A woman’s arm's arm is hurt: the causes, signs of benign and malignant tumors. Why does the pain under the hand of the left hand occur, does the lymph node hurt in women?

A woman’s arm's arm is hurt: the causes, signs of benign and malignant tumors. Why does the pain under the hand of the left hand occur, does the lymph node hurt in women?

The causes of pain in women.

Everyone saw an antiperspirant’s advertisement that tells you to get rid of the smell of sweat for the whole day. But few people know what is under his arm and why pain can occur in this area. In this article, we will get acquainted with the reasons under the armpits, as well as the methods of their treatment.

Why hurts under the arm: reasons

This area is very sensitive, because it is between the shoulder joint, as well as the chest. There are many muscles and nerve endings. In addition, lymph nodes are in the axillary cavity. Accordingly, the causes of pain can be both infections and a tumor, malignant or benign.

The causes of the pain under the arm:

  • Lymphadenitis -This is inflammation of the lymph nodes, which most often occurs due to the penetration of infection into the body. It is in these areas that lymphocytes are developing, which fight infection. With a huge amount of antibodies, lymph nodes can increase in size.
  • Bitch urge or hydradenitis. It is also an infectious disease that is a capsule filled with pus, inside of which there are staphylococci. Such diseases are most often treated surgically if conservative therapy does not help.
  • Irritation, as well as allergies. It occurs in the case of the use of antiperspirants or deodorants. Allergies and irritation are possible after shugaring or wax hair removal. The area in this zone is very sensitive, so severe pain and burning can occur after the epilation procedure, which takes place within a few days. But often suppuration may form in this area, due to improper care after depilation.
  • Boils, abscesses. They often occur after shaving or depilation. Pus can accumulate in the place of an ingrown hair, which leads to boils. The fact is that this area is favorable for the spread and growth of bacteria. Therefore, the repeated occurrence of abscesses is possible, which requires surgical treatment.
  • Tuberculosis and syphilis. During the fight against these diseases in the lymph nodes, inflammation occurs. If you do not treat inflammation of the lymph nodes for a long time, this can lead to the appearance and spread of infection throughout the body. This kind of inflammation of the lymph nodes is accompanied by temperature, general malaise, and vomiting is also possible.
Armpit education
Armpit education

A woman's arm's arm in the left: Reasons

It is worth noting that in women, the pain under the armpits is observed much more often than in men. This is due to the fact that female representatives have mammary glands.

The causes of pain under the left of the left in women:

  • Mastalgia. This is not quite a disease. Painful sensations in the breast and axillary depressions that occur due to hormonal imbalance. Most often appear immediately before menstruation, in a few days, and then, after menstruation, pass without a trace. This kind of pain must be treated not by the use of anti -inflammatory or painkillers, but by hormones. That is, when restoring the hormonal balance of pain, they disappear.
  • Pain after surgery. Most often observed in the case of partial or complete breast removal in women in connection with tumors. The fact is that a huge number of nerve endings are under the armpits. It takes several months to restore them after surgery on the chest. Therefore, pain in the armpit after surgery, within 2-3 months, is considered the norm.
Hurts under the arm

It hurts under the arm of the left hand of women: signs of benign and malignant tumors

In the area of \u200b\u200barmpits, tumors of a benign and malignant nature often occur. Basically, their appearance is observed in women of reproductive age, as well as after menopause.

Signs of cancer:

  • It is worth noting that cancer is usually diagnosed much earlier than some first symptoms appear, that is, painful pain. Accordingly, after the appearance of the cone under the arm, it is necessary to carefully examine the chest for the presence of seals, as well as discharge from the nipple.
  • The fact is that with a breast tumor, a retracted nipple and discharge from the nipple are often observed, which are in no way connected with breastfeeding. That is, any discharge of yellow or bloody color is the reason why you should visit the doctor.
  • With breast cancer, an increase or change in the shape of the gland is also observed, there can be dents, or vice versa, some kind of bulge of an incomprehensible nature. If a seal is detected in the chest or axillary cavity that does not hurt, does not disturb, it is necessary to turn to the therapist to determine the nature of this cone and what it is connected with.
A armpit hurts in women
A armpit hurts in women

The lymph node under the arm hurts: what to do?

Lymph nodes are the basis of our lymphatic system. It is here that the body reaction occurs when infection enters it. Because in this area there are taurus, which fight directly with infections, as well as viruses. Therefore, inflammation in the lymph node suggests that some kind of infection has hit the body. Often the bump in this area occurs immediately after you are ill with an infectious disease.

Most often, this can be observed during measles, chickenpox, influenza or a more serious ailment of internal organs. After the treatment of diseases, the lymph nodes return to normal. When breast cancer appears, lymph nodes are often inflamed. Therefore, women, when addressing a therapist with inflammation of the lymph nodes, are prescribed an examination of the mammary gland for benign and malignant tumors.

The armpit hurts
The armpit hurts

Treatment of cones, lymph nodes should be carried out under the control of the doctor. The fact is that in this area there are many important areas that are responsible for the functioning of the whole organism. Accordingly, after the occurrence of inflammation, an increase in the lymph node or after the formation of a cone, you must consult a doctor.

It is not allowed to apply to inflamed places, boils and cones, hot or warm compress to inflamed places. It is also impossible to warm them with some lamps or apply ointments. Without knowing the cause of the disease, all these measures can worsen the situation, while bringing an additional infection.

If a cone or pain under the arm occurs, it is worth contacting a therapist who can establish the cause, and direct to a narrow specialist for further consultation and treatment.

Video: Humane hurts

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