What is the difference between a fairy tale from the story: comparison, differences. The story, the story, the poem, the past, the fable, the fairy tale: what is their difference? Zhitkov’s “Brave Duckling” is a fairy tale or a story?

What is the difference between a fairy tale from the story: comparison, differences. The story, the story, the poem, the past, the fable, the fairy tale: what is their difference? Zhitkov’s “Brave Duckling” is a fairy tale or a story?

In this material, we will consider the differences between literary works.

In this article, we will figure out the differences in fairy tales from the story, poems, fables. And we will also analyze each of these literary species in more detail.

What is the difference between a fairy tale from the story: comparison, difference and similarity

A fairy tale and a story relate to a prosaic presentation of a plot, in many ways there is a similarity between them, as well as the difference. A similar manner of a narrative description, the presence of first and second -plan heroes, as well as the presence of an exciting plot and interchange of history.

The difference is that the fairy tale is based more on fictional events, with notes of magic and fantasy and almost always have a happy ending. Of course, that's why fairy tales are so easily remembered by children and adults. In fairy tales, very important morality is often hidden, and thanks to how it is presented in the form of magical stories, this morality is easy to convey to children.

The fairy tale uses fictional stories
The fairy tale uses fictional stories

The story is based on realistic events, most often in the stories a small number of heroes and participants are used, and often a small volume of the work. Thanks to the inherent monologues, logical reasoning, the image of the protagonist seems rather plausible and real.

The main differences:

  • In a fairy tale with each episode, new adventures are opened. The story is a short episode that becomes the main
  • The fairy tale uses fiction and allegory, and in the stories - realistic events
  • The story is limited in time, the space is also in the fairy tale, on the contrary
  • The story does not use many actors, unlike the number of heroes of the fairy tale

What is the difference between fairy tales from stories about animals: comparison, difference and similarity

In fairy tales, there are always elements of fictitious, sorcery and magic, while in the stories it tells about more real events, even if they are not taken from real life, they are based on real actions.

Fairytale animals always have human features, for example, in fairy tales to animals is inherent in the ability to talk, walk like a person and much more. At the time when animals are used in the stories in their usual interpretation.

There may be fairy tales and stories about animals
There may be fairy tales and stories about animals

From childhood, everyone can recall wonderful fairy tales at night, which tells about various animals and invented characters, which with their behavior resemble people. In fairy tales, the characters in the form of animals are endowed with emotions and feelings, which cannot be found in ordinary stories about life.

What is the difference between fairy tales from fantastic stories: comparison, difference and similarity

Fiction is a genre of fiction, which uses elements of something strange, unusual, going beyond the usual life. Such a genre is unambiguously inherent in all known fairy tales, but is also used in real stories.

The difference between fairy tales and fiction
The difference between fairy tales and fiction
  • One of the main differences in fairy tales and stories is that there is always the author in stories, and in fairy tales often have folklore origin.
  • The second difference is that fantastic stories are not aimed at teaching something, at a time when hidden morality is always present in fairy tales and often teaches us love, goodness, respect, etc. In other words, fantastic stories exist for entertainment, and fairy tales for training.
  • The third difference between fantastic stories and fairy tales is the end of history. Always fairy tales end well and happily, which attracts little readers very much, but the stories do not always have a favorable ending, at least the target audience of stories is designed for the older generation.

Zhitkov’s “Brave Duckling” is a fairy tale or a story?

The fairy tale "Brave duckling" has become a classic in fiction and is indisputably widely popular among young readers. They introduce into the program already in the second grade and children are happy to listen and re -read this fairy tale.

  • Despite the fact that this work has an author and the plot is quite small, this is not a story, but a fairy tale, because Animals are definitely endowed with human qualities, emotions.
  • Also, this work has morality and teaches small readers of courage, willpower and courage, the need to have an internal rod and faith. The author emphasizes the importance of friendship, because it is very difficult to resist the enemy alone. All together you can become an invincible force.
  • After reading this work, one can understand the importance of courage and fearlessness, because everything seems to us that we are not always terrible. The fairy tale teaches to look into the eyes of his fear, and gives motivation in order to overcome it.

Due to the fact that the work has morality, the main characters in the form of ducklings that are endowed with human qualities, and a happy ending - you can easily determine that Boris Zhitkov’s “Brave Duckling” is a fairy tale.

What is the difference between a story from a story and a fairy tale?

In order to burst out what is the difference between the story, a story and a fairy tale, you first need to understand the definition of these terms.

