Pain in the neck. Why does the neck hurt on the right, left and when turning the head?

Pain in the neck. Why does the neck hurt on the right, left and when turning the head?

If the neck hurts, you must seriously think about the cause of pain. About them and methods of treating cervicalgia - in the article.

With cervicac, this is what the pain in the neck is called, at least once every person came across. It often occurs after sleep in an uncomfortable position, a long sitting at the computer, if it stretches in a draft.

The discomfort is serious, but everything soon goes on its own. But, there are times when the pain in the neck is intense, it signals a serious health problem that needs immediate treatment. It is necessary to consider such cases in more detail.

Why does the neck hurt. Pain in the neck on the right, reasons. Pain in the neck on the left, reasons

The neck (in lat. Cervix) is a part of the human body that connects the head and torso and performs a number of functions that are most important for the body. They pass through it:

  • spine
  • larynx through which the air inhaled by a person enters the lower respiratory organs
  • the esophagus through which food enters the lower departments of the digestive tract
  • blood vessels through which blood from the heart enters the brain
  • the lymph nodes
  • spinal canal (inside the seven cervical vertebrae)
  • nerves
The human neck has a complex structure and performs the most important function for the body.
The human neck has a complex structure and performs the most important function for the body.

Important: the numerous muscles of the neck are very mobile, it is they that provide free head movements

Due to its complex structure and variety of functions performed, the neck is very vulnerable. Simply put, there is something to hurt, and there is always a reason.

Localization of zvercalgia very often makes it clear what its reason is. Only the neck can hurt (on the right, on the left, below at the base, in front, back). Also, the pain can give (radiate) to the hands, back or head.

Muscle spasm is one of the main causes of pain in the neck on the right or left.
Muscle spasm is one of the main causes of pain in the neck on the right or left.

The pain in the neck on the right or left occurs in children and adults, regardless of gender. She can:

  • localize directly in the spine
  • give into the hand

There may be quite a lot of reasons for the pain in the neck on the right or left:

  1. Muscle spasm. It occurs with prolonged physical activity on the neck or, conversely, due to the lack of load. Often, the neck muscles are spasized due to sharp turns with the head, in this case, pain occurs immediately or a day after the injury. You can wake up with a zvercalgia on the right or left, if the dream took place in an uncomfortable position
  2. Hypothermia. Under the influence of low temperatures and drafts, the cervical muscles (myositis) or nerves (neuralgia) can be inflamed
  3. Osteoarthrosis. This disease is characterized by damage to the intervertebral joints. In this case, the pain on the right or left is often complemented by another bright symptom - wry
  4. Osteochondrosis. It affects the cervical department most often, since its vertebrae is smaller than the rest, but they are constantly loaded in addition to osteochondrosis, by numbness and burning of the neck, shoulders and arms up to the tips of the fingers, dizziness when turning the head
  5. Intervertebral hernia. Most often, it occurs between 5 and 6, 6 and 7 vertebrae. At the same time, pain is often given to the left or right shoulder.
  6. Narrowing (stenosis) of the spinal canal. If the spinal cord is damaged, cervicalgia may be accompanied by numbness of the limbs, general weakness, impaired functions of various organs and their systems
  7. Meningitis. Inflammation of the membrane of the brain provokes pain in the neck and its tension. One way to determine meningitis: the patient lies on his back and pulls his bent legs to himself, while he has acute cervicalgia
  8. Oncology. The neck can hurt due to tumors in the brain, in the cervical spine, as well as with metostatic tumors of other organs (mammary gland, lungs, prostate, so on)
  9. Lymphadenitis. Inflamed lymph nodes, for example, after sore throat and other infectious diseases of the respiratory system, creates soreness in the neck with the right or left side
  10. Other. The causes of unilateral cervicalgia can be arthritis, osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, polio, tetanus, heart disease, other pathological conditions of the body

Important: pain on the right or left in the neck from physical stress, uncomfortable sleep, hypothermia passes after 1 day - a week. If it feels longer, intensifies, disappears and appears again, you need to look for a more serious reason and try to cope with it

VIDEO: Neck pain: causes and treatment

Pain in the base of the neck

The pain in the base of the neck, at the level of the back of the head, like right -sided or left -sided pain, may have a lot of reasons, including:

  • osteochondrosis
  • muscle spasm
  • neuralgia
  • intervertebral hernia
  • the vertebrae of the vertebrae
  • incorrect posture
  • meningitis

Important: but most often in this area, cervical pain occurs due to the so -called vertebral artery syndrome.

