How to treat a wet cough in a child? What is a wet cough in a child with a temperature and without it?

How to treat a wet cough in a child? What is a wet cough in a child with a temperature and without it?

An article about the causes of wet cough in children and methods of its treatment.

There is not a single child who at least once in his life has not coughed. Parents, it would seem, reconciled with endless diseases. But do I need to humble yourself? It is better to learn how to quickly hiccup the cause of cough and at least quickly eliminate it.

Causes of wet cough in a child

A cough is not a disease. On the contrary, in this way the body reacts to the irritation of the respiratory tract. It is not considered a pathology if the child coughs up to 10 times a day, while he does not have any ailments and symptoms indicating the disease.

The cause of wet cough in a child is not always a disease.
The cause of wet cough in a child is not always a disease.

A child’s cough can be:

  1. Dry, or unproductive. Children cough without separation of sputum in the early days of laryngitis, bronchitis, other diseases of the ENT organs and broncho-pulmonary systems, as well as with allergies, whooping cough, and other ailments
  2. Wet, or productive. As the mucus, separated by the mucosa of the respiratory system mucosa, begins to recover or in the process of treatment, begins to linen, lose viscosity. The child begins to cough her. Parents can hear the characteristic “gurgling”, as well as see the clots of sputum that the child spits out when it clearse
The body cleans the respiratory tract of sputum accumulated in it.
The body cleans the respiratory tract of sputum accumulated in it.

Wet cough may indicate a disease if it was provoked:

  • virus
  • bacterium
  • fungus
  • allergen
  • toxin
  • other aggressive substance

Simultaneously with the appearance of wet cough in the baby, if he is sick, other symptoms appear:

  • a sharp increase in temperature to subfebrile (37.5 degrees), febrile (38 - 39 degrees) and above)
  • shortness of breath and cyanosis
  • pain in the chest
  • deterioration of appetite
  • sleep deterioration
  • lethargy
  • irritability
  • wheezing

Also, you need to pay attention to the cough mechanism itself and the nature of sputum separated by it. The reasons for the immediate appeal to the pediatrician are:

  • suddenly appearing long, paroxysmal cough
  • separated in a large amount of sputum green, brown, with impurities of blood or an unpleasant odor
Most often, the cause of wet cough in children is any disease of the respiratory system.
Most often, the cause of wet cough in children is any disease of the respiratory system.

Pathological conditions in which a child can begin to cough with a sputum separation are diseases of the respiratory system:

  • acute respiratory infections
  • bronchitis
  • pneumonia
  • bronchial asthma
  • other diseases of the respiratory system of an allergic nature
  • tuberculosis
  • other

Diseases of other organs and systems can also provoke a wet cough:

  • heart pathology
  • helminthosis
  • gastrointestinal reflux
  • some sexually transmitted diseases, for example, chlamydia (children can “catch” it at birth or contact - domestic way)

Also, children with sputum cough may begin:

  • when they are in a room with dry air
  • when they inhale the vapors of household chemicals, tobacco smoke, dust, so on
  • when choking breast milk
  • when choking saliva during teething

To identify the cause of wet cough in a particular child, it must be examined. At the same time, doctors use methods:

  • external inspection
  • auscultation
  • percussion
  • laboratory test of blood
  • chest x -ray

Important: if the cause of coughing is a virus or bacterium, a blood test will show leukocytosis if allergies or helminths - eosinophilia

VIDEO: Wet cough while teething

Wet cough, temperature and runny nose in a child - causes

The temperature, runny nose and cough with sputum are signs of SARS.
The temperature, runny nose and cough with sputum are signs of SARS.
  • When a child gets acute respiratory viral infections, his temperature rises, his nose flows and coughing begins. The virus annoys the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.
    It happens that on the second or third day from the onset of the disease to a runny nose and temperature, another symptom joins-a wet cough
  • Parents can frighten his unexpected attacks. It seems to them that in the child inside everything gurgles and bubbles. You need to know - in this way the child’s respiratory tract is cleansed of mucus from the cavity of the nose (snot), which flows along the back of the pharynx. Sputum evacuation occurs by coughing
  • On the one hand, a similar transformation of a dry cough to moist indicates that the child is getting better. On the other hand, sputum from the nasal cavity can infect the mucous membrane of the pharynx, cause its inflammation. It is recommended to adjust the treatment and add measures to reorganize the throat and larynx to it
  • Often the pathogenic organism, virus or bacterium, affects not one section of the child’s respiratory system, but several at once. Bronchitis or pneumonia, the symptoms of which at a certain stage are temperature and productive cough, may be accompanied by rhinitis. Symptomatic treatment will then be difficult, at the same time it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the focus of infection

