The better to smear wounds: the best means for healing wounds, reviews

The better to smear wounds: the best means for healing wounds, reviews

In this article, we will consider what is better to treat wounds for their speedy healing.

Injuries, wounds, cuts, burns and other injuries are very often found in our lives. Especially the risk of their receipt increases with the advent of heat. And the most prone to this are small children who do not know how to sit still and always know the world. And adults are not an exception - the wound can be obtained in the kitchen, and in the garden, and at work. Therefore, it is so important to know how to process and smear wounds, based on the best means for healing wounds .

The better to smear wounds: the best means for healing wounds of a wide spectrum

Even surface wounds can bend if they are not effectively cleaned. Therefore, without fail, we first process any type of injury! Use this Hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine.

  • Rescuer- This is the most common and often used drug for the treatment of various wounds. The drug very positively affects the skin, quickly healing it. Suitable even for children and pregnant women. Of the disadvantages, it should be distinguished what is not suitable for healing purulent wounds. For 30 g of approximately 140 rubles.
The most popular ointment
The most popular ointment
  • Solcoseryl- The tool is relatively inexpensive, but effective. Suitable for any type of injury, including burns, as well as weeping wounds. Accelerates cell regeneration, dries the skin. Suitable for pregnant and lactating women . For a tube of 20 g, the price will be from 300 rubles.
  • Bepanteni fell in love with many parents, since it can be used from birth. Relieves inflammation and accelerates the healing of wounds. In addition, it is a universal remedy for abrasions, cuts and burns. Approximate price for 30 g of 400 rubles.
  • Argosufan - Suitable for open and purulent wounds, relieves pain, destroys pathogenic microorganisms. It has silver ions. It is also suitable for burns, slower. You can not use children up to 2 months, pregnant and nursing women. Approximate price for 40 g of 280-300 rubles.
  • Methyluracil with Miramistinit has a wide range of action. He copes very well with the healing of old wounds, as well as with those wounds that heal very difficult and long. It should be applied twice a day with a thin layer per wound. For 25 g, the price in pharmacies from 30-40 rubles.
  • Olazol Aerosol- It is very convenient to use, it can be applied even without disinfection, but if the wound is not purulent. It is applied to the entire surface of the wound at a distance of 5-7 cm. It does not suit children under 2 years of age, does not cope well with the treatment of purulent wounds . In pharmacies for 80 g, the price starts from 280 rubles.
With silver ions
With silver ions

The best inexpensive, but very effective means for healing complex wounds

These means for healing of the wounds are the best in its kind and are already tested by time!

  • Levomekol- This ointment will cope with abrasions, burns, very deep, and even purulent wounds. It should be applied directly to the wound, better after disinfection. But if there is only this ointment, then it will perfectly cope with disinfection no worse than antiseptic agents. It must be applied with a thin ball, sealing the wound with a patch or bandage. Levomekol is one of the most effective, cheap and demanded ointments in our country. The antibiotic tested in its composition - levomicetine. For 40 g of ointment from about 100 rubles.
  • Streptocide ointment- This is another inexpensive drug that copes very well with the rapid healing and treatment of wounds of various origin. Very effective ointment copes with microbes, restores the epidermis and heals not only cracks, burns, but also very strong inflammation. It is contraindicated in pregnant women, with kidney disease or blood system. Side effects are possible in the form of nausea and digestive malfunctions, headache. For 25 g, the price varies in different pharmacies from 50 to 70 rubles.
  • Glue BF-6used for healing small abrasions and scratches, and many others are small skin injuries. Glue creates a breathable film that protects the wound from external influences and microbes, contributing to its healing. It is worth applying to a cleaned wound. For 10 g, the price is from 50 to 100 rubles. Depending on the brand.
Very strong and effective
Very strong and effective
  • Eplan- The ointment has a wide range of application, ranging from small cuts and abrasions, ending with frostbite/burns or purulent wounds. It is suitable even for children and pregnant women. The price is relatively low, depends on the amount of the drug. For 20 g of 100-120 rubles.
  • Vishnevsky ointment- This is a remedy for complex wounds and any kind of inflammation! The market has not been losing its effectiveness for a very long time. It is also suitable for eczem, postoperative seams, mastitis, any rot, is used in gynecology and obstetrics. For 40 g of approximately 40-50 rubles.
  • Ichthyol ointment - Relieves inflammation, destroys pathogenic bacteria, anesthesia, and also extends pus and accelerates the delay of complex wounds. The price for 25 g is from 60 rubles.
  • Zinc ointment- Active ingredient of zinc oxide has an anti -inflammatory effect and reduces the formation of scars. But it is suitable only for infected wounds as a prevention, there is still no suppuration. For 25 g price from 40 rubles.
  • Syntomycin ointment It just has a huge range of application - it is suitable not only for scratches, but also for purulent wounds. It also helps with herpes and acne. In addition, the ointment can be applied to weeping wounds, torn corns, diaper rash. For 25 g, the price is from 40 rubles.

