The stomach hurts: causes, symptoms, first aid for pain, treatment with medicines, herbs and folk remedies, which doctor to contact. What is possible and what can not eat when the stomach hurts: diet. How to understand whether the stomach, heart or pancreas hurt?

The stomach hurts: causes, symptoms, first aid for pain, treatment with medicines, herbs and folk remedies, which doctor to contact. What is possible and what can not eat when the stomach hurts: diet. How to understand whether the stomach, heart or pancreas hurt?

Symptoms, causes of diseases of the stomach and methods of their treatment.

Patients often confuse stomach pain with ailments of the heart, liver, as well as pancreas. Below we will consider the most common diseases of the stomach and causes of abdominal pain.

Human stomach: where is it and how it hurts, can pain in the back, heart, stomach, what psychosomatics?

The stomach is not quite in the middle, as many of us believe, but it really is located under the diaphragm. That is, under the ribs, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe solar plexus, but not in the middle, but on the left side, closer to the heart. Therefore, very often, pain in the stomach is confused with pain in the heart, because the organs are very close to each other. In addition, when the stomach hurts, the pain can be given to the back, in the spine, as well as the lower abdomen.

In order to understand that the stomach hurts, you need to observe your body. Very often, with diseases of the stomach, stitching and cutting pain is observed, which intensifies on inhalation, with physical exertion, fast walking and running. In severe physical work, the pain in the stomach is enhanced, so it is advisable to take a sitting or reclining position.

The location of the stomach
The location of the stomach

How to understand whether the stomach, heart or pancreas hurt?

Sometimes it is very difficult to understand the nature of pain, and understand what hurts. Because the symptoms of the disease can be very similar, and an ordinary person is not able to determine the disease. In all cases, we recommend contacting a specialist. Very often, ultrasound, as well as x -rays, cannot be dispensed with.

Features of symptoms of diseases:

  • The fact is that the pancreas is located in the upper abdomen on the left side, just above the stomach. Therefore, it can hurt and give to the region of the heart. The patient will think that he has problems with the cardiovascular system. But there are some differences in symptoms, because usually the pain in the heart is quite sharp and passes quickly.
  • At the same time, pancreatic diseases are characterized by increasing symptoms. That is, it is immediately small tingling in the left hypochondrium, and then longer attacks. Very often, pancreatic diseases are characterized by a chair with a small amount of fat or mucus. There may be diarrhea, and vomiting is often observed.
  • These symptoms are characteristic of acute pancreatitis. The chronic form proceeds a little differently, all the symptoms are more smoothed out, it is quite difficult to distinguish from heart failure. The stomach mainly hurts in the middle area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen above the navel, that is, just below the pancreas. In this case, there may also be diarrhea, bloating, vomiting or nausea.
Determine the culprit of the pain
Determine the culprit of the pain

The stomach hurts strongly, cramping, cutting, aching pains: causes

Very often, by the nature of the pain in the stomach, you can understand what disease the patient has encountered.

Causes of different types of pain:

  • If it is an acute cramping pain that suddenly begins and passes quickly, then this may indicate a colitis or pancreatitis.
  • If the pain is real, is constant, then here we can talk about malignant formations or polyps inside the stomach. Also sometimes this is due to the initial stage of gastritis.
  • If pain of an acute nature appears after eating or at the time when you are hungry, this indicates a possible ulcer or gastritis. Often, ailments are accompanied by heartburn or indigestion.
  • If the pain is cramping, at night, then most likely this is due to the ulcer of the duodenum.
Pain in the diaphragm
Pain in the diaphragm

First aid for pain in the stomach

If one of your friends or your stomach has got sick, you need to provide first aid.