Causes of wet cough in a child in a dream

A strong cough with a sputum separation, which happens at night, must alert his parents and encourage them to show the child to a doctor not only because he prevents him from sleeping. The priority task is to clarify the reason for the coughing, which can be:

  1. Start of acute respiratory infection. Often in the first pairs, the virus that struck the upper respiratory tract does not make themselves felt in the daytime. At night, as soon as the child falls asleep, his cough can begin both dry and with the separation of sputum
  2. Rhinitis. In a dream, the child is in a horizontal position, does not wrinkle, so the snot drains into the throat, block the breathing lumen, irritate the mucous membrane of the throat. The evacuation mechanism in the form of cough is turned on
  3. Inflammation of the mucosa of respiratory organs (adenoiditis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia). In a certain period of the course of these diseases, sputum becomes a slurry, during the day the child begins to cough it gradually. When he sleeps, sputum accumulates in his respiratory tract. There is a reflex parbitorous cough
  4. Allergy. A cough in which sputum is separated in a child can occur at night if an allergen is located in its crib
  5. Bronchial asthma. By attacks of wet coughing, aggravating at night, its cough form is manifested

Important: so that the cough does not interfere with the child to sleep calmly, first of all, parents, along with the pediatrician, must identify his cause and eliminate it.

Most of the parents are scared by bouts of coughing that occur in a child in a dream.
Most of the parents are scared by bouts of coughing that occur in a child in a dream.

Also, they can take such measures:

  • moisten the air in the child’s bedroom, if it is winter, the heating system works
  • ventify the child’s bedroom
  • put the child to sleep not horizontally, but on a hill, plusing
  • infants more often change the position during their sleep
  • give an abundant
  • remove from the children's bed all objects that have the potential to cause allergies
  • give the child a decongestant or antihistamine for the night

Important: if the child takes an expectorant drug, you can not give it right before bedtime, it is better to do it in 1.5 - 2 hours. The medicine can drive sputum, and then in a dream the child will begin to literally choke on a cough. Antitratus agents for productive coughing are strictly prohibited.

Why does a child not have a wet cough? Causes of protracted moist cough in a child without temperature

A cough with acute respiratory viral infections and bronchitis, subject to adequate treatment, takes place after 5 to 14 days. If, after this time, the child continues to cough, you need to sound the alarm, as this may mean:

  • continuation of the infectious process in the respiratory organ or its chronic
  • pneumonia
  • pulmonary tuberculosis
  • helminthosis
  • bronchial asthma or other type of strong respiratory allergies

A protracted cough with a sputum separation may be accompanied by an increase in temperature (usually up to 38 degrees) or not.

To determine its cause, the child must be examined in detail.

Important: after bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, the so -called residual cough may be. The cause of the disease is eliminated, but the mucous membrane of the organ remains inflamed, sputum is produced above the norm. Such a cough in a child is not accompanied by other pathological symptoms and tends to fade away.

VIDEO: Wet cough with respiratory diseases

Means for wet cough to children: compresses, mustard plasters, drugs

The cough is not treated, they treat its cause. Depending on what it is, the child is prescribed funds:

  • antiviral
  • antifungal
  • antibacterial
  • antihistamine
  • anthelmintic

Traditionally, mucolytics are prescribed for a productive cough. These drugs, contributing to a decrease in the viscosity of sputum and facilitate its expectorant, are divided into two large groups:

  1. Expecting on a plant basis. From this group, children are most often prescribed pertussin, mucaltin, drug -based drugs and licorice

  2. Synthetic mucolytics. For children in syrup, suspensions and tablets, there are Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Bromhexin, Askil, Amboben, ACC, and other drugs


Important: in infectious inflammation of the respiratory mucosa, in which a wet cough appears, there is always an allergic component. Therefore, simultaneously with the mucolytic, the child should give clarititis, suprastin, Erius or other anti -allergic agent prescribed by the doctor.