  • A fairy tale, as we know, is a work of art, which is based on fictional and unreal events. It always has a happy ending, and is purposeful to convey morality, and teach the reader something.
  • The story is a short work based on more realistic events and describes some fragment from the life of the protagonist. The end does not always end well, and a small number of actors are often used.
  • The story is exclusively the genre of Russian literature, but the rest is not of such a term. Roughly speaking, the story is something between the novel and the story. It has a fairly large number of actors who may change during the story. Also, the story is more in volume than the story.
The difference between a story and a fairy tale
The difference between a story and a fairy tale

The main differences:

  • The number of characters in a fairy tale and a story can be the same and reach a large number of heroes that change throughout history. And in the stories a small number of actors are always used.
  • The volume of the story is much more than in stories.
  • The genre of the story, as well as the fairy tale, is characterized by a number of events that are intertwined with each other, and in the stories there is only one copyright event, or a fragment from life, history is taken.
  • In the story you can find a background, a smoothly developing plot, which you will not meet in stories and fairy tales.

What is the difference from the story, story and fairy tales?

Stale is one of the genres of folklore literature, events are transmitted in the “folk language”, in other words, as a retelling. If you compare with the story, a story and a fairy tale, they were more similar to the last genre.

The difference between the fairy tale and the past:

  • The fairy tale has a more stable structure than the past
  • The stale has a non -renowned plot, the main idea is preserved, but the heroes, place of origin, etc. can change.
  • The hero was more often a person who made exciting feats, such a plot is also intriguing as a fairy tale, but unlike a fairy tale, less magic and sorceress are used
  • There is always an author in the story and novels, unlike there were fairy tales, because This is folk art
  • The end of the fairy tale is always happy, which can not be said about the other genres. The stale can even end with a tragedy or drama

What is the difference between a fable from a fairy tale and a story?

It is not always possible to distinguish the fable from fairy tales, because They have a lot in common and similar. The story has most differences with such a genre as a fable.

  • The fable refers to the epic genres, and is based on mythology, which arose during the heyday of ancient culture. Like a fairy tale, the fable has morality, has an instructive and entertaining character. The similarity appears at the end of the plots, both in a fairy tale and in fable - always a good and moralizing end, often described in the form of a proverb or saying.
  • A distinctive feature of a fairy tale is that in it the development of the plot occurs as a chain of events. The plot of the fable develops as one.
  • In the fable you can find mythical creatures and animals that symbolize certain human qualities, for example: a fox is a symbol of cunning, wolf - greed, owl - wisdom, hare - cowardice and many dreasures.
The difference between fables and a fairy tale and story
The difference between fables and a fairy tale and story

Also, the difference between a fable, a fairy tale and a story, that a fable is a satirical work, more often written in verses, but a story and a fairy tale is in prose. The fable, like the story, is a short work, and the fairy tale has no clear boundaries of writing.

What is the difference between a poem and a story and a fairy tale?

A poem is a poetic form of a lyro-epic genre of fiction. Even a novice reader can distinguish a poem from a fairy tale, because A feature of poems is the rhythmic form of writing. Rhyme - is not read by a distinctive characteristic of verses, because In a white poem, it is absent.

More often in the poem, the poet expresses his feelings, experiences and emotions. Unlike fairy tales and stories, poems cannot be retold. The text is always ordered in verses, the author sets a certain rhythm of the work, which can be lost during retelling.

The main differences:

  • A story and a fairy tale are prosaic works, and poems have their own ordered structure
  • The stories do not use rhyme, at a time when in more verses - rhyme is a prerequisite for writing, not counting white verses
  • There are no storyline in poems, unlike stories and fairy tales
  • Stories and fairy tales are based on an epic plot from the life of the hero, and thanks to the poem, the author can convey his emotional state
  • It is possible to retell the story and fairy tale, but if you retell the poem, its meaning will be lost.

What is the difference between a fable and a poem?

A poem is a small work with a rhyme through which the author conveys an internal state, emotion and experience to the reader. The rhythm and rhyme of this type of work are not inherent in all cases, for example, when writing a white verse, but a poem can be determined due to increased emotionality and a small volume of the work.

The fable - this small work is based on mythology and invented stories, is also written both in verses and in prose. In terms of its characteristics, such a genre is very similar to fairy tales, but also has distinctive features.

  • Unlike fables, poems are not limited for their own purposes, that is, there is no morality and instructive character in verses. And the fable always brings a moralizing character in the plot.
  • The difference between fables and verse is the characters. In fable, animal heroes are more often used, which are endowed with human features. At a time when anyone can be a hero of the verse.
  • Also, a distinctive feature of verses and fables is that the works in verses can be closely related to reality and reality, but this is not the main condition. Also in the verses there is no description of a particular event.
The difference between works
The difference between works

At a time when the fable is based on fiction, the imaginary and non -existent world is described. And during the plot, a “painful” problem is described, which concerns humanity and society.

Video: "Brave duckling." B. Zhzhkov

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