How can you feed the child at 4 months? Menu, diet and diet of a child at 4 months

How can you feed the child at 4 months? Menu, diet and diet of a child at 4 months

Options for the introduction of feeding the child at 4 months. Types of feeding and their number.

Young mothers have a lot of questions about feeding a child. This is especially true for mothers who do not breastfeed children, but give them mixtures. In each individual case, the expediency and period of input feeding is discussed with a pediatrician.

Is it necessary and how to properly introduce complementary foods in 4 months on breastfeeding?

Even now, many pediatricians argue with each other regarding the feeding of children who eat mom's milk. Previously, it was possible to introduce fruit juices into the diet of a child, starting from monthly age. At the same time, it was not important whether the baby is on breast or artificial feeding.

But there were a lot of allergic reactions, and later the researchers determined that such a young organism is not yet able to completely process and absorb the beneficial substances of juice.

The same debate arose using chicken yolk. First of all, it is worth understanding that the yolk was given as a source of vitamin D, now children are given aquadetrim, so they do not need to give yolk. This product is also a strong allergen.

According to WHO, children who feed on breast milk and gain at least 500 g per month, do not need up to 6 months in complementary foods. That is, there can be no talk of the introduction of complementary foods in 4 months. This can provoke a decrease in the amount of milk in the mother and the appearance of an allergy in the baby.

Introduce feeding in 4 months on breastfeeding
introduce feeding in 4 months on breastfeeding

How to properly introduce complementary foods in 4 months on artificial feeding?

Children for artificial feeding need to introduce complementary foods at 4 months. This is due to a lack of vitamins and minerals that are contained in the mixture. Because of this, problems with a chair may arise, the baby often bursts and does not eat.

The pediatrician will say that it is better to give the baby as complementary foods. But usually, they are introduced first to the vegetable puree or porridge. The choice of a particular option depends on how well the child gains weight. If the baby weighs little and eats a mixture very poorly, porridge is introduced. They are more high -calorie and contribute to weight gain. If the crumbs are “thick”, then in this case vegetable mashed potatoes are introduced. It is best to give mashed potatoes or cabbage broccoli. They are easily absorbed and do not cause allergies.

Correctly introduce complementary foods in 4 months on artificial feeding
correctly introduce complementary foods in 4 months on artificial feeding

Vegetable lure at 4 months - what vegetables and how to introduce?

It is best to choose vegetables with light color as the first vegetable puree. Ruckers, cauliflower and broccoli can be considered ideal. To begin with, vegetables are poured with cold water and brought to a boil. After that, boil until cooked.

Salt, pepper, sugar and oil cannot be added to the mixture. Next, boiled vegetables are crushed on a blender and a decoction is added to be liquid. It is recommended to introduce a new vegetable every three weeks. Be sure to observe the reaction.

If the child is tearing, spitting or expressing indignation, postpone the introduction of complementary foods. In no case, food is not given from the bottle. Vegetable mashed potatoes of even liquid consistency should be given from a spoon.

Vegetable feeding at 4 months
Vegetable feeding at 4 months

How much should a child eat a child at 4 months?

If you decide to introduce complementary foods, you should not immediately replace the mixture of the mixture with vegetables. Before the next meal, it is necessary to offer the baby a teaspoon of mashed potatoes and feed with a mixture, that is, give 150 ml of the mixture.

On the second day, give 2 spoons of mashed potatoes already, the mixture is already needed 130 ml. So gradually increase the amount of mashed potatoes. In a week you will be able to completely replace one dose of 150 ml of a mixture of vegetable puree. It also needs to be given 100-150 ml. Do not mix vegetables for cooking mashed potatoes.

Introduce complementary foods in the morning and see the well -being of the child. If bloating, anxiety and liquid stool are observed, postpone the introduction of complementary foods.

How much should the child eat vegetable mashed potatoes at 4 months
How much should the child eat vegetable mashed potatoes at 4 months

What porridge and how can you give at 4 months?

