How to wash hair dye from the skin of the face, hands? How to wash off hair dye from nails?

How to wash hair dye from the skin of the face, hands? How to wash off hair dye from nails?

All the most proven ways to remove hair dye from the skin of the face, hands and nails.

Well, which of us did not face the problem of dyeing the skin of the face and hands, as well as clothes during home hair dyeing? Perhaps everyone had the case with this. Today on the Internet you can find hundreds of ways to get rid of such troubles. Many of these techniques are stupid and useless, and some can very much harm human health. Let's try to figure out which of them is triggered without fail, and which is better from using it is completely abandoned.

How to remove hair dye from face skin?

How to wash hair dye from the skin?
How to wash hair dye from the skin?

Before proceeding with independent hair dyeing, professional hairdressers recommend conducting a number of manipulations:

  • Cover the shoulders and upper body with a towel, scarf or special cloak.
  • The skin of the face on the line of the transition to the hair must be treated with oily cream or petroleum jelly.
  • With the same means, you need to smear the ears and zones behind the ears.

If for some reason it was not possible to resort to the mentioned means of prevention of undesirable staining, in the first minutes after the paint falls on the skin, it can be easily washed off with a wet cotton swab.

Ways to remove hair dye from face skin
Ways to remove hair dye from face skin

If the paint has managed to absorb into the skin, then the craftsmen propose to use one or more of the existing ways to remove stains for hair dye from the skin of the face:

  1. Pigments should easily retire under the influence of makeup removal, cosmetic milk or lotion (the means of removing persistent makeup are especially good in this matter).
  2. In stores of household chemicals and hairdressing arts, special products are sold to remove unwanted skin paint, such as Utopik Cleaner or Hair Light Remove.
  3. A cheaper analogue of such tools can be a domestic drug for curling hair Locon - it perfectly removes traces of paint on the skin, though it has a rather unpleasant odor.
  4. From personal hygiene products, you can also try to use shampoo, soap or toothpaste. In a solution of liquid or brush soap, it is necessary to wet a cotton swab and wipe it with the painted part of the face. In the same way, a cotton pad can be moistened in a heat solution of shampoo. To make sure of the effectiveness of the toothpaste, it must be applied with a thin ball to the section with the paint and let it dry - after drying the paste, you need to remove it with water.
  5. Another improvised product is considered to be a hair varnish - it must be sprayed onto painted skin and rub it slightly.
  6. If the paint is not very absorbed into the skin, but only stained its upper layers, you can try to treat it with a scrub or make acid peeling.
  7. An effective tool for removing the skin of the face is alcohol -containing lotion or alcohol.
  8. Gently and quickly eliminate the pigment from the skin, a cotton swab moistened in warm vegetable oil (any cosmetic, olive or sunflower).
  9. In the same way, baby oil will work - this product can be rubbed into the skin and left overnight, and in the morning it should be washed off with warm water. Such a procedure will not only eliminate traces of paint, but also moisturize the skin of the face.
  10. You can also try to remove the paint using a thermal soda solution - to wind it with cotton wool and wipe it with a painted area.
  11. A sparing and effective tool from paint on the skin is kefir - lactic acid contained in it will eliminate pigmentation. Based on this sour-milk product, you can make a compress or lotion on the painted area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. After a few minutes, the lotion can be removed, and if necessary, again, conduct a ritual.
  12. Oddly enough, the same hair dye will help to remove the paint absorbed into the skin. To do this, a small amount of the remaining finished staining mixture should be applied to the pigmented area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, rub slightly and wash off with warm water.
  13. Another unusual, but rather effective method of combating the spots of paint on the skin of the face is ashes. Having poured a little ash on a wet cotton pad, you just need to wipe it with a painted area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. As ashes, you can use the product of combustion of a cigarette or just a sheet of paper.
  14. The usual wet napkin, especially alcohol, also helps in this situation. She simply needs to rub a little pigmented place.

How to wash off hair dye?

How to wash off hair dye?
How to get rid of hair dye on your hands?

If only the most gentle and harmless products must be used to remove the absorbed hair dye from the skin, then more aggressive substances can be used for hands. Of course, all the methods suitable for the skin of the face will be relevant for the hands. But if you need to quickly and effectively remove paint from these parts of the body, then you can use a number of other methods:

  1. Moisten a cotton pad into the peroxide of hydrogen and treat it with a painted area of \u200b\u200bthe hands.
  2. The same manipulation can be carried out with acetone or liquid to relieve varnish.
  3. If you use alcohol for the skin of the face very carefully, then in the case of your hands you can carefully rub the pigmented area without fear of burns and damage.
  4. Vinegar, containing acetic acid, will eliminate any spots from hand. As for the face, for him you can also try to use this tool, but in this case it will be better to use only natural apple or wine vinegar.
  5. An excellent bleaching is considered citric acid (it is desirable to use natural citric juice). It is enough just to wipe the painted sections of the hands with this type of acid.

How and what to wash hair dye from the nails?

How to remove hair dye from nails?
How to remove hair dye from nails?

Of course, we all know that when dyeing hair, it is necessary to use protective hands for hand. But sometimes even they are not able to protect our hands from the effects of active pigments that are part of the staining agent. If the paint fell into his hands - this is still half a bastard, but if the nails are painted - here you have to try to whiten them.

  1. Naturally, a liquid to relieve varnish will help get rid of paint.
  2. The folk way of cleansing the nails from pigments is raw cleaned potatoes. Having cut the potatoes in half, you need to bury it into it with nails, and then polish the nail plate with it. Potato starch is considered an excellent bleach.
  3. A bath of lemon juice and vinegar will also help to whiten the nail plate. For its preparation, it is necessary to dissolve 1 hour in 100g of water. vinegar and juice of the half of the lemon. Having lowered the hand into the resulting solution for only 10 minutes, you can noticeably lighten the skin and nails.
  4. Our grandmothers and mothers have used only one way to effective nail cleansing for centuries - manual washing. Commercial soap helps in this matter especially well.
  5. You can clean the dirt and paint from under the nails with the help of an old toothbrush. It can be dipped in any of the funds listed earlier, and walk under the nails.
  6. If, along with the plate, the cuticle of the nail also stained, then it is easier to simply remove it - using a special tool and an orange stick or ordinary scissors (forceps) for the cuticle.

Whatever tool for removing the paint you choose, be sure to process after the procedure a cleaned area of \u200b\u200bthe skin with a moisturizing, tonic, since any chemical or mechanical effect on it is fraught with damage.

How to remove hair dye from skin: video

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