What is the difference between an ointment from a cream and gel: comparison, difference. What is more effective, better: ointment or cream, or gel?

What is the difference between an ointment from a cream and gel: comparison, difference. What is more effective, better: ointment or cream, or gel?

Differences and general properties of ointment, cream and gel.

Now in pharmacies you can find a huge number of local drugs. This is a cream, ointment, as well as gel. Many buyers are completely lost when the question arises, what to choose? In this article, we will talk about the differences between ointments, creams, as well as gels. Which of the drugs is advisable to purchase.

What is ointment, gel and cream?

Gel - This is a transparent or translucent substance that does not contain any fats. That is, it is created on the basis of water, is a rather viscous mass, which when it hits hands becomes more fluid. All substances in the composition of the gel, completely dissolved in it. The gel is convenient in that it can be applied to the skin at any time. Because it leaves no fat traces and is absorbed very quickly.

Ointment - This is a viscous substance that is made on the basis of fats. It can be oil, lanolin, petroleum jelly. There is no water in the ointment at all. Therefore, when it enters the skin, it forms a film on it, which even when exposed to water is poorly washed off. The formation of the film enhances the effect of the product, and the active substance of the ointment penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin faster.

Cream -This is something average, between gel and ointment. It is a mixture of water -soluble substances, as well as fats. The cream can have up to 50% of the water. Be sure to have a fat base. It differs in that it is quickly absorbed. But if you inflicted it recently, you should wait. Because the cream can remain on clothes, it takes time to absorb it.


What is the difference between an ointment from a cream and gel: comparison, difference

So what should you choose if in pharmacies there is a drug with the same active substance, but of different forms of release? It all depends on what kind of damage you have. Ointment is recommended if there is peeling or hardening on the skin surface. At the same time, it moisturizes well, envelops the affected place, forming a thin film. But it turns out a kind of greenhouse effect, thanks to which the active substance penetrates better into the deeper layers of the skin.

The ointment is a colloidal solution, when the particles of the active substance are not completely dissolved. The gel of 70-80% consists of water and thickeners, so the active substance in it, unlike the ointment, usually completely dissolves at the base. Due to the fact that the gel does not have fats, it is easily washed off from the skin, and also quickly and simply washed with water if it is accidentally hit on clothes.

Differences of gel, cream and ointments:

  • Different foundations
  • Different amounts and absorption time of the active substance
  • Consistency and viscosity

The cream is also used if there are minor damage on the skin, that is, there is no open wound. Therefore, you can apply the cream, it is well absorbed and suitable if there is peeling. Due to the oily basis, the skin will be softened.

The gel is used if there are weeping wounds, that is, some suppuration or wounds with the release of blood or exudate. In this case, the gel is ideal. It is quickly absorbed, does not form any film on the surface and, if necessary, is easily washed off.

In fact, another difference between cream and ointment is that the cream can be purchased not only on pharmacies, but also in cosmetic stores. There are no ointments in such retail outlets, because they are considered drugs. They can be purchased exclusively in a pharmacy. This is most often due to a higher concentration of active substance in the ointment than in a cream or gel.

Cream, gel and ointment
Cream, gel and ointment

What is more effective, better: ointment or cream or gel?

Most often, creams are prescribed in the case of seborrheic dermatitis or with such ailments, in which both peeling and wet wounds are possible. In this case, it is necessary to choose a variant of the drug based on how damage looks. For example, atopic dermatitis is manifested in the form of redness, as well as slight peeling. In this case, a specific cream will be an ideal option. It is absorbed very quickly and penetrates the skin well. Thanks to this, a therapeutic effect will quickly occur.

If you have any skin damage, but at the same time you visit the pool, or plan to go to the sea, then the ointment will be an excellent option. Because many similar products are not washed off the skin when water gets on it. If you have serious diseases, and urgent help is needed, but there is no open wound, ointment will be an ideal option. Because it forms a film and quickly penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin. It is absorbed perfectly and begins to act quickly. The gel and cream are less absorbed, and not as deep as ointment. They must be applied more often, therefore, in advanced cases, gels and creams are rarely used.


If this is a neglected atopic dermatitis, very often bubbles appear on the surface, weeping wounds, something similar to eczema. In this case, it is better to use the gel. Because it does not form a film on the surface of the skin, is absorbed very quickly. Bacteria multiply in the fat environment, which can be connected by a secondary infection. This does not happen with gels, because they are created on a water -based, and closest to the physiological composition of blood. In addition, the composition of the gel is neutral, it does not irritate the skin, and does not overdose it.

Cream, ointment, as well as gel, differ significantly from each other. The main difference is the properties, as well as the characteristics of the basis. In the gel it is water, and in ointments fat. In the cream, a suspension of a fat base and water.

Video: differences in cream, gel and ointment

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