Sputum liquefaction and relieve its baking, also contribute to such procedures as:

  • grinding
  • compresses (potato, honey, vodka, so on)
  • mustard plasters

But they need to be carried out strictly according to the rules and only according to the appointment of a doctor. You can read more about the mustard in the article: -ombiahlya-bronhlya-bronrana-baronahlyana Ostehondroze

Herbion from wet cough for children

In conditions accompanied by a humid cough, children from two years old are prescribed syrup herbion primrose, which has an expectorant property.

Herbion Primer from cough with sputum.
Herbion Primer from cough with sputum.

The composition of the drug includes menthol, a water forensic primrose extract, a water extract of thyme grass.

Important: in addition to the expectorant properties of herbion, the primrose also has immunomodulating.

  • Children drink the drug 1-2 measures 3 times a day, depending on age
  • The duration of the course of treatment is adjusted by the doctor

Inhalations with wet coughing in children

Effective cough with sputum separation were and will be of various types of inhalation.

Steam mungaling for wet coughing in children.
Steam inhalations with wet cough in children.

They can be done, as before, over a saucepan or kettle. The decoctions of herbs and essential oils that have an expectorant effect help. It:

  • sage
  • st. John's wort
  • eucalyptus
  • nettle

Also in many families today there is a nebulizer through which a child can be allowed to breathe a lasolvan, saline, alkaline mineral water.

Inhalations with a nebulizer with a wet cough in children.
Inhalations with a nebulizer with a wet cough in children.

Folk remedies for moist cough for children

The child can help clench, giving folk remedies simultaneously with pharmacy drugs. Parents should be armed with several recipes.

RECIPE: Black radish with milk from important cough in a child

Black radish with milk from important cough in a child.
Black radish with milk from important cough in a child.

Need: black radish juice, milk, honey

  • Rubbing a grater, squeezing the juice
  • Milk boil and slightly cool
  • Mix radish juice (1 part) and milk (2 parts), add a spoonful of honey
  • The child is given an elixir an hour after he eats, three times a day

RECIPE: Vegetable juices and aloe from wet cough to child

Vegetable juices and aloe from wet cough to the child.
Vegetable juices and aloe from wet cough to the child.

We need: juices of beets, carrots, black radish, cranberries - 100 ml, aloe juice - 1 tbsp. spoon, lemon juice - 50 ml

  • Juices must be mixed, insisting on the night
  • If the child has a bitter medicine, you can add honey or sugar to it
  • Give three times a day for 2 tbsp. tablespoons

RECIPE: Licorice from moist cough

Solo from wet cough.
Solo from wet cough.

Necessary: \u200b\u200blicorice root - 10 g, boiling water - 200 ml, honey - as needed

In a water bath, the crushed root of the licorice is languished for 20 minutes, insist an hour, filter. A child with a wet cough is given 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.

Important: folk remedies used to treat a child with a wet cough must be approved by a doctor. Firstly, not all of them can suit him by age. Secondly, an allergic reaction is possible on them

VIDEO: The causes of cough and its treatment are Dr. Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. It is more difficult with kids, it is easier for themselves to treat a cough, and children need to be listened, examined. Therefore, you need to call a doctor to be sure. The pediatrician wrote to us the syrup of Bronkhobos, helped very well. In a child, sputum has become easier to leave.

  2. I make a radish with milk and yodangin cocoa oil, I started to give it with milk from 7 years old, it is completely natural and the cough passes faster and improves immunity.

  3. Thanks for the article, useful information. Children often get sick, and parents should know how to treat them. If a cough, then a plentiful warm drink, moisturize the room and ventilate. I also buy Syrup Stodal, his children drink well and he treats any kind of cough.

  4. I do not like medicines from which too much sputum becomes, such as ACC or flutitek. In this regard, only Gedelix suits. Quickly removes sputum outward, but it does not affect the amount of it at the same time.

  5. The main thing is that sputum will leave well. I try not to buy synthetic drugs. I choose plant -based syrups. In addition, tea with raspberries is necessarily, you can brew thyme and coltsfoot, it is useful with chalk. Also, I definitely give a baby formula of the bear vitamin with the child so that the body better resists sores.

  6. I order all the vitamins on Aiherb, the quality inspires them more. At the expense of cough I will say this. I do not fly a wet cough at all, i.e. I just propose to drink more and walk twice as much, that's it !! If the cough is dry, then fluiev is used, it moisturizes well, removes sputum, I use only this syrup.

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