Than and how to disinfect air and disinfect the premises of the apartment yourself: 7 ways, tips

Than and how to disinfect air and disinfect the premises of the apartment yourself: 7 ways, tips

This topic will be discussed how to disinfect air and disinfect the room of the house.

Disinfection of air in residential premises is carried out to reduce the risk of infectious and viral diseases, which are transmitted by airborne droplets and are very dangerous for humans.

The main task of disinfection is to reduce the concentration of harmful microorganisms in the air that cause various ailments and in raising natural immunity. But how is it right, and most importantly - how to conduct home disinfection of air, we will consider in this material.

How to make air disinfection in the house yourself: household methods of disinfection

The need to carry out air disinfection at home falls in the autumn-winter period. After all, natural ventilation will not be saved, the number of microbes in the air rises, and the immunity of each of us falls into the zone of attacks of viruses. There are various ways of disinfecting, but each of them has its own pros and cons. And in order to decide on the choice, you need to familiarize yourself with each of them, which we will do now.

Do not forget that our health is in our air!
Our health is in clean air!

Chemical air disinfection method

  • It is carried out by washing floors and processing all surfaces by disinfectant liquids, which include Monochloramine, chlorine, chlorcin, hexachlor.
  • Based on these components, the industry produces a variety of household chemicals that are used to disinfect the premises. They are produced in the form of liquids, gels, stumps, mousses, powders, granules or even disinfectant napkins.
  • But they have one principle of action - under the influence of light and moisture, these drugs release atomic oxygen and chlorine that acts destructively on bacteria and viruses. There are simply a lot of names of chemical disinfectants, as well as trading brands of household chemicals.
    • The most popular and popular drugs are Whiteness, disktin, sanitation, shine, surge, dichlor or protein, as well as lime itself.In general, this is only a small percentage of all known brands.
  • You just should focus on specific tasks for what purpose you are disinfecting. And also consider what exactly you are going to disinfect, which surfaces to process.
  • But before using chemical disinfectants, carefully study the instructions and observe all precautions. After all, chemicals can be toxic in contact with skin or inhalation, and can also easily ignite. It should also be taken into account that after the expiration date, most disinfectants lose their activity.

Important: always work with these drugs only in gloves and respirator when there are no children or other family members at home. It is necessary to ventilate the room after cleaning, so that the smell of chlorine will disappear! And do not forget that chemical components can cause allergies and irritation on the skin.

The current abundance of chemicals for disinfection of the house
The current abundance of chemicals for disinfection of the house

Air disinfection is carried out and improvised household means

  • They are used, as a rule, in the form of solutions for processing various surfaces, and air circulation in the room also promotes its purification.
  • Such well -known substances can be used as homemade disinfectants:
    • saturated solution of salt. It is necessary to dilute 100 g of salt in 1 liter of water. Treat all surfaces in the house with such a liquid, special attention should be paid to the sink and kitchen countertops. A big plus is the lack of allergies;
    • vinegar or lemon juice, If there is an intolerance to the first essence. Dilute the liquid in a ratio of 1: 2 with simple water, pour into a jar of sprayer and pass through all surfaces, including even fabric furniture. By the way, when connecting with salt, this method will also help to eliminate the stains on various surfaces. You can simply spray the room from the spray gun with a weak solution of vinegar. A relatively safe way of disinfection of the room;
    • hydrogen peroxide Suitable not only for wound processing. It is necessary to dilute 1 large bottle or 100 ml into 5 liters of water. This mixture can pass almost all surfaces, making sure of high -quality disinfection;
    • ammonia, as a powerful gun from microbes and viruses. A few drops on a glass of water are enough and you can destroy the disputes of most pests. You can do otherwise - treat the oven with ammonia with ammonia and warm it a little. And due to the fumes, the disinfecting effect in the room is achieved and an unpleasant odor disappears.

Important: but there are a number of nuances! Salt solution on some surfaces leaves a plaque, so re -rinse is required. Peroxide for dark and painted surfaces is not suitable, since it can change the color. And the ammonia has a pungent smell, so when working with it, it is advisable to ventilate the room well. Vinegar is not suitable for everyone, like an allergenic citrus.