Note: with large and strongly bleeding wounds, such as bites or ragged wounds, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible! It also applies to cases if the condition of the injury deteriorates, pain and redness occur.

There are different manufacturers
There are different manufacturers

The best means for healing purulent wounds

It is worth noting that purulent injuries must be processed and additionally disinfected. In this case, wound healing means will work more efficiently. Pay attention to innovative drugs Kutasept f or manorm- This is a miracle of sprays for antiseptic purification of the wounds.

  • Sulfargin- This ointment is simply a find with fused and inflamed wounds, the healing of which was very tightened. Also, the drug is suitable for grooves, burns, and even in the presence of dead tissues. It has silver ions. Applied after preliminary cleaning of the wound . The price starts from 300 rubles. over 50 g.
  • Vinilin- This is another remedy that will perfectly cope with the healing of purulent wounds. It is applied directly to the wound with a swab moistened in a balm. Of the shortcomings, one can distinguish that the balm is contraindicated in pregnant women, children and allergies. But he copes very well with the rapid healing of wounds and relieves inflammation. The price for 50 g is approximately 100 rubles.
  • Cicaderma- This is a homeopathic remedy that heals small abrasions, cracks and scratches very well and quickly. Ointment for burns and insect bites is very effective. It is not allowed to children up to 1 year old. The price begins for 50 g of 250 rubles.
  • Baneocin - A very effective tool for any complex forms of wounds or ulcers. It is shown for newborns and pregnant women, nursing women. Contains 2 antibiotics, which provide high efficiency. The price for 20 g starts from 400 rubles.
  • Flman- A very effective gel for healing wounds. It has a mechanism of accelerated cell renovation, also helps to fight inflammation and resist microbes, relieves pain, minimizes the development of scars. This is the gel that should be treated with wounds. But its price for 10 g starts from 500 rubles.
  • Ointment Hansaplast (Hansaplast)- A German drug to support and accelerate the natural healing of minor surface wounds, such as cuts, abrasions and scratches, as well as burns of the first and second degree. This ointment creates an air duct that protects the wound from external influences. This contributes to faster healing of wounds and reduces the risk of scarring. The disadvantage is very high price (900 rubles for 30 g)and hard accessibility in the vastness of our country (only on order).
  • Actovegin- A good drug that is produced in the form of ointments, tablets and gels. It has a wide range of action. Showed by different wounds, abrasions, injuries and burns. Allowed by pregnant and lactating. Of the disadvantages, there is also a relatively high price - for 20 g of 800 rubles.
German quality
German quality

The best means for healing wounds based on natural components

There are many expensive ointments and creams that promise to have a positive effect on healing - however, they often contain dubious ingredients. Therefore, many use known and proven for years to heal the wounds with a natural basis.

  • Even the ancient Egyptians used the antiseptic and anti -inflammatory effect of honey. For healing wounds, it is recommended new Zealand honey Manuka. In the pharmacy you also get a certified Medi-Honey, which is carried out specifically for medical purposes.
  • "Arnik" ointmentit has an analgesic and anti -inflammatory effect. It is also a good remedy for edema. Great for healing cuts and burns, as well as with insect bites.
  • Tea tree oil Thinly applied to wounds, it has an antiseptic and anti -inflammatory effect. Due to these properties, you can also use it as a means of removing any inflammation, rashes and injuries.
  • "Aloe vera"- A proven natural remedy that you usually get in the form of a gel or ointment. He binds moisture, which helps the better healing of the wound. It also has a slightly cooling effect and, thus, anesthesia, and also fights with inflammation and infection.
  • Calendula ointmentit should be in your first -aid kit. This is a very cheap tool, which is almost universal and suitable for any kind of wounds, as well as rashes. On a plant basis.
On a natural basis
On a natural basis

The best means for healing wounds: reviews

We have already clearly seen that wound healing means are produced in large quantities, have different action of action and the degree of effectiveness. Everyone can choose the best tool for themselves, taking into account the composition and individual preferences.

