Shambhala bracelet: meaning how to choose and prepare stones, a list of things for weaving. DIY Shambhala bracelet is single-color and two-color, male: weaving schemes for beginners, master classes, photos, descriptions, recommendations

Shambhala bracelet: meaning how to choose and prepare stones, a list of things for weaving. DIY Shambhala bracelet is single-color and two-color, male: weaving schemes for beginners, master classes, photos, descriptions, recommendations

In this article I would like to talk about such a popular jewelry as Shambhala bracelet. The fact is that it is not quite ordinary decoration, but carries a different semantic load.

Shambhala bracelet is a beautiful decoration with meaning. This is a thing that has been at the peak of popularity for a long time for a long time. Let's try to find out what is the secret of this phenomenon, and also try to create a bracelet yourself.

Shambhala Bracelet: What is it, what is its meaning?

Shambhala bracelet was named after the whole country. Only not real, but mythical. You can read more about it, for example, On Wikipedia.

Translated from the ancient Indian language "Shambhala" means something like "Place of calm." The nodes that later replaced the stones symbolized the surrounding this place the mountains. According to another version, stones embodied influencing a person heavenly bodies.

Important: the main value of the bracelet is to be a guide to harmony.

However, this decoration has a lot of purpose:

  • Protect the owner from adverse circumstances. Moreover, regardless of the source of these circumstances.
  • Endow with fearlessness. At first it may seem strange. However, the Eastern sages believed that fearlessness grows precisely from harmony.
  • Give confidence In their own abilities.
  • End up strong health. After all, physical health is often associated with emotional.
  • Attract positive energy, Endowing optimism.
  • Clean the aura. It was believed that the owner of the bracelet learns to become better, begins to better understand and accept the world.
  • Install communication with the subcoranenim. The owners of the jewelry sincerely believed that it helps to understand itself better.
The mysterious Shambhala, in honor of which the bracelet is named, will excite the minds for many centuries
The mysterious Shambhala, in honor of which the bracelet is named, will excite the minds for many centuries

How to choose the right stones to weave the Shambhala bracelet: tips, recommendations

Before you start making a shambala bracelet, it is worth finding out which stones are suitable for a particular person. Often people are guided on the signs of the zodiac. We recommend that we familiarize yourself with our articles about stones-workers for men and for women.

It is also worth deciding what effect is expected from the bracelet:

  • Attracting love, The basis of which are mutual trust and fidelity - a grenade, a quartz of a pink shade, a compulsory carrier will help
  • Creating a family, continuation of the genus - Pink quartz, malachite and agate
  • Strengthening health - Jashma, Onyx, Amber, Citrin
  • Stress removal - Labrador, agate, citrine, lunar stone, crystal, pink quartz
  • Envious protection - Pearls, cat eyes, falcon eye, coral, hematite, crystal of mountainous origin
  • Attracting good luck in any area - Selenite, Agate, Jade, Malachite
  • Increasing success in various lottery - turquoise
  • Attracting success in monetary matters And, in particular, in your own business - amethyst, mountain crystal, onyx
  • Exacerbation of intuition, assimilation of knowledge - Onyx yellow, crystal, moonstone

Interesting: it is recommended to rely on intuition. If any stone attracts like a magnet, it is definitely worth choosing it.

Crystal Shambhala bracelet looks beautiful and exacerbates intuition
Crystal Shambhala bracelet looks beautiful and exacerbates intuition

Shambhala bracelet - what is needed for weaving: List

In order to create a Shambhala bracelet with your own hands, you need to stock up on the following things:

  • Beads. Their role can be ordinary Glass Or even gems. Gems Natural or artificial origin is also perfect. If there are no skills for creating such bracelets yet, it is recommended to choose the easier materials.
  • Metal drill or Ultrasvukovo drilling machine. It’s easier to get the first option. However, all this will be needed only if the selected stones have no holes.
  • Cord - about 2 m. Most often recommended to purchase waxed. However, some masters are more like various leather and synthetic cords, durable ribbons.
  • Centimeter - It will help to measure the parameters for the future bracelet with maximum accuracy.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Sewing needle.
  • Tapeglue.
  • Any source of fire - They can act as him Lighter, matches, candle.
  • A dense sheet of cardboard large size and Paper holder - According to numerous reviews, thanks to these devices it is easier to fix the cords.

Interesting: if you want to follow the canons, it is worth making a bracelet of 9 beads. Or out of 3, 12 - the selected amount should be a multiple of 3.

This is what you need in order to create a Shambhala bracelet with your own hand
This is what you need in order to create a Shambhala bracelet with your own hand

How to prepare stones correctly to weave the Shambhala bracelet: tips, recommendations

If the Shambhala bracelet wants to make from stones that do not have a hole, it is necessary to prepare them. First you should understand which stones are more convenient to process:

  • Ultrasound drill Any material can be brought into proper form. However, not everyone, judging by reviews, likes working with him.
  • Ordinary drill for metal You can make a hole in medium density stones. That is, not too hard, but not fragile. For example, in malachite, lapisitis, a serpentine.
  • Tubular drill with diamond spraying It is recommended to process more solid materials. Masters advise to purchase a drill with diameter 2-2.5 mm- This is the most popular option.

