Bronchipret: forms of release, composition, indications, contraindications, side effects, analogues, price, storage, reviews. Bronchipret - syrup or drops: which is better? Bronchipret - how to drink adults, children: Instructions

Bronchipret: forms of release, composition, indications, contraindications, side effects, analogues, price, storage, reviews. Bronchipret - syrup or drops: which is better? Bronchipret - how to drink adults, children: Instructions

In this article, we will talk, which is the drug Bronchipret and how to use it correctly.

Curing a cough that appeared as a result of ARVI's disease or exacerbation of chronic diseases is quite difficult. In this case, you have to take additional drugs that help to leave sputum from the lungs. In addition, they help to eliminate inflammation. One of the effective drugs is bronchipret. It is created on a natural basis and is highly effective.

Bronchipret: Forms of release


The drug Bronchipret is produced in three forms - tablets, syrup and drops. As a rule, a tablet form is prescribed for children over 12 years of age. They are covered with a sweet shell of green color. In pharmacies, the drug is presented in the amount of 20 pieces in one package.

However, the most popular form of the product is syrup. It is produced in bottles of 50 and 100 ml. They are made of dark glass, and the kit includes a measured cup. It allows you to gain the desired dose of the drug without difficulty. One bottle is enough for a long time.

There is still such a form as drops. They are also produced in bottles of 50 and 100 ml, but at the same time they have a special dispenser.

Bronchipret - why are they appoint: readings and contraindications

The main reason why the drug Bronchipret is prescribed is a cough that is often manifested as a complication after a cure for a cold. It can be disturbed for several weeks and often you can’t get rid of it without special drugs. Thanks to the bronchial, sputum is quickly excreted from the body and accelerates recovery.

A means is prescribed in just a few cases - if a person is sick with bronchitis or tracheobronchitis, as well as with an acute or chronic form of bronchitis. In addition, it is not forbidden to use the drug for diseases accompanied by abundant secretion of sputum.

At the same time, there are not very many contraindications as such:

  • First of all, it is contraindicated in allergy sufferers if they have sensitivity to any of the components of the drug
  • Liver
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding are also a contraindication
  • The early age of the child
  • Drops can not be taken to children under 6 years old, and tablets - up to 12
  • Epilepsy or head injury

If the patient undergoes treatment for drug or drug addiction, then taking bronchial is contraindicated. This is due to the fact that he contains alcohol. It can lead to re -development of the disease. Moreover, people suffering from alcoholism usually have disorders in the liver, and alcohol affects it.

As for epilepsy and diseases of the brain, the drug is contraindicated for one reason - alcohol affects the functioning of its cells, and not in the best way.

The drug Bronchipret: Composition

Bronchipret - composition
Bronchipret - composition

As we have already said, the drug bronchipret is made on the basis of herbs. So, he contains 50 g of thyme and 15 info from ivy leaves. Since one of the forms of release of the drug is syrup, alcohol is added to it. Its number does not exceed 19%. There are other additives for taste and density. This allows you to make the drug more simple.

Thyme extract has an effect on bacteria, eliminating them, and also helps to quickly retreat sputum. Moreover, the product contains thyme, thymol, carvacro, Borneolom, Pinenom, as well as an active substance. They all, acting in a place, reduce inflammation in the bronchi and strengthen immunity.

The second component is an infusion of ivy leaves. It has an antibacterial and expectorant effect. The fact is that ivy stimulates the bronchi and affects sputum, liquefying it. This allows her to leave the lungs faster. Accordingly, breathing a person becomes much easier.

Bronchipret - syrup or drops: which is better?

Since the drug Bronchipret is produced in several forms, it is logical that many have a question - which one is better? In this case, everything is strictly individual.

The fact is that the tablets are very convenient to take and they are effective in the fight against wet cough. But you can only take them from the age of 12 and adults. So for young children, pills are not suitable.

But the liquid form, in the form of syrup or drops, is already much more convenient for children, because they act faster and easily swallow them. Moreover, syrup is much more convenient to dose, as well as drops.

Each of the forms effectively fights diseases of the bronchi. They work very well in combination with antibacterial agents, which are usually prescribed for the development of severe respiratory tract infections. By the way, often when prescribing the drug to children, antibiotics are usually prescribed to it.

Bronchipret - from which cough is it appointed?

According to the instructions, the drug bronchipret is prescribed from wet cough, because its effect is aimed at liquefaction of sputum and eliminating it from the bronchi. However, this does not mean that the product will not be effective from dry cough. If you study the instructions, it does not indicate that such a cough is a contraindication for use. So theoretically this is not prohibited.