  • First of all, it is necessary to take a horizontal position, remove the belts, belts, unfasten the trousers that squeeze the abdominal cavity.
  • It is necessary to drink mineral water, in no case should you take carbonated drinks. If you really want to eat, it is best to take liquid porridge or fermented milk food. Dry cookies with warm tea are also suitable.
  • If the pain is sharp enough, and does not allow you to move, this is an occasion to see a doctor or even call an ambulance. With pain in a spastic stomach that are caused by spasm, it is advisable to take antispasmodics. These are drugs like No-shpa, spasmalgon. Often prescribed drugs Almagel, phosphalugel, analgin, nimesil, ketanov, ketorol. These are drugs that are not drugs, but help reduce pain.
  • Sorbents, such as Phosphalugel and Smecta They help to absorb a bacterial environment that could lead to stomach pain. After removing spasm, if it is repeated within a few days, you must urgently consult a doctor. Because the above drugs are not treatment and do not eliminate the cause of pain.
Help the patient
Help the patient

How an ulcer, erosion of the stomach, gastritis, an empty stomach, on nervous soil hurts: symptoms

Symptoms of stomach diseases:

  • Hungry pain with ulcer. These are painful sensations that appear if you are very hungry. They stop half an hour or an hour after eating. The ulcer is characterized by pain in the stomach at night. It is also heartburn, casting gastric juice into the esophagus, vomiting is possible.
  • Erosion of the stomach. This is a disease that is accompanied by impaired integrity of the gastric mucosa. Symptoms are very similar to ulcerative disease, but more pronounced. Blood can be observed in feces, anemia, as well as digestive disorders. Similarly, as with an ulcer, pain is characteristic of an empty stomach.
  • Very often the stomach hurts on nervous soil. Moreover, over the years, the situation is aggravated. Especially if a person works in a leadership, and due to his professional activity is constantly nervous. Symptoms of digestive disorder on nervous grounds are the following: fainting, as well as vomiting, lack of air, increased heart rate. Tachycardia often develops after drinking alcohol, nervous or in case of stress. Often there are acute pain in the abdomen.

Which doctor to contact with stomach pain?

Initially, you will have to contact the therapist, because not always pain in the stomach indicates the disease of this digestive organ. Often in this area a heart may hurt or even give osteochondrosis. Therefore, when visiting the therapist, he will appoint you a general blood test, perform an examination. Based on its assumptions, it can write a direction for a certain type of study, it can be an ultrasound. A specialized doctor who is engaged in diseases of the digestive tract is a gastroenterologist.


Tablets and products for stomach for home treatment: List with names

There are many drugs that are prescribed for pain in the stomach. If you do not know what disease you suffer, and the pain is repeated periodically, contact the doctor. To eliminate pain, antispasmodics are taken. These are medicines that stop spasm.


  • Ketanov
  • Spasmalgon
  • Analgin


  • Phosphalugel
  • Enterosgel
  • Smecta

These are superficial active substances that absorb pathogens, and also absorb the waste of life that poison the body.

If heartburn is observed, it is advisable to accept Omeprazole, Omez and Maaloks. These are drugs that reduce acidity in the stomach, and also help calm the walls of the mucous membrane. That is, they relieve irritation. Thanks to these drugs, heartburn, nausea will disappear.

Remedies for pain
Remedies for pain

Treatment of pain in the stomach with folk remedies, soda: recipes

There are a lot of folk methods that will allow you to get rid of stomach pain.

R eceptors:

  • Baking soda - This is sodium bicarbonate, which helps eliminate increased acidity in the stomach, and will become a salvation if you have heartburn. To prepare a healing solution, it is necessary to dissolve a half spoon of powder in a glass of boiled water and drink. Soda is taken 40 minutes before food or an hour after it.
  • Rice broth - This is a proven tool that our grandmothers used, as well as mothers. It helps if diarrhea, vomiting are observed. The rice broth envelops the walls of the stomach and makes them less susceptible to aggressive gastric juice. It is necessary to pour two tablespoons of rice grains with half a liter of boiling water and boil for 50 minutes. Do not forget to stir so that the product does not burn. After that, strain through a sieve of a viscous mass. It is necessary to take the resulting jelly inside 100 ml to each meal. After the diarrhea passes, the tool is stopped taking in order to avoid constipation.
  • Propolis - This is a great remedy that helps relieve pain in the stomach. It is best to use an oil solution that can be purchased in a pharmacy or prepared independently. Dissolve 10 drops of an oil solution 1 time in 100 ml of boiled water. Take 40 minutes before you get ready to have lunch or dinner.
Folk recipes
Folk recipes

