Pain in the right side: causes, symptoms of possible diseases, tips. What can hurt in the right side of women at night, during pregnancy, menstruation? What to do if a woman or a man hurts the right side?

Pain in the right side: causes, symptoms of possible diseases, tips. What can hurt in the right side of women at night, during pregnancy, menstruation? What to do if a woman or a man hurts the right side?

Pain in the right side may indicate many pathological conditions, and in order to identify and diagnose them, it is necessary to know the symptoms and features of the course of diseases set forth in this article.

The painful sensations arising in the right side of the abdomen, regardless of intensity and regularity, say that not all organs work as conceived by nature. After all, pain in the side, like other pain, is a signal that speaks of the presence of a pathological process and the development of the disease, which makes its adjustments to the functioning of the body.

Pain in the right side: what can hurt in the right side?

Most often, specialists are addressed precisely with a complaint about abdominal pain. This is due to the fact that the abdominal cavity is a place of localization of a large number of organs, which, with any malfunctions in the work, certainly make themselves felt. As for the pain concentrated in the right side, in this area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen they are localized:

  • liver
  • pancreas
  • the right side of the diaphragm
  • right kidney
  • the gall bladder
  • the loops of the intestine
  • appendix
  • right ovary (exclusively in women)
Pain is a signal of "problems"

Quite a lot of organs are placed in the right side and sometimes independent diagnostics can be difficult, but it is possible to determine what it hurts, listening to your sensations and determining the localization of pain, its character. The place of pain will help determine their origin:

  • in the right hypochondrium-the body signals the “malfunctions” with the liver, which begins to get sick at the late stage of the disease due to weak innervation, and also to make itself felt in the gall bladder
  • pain in the upper part, giving in the back, indicates the problem in the pancreas of the pancreas
  • pain in the lower part - may indicate the presence of appendicitis, diseases of the ovaries and appendages or inguinal hernia
  • painful sensations at the navel - pathological intestinal processes
Pain in the side

It is important to understand that pain in many organs can give to various sides that are not characteristic of them, which sometimes makes the diagnosis incorrect, and treatment is useless.

In order to avoid an error, the doctor must conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, take into account all the patient's complaints, and to make great importance to analyzes and studies.

What are pains in the right side after removing the gallbladder?

After cholecystectomy for many, postcholecystectomy syndrome is preserved for a long time, one of the symptoms of which is pain in the place where the organ was previously. As a rule, pain and severity passes after a few weeks and does not differ in particular intensity - the stress period for the body does not last long and soon the digestive system is rebuilt to work without the gallbladder.


The excision of the gall bladder is carried out in the least invasive way, in which minimal penetration into the abdominal cavity occurs and minimal tissue dissectes are made, nevertheless cholecystectomy - this operation and its consequence are necessarily a small inflammatory process at the place of elimination of the gallbladder.

The healing process can be one of the causes of short -term pain in the right side of the abdomen.

If, after removing the organ, severe pain takes place, then this may indicate serious complications. In this case, the pain will not be the only pathological symptom, and in combination with other signs and results of analyzes for specialists, it will not be difficult to determine what provokes the pain.


In rare cases, people who remove the gall bladder have cholestasis - a liver disease, in which bile stagnates in the biliary tract. Such a disorder is treated with medication, and a strict diet is prescribed to the patient.

Why can the right side be sick at night?

One of the key causes of pain in the side on the right, which occurs at night, is considered to be a bursting of the gall bladder. At night, when the body is in a horizontal position, the outflow of bile from the gallbladder is complicated and because of this excessive accumulation of fluid in the organ occurs.

Pain at night

Also at night, pain caused by appendicitis may occur. As a rule, pain is felt in the upper abdomen and gradually “falls” down. The patient feels a feeling of bursting in his stomach, nausea, his temperature rises.

Discomfort in the stomach

Do not exclude at night pain and the cause of overeating. If you have dinner with fat, high -calorie and heavy foods before going to bed, then you should not be surprised that pain arose in your stomach.

To relieve you, you should drink a drug that improves digestion and remember for the future that dinner should be as easy as possible and after its completion should take 2-3 hours of activity, not sleep.

Video: what the pains in the right side are talking about

Pain in the right side during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a difficult time when a woman has to learn previously unknown sensations and processes in the body. But if these sensations are painful, then it is necessary to show vigilance and listen to their well -being - this is very important so that both the baby and the mother remain alive and healthy after these difficult nine months.

Pregnant women should listen with special addiction to sensations

During pregnancy, the uterus, which expands, begins to squeeze all the organs of the peritoneum. This can lead to pain in the right side. But you should not write off all the uncomfortable sensations to the compression of the organs, because this is how a serious disease can be missed. Appendicitis, diseases of the bladder and kidneys, liver disease, “malfunctions” in the functioning of the gallbladder, as well as the difficulty of the intestine, can cause pain in the right side of the abdomen.

Pain caused by excessive load

One of the rare and dangerous causes of pain is an ectopic pregnancy. It is important to identify this pathological pregnancy that develops not in the uterus, but in one of the fallopian tubes in order to prevent the onset of bleeding and death in a woman.

The early registration and delivery of all the necessary tests under the supervision of a doctor will prevent the severe consequences of such pregnancy and other causes of pain in the right side.

Report the gynecologist about all the features of pregnancy

In pregnant women, pain can occur for more harmless reasons. So, during this period of life, hormones are increased, the weight changes dramatically and the load on the muscles of the back and the spine increases. Therefore, when you feel the pain in the right side, you should rest, take a convenient position and relax, and with regular discomfort, informing the doctor who is pregnant.