However, it is still recommended to consult a doctor and find out what is the cause of the cough. For example, the drug will have no effect in case of tuberculosis or cough.

Remember, if you still take bronchiptra to combat dry cough, then in no case do not use antitussive drugs that can suppress the reflex. This will ultimately lead to problems with sputum jerking, and can also provoke stagnation.

Bronchipret - how to drink adults, children: Instructions

The drug bronchipret for use differs depending on the course of the disease, as well as the age of the patient. So, for children and adults, dosages are distributed as follows:

Bronchipret - Instruction
Bronchipret - Instruction

What is the drug Bronchypret from side effects?

In fact, the drug is bronchipret regardless of its form of release, adults, elderly and children easily tolerate. If some individual components of the human body are not perceived, then an allergic reaction may occur. Usually it manifests itself in the form of nausea or vomiting.

At the same time, if you drink too many medicines without observing the dosage, then this may affect the state of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, abdominal pain, rumbling, as well as vomiting and nausea will occur. In such a situation, gastric lavage will help. This can be done independently or called a doctor at home.

As a rule, before the doctor’s arrival, the patient is given several tablets of activated coal. If an overdose is observed in a child, then you need to immediately call an ambulance.

Is it possible to breathe a nebulizer with a bronchipret medicine?

Today, cough medicines are often used for inhalation with a nebulizer. A logical question arises - is it possible to use the drug to be used for inhalation?

In this case, it is better not to do this, since no instruction provides for such use. Moreover, no doctor makes such prescriptions. It is better to use other drugs for inhalations that will not harm them and doctors prescribe them without problems.

Bronchipret - at what age can children be?

The baby is ill
The baby is ill

Another important question is - at what age can the drug Bronchipret be prescribed? In general, the syrup is allowed to take from three months. However, you should not prescribe this drug yourself. Since the matter concerns children, it is better to consult a doctor. From six years, it is allowed to use the drug in the form of a drop. However, again, without consulting a doctor, it is better not to do this.

Why did the cough intensify from the bronchial - is it normal?

It happens that when the patient takes the drug Bronchipret, his cough is enhanced. For several days, this is considered normal, because the product liquefies sputum and makes it get out of the bronchi. Accordingly, a person coughs more. Accordingly, when the main part of the sputum is removed and it will become smaller, the cough will not bother so much.

Is it possible to take bronchipret during pregnancy, breastfeeding?

The drug is bronchipret, although plant, but during pregnancy it is not recommended. The fact is that for a clear reason, clinical studies were not conducted, and therefore there is no need to talk about security when using it. At the same time, sometimes doctors can prescribe bronchiptra, but only in the case when the potential benefit is higher than the likely risk for the fetus.

In addition, studies were not conducted during breastfeeding. So it is not known whether an active product affects milk. Therefore, if treatment is required by this drug, then it is better to suspend feeding.

Is it possible to take bronchiptra with diabetes?

Many are interested in whether it is possible to take the drug Bronchipret with diabetes mellitus? Yes, really a doctor can prescribe such a tool. This is due to the fact that a single dose contains less than 0.03 bread units.

Lazolvan and bronchipret - which is better: difference


Today, a lot of coughing funds are presented on the market and, of course, the question arises of which of them is better. Lazolvan is a very good tool, in its effectiveness even superior to the drug Bronchipret. At the same time, its price is much lower. However, in the case when the patient has intolerance to lactose, Lazolvan is contraindicated for him.

As for the diseases in which the drugs are allowed to use, the Lazolvan list is much wider. These are diseases of the bronchi of various origin, and pneumonia. However, bronchipret does not lag behind. Despite the fact that the instructions indicate only a few diseases, it can still be used for others, when the patient is worried about the cough.

Bronchipret is allowed to take children from three months, and it is also undesirable to do this during pregnancy and breastfeeding. At the same time, Lazolvan is not appointed to children under six years of age.

It is important to understand that both drugs have a completely different composition and they have different active substances. So they are definitely not analogues.

If we talk about side effects, then bronchipret can only lead to the appearance of an allergic reaction, while Lazolvan causes significantly more reactions. It can be vomiting, diarrhea, dry mouth, a decrease in sensitivity in the mouth and throat.

Reviews of users show that bronchipret really helps in the fight against a cough, but only he does it not very quickly. But Lazolvan gives a quick effect, and it can even be used for inhalations, which can not be said about the bronchip.