Treatment of pain in the stomach with herbs, chamomile: recipes

Recipes for decoctions of herbs:

  • The decoction of chamomile also copes with pain in the stomach, it soothes the irritated walls. To prepare the solution, you need to pour a teaspoon of flowers with a liter of boiling water and boil for 3 minutes over low heat. Strain and cool to room temperature, take a glass 40 minutes before meals.
  • A decoction of thyme. It is useful for gastritis, as well as a stomach ulcer. To prepare a healing solution, you need to mix one tablespoon of grass with a glass of water. Boil the liquid for 30 minutes in a water bath. Next, cool and take 25 ml 4 times a day. Take the product before meals.
  • Mint will help get rid of bloating. To prepare the product, it is necessary to pour a teaspoon of grass 250 ml of boiling water. The mixture is covered with a lid and wrapped with a towel, let it cool. Divide the resulting amount of liquid into three parts and taken during the day.
  • Calendula has healing properties, so it copes with the initial stage of gastritis. It is necessary to dissolve 50 drops of tincture in a glass of water and drink this product three times a day before eating.
  • The tincture of rosehip tincture copes well with the indigestion. It is necessary to crush dry berries into the powder and tablespoon of this product into the container. Pour a glass of boiling water, insist this tool for 12 hours. The product is drunk half an hour before meals, the disposable dose is 120 ml.
  • Dandelions. For treatment, you need to prepare a syrup. Grind a handful of dandelions on a meat grinder and pour 100 g of sugar. Mix everything and take the product on a teaspoon, having previously dissolved in 120 ml of boiled water. Take before meals.
Herbal treatment
Herbal treatment

What is possible and what can not eat when the stomach hurts: diet

There is a special diet, as well as prohibited products that should not be consumed inward with stomach pain. The fact is that some products provoke the release of gastric juice, which enhances pain and causes heartburn.

Forbidden products:

  • Fresh fruits
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Vegetable and fruit juices
  • Fatty and fried food
  • Smoked meats
  • Salt
  • Spicy food

Allowed food:

  • In case of pain in the stomach for a long period of time, you should adhere to a certain diet. Its features depend on the disease, if it is rotavirus infection or bacterial, then it is necessary to exclude almost all of food on the first day, except for dry cookies, tea, as well as rice decoction.
  • It is allowed to eat viscous porridge, boiled low -fat meat. A chicken or rabbit is suitable. You can cook steam cutlets from chicken fillet
  • Vegetable, boiled dishes, such as stewed cabbage or potato mashed potatoes are allowed. At the very beginning, you should not refuel them with vegetable or butter. Because this additionally annoys the mucous membrane of the stomach.
  • Of the drinks, it is allowed to drink compote from dried fruits, rosehip tincture, as well as weak tea.
Permitted and prohibited products
Permitted and prohibited products

Can a stomach hurt from persimmon, stress, nerves, coffee, smoking, osteochondrosis, yoga, seeds, due to worms?

In addition to specific causes that cause stomach pain, there are non -specific. They are associated with violation of sleep and wakefulness, stress, as well as other ailments that can provoke pain in the diaphragm.

The causes of pain in the stomach:

  • Stress, nerves
  • A large amount of coffee
  • Smoking
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Many people have painful sensations after eating seeds
  • Worms can cause pain in the stomach, because their vital activity is often accompanied by the release of toxic substances in the body that actually poison.
  • Such fruits as persimmons, citrus fruits, as well as sour berries, gooseberries. They can also provoke pain in the stomach, appear in the case of increased acidity of gastric juice.
Pain of food
Pain of food

Why does the stomach hurt, during pregnancy, with a nursing mother: what to do?