The drilling procedure is as follows:

  • First in the right place a label is placed.
  • On the opposite side the patch is glued In order to avoid chips.
  • Literally in a bowl water is poured for 2-3 mm, And in her the pebble is lowered.

Important: by the way, the patch will help that the stone in the water does not slip. Therefore, do not neglect its presence.

  • Further to the mark The drill is attached and turns on small turns. Better, according to reviews, to work gradually.
  • Each 15-20 seconds The drill is worth it remove the garbage From the hole.
  • Periodically, the drill costs wipe on sandpaper.
It is quite possible to make a hole in the stone for the shambala bracelet yourself
It is quite possible to make a hole in the stone for the shambala bracelet yourself

Shambhala bracelet for beginners: how to weave with your own hands, master class, scheme, photo

Before you start weaving a shambhal bracelet according to a simple scheme, you need Cut the cord into 3 parts. They all gather in bunch and fixed Something on the surface. For example, the holder of papers on cardboard.

At the beginning of the weaving of the Shambhala bracelet, you need to fix the cords in this way
At the beginning of the weaving of the Shambhala bracelet, you need to fix the cords in this way

Further cord marked in the picture number 1, superimposed on the cord No. 2.

The starting scheme of the bracelet bracelet weave
The starting scheme of the bracelet bracelet weave

Now you should take up the cord №3. He is superimposed on a piece No. 1.

Further, the shambhala bracelet is weaved like this
Further, the shambhala bracelet is weaved like this

Of the first two pieces, the loop. Cord number 3 It is tapped first Under her, and then lights into it and delayed. The first knot can be considered complete.

Formation of the Shambala bracelet knot
Formation of the Shambala bracelet knot

Similarly, you need to form several nodes. For example, 5 or 6.

Nodes - an obligatory part of the Shambhala bracelet
Nodules - an obligatory part of the Shambhala bracelet

Further on the middle The rope is worn bead. Or stone. He covered with a loop.

Premises of beads in Shambhala bracelet
Premises of beads in Shambhala bracelet

Then it is done 2 more knots, Then again Busin is strung.

Important: beads need to be covered with loops as tightly as possible.

Stringing the next bead on Shambhala bracelet
Stringing the next bead on Shambhala bracelet

A similar algorithm repeated repeatedly. The last knot is recommended fixed with superglue.

Such a chain of bracelet Shambhala should turn out
Such a chain of bracelet Shambhala should turn out

It remains only cut off extra pieces ropes. And carry the ends Bracelet among themselves.

Cut off excess bracelets Shambhala
Cut off excess bracelets Shambhala

How to finish the Shambhala bracelet, how to weave a fastener: tips, recommendations, photos

If you want the Shambhala bracelet to be subject to adjustment, it is worth finishing its knitting by creating a special fastener. In this case, the ends of the bracelet are not necessary to connect.

Instead, better prepare a separate lace. It is desirable, of course, that he harmonized with bracelet both in tint and texture. If possible, it is better to completely cut off a piece of lace for fasteners from the main one.

Important: it is recommended to prepare a piece of cord for a lace of about 50 cm long for a bracelet fastener.

As soon as such a cord is prepared, you need fold the ends of the bracelet parallel to each other. And prepared for the fastener with the lace should tie nodes around the ends Bracelet.

Flasping for the shambala bracelet and to start forming like this
Flasping for the shambala bracelet and to start forming like this
Such nodules will serve as the basis of the fastener for the Shambhala bracelet
Such nodules will serve as the basis of the fastener for the Shambhala bracelet

Nodes in this way can weave 6 or 7. If there is too much lace left after that, it is worth cutting it off. The ends can be burned.

From such nodes, a fastener for the shambhal bracelet is formed
From such nodes, a fastener for the shambhal bracelet is formed

At the ends of the bracelet itself are tied Nodes. They join them Beads - On the bead for each end. After beads are also tied Nodes. Let them be the simplest. After all, their main purpose is not in decoration, but in fixing beads. Excess cords, of course, should be removed.

Thanks to such laces and fastener, the Shambhala bracelet can be conveniently adjusted to any hand
Thanks to such laces and fastener, the Shambhala bracelet can be conveniently adjusted to any hand

How to weave a bomber Shambhala two-tone bracelet: master class, scheme, photo

To weave the Shambhala bracelet so that 2 shades appear, you must first collect 2 cords and one main in bunch. The main one will practically not be noticeable - except in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fastener. Therefore, in this case, we can safely say that the bracelet will turn out to be two -tone.

