Bursitis of the elbow and knee joint in dogs. How to cure a bursitis in a dog, a puppy?

Bursitis of the elbow and knee joint in dogs. How to cure a bursitis in a dog, a puppy?

Bursitis is inflammation on the elbow and knee joints of the dogs. Successfully lends itself to drug treatment, provided that some physical restrictions are observed for the animal.

Dogs are often susceptible to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Bursit is no exception. This is a disease that prevents the four -legged person to actively move.

What is Bursitis of the elbow and knee joint in dogs, puppies?

Bursitis - This is an inflammation of the mucous membranes around the elbow, knee or hip joints.

Bursa or synovial bag Call the cavity filled with synovial liquid. It softens friction in the joints.

The causes of the disease can be:

  • injuries
  • excessive load
  • inflammation of neighboring tissues
  • infection

The dog becomes less mobile and irritable due to constant pain.

Bursit in the dog
Bursit in the dog

More common loktevo Bursis. It can flow painlessly. A bump appears on the elbow in the animal, which does not cause severe anxiety.

More dangerous knitted bursitis.

The disease can be of different types:

  • spicy
  • chronic
  • aseptic
  • purulent

Large breeds are more prone to him. Excess weight creates an additional load on the joints.

Large dogs are very prone to Bursite
Large dogs are very prone to Bursite

The dog has inflammation of the elbow joint, cone: what to do?

With a disease, the dog begins to limp, the place around the joint swells. A bump is formed, soft and hot by touch.

Important: if the pet reacts very painfully to touch, it means that Bursit goes into an acute form, which can end poorly.

The animal can move, but at the same time feels severe pain. Loss of appetite is also possible. Bursa can open and secrete liquid or pus.

It is necessary to limit the dog in movements, cancel or reduce walks as soon as possible, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

The lump on the elbow in the dog - Bursis
The lump on the elbow in the dog - Bursis

Bursitis of the elbow joint: Treatment in dogs

You can’t do the treatment on your ownas it depends on the stage of the disease.

So, aseptic Bursitis can be treated with warm compresses, which cannot be done when purulent.

At first, you can use cold lotions. With elbow buckthrough, it is recommended tight horseshoe -shaped bandageswhich protect the joint from injuries.

Since only a doctor can determine the type of bursitis, the owner of the dog must provide the pet with peace and protect him from movements. After diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe warming or cooling compresses, ultraviolet radiation. Strong are prescribed antibiotics.

Important: it is not advisable to bring Burit to surgery.

In unreasonable cases, the liquid is pumped out with a syringe. Introduced into the cavity diprospan in a dose of 2-4 mg diluted in 1-2 ml of a 2% solution lidocaine.

A prescribe 1-3 injections with an interval of 3 weeks-2 months. A third of patients have such a successful treatment.

The amount of fluid pumping and administration of drugs depends on a particular case. As a rule, one injection is enough for a complete recovery. Sometimes relapse occurs.

If a bursit in an acute stage, with purulent selection, Maybe drainage to remove excess fluid. Drainage can be made of glove rubber or cotton-gauze tampons. After a certain time, it is removed.

The veterinarian should treat Bursitis in the dog
The veterinarian should treat Bursitis in the dog

This method helps to remove unnecessary secretions, but there is a risk of infection in the wound. Draining is effectively slightly more than half of the disease.

Dexamethason to the dog with Burit

Medicines that Bursit are treated - non -steroidal, anti -inflammatory drugs. Additional funds can be hydrocortisone, methylprednisolone, dexamethasonwhich relieve inflammation. They have contraindications, but with short -term exposure are quite effective.

Dexamethason It has an anti -inflammatory and immunosuppressive effect. It can be used for diseases of the joints, including Burit. However, a proven medicine, which is more often used in the treatment of elbow and knee joints diprospan.

Dexamethasone for the treatment of bursitis in dogs
Dexamethasone for the treatment of bursitis in dogs

In order to protect your pet, it is necessary to keep it in a warm place. On a solid cold floor, a dog prone to Bursite cannot be sleeped.

It is recommended to lift the floor with soft fabrics, the sleeping place should be deep. Say the pet from excessive loads. Do not overfeed the animal, as excess weight increases the friction of the joints.

Video: Bursit in the dog. Vetacademia

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