Improvised components will help strengthen wet cleaning
Available components will help strengthen wet cleaning

A pleasant method of air disinfection - essential oils

  • Have high antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. At the same time, they are still capable of affecting the body, eliminating headaches and the first signs of viral diseases.
  • They are used in the form of solutions when washing the floors and wiping furniture, in the form of aerosols by spraying or using aroma lamps.
  • With wet cleaning 3-4 drops Essential oil is added to a liter of water. For spraying or heating is enough and 2-3 dropsdepending on the saturation of the aroma.
  • The best for disinfection are:
    • coniferous ethers, in particular fir and needles;
    • citrus fruits, especially lemon;
    • eucalyptus;
    • tea tree.

Important: but you must make sure that you do not have an allergy to one or another component. And do not forget that you need to use only a 100% natural product. It is also worth noting that some aromas, for example, the smell of eucalyptus or tea tree, have a very pungent smell. Therefore, do not overdo it in the dosage!

Do not underestimate the aroma machine
Do not underestimate the aroma machine

Ultraviolet or quartz lamp for air disinfection and room

  • Quartzing - the process of cleaning the air in the room and saturating it with an ozone - is a very effective disinfection tool acting on all types of viruses and bacteria by ultraviolet radiation of high power.
  • But it has a number of features, due to which its use is difficult. First of all, you can turn on the quartz lamp in the room Only in the absence of people, animals, fish in the aquarium and plants!
  • This manipulation is carried out once a day, within 15-20 minutes. After this procedure, the room is necessary Improve carefully.
  • In addition, the effectiveness of the use of a quartz lamp in a room where there are many objects, things and furniture, as well as various zones, which are not available for direct ultraviolet rays, is very dubious.
    • Therefore, quartzing should be performed in stages, moving the device around the rooms and processing all available and inaccessible nooks. But portable lamps usually have insufficient power.

Important: never forget that ultraviolet radiation is extremely dangerous for our body. Moreover, with frequent contact. But for medical institutions, this device is indispensable.

Ultraviolet is very effective, but also extremely dangerous
Ultraviolet is very effective, but also extremely dangerous

We disinfect air using a recirculator

  • Unlike the action of an ultraviolet lamp, the recirculator is different. It consists of a mercury lamp and a flask closed in a special casing. Radiation of the lamp does not penetrate the room. Therefore, it does not pose a danger to people, animals and plants. And air disinfection and exposure to microorganisms occurs inside the casing.
  • Therefore, the use of a recirculator Significantly saferrather than the use of an ultraviolet lamp. And can be carried out in the presence of people, animals and plants. The use of this device also does not require ventilation of the room.
  • But safety precautions should still be at a high level:
    • in no case can you use the device with signs of a malfunction;
    • turn on it with a casing removed;
    • it is always necessary to carefully monitor the integrity of the flask, given its mercury component.
  • Currently, recirculators on sale are in a large assortment. Moreover, they become almost as necessary devices as air conditioners. When choosing the device, it should be guided by its power, depending on the volume of the room in which it has to work, dimensions and costs. Mobile models are very convenient, which, if necessary, can be moved around the apartment.

Important: using the recirculator, it should be remembered that its continuous work causes no less harm to human health, and sterile air helps to reduce natural immunity. In addition, due to its continuous work, a mutation of microorganisms may occur, and they will remain resistant to rays. Therefore, it is recommended to use the recirculator only in the season of viral infections, and then with restrictions.

