What is the difference between privileged actions from the usual Tatneft, Surgutneftegaz, Sber: Advantages, disadvantages, types, what to choose?

What is the difference between privileged actions from the usual Tatneft, Surgutneftegaz, Sber: Advantages, disadvantages, types, what to choose?

One of the most popular and profitable ways of earnings existing in the stock markets is shares. However, this type of money making is difficult, so it will be problematic to make a person who does not know all the nuances and subtleties of this sphere.

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In this article, we will tell you what the promotions are and what the example of large companies as Surgutneftegaz and Tatneft are on the example of Surgutneftegaz and Tatneft. Read further.

Why are promotions needed?


The very first question that can appear in the head of a person far from the world of finances: why do we need promotions at all? First of all, it is worth saying that by acquiring shares, a person becomes the owner of a part of business. This is not just a piece of paper. In fact, the shares are investments. Only in this case, a person invests on the exchange through intermediaries. With the help of shares, a person can get 2 options for earnings:

  • Profit on dividends when the company shares the money received with its shareholders.
  • Earnings on quotes. The essence of this method is to buy and sell shares. For example, a person buys shares for 100, and sells for 200.

In general, the motivation for issuing shares by companies is financial. The company must constantly attract money, either for its development, or just for earnings, securities contribute to this process.

It remains to add that an undoubted advantage of shares for companies is that debts are not returned on them. In the sense that there is no deadline in which the debt should be repaid. Instead, the company will simply take new shareholders and this fact must take into account the person who decides to earn money.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Ordinary promotions: What is it?

Having deepened into the topic of shares and having learned a little more about this term, you can notice a certain separation. So, some shares are called privileged or prefs, while others are ordinary or custom. Let's talk about what ordinary promotions are.

  • These are “papers” that give a person the right to vote at the joint -stock meeting.
  • It should be borne in mind that this rule affects only large investors.
  • To have a serious impact on the management of the company allows only a large package of shares.
  • For example, even the possession of 2%of shares allows a person to call candidates for the board of directors.

It is worth noting that ordinary shares are the most common in the world market. However, when purchasing data data, it is necessary to take into account the fact that their owner is interested in the growth of quotes. Dividends are possible only with great luck and are not the main goal.

Privileged promotions: what are these advantages, disadvantages, types?

The second type of shares is called "privileged" or prefs. Speaking about disadvantages Prefov, it is worth noting that the owners of this type of shares have an extremely limited vote, which does not apply to all situations.

Of the advantages Or the advantages of privileged shares, it should be called that their owner has the right to a percentage of the prescribed value of the liquidation of the papers that he will receive in the event of the liquidation of the company. At the same time, the remaining property will be divided between other shareholders.

There is an important nuance: The nominal price of privileged shares during their placement cannot be higher than the fourth part of the authorized capital of the company.

There are several types of prefs:

  1. Non -murals are a type of shares that do not accumulate dividends. At the same time, the owner of these papers has the right to a specific % of the annual profit of the company, instead of the dividends paid by it.
  2. Priority - the owner of this type of shares has the main right to dividends from the company.
  3. Cumulative - if the company does not pay dividends for a year, then they become a debt that will have to be paid to the owners of cumulative prefs.
  4. Conversible - a unique type of stock that allows their owners to turn prefs into a specific number of conventional shares, after the indicated date.

In general, privileged papers are something neutral between ordinary shares, with a minimum of obligations in relation to the investor, and bonds with a fixed and understandable coupon.

Why are ordinary promotions more expensive?

Ordinary promotions are more expensive than privileged
Ordinary promotions are more expensive than privileged

If we compare ordinary promotions with privileged ones, we can find that the former are more expensive than the latter, despite the fact that the latter bring higher and stable dividends. What is it connected with? There are several factors that make ordinary actions more expensive.

  • Influence and voting

Often it is the opportunity to influence the company's affairs and the right to vote, which give ordinary shares, make them more attractive for investors. I would like to have an influence on the company - buy ordinary promotions.

