Pain in the leg from the hip and groin: causes, treatment, which doctor treats. Why does the right and left thigh hurt on the side, when walking, to the knee and foot?

Pain in the leg from the hip and groin: causes, treatment, which doctor treats. Why does the right and left thigh hurt on the side, when walking, to the knee and foot?

The causes of pain in the thigh can be very diverse. The article indicates several of them.

Pain in humans can have different etiologies and forms. Discomfort in the femoral bone usually occurs acutely and suddenly. The pain appears either in the upper part of the leg and gives it to the groin, it hurts a lot under the knee or even “shoots” into the foot.

  • In men and women, the thigh area hurts the same.
  • In each person, the causes of discomfort can be different and they always have anatomical or physiological characteristics.
  • Let us consider in more detail the reasons for the appearance of such an ailment and treatment methods.

The causes of pain in the thigh

Pain in the thigh

Pain in the femoral bone may appear for various reasons. The main etiology of such an ailment is as follows:

  • Injury after a sharp blow when falling or other factors. Often such damage appears in athletes or in people whose activities are related to hard work.
  • Damage to the neck of the thigh. Such an ailment is suffered by old people. In particular, in women in the menopause, when hormonal malfunctions lead to the appearance of fragility of bones - osteoporosis. A fracture may appear after an accidental fall, for example, on a slippery road or when a person stucks down, walking up the stairs.
  • Fracture of the sacrum. The pain may also appear as a result of damage to the pelvic or pubic seed. In this case, it is necessary to take an X -ray picture in order to correctly make a diagnosis.
  • Injury to the first lumbar vertebral disk. It may appear after falling from a great height to the gluteal muscles.
  • Various bruises of the pelvic bones.
  • Stretching of muscle tissue and ligaments in the femoral region. In the elderly, after 60-65 years, this comes from wear and tear and thinning of muscle tissue, and in young guys or girls-after complex physical exercises.
  • Inflammation in the hip joint bag. It proceeds with the redness of the epidermal layer, edema appears and the temperature rises.
  • Vascular violations in the iliac region. The pain in the lower abdomen may appear from the artery thrombosis, which “lies” in this area of \u200b\u200bthe body.
  • Infectious diseases, endocrinopathy, osteomyelitis.

Pain in the femur can appear after hard work, injuries, falls, diseases, changes in muscles and articular tissues. If discomfort is not treated, then the condition can deteriorate, and unpleasant sensations will be increasing in nature.

Important: Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis. Do not self -medicate - it is dangerous to health! Only a doctor should be prescribed treatment.

Below we will consider the painful conditions that many people appear. When should the inspection be called, and when should be hastened for consultation with the doctor?

What is the thigh in the thigh when walking?

Thigh in walking
Pain in the femoral area when moving

The most unpleasant pain appears when performing motor movements: walking or even lying on the bed when a person tries to roll over from one side to another. Modern people live in a frantic rhythm, and when unpleasant sensations interfere with moving, this is a problem. Discompletion when walking occurs for the following reasons:

  • Fracture of the hip bone - This is one of the most difficult fractures. Acute pain appears. A person needs urgent hospitalization and treatment under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Stretching, bruise and other injury. When walking, any injury will be felt more. When moving, discomfort can appear with painful pulsation - increasing or pulling.
  • Arthritis and arthrosis First, they appear only in the form of discomfort with motor activity. After staying on the legs for a long period of time, fatigue and unpleasant aching pain appear.
  • Bursitis At the very beginning, it also manifests itself stronger with motor activity. After a long stay on the legs, discomfort can be very burning and unpleasant.

In any of these cases, you need to urgently go to the clinic. If the discomfort is acute and unbearable, then it is better to cause urgent help. It is always timely hospitalization and during the treatment that begun helps to quickly cope with the disease and avoid health troubles.

The causes of pain in the thigh and groin

Pain in the thigh and groin
Pain in the femur and inguinal region

This symptom in the form of a steam in the groin and thigh appears with such ailments:

  • Coksartrosis. This disease proceeds with a feeling of inconvenience in the inguinal region and hips. Discompletion increases within a month and does not let go. Constant aches stops feeling confident. A strong painful sensation appears when walking in the inguinal region. Such a feeling can not be felt at rest, but when moving, it again makes itself felt.
  • Aseptic necrosis of the bone head. The symptoms of this ailment are similar to the symptoms of a previous disease, but the pain increases with double strength in a couple of days - quickly and unbearably.
  • Arthritis - If the disease is not cured during, then it can manifest itself with painful impulses that give to different parts of the body, including the inguinal region. Discompletion for arthritis can manifest at any time of the day, regardless of motor activity or loads.

