What remedy for bugs of apartment, bedding is the best, effective at home: rating. What a reliable, cheap, safe professional tool to buy from bugs?

What remedy for bugs of apartment, bedding is the best, effective at home: rating. What a reliable, cheap, safe professional tool to buy from bugs?

A review of effective and reliable means from bugs.

Bed bugs cause a lot of inconvenience, and it is quite difficult to bring parasites. They hide in mattresses, in the old sheathing of furniture and even under the wall carpets, which can complicate the fight against insects. In addition, the presence of a large number of larvae in mattresses complicates the situation. In this article we will talk about the most effective means of combating bugs.

How to find bugs in the house: Ways to destroy bugs

There is an opinion that basically bugs are in a room where it is very dirty, not particularly removed. We can say in the apartments of the homeless. But actually it is not. Recently, due to changes in climatic conditions, bugs have multiplied and adapt significantly faster to environmental conditions, become much more resilient and do not respond to a large number of poisonous substances.

Therefore, even bugs can be observed in clean housing. Most often they are entered along with upholstered furniture and carpets, or some means for repairing the room. There is a high probability of bringing a bug if you purchase new pillows, blankets or mattresses that lay in warehouses for a long time.

Signs of the presence of bugs:

  • Detecting the presence of bugs is quite simple. This can be done according to peculiar bites on the body. They often itch, swell and has a peculiar type of paths. That is, you will see bites that are located one after another.
  • In this case, you need to find a nest and poison all insects in it. If you did not find the nest in the mattress, it is advisable to turn it over, look from the side, on the sides, as well as from below for the presence of traces. If you have not found bugs and some black dots, carefully examine the wallpaper. Very often, in the presence of bugs, brown spots from the excrement of parasites, as well as blood residues, remain on the walls.
  • It is necessary to start the fight against bugs when you find a nest. This will greatly simplify the task. Often insects are hidden in carpets, as well as on the back of the picture, on the walls. Before carrying out processing, it is necessary to wash all things. If it is not possible to completely wash, take a steam cleaner for rent, go through all things. A hot stream of steam will kill larvae, as well as bugs.
  • After that, it is necessary to carry out general cleaning. Further, you can directly fight bugs with insecticides. To do this, the tool that you chose is divorced. It is necessary to spray the room, manipulation is carried out according to the instructions. Most often it is necessary to close the room and leave it for two hours. During this time, bugs usually die. After that, cleaning is carried out.
Remedy for bugs
Remedy for bugs

What is the remedy for bugs of apartment, bedding the best, effective at home: rating

Please note that there is no only effective tool that will help fight bugs. You need to choose what is suitable exclusively in a particular case, taking into account all the data. The presence of children, as well as pets, matters.

Most often, family people are afraid that modern insecticides can cause poisoning of a child or pet. Therefore, they do not want to purchase such funds. Indeed, some means to combat bugs are quite toxic and can cause poisoning.


  1. Fufanon
  2. Combat
  3. Karbofos
  4. Cyphox
  5. Raptor
  6. Reid
Funds from bugs
Funds from bugs

What means to buy from bugs, safe for children and pets?

Safe drugs:

  • Hector he positions himself as a new generation drug that has no analogues in the Russian market. It differs significantly from all insecticides not only by its action, but also by the composition. The fact is that it is presented in the form of ordinary powder. In order to fight insects, it is necessary to pour a small amount of agents behind skirting boards, carpets, as well as under the mattress and in the place where you found bugs of bugs. At the same time, it is possible to completely avoid pets poisoning, as well as children.
  • The drug is absolutely safe for babies and animals, the essence of the work of this drug is that it sucks fluid from insects. Thus, they dry, while even a small amount of matter that the bug brings to the nest becomes the cause of the death of its relatives. The cost of the drug is high, but the effectiveness is one of the best. This is an excellent remedy for those who do not have the opportunity to leave or wash the apartment several times from a variety of insecticides in order to avoid poisoning of pets and children.

  • Get - This tool is more effective than the executioner, but its price is many times higher. The bottle is enough to process the apartment about 40 square meters. That is, it is enough to process a one -room or small two -room apartment. The advantage of the drug is that it can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is also diluted with water and the premises are sprayed. Please note that this drug is absolutely safe for children and pets.
  • In addition, it has a prolonged action. The insect does not immediately die, but goes into the nest, where he sends his relatives. This is precisely the positive features of this drug. Even if you did not process a specific nest, then one insect will bring poison, which will cause poisoning and extinction of the entire parasite family. This drug is salvation for allergies, as well as for those who have young children, pets. In addition, the drug does not require flushing, does not leave stains on clothes, as well as underwear. Which greatly simplifies and reduces the time of the fight against parasites.


Reliable remedy for bugs of the executioner

Executioner - This is a tool that is produced in Russia. It is a yellowish liquid that is sold in a small bottle. One bottle is enough for about 5 square meters of the room. Therefore, to process the apartment 50 square meters, you will need to purchase 10 bottles.