The causes of pain in pregnant and lactating:

  • Often abdominal pain is observed in pregnant women. This is a completely normal phenomenon, because the internal organs in the process of the growth of the uterus and the fetus change their position. The stomach is significantly reduced in size and shifts. Because of this, very often, pregnant women have heartburn, constipation and pain after eating.
  • To avoid such symptoms, try to adhere to a certain diet and eat in small portions during the day. In no case immediately after eating do not drink food with a large amount of tea, coffee or liquid.
  • This stretches the walls of the stomach and can cause pain, as well as heartburn. In addition, due to changes in hormonal background, pain in the stomach is possible. Due to the release of a large amount of progesterone into the blood, the tone of muscle tissue changes. Which also affects the process of digestion of food, it slows down.
Breakfast pregnant
Breakfast pregnant

Why does the stomach hurt after eating, cold water?

Pain in the stomach is observed after eating, or drinking water. There are several reasons for this.

The cause of abdominal pain after eating:

  • Gastritis
  • Ulcer
  • Duodenitis

The causes of pain in the stomach after drinking cold water:

  • Staging fat. The fact is that cold water cools the food that you took before, and the fat becomes solid, which provokes a stop of the stomach, as well as pain.
  • Bloating of the abdomen may occur, and the work of the gastrointestinal tract slows down.
  • Dilution of gastric juice when eating water, after eating, causes a lack of acidity. Because of this, the food is digested longer.
  • Acid reflux. Reception of water, after eating, provokes the casting of gastric juice into the esophagus.
We drink cold water
We drink cold water

Why does the stomach hurt in the morning, nights and smell from the mouth, melt, belching: what to do?

Stomach pain can occur at any time of the day. By the nature of the pain, as well as its time framework, we can assume the disease that a person suffers.

Causes of pain:

  • If the stomach hurts in the morning, on an empty stomach, most likely you have an ulcer or gastritis. Often, pain occurs early in the morning after overeating in the evening. The fact is that at night the stomach works in half ashes and slowly digest food. Early in the morning of gastric juice may not be enough, so stagnant phenomena are observed that provoke abdominal pain.
  • If the stomach hurts at night, this indicates an ulcer or gastritis.
  • The smell from the mouth may indicate dysbiosis, as well as disorders in the intestine.
  • If belching or nausea is observed along with pain, this may indicate a stop of the stomach or bacteria, viruses that provoke poisoning in it. With such symptoms, the simplest option is to take a substance that absorbs toxins. it Enterosgel, Smecta or phosphalgel. They cope with heartburn perfectly, also eliminates the symptoms of poisoning.

The stomach, stomach and temperature hurts: what does this mean, what to do?

If abdominal pain is accompanied by temperature, as well as vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is possible to call an ambulance, come to the hospital.

Stomach pain and temperature, causes and methods of treatment:

  • Similar symptoms are observed with rotavirus or bacterial infection. They, in turn, provoke nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, which contributes to the rapid elimination of fluid from the body. Because of this, dehydration may occur, as well as acidosis. In this condition, the condition is not enough fluid to remove salts and toxins.
  • If such symptoms are observed, it is necessary to stop taking food, drink sorbents, such as activated charcoal, phosphalugel, enterosgel, smectte, and in large quantities to take water. If, after the next portion of water, vomiting opens with a fountain, it is necessary to take a teaspoon of water every 5 minutes.
  • A small amount of fluid will not provoke vomiting, and at the same time will help saturate the body with water. It is also advisable to take a regidron. This is a solution of salts to maintain the normal balance of electrolytes in the body with a fluid deficiency.
  • If diarrhea is observed with such symptoms, in no case should drugs that block diarrhea. For example, lopeamid or immunity. These drugs will contribute to the accumulation of toxins in the body. It should be understood that diarrhea and vomiting are an body reaction to toxins, irritants. The stomach tries to get rid of them, because of this vomiting and diarrhea occurs. Having accepted the tablet from the diarrhea, you will contribute to the detention of toxins in the body, and severe poisoning.
Bad feeling
Bad feeling

Why does the stomach hurt from alcohol: what to do?