Porridge is a popular type of feeding among babies who gain weight poorly. Typically, such children have a liquid chair, they constantly worry and poorly recover. In no case should you introduce semolina, this porridge is the most useless of all. It has very few vitamins and minerals.

It is recommended to give rice or buckwheat porridge. Ovsyanka is recommended if the child does not have a reaction to gluten. Initially, cereals are boiled on water without adding salt and oil. The consistency of the porridge is very liquid. If before that the baby was given cow or goat milk and there is no reaction, then it is allowed to cook porridge in milk, after diluting them in half with water.

The best porridge:

  • Gluten
  • Silent
  • One -component

They can be purchased or you can make them yourself, chopping finished porridge with the addition of a cereal decoction.

What porridge and how you can give at 4 months
What porridge and how you can give at 4 months

The child’s regime and diet is 4 months old: feeding scheme

The main thing is not to rush with complementary foods. First you need to understand that at 4 months the child should eat 5-6 times a day, that is, a break between meals is 3 hours. In the morning, a milk mixture is given. After that, after 3 hours, complementary foods are introduced in the amount of 20-150 g. In proportion to the mass of complementary foods, a mixture is given. That is, if you gave 50 g of mashed potatoes, then the mixture must be given 100 ml.

You can’t replace the mixture of vegetable puree at this age more than one dose. The calorie content of mashed potatoes is low and the child can begin to lose weight. In addition, problems with stool are possible.

Feeding scheme
feeding scheme

Child menu at 4 months

Here is an approximate menu:

  • 6.00: breast milk or adapted mixture
  • 10.00: milk or mixture and fruit juice (this is apple or peach)
  • 14.00: mixture and mashed potatoes (zucchini, broccoli)
  • 18.00: mixture and fruit puree.
  • 22.00: mixture plus egg yolk (1/4 of the yolk)
  • Before laying the baby, feed it with a mixture

No need to try to stuff as much fruits and adult foods as possible into the child. The baby’s digestive system is not entirely ready for this. As a result of improper complementary foods, failures may occur in the digestive system.

Child menu at 4 months
Child menu at 4 months

As you can see, ideally it is better to breastfeed a baby up to 6 months. With a normal weight gain, the baby does not need feeding. On artificial feeding, complementary foods are introduced at 4 months.

Video: complementary foods at 4 months

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks a lot!

  2. You would have fed from the house with the house, how to take it! Feed breast milk and /or adapted milk mixture. In half a year, complementary foods are introduced.
    So early begins to feed if the child does not receive the necessary vitamins along with breast milk and there is no way to purchase a mixture.

  3. at 6 months, our children were borscht and ate with pleasure, and complementary foods were introduced with 4, since it was introduced very gradually and only by 6 months the child eaten normal portions of complementary foods. And if at 6 you only start to enter the floor of the spoon, then it will be able to fully get complementary foods for 8 months, and feeding with a liquid mixture all this time is the question that the child’s teeth elake should not only be liquid. There is another important factor, it is dangerous to introduce complementary foods in the summer, so if the child is only 6 in the summer. Then complementary foods should begin in spring, precisely at 4, 5 months. And one more remark, the later complementary foods are introduced, the more difficult it is to adapt to it. Children do not eat and that’s all, they simply spit out everything that is not liquid ... Such children often remain small, with them eternal problems with food.

  4. i completely agree with you, I started the 3rd children with complementary foods with 4 months on a teaspoon. Apetite no one suffers in normal 1 kg or 800g. The set is going on a month. Stiped is already 8 years old. Weight 25 kg. Average 2g weight 15kg. They ate absolutely everything and a little. Little so far only 3 months. I give a drop in a day in a day I squeeze it myself. And apple puree on a teaspoon alternate with carrots, we feel very well the pediatrician approves. Weight 1 kg per month.

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