

List of things in a winter camp for boys 7-16 years old

Boys in the Winter Camp need to take almost the same things as girls.

Additions for boys:

  • More jeans or sports trousers for walking in nature.
  • It is also necessary to take underwear, two jackets, several trousers, warm sports trousers for classes in the gym and in the gym.
  • We need swimming trunks and a swimming hat. Slippences for a pool or shower, home slippers for walking in the case.
  • 2 pairs of winter sneakers, as well as a shoe dryer will not be superfluous.
  • The boy needs an elegant shirt and trousers, in case of festive evenings.
  • 2-3 sweaters, sweatshirts, several sets of underwear. The number of socks and panties should be equal to the number of shifts.
  • Personal hygiene products: shampoo, soap, shower gel, washing powder, toothbrush, pasta, shaving or razor machines, if the guy shaves, as well as a bath towel and a towel for washing. The presence of pajamas and some homemade clothing for gatherings in the building will not be superfluous.
Winter camp
Winter camp

What things are useful in the camp for a teenager, except for clothing and hygienic accessories: List

Teenagers are a separate category, so they need to collect things a little differently. The list remains the same, this applies to clothing, as well as hygiene accessories. But additionally you need to prepare some things:

  • Gadget, headphones. No need to give the child a laptop to the camp, because it can be broken, steal, clogged with sand. Therefore, most likely the child will not bring him in integrity home. It is better to take with you an inexpensive sensor phone with a sufficiently large diagonal, on which you can watch films, and if necessary, listen to music, sometimes sit in social networks.
  • Be sure to take care of contraception. Of course, each parent himself decides depending on the sex education of the child, but we still recommend that both a girl and a guy when traveling to a camp 2 packaging condoms.
  • If this is a girl, then you need to take cosmetics with you. It all depends on how much the girl can apply makeup. Including eyeliner, lipstick, shadows, light foundation, makeup removal, overhead eyelashes, glue, possibly magnetic eyelashes. In addition, you should worry about a hobby and some entertainment games. During the bad weather, it can be cards, lotto, or perhaps something for a hobby. For example, kanzashi, embroidery, beads weaving. It is also necessary to put a couple of nylon tights in the bag in case of a cool evening and a disco.

Pay attention, you can’t give children to the children's camp any household appliances. This applies to boiling water, as well as electric kettle. In some camps, mobile phones are prohibited, and there are certain means of communication. Therefore, ask in advance whether a mobile phone is allowed in this children's camp. No need to give a large amount of food on the road, because upon arrival at the children's camp, all products will be disposed of. Usually, immediately after the arrival of the children, they lead to the dining room or have lunch or have breakfast.


What things to take for circles in the camp for children: List

In general, all the events held by the camp, and everything related to additional costumes is organized by the administration. But, if your child is professionally engaged in dancing, and can somehow participate in a variety of performances, you will need to take a dance suit or some stage robe if your daughter sings or performs in the stand-up genre. Often, children in a children's camp are attracted to drawing posters and scene design. We recommend that you give children to the camp markers, paints, because all this may not have the administration for the design of posters and wall newspapers.

Many advise you to take a thread with a needle with them, a small set of stationery, tape, colored paper, as well as a stapler, pens and felt -tip pens. A minimum set of drugs is useful. The list should not be narcotic, potent substances. Usually, a patch, hydrogen peroxide, cotton, green are put into the first -aid kit. Everything else should be in the first -aid post, the child will be able to provide first aid if he is stung by a jellyfish or he steps on a sharp object on the beach.

Games in the camp
Games in the camp

What can be transmitted to the child in the camp when visiting it: a list of permitted products and things

You can not transmit to children when visiting the camp.


  • Drying, that is, dry bagels that are sold in the bread department
  • Bunches are allowed without filling. That is, it can be a drill with poppy
  • Ordinary mineral water
  • Fruits, except for citrus and berries. It can be apples, pears, bananas

Actually, this is the whole list of products that can be transmitted to children. You can also transmit melons, watermelons, peaches, almost all fruits, except citrus fruits and also berries.

Children in the camp
Children in the camp

That it is impossible to transfer the child in the camp when visiting him: a list of prohibited products and things

If the camp is located near the house, many parents prefer to visit children about 1-2 times a week. Of course, mothers are caring and want to feed their children with delicious, homemade food. That's just not all the sanitary service is allowed to transfer to children. Therefore, below is a list of products that cannot be transmitted to children. That is, they will not be allowed to be transferred and forced to throw them away.

It is forbidden:

  • Fruit, carbonated drinks, except for ordinary mineral water
  • Pies, cakes. It doesn’t matter if they were bought or they baked them at home
  • Sukhariki, chips
  • Dairy
  • Any meat and fish products: smoked meats, sausages
  • Any food cooked at home or bought in cooking. This applies to salads, potatoes, baked meat dishes, cutlets
  • It is impossible to transmit canned food, mushrooms, as well as berries and oranges with tangerines
  • It is forbidden to transfer soup, as well as fast -cook noodles, puree
Kid `s camp
Kid `s camp

Gathering a child in a children's camp is quite difficult. You must not forget to take the most necessary things with you, as well as a small amount of cash. If your child takes any additional medicines, you must notify the administration, as well as the head physician. So that the medical staff controls the intake of the drug by a child.

Video: Collect a suitcase in the camp

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