The cost of one jar is very democratic, so the processing price is quite affordable. This drug is based on a paralytic that adversely acts on the nervous system of the insect. Typically, the product is diluted in a certain amount of water and spraying with a spray gun is carried out.

In this case, walls, mattress, as well as floors and space behind furniture, carpets and curtains are processed. After this, the room closes for several hours. Next, general cleaning is carried out. Please note that the product can be dangerous for pets, as well as children. Therefore, it is advisable for the period of the fight against bugs, to transport children for some time to parents or relatives. It is recommended to carry out repeated processing after 2 weeks, because the executioner is not always effective in relation to bug larvae.


Which remedy will help from bugs quickly?

Kukaracha - This is an effective insecticide, which consists of two main components: cypermetrin and malathion. These two substances complement each other, enhancing the action. The drug is sold in bottles of different occupancy. It can be a small bottle of 10 ml, as well as liter canists. To process a two -room apartment, you will need approximately 50 ml of substance. The drug is divorced in a ratio of 1: 100. The resulting solution is treated with a room around the perimeter, as well as on the back of the furniture. Please note that it is best to remove children and pets from the apartment before processing.

After processing, all rooms must be closed for three hours. Next, the room opens, ventilated. Please note that the drug is not very effective in relation to eggs, but kills only adults. Accordingly, you will have to repeat the processing after 2 weeks in order to withdraw the entire bug population along with larvae, eggs.

Regarding the effectiveness of this drug, it works in relation to not only bugs, but also cockroaches, as well as other insects that live in the apartment. Thus, you can kill two hares with one blow. The drug is not addictive in bugs, so processing is always effective, even if you use the substance several times in a row. The cost of the drug is low.


Clopes from bugs safe for people

Raptor from bugs - aerosol spray, with a volume of 225 ml. The main advantage of the substance is that it does not need to be diluted, it is already ready for use. At the same time, one bottle is enough for about 20 square meters. Therefore, to process a three -room apartment, you will need 3 spray cans. Processing is carried out around the perimeter, as well as on the back of the furniture. The preparation contains 3 insecticide: cypermetrin, piperunnilbutoxide, tetrametrin.

All these substances complement each other, so re -processing is not needed. Only one processing is enough to cope with insects. The most interesting thing is that it is not necessary that all the inhabitants of the family are in contact with the poison, because one bug on their paws, as well as Taurus transfer the drug to the nest. Accordingly, relatives become infected from him and die. The drug is effective in relation to larvae. It is noted that the substance is low toxic, therefore it is absolutely safe for pets, as well as children.


Professional remedy for bugs without smell

Forsyth - Effective insecticide in which perimetrin is located. The fact is that the drug also works in relation only to live bugs, but is ineffective in relation to larvae. Accordingly, one processing will not be enough. We will have to repeat repeated manipulation 2 weeks after the first processing. Just like for Kukarachi, you need to take children and pets from the apartment on this day, close for several hours of rooms, and then carefully ventilate the room.


Tetricks A very effective drug that is often used by services during bugs. Sold in bottles, the minimum volume of which is one liter. It is not cheap, so for independent processing it is best to take off your neighbors. The consumption of the drug is very small, it is enough to dilute 30 ml in one liter of water in order to obtain a working solution. Spray all the cracks, in skirting boards, as well as the floor and behind furniture. Please note that the drug is very toxic. The composition contains cypermetrin and MetapHors, so it is necessary to relocate all the residents of the apartment for a day.

It is desirable to carry out processing in the overalls or in old things, in rubber gloves, as well as a special bandage or respirator. The substance should not be allowed to the skin, especially the eyes or respiratory tract. After processing, the clothes must be thrown away, a shower, and also rinse your mouth with a soda solution. This is necessary in order to avoid symptoms of poisoning, negative consequences for the body. The drug is effective, it is not necessary to carry out treatment again, because in contact with the substance, not only adults, but also larvae die.


A tool for applying a body from bugs

When there is no way to poison bugs in the room, or you are temporarily in the apartment, you can get rid of annoying parasites using repellents. Please note that these funds do not kill bugs, but only scare them away due to their unpleasant odor.

The most famous repellents are the following means:

  • Mosquito
  • of Fammily Drive from Reppel
  • Gardex
  • Raptor

All these funds are sold in the form of aerosols and spray guns, thanks to which the solution is applied to the skin. Bed bugs can get close, but do not bite because they do not like the smell.


In fact, getting rid of bugs can be very difficult. This is primarily due to the fact that they have several cycles. That is, adults, as well as larvae. Means that are effective in relation to adults can be absolutely useless in relation to larvae. Therefore, most often, processing has to be carried out several times in a row, with an interval of 2 weeks.

Video: Kupids from bugs

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  1. Compact and powerful device, quickly and safely save the house from all types of parasites

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