  • Liquidity

The second reason for the higher price of ordinary shares is that they are more liquid. Most often, their trade volumes are higher than that of privileged ones. This means that if necessary, ordinary shares can be sold easier and faster.

  • Foreign sites

Private actions rarely appear on foreign sites and are included in global indices. In this connection, this type of papers becomes a niche product.

Despite these reasons, in recent years, the difference in the cost between conventional and privileged shares are becoming less. This is due to an increase in the number of investors prone to long -term investments. The investors want high dividends, which makes prefs more attractive to them.

What is the difference between the privileged shares of Sberbank, the Sberbank from the usual, simple: what to choose?

Sberbank is one of the largest company today, the shares of which can be purchased. It is clear that these shares can be ordinary or privileged. Let's see how the prefs and customs differ among themselves Sberbank or Sber. We will help you choose.

  • The main feature of Sberbank shares is that while maintaining the sufficiency of capital of 1.25, the company tries to pay at least half of all its profit in IFRS.
  • Dividends on prefs and ordinary or simple at the same time will be equal.
  • The payment of dividends by Sberbank itself is made no more than once a year.

The main difference between Sberbank shares can be called that the price of one prefa is 198 rubles, while the custom of the custom is estimated at 217 rubles. With the equality of dividend, it turns out that the profitability of the pref begins to equal 9.5 %, and the searches are 8.5. This becomes a significant difference in a long distance in favor of privileged papers.

To date, the ratio of prefs to the custom of Sberbank is 1.09. It is this discount that is reduced in recent years. In this regard, it is worthsting the fact that prefs catch up with ordinary shares.

Promotions Surgutneftegaz privileged: how are they different from ordinary, what to choose?

Indicators for Surgutneftegaz shares by privileged and ordinary
Indicators for Surgutneftegaz shares by privileged and ordinary

Another large company that can offer those who wish a shareholder is a shareholder is Surgutneftegaz. Let's see what kind of features and differences the shares of this corporation have. What is the difference between privileged actions from ordinary, what to choose?

  • Surgutneftegaz shares are not devoid of a special case.
  • First of all, I must say that the usual shares of the company do not have a clear regulation for the payment of dividends.
  • At the same time, the size of dividends by prefs reaches 10% of the total profit.
  • As for losses, the owner of the prefs has the right to 60 kopecks from one share. The payment of dividends by Surgutneftegaz is carried out once a year.
  • As for the cost, the privileged action of Surgutneftegaz is estimated at 34 rubles, and the usual 40.

As we see, each type of shares has its own advantages and disadvantages, so what to buy, everyone decides for himself. However, it should be borne in mind that the cost and income from shares of Surgutneftegaz, like other corporations, depends on external factors, for example, the economic crisis.

What is the difference between Tatneft shares simple from privileged: what to choose?

Tatneft - This is one of the largest and wealthy Russian companies, whose shares are securities in the market. What is the difference between the shares of this corporation are simple from privileged and what to choose?

  • You should start with the fact that this company spends at least half of its profit in RAS or IFRS on dividends, depending on the size of this profit.
  • At the same time, the dividends of the prefs and customs are the same.
  • But it is worth clarifying that the dividends of the customs are paid on the basis of the recommendations of the board of directors, while the prefs have the established minimum payments that make up one ruble.
  • Tatneft dividends are paid up to 3 times a year, which is a very generous indicator.
  • The cost of a regular Tatneft campaign is 586 rubles, while Pref is estimated at 575 rubles.

As we can see, the difference in the cost of the custom and prefs of Tatneft is minimal. In this case, this indicator continues to decrease. Probably, first of all, this is due to the fact that the privileged actions of Tatneft are famous for their generosity in relation to dividends.

Summing up, it is worth saying that prefs are more attractive to investors. This is especially true for those shareholders who want high dividends and bonds. In addition, the purchase of prefs is facilitated by the fact that they can be purchased through a license broker.

Video: ordinary vs. privileged promotions / What is the difference and what to buy? Real examples

Video: The difference between privileged shares and ordinary shares. Investments for beginners

Video: Is it worth buying privileged shares of Surgutneftegaz in 2022?

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