If the pain is aching or “burning”, then it is not necessary to call an ambulance. But, if explicit discomfort appears in the inguinal region, which is constant and becomes unbearable, you should urgently go for help to doctors. This can be the symptoms of other diseases that are more dangerous to health than, for example, arthritis or arthrosis.

Pain in the leg from the hip to the knee or to the foot: Reasons

Pain in the leg from the hip to the knee or to the foot
Pain in the leg from the femur to the knee or to the foot

If uncomfortable aches begins in the thincess or even lumbar region, passes through the entire lower limb to the knee or foot, and ends with shooting pain in the lower leg that interferes with walking is osteochondrosis or hernia in the lower back.

The vertebrae is pinched, inflammation begins and a painful feeling increases every day. At the same time, the aches can be aching, burning or shooting through the entire limb.

The causes of pain in the right and left thigh

Pain in the right and left thigh
Pain in the right and left thigh

The area of \u200b\u200bmanifestation of discomfort may indicate the root cause of the appearance of this state. If the aches occurs on the right or only on the left, then the problem can be hidden in the lumbar region, hip articular tissues or legs.

Symmetric pain - At the same time in the femoral bone on the right and left, speaks of ailments in the central nervous system, brain, as well as the course of diabetes. This can also indicate varicose veins, autoimmune deviation or the presence of a tumor.

Important: To learn about the true source of such an ailment, you must go to a consultation with a highly specialized doctor for diagnosis and prescribing medical procedures.

Thigh pain in the joint: Reasons

Thigh pain
Thigh pain in the joint tissue

The hip joint fabrics are the largest human bones. There are many reasons why the femoral bone can bother, but they can be divided into 3 main groups:

  1. Physiological changes in articular tissuethat may appear after injury or congenital pathological processes (dislocation and so on). Deviation of the head of the bone of the thigh can provoke a disease that chronically violates the correct position of the leg during gait (flat feet, clubfoot and others).
  2. Pathology in the joint bag and muscle soft tissue this area (injury of the leg or joint, inflammatory processes, degenerative changes).
  3. Violation of the functioning of other organsthat are manifested by discomfort in the hip joint. It may seem to a person that the hip bone is stirring with inflammation of the nerve root and violation in the back, buttocks or inguinal region.

Accordingly, in newborn children discomfort will cause congenital pathology, and in people after 60-70 years-the arthrosis destroying bones. Also, the femoral joint can suffer, causing discomfort, from such diseases:

  • arthritis
  • bursitis
  • rheumatism
  • synovitis
  • tendonite
  • various muscle injuries and ligaments
  • injection of the joint head

If you do not treat inflammation in a small pelvis in a timely manner (neuritis, radiculitis, various muscle syndromes), then discomfort can be expressed in the form of pain in the femoral joint.

The pain gives to the thigh: reasons

The pain gives the thigh
The pain gives to the femoral region

As mentioned above, pain in the femoral bone can occur not only in cases where changes occur in the articular cartilage and tissues located near them, but also with problems in other organs and systems.

  • For example, the intervertebral hernia of the lower back is often manifested by pain in the femoral region - from the side or front. This is one of the main criteria for the symptoms of this ailment.
  • In the presence of such a hernia, the pain is felt only in one leg. Discomplete can be weak or intolerant. It all depends on the complexity of the process.
  • In addition, uncomfortable sensations in the thigh can be combined with discomfort in the groin, lower leg or even foot.
  • Nunning in these areas of the body is also characteristic.

With such pain, the nuances are a lot and correctly diagnosed the ailment, and only a doctor can prescribe drugs for recovery.

What is the pulling and aching pain in the thigh?

Pulling and aching pain in the thigh
Pulling and aching pain in the thigh

Such pain appears with pathologies located within the joint or around it. Around the joint there is a small space filled with a small amount of synovial fluid. With its help, the bones of the joint glide well and do not experience friction.