Pain in the right side with menstruation

Menstrual pains can be as physiological, that is, those that are a natural process, not a disease, and organic, which signal the pathologies of the female sexual system. Ultrasound will help to establish any damage to the organs.

Pain for menstruation is the usual phenomenon

The physiological reasons for pain in the side with menstruation include:

  • stagnation of blood (when it accumulates in a large amount in the uterine cavity, for example, due to the bend of the uterus)
  • ovulatory pain (observed immediately before menstruation)
  • violation of the cycle

Organic pains with menstruation occur at:

  • benign formations of female genital organs
  • inflammatory processes
  • pathological pregnancy
  • acute surgical problems (such as overclocking cysts)
  • other diseases unrelated to gynecology (appendicitis, bladder pathologies)
  • after surgery (for example, after abortion)

Video: Pain during menstruation

What is the pulsating pain in the right side?

If pulsating pain is localized in the right side, then most often it speaks of intestinal problems, such as colitis and intestinal obstruction. In women, gynecological diseases are most often manifested:

  • adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages)
  • diseases of the right ovary
  • ectopic pregnancy
  • some diseases of the urinary system
Rubbing pain is the reason for the urgent seeking a doctor!

What does a sharp pain in the right side mean?

Sharp painful sensations, as a rule, indicate serious diseases that are localized on the right side of the peritoneum. A dangerous cause of such pain may be inflammation of the process of the cecum, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature, defecation disorder and nausea.

At the slightest suspicion of inflammation of the appendix, it is important to urgently consult a doctor in order to prevent the development of peritonitis, which occurs when the appendix ruptures.


In symptoms, appendicitis can also be similar to other diseases that are manifested by sharp pain. So, when protruding the walls of the intestine (diverticulosis), an increase in temperature, nausea and constipation (disorder) also occurs. Therefore, during the operation to remove the appendix, the surgeon carefully examines the intestines so as not to miss this pathology.

Diagnosis of causes of pain depends on general symptoms

The following diseases are also characterized by a sharp pain in the right side of the abdomen:

  • testament of the intestines - the gut is clogged and there is a stop of peristalsis, blood flow and impaired innervation
  • duodenitis - the duodenum is inflamed and the patient begins to disturb a sharp pain in combination with the symptoms of digestive disorder
  • inguinal hernia - the abdominal wall is torn and the oil seal with part of the intestine falls into the subcutaneous space
  • hepatitis - sharp pain appears at the late stage of the disease
  • pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas, which is accompanied by sharp and encircling pain

Video: How to distinguish appendicitis from other abdominal pain

Causes of dull pain in the right side

Dumb pain accompanies the development of ectopic pregnancy in women, cholecystitis, kidney diseases, hepatitis and urolithiasis. Additional symptoms that will necessarily be present in such diseases will help in diagnosing causes of pain.

Intensive pain can cause hepatitis

If a woman feels dull abdominal pain, or rather in its right side, then this may indicate a pregnancy in which the fetus is localized in the right fallopian tube. As a rule, such a pregnancy ends at 5-6 weeks with a spontaneous abortion or rupture of the fallopian tube, as a result of which a woman feels severe sharp pain.

It is necessary to contact a specialist to prevent such a gap that threatens with fatal outcome from internal bleeding.

Ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy

In addition, stupid pains in the right side are characteristic of kidney diseases, which is located on the right side of the abdomen. It can be urolithiasis and even a kidney tumor, pyelonephritis, tuberculosis, its omission and blood vessels.

What to do if the right side hurts a lot?

In case of pain in the right side and abdomen as a whole, the use of painkillers is not recommended. After all, pain is evidence that something in the work of the organs does not proceed as it should and this is a signal to action, which must be correctly deciphered and not drowned out by analgesics. In addition, the pain may indicate peritonitis or internal bleeding, and by taking anesthetic and ignoring the need for medical care, you simply sign a death sentence.

It is better not to postpone a visit to a specialist with strong discomfort on the side

With severe pain localized on the side, you should contact:

  • therapist
  • gynecologist
  • surgeon
  • traumatologist
  • urologist
  • gastroenterologist
  • infectious disease specialist

Why the right side hurts: tips and reviews

A whole of many factors can provoke pain in the right side: from diseases of the digestive organs to gynecological problems in women. Therefore, it is dangerous to engage in self -medication - without knowing your disease, you can cause great harm to your health.

A qualified specialist will help to understand the problem

Tips for those who are faced with pain in the right side:

  • do not try to warm up the place of pain with heating pads and compresses - it is possible to have a tumor, which when warming up increases its growth. The same applies to internal bleeding, which, in contact with heat, will become more intense
  • do not drink diuretic and choleretic drugs without a doctor's prescription
  • with moderate and weak pain in the digestive organs, review your diet, but if pain does not pass, seek qualified help to establish a discomfort source
  • particular attention should be paid to various pains to women in position, because during pregnancy the body is subject to many diseases that are important to identify at the initial stage
Regular examinations will prevent the development of diseases

With pain in the right side, you do not need to go into a panic. If the pain is weakly expressed and has an episodic character, then its source is most likely not a serious illness and should not run to the doctor for help with it. But severe, frequent pain should not be ignored, just as you should not let your state of health on its own: go through the examination recommended by specialists and then unknown pain will not be a faithful companion in life.

Video: Pain as a symptom. What hurts in the right hypochondrium

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  1. Yeah, better at once to the doctor. I had pains in the right side under the ribs, not straight strong, but often bothered. It turned out the liver increased slightly in size, observed a diet and drank a hepatrine course, everything passed. And the main composition is natural, from the extract of milk thistle and artichoke.

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