The recirculator is not inferior in efficiency, but more safe
The recirculator is not inferior in efficiency, but more safe

We seek the help of a salt lamp for home disinfection of air

  • This is a natural lamp made from a whole piece of natural mineral. Designed for air ionization. Stone salt, due to its unique property, has long been used to treat colds and raise immunity.
  • And today, when the excess of positively charged ions, created in our dwellings by an abundance of electrical devices, negatively affects human health and life, a salt lamp can neutralize this effect by filling the air with negative ions.
  • During its continuous operation, air ionization occurs constantly, a microclimate is normalized in the room, the air is cleansed of pathogenic microflora, and people improve breathing and immunity increases.
  • It is especially useful for people suffering from ailments of the brain or lungs, as well as cardiovascular diseases.
  • When choosing a salt lamp, pay attention to its weight, taking into account the room in which it will be used. The larger the lamp weight, the more effective the process of air purification, but For every 10 m² you need at least 1 kg of saline array.It is better to place the lamp near the bed.
Not only beautiful, but also crawled decor
Not only beautiful, but also useful decor

Air humidifiers are also able to disinfect the air in the house

Devices that return the humidity of the air in the apartment at the same time have a disinfectant effect. They also favorably affect our well -being, preventing overdrying the mucous membranes and increasing immunity. Today, industry offers us an abundance of such devices that have become an integral attribute of a healthy lifestyle. Air humidifiers are several types:

  • traditional- Drive the air through special antibacterial filters and evaporators. Due to the constant circulation of air in the room, an optimal microclimate is created;
  • steam- They work using a heating element that turns water into steam and creates a “tropical” humidity in the room. For a greater effect, decoctions of herbs and essential oils can be poured into the flask of the device;
  • ultrasonic devices- work using ultrasound that breaks down water inside the device and creates the effect of wet fog in the room;
  • air washes - Multifunctional devices that combine 3 functions. That is, cleansing, moistening and aromatization of air in the room. The principle of operation - air washing. Thanks to the silver rods placed in the device, the water passing through it is ionized and becomes crystal clean. And antibacterial filters destroy all pathogenic microflora;
  • climate complexes - Multifunctional devices that carry out a multi -stage system of filtering, cleaning and disinfection of air. Thanks to automatic sensors, analysis is carried out and air quality control.
Especially necessary if there are children in the house
Especially necessary if there are children in the house

How to properly disinfect air and disinfect the premises: tips

Buying a device or lighting a lamp with your favorite aroma is not enough. You need to observe some more rules that will help you conduct proper cleaning of the premises. Therefore, adhere to our recommendations:

  • never disinfect with the children! Moreover, if you work with caustic or, even worse, dangerous components. Yes, and such a manipulation is very much like a general cleaning in the house, so the children will simply interfere, confused underfoot. The same applies to animals;
  • we begin to get out of the bedroom, Smoothly moving to the kitchen. In conclusion, you need to process the bathroom and bathroom;
  • also do not forget about the gravitational rule - Dust falls down.Yes, it can climb into the air, but then it will settle on horizontal surfaces. Therefore, first remove the upper shelves, and then smoothly fall to the floor;
  • do not forget about curtains and soft toys. In them, over time, you accumulate as much dust as on the carpet. And all because we very often miss them. Therefore, when disinfecting the room, always connect all pile, soft or fabric objects in the room to the process;
  • if mold appears in the room, process it immediately with special solutions;
  • and again we repeat - Do not forget about personal protectionrespiratory tract, mucous surface of the eyes and skin.
Conduct a cleaning regularly
Conduct a cleaning regularly

As you can see, there is currently a huge selection of air disinfection at home. They can be used separately, but can be combined. And this choice depends on your personal preferences, living conditions, subsequent use and, of course, on the price policy. But remember, there is nothing more expensive than your health and health of your loved ones! And also do not forget that it is better to prevent the disease than to treat!

Video: Home Air Disinfection

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Comments K. article

  1. Good advice. Helped. Thank you. But what is it: "... Ethers of conifers, in particular fir and needles"? Needles? And "... citrus fruits, especially lemon" then finish "and citrus")))

  2. You still can’t remove anything from yourself 100%, no viruses and bacteria. Even if there is perfect cleanliness at home, you will face them anyway ... Therefore, first of all, you need to think about strengthening immunity. I can advise the Evalarovsky Selena Forte. I really like it very much. I began to hurt much less often with him, and I know that it is also antioxidant protection, so it will not be superfluous. By the way, there is also vitamin C.

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