The vertebral artery syndrome is manifested by pain at the base of the neck.

The vertebral artery syndrome is a complex pathology in which arteries passing through the neck and supplying the brain with blood are narrowed or squeezed. In addition to cervicalgia, the symptoms of this state are:

  • headache
  • darkening in the eyes
  • hearing deterioration and vision
  • hypertension

Pain in the back, reasons

The reasons why there is pain in the neck behind can be divided into several large groups:

  1. Immunological: arthritis, spondylitis, rheumatism, so on
  2. Degenerative: osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis, others
  3. Infectious: meningitis, malaria, osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, tetanus, others
  4. Oncological: benign and malignant formations
  5. Everyday: physical strain, hypothermia, static uncomfortable pose, sharp movements, more
Osteochondrosis and other degenerative changes in the spine can cause pain in the neck in the back.
Osteochondrosis and other degenerative changes in the spine can cause pain in the neck in the back.

Important: surprisingly, one of the reasons for the appearance of pain in the neck is depression!

Neck pain when turning the head, reasons

The pain in the neck when turning the head can appear due to the same pathological conditions that provoke the cervicality of another localization. Also, it can arise because of:

  1. Axis fracture (second cervical vertebra) of the first degree. At the same time, the pain gives to the head, and the movements of the neck are limited
  2. Spondylolisthesis - displacement of the cervical vertebrae
  3. The abscess of the brain. At the same time, the pain in the neck pulsates with a dangerous state, gives it to the head, and when turning the head, it intensifies to unbearable
Sondylolistz - the cause of the neck in the neck when turning the head.
Sondylolistz is the cause of the neck of the neck when turning the head.

Burning pain in the neck, reasons. Dumb pain in the neck, reasons

Pain localized in various areas of the neck can be burning and stupid:

  • burning pain, usually they talk about inflammation of muscle tissue
  • dumb - about neuralgia

Video: muscle spasm is the cause of the neck. How to do without pills and injections

How to relieve pain in the neck? How to treat pain in the neck?

Treatment of pain in the neck is carried out by doctors - experts:

  • orthopedist
  • surgeon
  • neuropathologist
  • rheumatologist
  • vertebrologist
  • manual therapist
MRI of the neck.

The priority task of the specialist is to determine the cause of pain. Diagnosis is carried out using:

  • x -ray
  • mRI
  • ultrasound
  • laboratory research

Subsequent treatment can be conservative and surgical.

Sometimes, with pain in the neck, they are prescribed to wear a special collar.
Sometimes, with pain in the neck, they are prescribed to wear a special collar.

Conservative treatment includes taking medications:

  • eliminating the cause of pain
  • painkillers
  • antispasmodic
  • musorelaxants

It is possible to use various orthopedic devices:

  • collar
  • sleep pillows

The doctor also prescribes therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy, which includes:

  • warming up
  • baths
  • compresses
  • massage

Important: they resort to surgical treatment of pain in the neck only in case of emergency, when there is confirmation that the spinal cord is damaged

Often, pain in the neck is treated with the help of non -traditional medicine, in particular, acupuncture. But such treatment should not be basic.

Video: effective exercises for pain in the neck from a doctor (treatment of cervical osteochondrosis)

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  1. Sometimes I am visited by headaches, drank Nise, but I want to sleep from him. A friend with the same problem was advised by Nimesan. The headache removes the headache, and the bonus, I do not want to sleep, but I can do my own business.

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