What is the difference between college and technical school, school: comparison, difference, difference. Which is better, higher in status, cooler, prestigious: college, vocational school or technical school? Where is it easier to study: in college, school or technical school?

What is the difference between college and technical school, school: comparison, difference, difference. Which is better, higher in status, cooler, prestigious: college, vocational school or technical school? Where is it easier to study: in college, school or technical school?

The article will be useful to graduates of schools and will help to deal with all the nuances of choosing a secondary special educational institution.

What is college, school and technical school: definition

Reductions used in the article:

  • University is a higher educational institution.
  • NSUZ is an initial special educational institution.
  • Ptuz is a professional and technical educational institution.
  • SOUZ is a secondary educational institution.
  • SSUZ is a secondary special educational institution.

College belongs to the osuz. In the Russian general education system, colleges occupy an intermediate step between sales and universities. Unlike technical schools, they work with educational programs of the basic and in -depth level.

School - NSUZ, and in some cases, a ssuz. As an exception, the word "school" is part of the name of higher educational institutions, as a rule, of the technical direction. In this case, this is just a kind of tribute to historical tradition.

College - osuz. In the Russian general education system, technical schools occupy an intermediate stage between sales and universities. Unlike colleges, they work with educational programs of the basic level.

What is the difference between college and college, school: comparison, difference, difference

Differences College Technical College School
Reception on the basis of the following documents.

SOS certificate; Diploma PTUZ, OSUZ.


SOUZ certificate.

To enter the Cadet School, you will need an extract from the table.

Duration of training.

• Full department: no more than 2 years (after 11 classes). No more than 3 years (after 9 classes).

• Correspondence department: no more than 3 years (after 11 classes). No more than 4 years (after 9 classes).


• Medical schools. There is no correspondence department. The duration of training depends on the chosen specialty.

• Colleges of creative areas set a single period of training for all students.

3 years.


• Cadet schools. These educational institutions enter after the 4th grade of SOS. Accordingly, the duration of training is 7 years.

The level of educational program. Basic / in -depth Base Basic + primary vocational education.
Implementation of educational programs. University system. School system. All attention is paid to the development of professional skills.
Priorities in training. Theoretical training. Practical training / applied knowledge. Professional skills / applied knowledge.
Qualification of graduates Senior technician (corresponds to the level of bachelor). Technician. Work qualification.


Which is better, higher in status, cooler, prestigious: college, vocational school or technical school?

The prestige of the educational institution is determined by the level of training of graduates. Therefore, you should focus on rating of an educational institution and the demand for a future profession.

Important: in accordance with the "Law on Education" from 2013, a complete reorganization of the PTUZ is carried out.

Where is it easier to study: in college, school or technical school?

Colleges offer a more complex program. Accordingly, studying in college is harder than in a technical school.

What education do you get after the end of the technical school, school or college?

At the end of the technical school/college, the graduate receives a diploma of secondary vocational education (SPO).

Important: medical, veterinary, pedagogical, legal schools also issue a diploma of SPO.

At the end of the school, the graduate receives a diploma of primary vocational education.

Where is it better to enter: to a technical school, school or college?

Infographics: how they prepare demanded specialists and workers
Infographics: how they prepare demanded specialists and workers

Focus on your own preferences and opportunities (including financial, recommendations of school teachers, ratings of educational institutions, the demand for a future profession, etc. About the most popular working professions of the future, you can read here.

To whom does colleges, schools and technical schools obey?

All educational institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation are subordinate Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. At the regional level, education issues supervise regional education management bodies. In addition, the management hierarchy also contains municipal education management bodies.

Video: The most relevant professions (nearest) future

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