To begin with, such a workpiece is created for the bracelet
To begin with, such a workpiece is created for the bracelet

Then left The cord is placed on the central.

The blue cord for the bracelet is placed on black
The blue cord for the bracelet is placed on black

Then right The lace is placed on the left. It stands put it in a loop between other ropes.

The next stage in the creation of the Shambhala bracelet
The next stage in the creation of the Shambhala bracelet

The loop is worth it tighten. However, this must be done extremely neatly.

Important: the average cord should remain as smooth as possible. Otherwise, the bracelet will turn out to be distorted in any direction.

Tighten the loop for the bracelet Shambhala
Tighten the loop for the bracelet Shambhala

Next is the rope that turned out to be left, you need to put it under the central.

The beginning of the formation of the second node for the Shambhala bracelet
The beginning of the formation of the second node for the Shambhala bracelet

Newly made right The cord is threaded Under the left And put on the central.

So the second node for the Shambhala bracelet is tightened
So the second node for the Shambhala bracelet is tightened

Further, this cord is inserted into the loop, and the loop is delayed.

In a similar way, you need to do several knots, called "square." They will just turn out two -tone.

This will look like two -tone nodes on Shambhala bracelet
This will look like two -tone nodes on Shambhala bracelet

Now you can walk in the central cord bead or stone.

Busina at the future bracelet Shambhala
Busina at the future bracelet Shambhala

Similar to the previous way A loop is formed. Only this time it covers bead.

Coverage of beads with a loop on Shambhala bracelet
Coverage of beads with a loop on Shambhala bracelet

Then you can continue again Weave nodules. It is preferable that there are as much as before the bead.

At this stage, the future bracelet Shambhala looks like this
At this stage, the future bracelet Shambhala looks like this

As soon as the master gets through to complete the bracelet, he must tie the most ordinary knot. And then follow His glue and cut off excess colored cords.

Fixing a blanket for a shambala bracelet with glue
Fixing a blanket for a shambala bracelet with glue

At both ends of the bracelet, meanwhile are tied Nodes.

It looks like after weaving the shambhal bracelet
It looks like after weaving the shambhal bracelet

Left weave the fastener - And the bracelet is ready! It is weaved according to a standard scheme from a separate piece of cord.

It turns out such a two -tone bracelet Shambhala
It turns out such a two -tone bracelet Shambhala

Male Bracelet Shambhala: master class, scheme, tips, photos

Shambhala bracelet can often be seen on a male hand. As a rule, it is most often done in a dark range and contains more nodes, rather than beads. But, of course, this is a matter of taste. After all, you can choose those beads or stones that will be perfect for a male image.

First you need to cut off from the cord 2/3 of the length - This will be the basis. Most The cord is needed, retreating approximately 10 cm, Put the basis is perpendicular her.

Important: for a male version, it is recommended to choose a hard large cord. For example, paracord.

The cords before the manufacture of the shambhal bracelet must be folded like this
The cords before the manufacture of the shambhal bracelet must be folded like this

Next, you can start forming a knot. For this left The side must be skipped above the center and under the right part.

So begins to form a node for the Shambhala bracelet
So begins to form a node for the Shambhala bracelet

Then right The cord is threaded under the central and left. And pulled out of this resulting loop.

Continuation of the formation of the node for the Shambhala bracelet
Continuation of the formation of the node for the Shambhala bracelet

Now the knot is possible tighten.

This is how the node for the male bracelet Shambhala turns out
This is how the node for the male bracelet Shambhala turns out

Further, everything is the same as described above. But at the same time as if in a mirror display. That is, the role of the left cord will be played by the right and vice versa. Thus you need to create a whole a number of nodes.

Nodes for men's bracelet Shambhala
Nodes for men's bracelet Shambhala

Then you can start stroke beads. After each bead, you will need to do it again a number of nodes. And so to the end of the bracelet. At the ends are formed ordinary nodes.

Alternation of nodes and beads in the men's bracelet Shambhala
Alternation of nodes and beads in the men's bracelet Shambhala

To fix the bracelet, you can pass its ends into the nodes from the opposite sides. If this is inconvenient, you can use large needles or sewing hooks.

Fixing the ends of the Shambhala bracelet
Fixing the ends of the Shambhala bracelet

It remains decorate the ends - Attach beads to them, for example. Fix They are with the help of the most ordinary nodules. The remains are cut - And then the bracelet is ready!

This is how the male bracelet Shambhala turns out
This is how the male bracelet Shambhala turns out

You can believe that the Shambhala bracelet carries energy in itself, but you can relate to this information skeptical. In any case, such a decoration perfectly fits into the image of any person and will serve as a miraculous way to express his “I”.

And thanks to this video, we suggest you familiarize yourself with how to create an openwork shambala bracelet:

We also offer if you are interested in needlework, get acquainted with our following articles:

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