Irina, 40 years old

I do not like all these expensive ointments and gels for healing wounds. It is important for me that the product was natural. Therefore, I buy Manuk's honey. This is a wonderful remedy, it works 100%. I have never failed. Recently, my husband cut the meat on a barbecue and cut off with a sharp knife. The wound was very deep, he could not stop blood for a long time. The peroxide helped, though more than half of the bottle took. As soon as the blood was stopped, I immediately applied Manuk's honey on his wound with a thin layer. We tied the wound with a bandage, dragged on in a week.

Elsa, 37 years old

And I do not trust folk remedies. Once since childhood, I got used to using Levomekol ointment. With any cuts, I immediately after disinfection I apply it. If the wound is on my finger, then I dress the attacker. If on the knee, elbow or other parts of the body, then I seal with a patch. And my mother always used it. My father once received a serious injury in production-lost his finger. So, after all the manipulations in the hospital, the traumatologist appointed Levomekol ointment. Therefore, she took root in our family, as the most effective remedy for any wounds. By the way, and it costs a penny.

Eleanor, 42 years old

In my family, only high -quality, which means expensive drugs. It is such drugs that can really heal the wound at times faster. We choose German quality. I bought the first drug in Germany, when during the trip, my son greatly hurt my leg. It was an ointment for the treatment of Hansaplast wounds, by the way, there it is released only according to the recipe. But I am glad that in our country it can be found in general. Therefore, almost always in our first -aid kit there is this ointment for reserve. I recommend it to my friends and acquaintances. Try and you will not regret it.

Video: Wound healing means - first aid, processing, use of ointments

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Comments K. article

  1. The answer to the question, the better to process wounds, abrasions and burns, I found here in this article I recommend reading!

  2. I have been using Maze Cevengel to heal the wounds for six months. The result is amazing, no crust, and even more so scars. It's a pity the tube is small, although the consumption is very small, by the way

  3. a friend talked about Cellgel. I decided to buy, I love everything new. The son tore the knee on the street, processed this ointment. After 3 days, there were not a trace, and the son did not even remember what knee fell on)

  4. I am also familiar with Celigel, when I work in the kitchen, I constantly cut something, but here I smeared it and that’s all, even there is no trace. The consistency is not fat, which pleases unlike others

  5. I have an Argosufan cream at my house for processing wounds and abrasions. And I process them and myself for myself -I washed it with a wound, then this cream and a bandage from above -all heals poorly, no complications arose. The composition of silver ions is contained, therefore, the product has a bactericidal effect.

  6. I heard a lot about this Celigel and therefore decided to buy. I did not like that the tube was only 15 ml, but in the evening I applied the ointment on the cut, and in the morning it almost dragged on

  7. Strange, surprised why there is no Cellgel. The ointment is new, but it helps just great! I have already used 3 friends, most of the healing agents simply threw it. Recently, my son was burned, they burned a fire with friends. She smeared him Cellgel, the pain passed in 10 minutes, healed in 4 days

  8. Celigel should be on the list! Dravoy, of course, is not a pity for this) burns help to heal with a bang! For me, as for my mother, the main thing is that he forms a crust under which microbes do not penetrate) and heals everything very quickly.

  9. Old proven ointments help, everything is written correctly. But I recently discovered the Celigel ointment for myself. Helps heal the wounds, burns and a bunch of everything else. So far, I was only convinced of myself, fell at home, torn my leg, smeared it, it passed after 2 days, although it usually healed for a week

  10. From childhood, the son of hemangioma has developed rapidly, sores appeared. Baneocin did not help, I can’t control the child constantly, and each honors turn into a wound. A familiar doctor advised Celigel. A week later, all the wounds completely dragged on. I buy regularly, I have already stolen all the handbags just in case and in the briefcase. I explained how to use it

  11. The husband returns from fishing, constantly in cuts on his fingers. Then heigs. As Celigel once gave him with her, everything was whispered as a grandmother. If he does not forget to smear in the wound in excitement

  12. Wife is a fan of homeopathy. When I damaged my knee in the blood in the forest, I applied Celigel. We look at home - the wound was completely dragged. She says this because of her sugar balls. But I know what!

  13. She asked the obstetrician immediately after Caesarean to apply Celigel to the seam. Together with their means that they rely there. He did not mind, but then, during the examinations, he was amazed at how everything heals quickly. And I just had a good experience before this tool.

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