Buran - Instructions for use

Buran - Instructions for use

We will discuss the drug "Buran". Let's talk about the indications for use, forms of the release of the drug and the identical analogues of the drug.

Instructions for use

The active substance of the drug "Buran" is ibuprofen. This is a non -steroidal anti -inflammatory agent.

This tool is used as an antipyretic, anti -inflammatory agent and means to reduce temperature. Buran has an anti-inflammatory effect due to the blocking of enzymes of inflammation-cycloxiginase-1 and cyclooxycinase-2.

The analgesic effect is most clearly manifested in the manifestation of pain of inflammatory genesis. Like other anti -inflammatory drugs, Buran has a “thinning” effect on the blood (has anti -aggregate properties).

Output form

Ibuprofen It has the following forms of release:
• Drage
• Capsules ( capsules with a prolonged action)
• Syrup
• Drops for oral administration
• suspension (in a dosage for children and adults) for oral use
• Tablets
• tablets with various tastes for resorption

There are no forms for external use in the form of ointments with the name “Buran”, but there are anti -inflammatory ointments with the main active substance Ibuprofen And wears the same name.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of this drug are practically all inflammatory diseases.
From the musculoskeletal system:
• Arthritis (rheumatoid, juvenile, psoriatic)
• Arthritis at   SVK
• Exacerbation of osteochondrosis
Amyiatrophia neurological genesis
• Bukhterev disease (anquilizing spondylarthritis)
• Arthritis with gout

In the presence of painful inflammatory syndrome:
• muscle pain
• joint pain
• pain in arthritis
• Migraine
• Neuralgia
• with oncological pathology
• with pain during inflammation of the joint bag (Bursis)
• with pain at tender
• pain in the postoperative period or in post -traumatic
Also, "Buran" is used for painful menstruation, for inflammation of the appendages and even during childbirth.
Application finds as an anti -inflammatory drug during feverish conditions for infectious processes in the body.

Buran to children

The main active substance Nurofen is also Ibuprofen.

Application ibuprofen In children in a tablet form, it is shown from the age of 12 years and older.

Buran tablets (capsules)

This drug is prescribed for children in the following cases:
• With inflammatory processes (SARS and ARI) with feverish syndrome, it is recommended to take at a dose from 150 mg to 300 mg to 3 times a day - this is a starting dose. Then the dosage is reduced to 100 mg 3 times a day. In this case, the daily dose of the drug should not exceed 1 g of matter
• The calculation of 30-40 mg in nets per 1 kg of body weight is made for juvenile arthritis. Reception is assigned several times
• as an antipyretic, with an increase in temperature above 39.6 degrees celsius Assign 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight. If the body temperature is below indicated, then calculate Dose of 5 mg per 1 kg body weight

Buran Suppen

In the form of a Buran suspension, children from the age of 6 months are prescribed:
• from 6 months to 1 of the year at a dose of 50 mg up to 4 times a day
• from 1 year to 3 years-in 100 mg up to 3 times a day
• from 4 to 6 years on 150 mg up to 3 times a day
• from 7 to 9 years-in 200 mg and 3 times a day
• from 10 to 12 years-in 300 mg up to 3 times a day

Buran dosage

A prescribe the drug "Buran" inside after eating adults with various diseases in different dosages:
• diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis , arthritis psoriatic, spondylarthritis)-on 400-600 mg until 4 doses per day
• with rheumatic lesion joints 800 mg up to 3 times a day
• with painful menstruation 400 mg up to 4 times a day
• with traumatic damage to soft tissues and sprains-do 2.5 g per day
• With pain, the dose is up to 1.3 g per day

Buran contraindications

Buran has a number of contraindications for use:
• Allergic reactions to ibuprofen and components of the drug
• as for everyone NSAIDs are ivate gastrointestinal diseases
• breastfeeding period
• So-called " aspirin"Astma
• Pregnancy
• hemophilia, blood coagulation disorders

With particular caution, the drug is prescribed for liver diseases (cirrhosis, portal hypertension0 for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, enteritis). With renal and liver failures and at arterial hypertension.

Buran or ibuprofen ?

Buran is The drug foreign production and at the moment it is excluded from the sale of domestic countries. In our country there is a drug that is called the main active substances « Ibuprofen". He found a wide range of application, according to his indications.

However, it is worth noting that in comparison with the drug "Buran", domestic " Ibuproen»Much more profitable in price. Ibuprofen At the moment, it is available in the form of an ointment and is often used for external use for inflammatory diseases of the skin and applying to the area of \u200b\u200bjoints affected by the inflammatory process.

Side effect

  • Nausea, vomiting, sensation of heartburn, digestive disorder may be observed , Increased gas formation
  • Taking the medicine can provoke the development of peptic ulcer. It is also possible the presence of a sensation of dry mouth, bleeding gums, exacerbation of chronic hepatitis
  • The respiratory system can react with a breath and bronchospasm
  • The cardiovascular system is an exacerbation of symptoms of heart failure, impairment rhythm of heart contractions, hypertension.
  • Maybe to be observed decrease in hearing sharpness, as many NSAIDs have ototactic action
    There is also the likelihood of developing an anemic state

Buran analogues

Similar in action or those having a similar active substance, the drugs bear the following names:
No pain
Ibuprom Max
Dolgit cream
Brufen Cf.


Reviews about the drug "Buran", having viewed many sources, we found a minimum number. However, given that its main active substance ibuprofenThe following comments can be noted.

This drug is certainly effective. However, its disadvantage is a large number of side effects. They wear serious consequences and the drug is quite toxic for the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system and hearing organ.

Video: Ibuprofen for osteochondrosis

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