Often the pain in the stomach is caused by alcohol intake. This is quite normal, because strong alcoholic drinks destroy the mucous membrane.

The causes of pain after taking alcohol:

  • Gastric juice more aggressively affects the walls, can cause gastritis, as well as an ulcer. Constant intake of alcohol reduces the rate of digestion of food, violates the metabolism. Soon this can cause pancreatitis, as well as liver cirrhosis.
  • Please note that most of the alcohol is absorbed in the stomach. It is this organ that feels the biggest blow on itself. After alcohol is in contact with the stomach, it spreads using the circulatory system throughout the body. If after taking alcohol you feel the heaviness in your stomach, as well as pain in the stomach, we recommend refrain from taking strong drinks.
  • In the future, this can cause the development of serious and chronic ailments. Of course, you can take painkillers or enterosorbents, as well as drugs that improve the stomach and help to develop a large number of enzymes. But these are only temporary measures that will eliminate the symptoms of pain. The ailment will develop and progress. Very often, people who take alcohol systematically suffer from ulcers and gastritis, as well as dysbiosis.
Reception of alcohol
Reception of alcohol

The pain in the stomach is often a symptom of serious chronic diseases. Therefore, if pain arises systematically, we recommend that you contact a doctor, and not to drown out pain with antispasmodics.

Video: stomach diseases and their symptoms

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Comments K. article

  1. I know that my diet leaves much to be desired. Stress and nerves at work also does not add health, perhaps this is the causes of discomfort and pain in the stomach, but so far there is no time for examination. Next week I definitely go to the doctor, but for now write to me who was the same? What diagnosis was made in the end?

  2. George, you will not change plans, otherwise suddenly an ulcer? Glory to God everything worked out, they appointed a trivial and since then and do not remember the pain in the stomach. But this is good, but it happens that not so rosy can end. I do not scare, but I urge you to take care of my health.

  3. Oh, there may be a whole bunch of reasons ... I still do not know my own. Because I was not checked, I'm afraid. But one thing I can say for sure: as soon as Evalar’s \u200b\u200btea was bio (gastrointestinal) to drink and food balanced, all the problems have come to naught. So sometimes the solution to the problem lies on the surface ... They just forget about this and immediately run to the doctors.

  4. By the way, about food is more than true. But sometimes there is no time to eat normally. Here are snacks-our friends ((and after a dry way on the run, I always catch some problems. Or bloating, or heaviness, belching, etc. Always helps out drops with plant extracts: valerian, mint, wormwood and handsome. Good remedy, a good remedy, always with me.

  5. I agree about snacks. But one thing is at work, there is still a fixed lunch, and another thing is when you are sitting at home now. Tired of constant duty at the refrigerator, I constantly want to get something.

  6. Familiar situation. Moreover, at home not one, with children. They are constantly biting, and I also drag it as well, then cookies, then a sandwich with sausage and cheese, then something else. As a result, unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, heaviness, spasms and bloating. I am saved from it with natural drops gastroittal. They on the herbs and act quickly, five minutes after admission, unpleasant sensations pass.

  7. I adhere to proper nutrition and try not to be nervous, now I feel good. The New Year was on vacation, returned and immediately went to the doctor, since there was a “war” inside. He prescribed the intestinal antibiotic of Alpha Normix, helped well, with microflora, too, everything is fine.

  8. My cramps in the stomach are coupled and heaviness and are accompanied by pain. The reason is that I have an irritated intestine syndrome. In this case, you need to constantly adhere to a diet. I almost ate it and began. At the next such fit, I was prescribed a new treatment regimen - the furniturer, together with the drops of gastrotalal. Furniture took 200 mg 3 times a day, and gastroottal 2 times a day dripped into tea and drank. These drops are natural, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the pain ceases completely in three days. For me, this is salvation.

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