What distinguishes Bronchipret from Tonsilgon - which is better?

Often, questions arise, how does the drug Bronchipret and Tonsilgon are different? In fact, both of them are also designed to treat cough. However, the first is most often prescribed if the patient has viscous sputum. It is difficult to say which of the drugs is better, because both of them are effective. At the same time, tonsilgon can be used as an analogue of bronchial. The second contains plant extracts, which not only eliminate inflammation, but also help strengthen immunity.

If you decide to choose one of the drugs, then in any case you should consult a doctor. There is nothing wrong with that, this is a normal situation. Moreover, if you yourself ask analogues in the pharmacy, then of course they will advise you, but only the effectiveness in this case will be in question.

The main criterion for choosing the right drug is its safety. So products based on natural components always cause trust. However, we must take into account the fact that they may be inappropriate for you, for example, some of the components causes allergies.

Bronchipret or Bronchikum - which is better?


According to the principle of action, the drug Bronchipret and Bronchikum practically do not differ, but only in their composition they have different active substances. So before using one instead of the other, be sure to consult a doctor.

Both drugs are quite effective in the fight against a cough, while the bronchikum still has more contraindications. This moment must be taken into account so that during admission there are no other health problems.

The drug bronchipret - homeopathy or not?

Some patients believe that the drug is bronchipret homeopathic. In fact, it does not apply to those. Homeopathy is a plant drug that contains a minimum dose of active substances. In the drug under consideration, the dosage is enough for the treatment of cough. By the way, he can even be prescribed to treat a smoker cough. At the same time, it is important to consider not even how exactly how exactly the drug contains the active substance, but how correctly it is selected by the doctor.

How much can you store bronchiptra after opening?

The drug Bronchipret retains its properties for three years after its acquisition. It is important to store it at a temperature of not more than 24 degrees and away from the child, since the consequences of an overdose may not be the most pleasant.

The cost of the drug Bronchipret: Price

The drug Bronchipret is highly effective, while its price is democratic, albeit not the lowest. The drug is released from pharmacies without a prescription. The average cost of a syrup with a volume of 50 ml is 250-300 rubles. The bottle will cost more from 300 rubles. The cost of drops is slightly higher and ranges from 350-400 rubles. Tablets in cost are not too inferior. Their price usually does not exceed 250-300 rubles.

Bronchipret - analogues in composition: List

Bronchipret analogues
Bronchipret analogues

It is important to say right away that the drug bronchipret has no analogue in its composition. However, there are many plant drugs with a similar principle of action. They are little inferior in effectiveness and they can be used instead of bronchial. Just keep in mind that before use you need to consult a doctor.

So, among the analogues, the following stand out:

  • Evkub. This syrup has an expectorant effect. It affects sputum and dilutes it. Moreover, it contributes to its excretion. It is allowed to take medicine for both children and adults.
  • Altea syrup, licorice. It is prescribed for lung diseases. It differs in that it is allowed to use only for children from two years old. The product has a sweet taste, and therefore there are no problems with its reception in children.
  • Dry potion from cough. It is allowed to take from the first year of life. It contains the root of the licorice, alteen extract, anise oil and other natural components.
  • Herbion. A vegetable drug with a brown or reddish-brown tint. It smells of herbs and has a sweet soft taste. However, it is allowed only to children from two years old. It affects the bronchi. It allows you to make a cough more productive, and sputum leaves with an infectious agent. By the way, the composition of the plantain extract is included. It helps relieve inflammation and has an antibacterial effect.
  • Gedelix. Excellent colds. It acts as antispasmodics and mucolytic due to the presence of ivy extract in the composition. The advantage of the product can be called that it is allowed to accept infants.
  • Substan. Also an expectorant. Moreover, it actively relieves spasms from the bronchi. He makes sputum less viscous and helps her to leave the body. This tool is effective in case of lung and any disease, when sputum can hardly come out.

Medicine for Bronchipret cough: reviews, forum

Most patients who took the drug Bronchipret note its effectiveness. We suggest you familiarize yourself with several reviews of those who have already used this drug:

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4
Review 5
Review 5

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Comments K. article

  1. Bronchipret Great syrup! I tried it on personal experience, when I accidentally picked up ARVI somewhere and I had to treat a wet cough with sputum. It is tolerated well, I had no allergies, nor any adverse reactions. The soreness with jerking in his chest, he took off in a matter of days, and he coped with sputum a lot, so I recommend it.

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