Any disease and injuries lead to the fact that the amount of this fluid increases. In addition, even blood can fall into the joint space. The articular capsule begins to stretch and pulling or aching pain appears. Also, pulling or aching pain can appear with such pathologies:


All these pathologies proceed with the presence of pulling pain, but in order to forever forget about a particular disease, it is necessary to correctly diagnose and prescribe therapeutic procedures. For example, with the disease of Rot Bernardt with neuralgia of the skin nerves, the joint is not damaged. In this case, treatment should be aimed at getting rid of discomfort, and factors of the appearance of this pathology.

What are the pain in the hip muscles of?

Thigh muscles
Muscular tissue of the thigh

Discompletion in muscle tissue appears at high loads or when tearing or stretching the muscles themselves. But more often the problem is not hidden in the muscle layer, but in the joints that are “hidden” behind this area. Therefore, factors of the appearance of such a state can be very different, and to establish a diagnosis, you should go to the doctor.

All patients need to know that muscle pains are often reflected. For example, with a pear -shaped muscle syndrome, when a person sharply raised severity or made an unsuccessful movement, his lower back aches for several days, and only then discomfort in the area of \u200b\u200bsoft tissues of the thigh and buttocks appears.

The causes of pain in the hips and buttocks

Boats and buttocks
Boats and buttocks

The buttock is a muscle with a layer of subcutaneous fat. Simultaneous pain in the thigh and buttock may occur after injury or during inflammatory pathological stages. A person can also feel discomfort, which is transmitted from the sacrum, coccyx or spine. If there are problems, then it may seem that the buttock is pampering. This is how a person can feel a smoke and what it means:

Discomfort in the right thigh and buttock:

  • Unpleasant gains can appear after hard physical work.
  • Also, such sensations can be caused by violations in the knee, groin or spine.
  • Discomfort intensifies during the day, increases before bedtime and passes completely by morning.
  • Then the symptoms appear again.
  • In this case, you need to check the spine in the lumbar region for the presence of a hernia.

Discompletion in the seat:

  • With the manifestation of aches when sitting or lying on some side, the body “speaks” about the course of such an ailment as a skewing bursitis.
  • Such discomfort can also appear as a result of the lesion of the spinal cord, pathology of muscle cells in the gluteal region, radiculitis.

All this health problems are easily treated, but this is dangerous with its complications. It is important to come to an appointment with a doctor for diagnosis and cure in a timely manner.

Which doctor to contact a thigh in your thigh?

Orthopedist treats thigh pain
Orthopedist treats thigh pain

First you need to make an appointment with the therapist - this is a general practitioner who directs the patient to the highly specialized doctor. The therapist can also write down directions for testing in order to make an initial picture of a possible disease.

The treatment of ailments associated with bones and joints is engaged in orthopedist. For a complete picture of the disease, it is prescribed:

  • x -ray of the pelvis
  • CT of the pelvis
  • MRI bones and pelvic tissues

After receiving the results of the diagnosis, the doctor will establish a diagnosis and prescribe the medicine. Preparations are often prescribed, surgical intervention is not always a mandatory procedure.

Treatment of pain in the thigh

If pain in the thigh appears, the following must be performed:

  • Stop physical activity. If discomfort appeared after physical work, then you need to relax so that the muscles relax. If after the rest the pain subsided, and after the resumption of physical activity reappears, then you should consult a doctor.
  • Lie down. If unpleasant sensations appeared as a result of compression of the cerebrospinal nerves, then in the horizontal position of the body, the load on the vertebrae decreases, the distance between them increases and the pain weakens.
  • Light massage in the thigh. Strokeing movements in the thigh will help relieve pain during injury, but massage is ineffective with damage to nerves and blood vessels. But remember that you should not intensively massage the painful area, as it can harm.
  • Attach cold to the place of inflammation. This method helps with bruises and sprains. The cold reduces the sensitivity of the nerve endings, and this helps to reduce unpleasant sensations.

If the thigh pain is accompanied by inflammation, then it is necessary to take medications that inhibit the activity of inflammation, reducing the severity of pain. Here is a list of drugs that are used depending on the severity of the course of the disease and its etiology:

List of drugs that will help relieve thigh pain
List of drugs that will help relieve thigh pain

Remember: only a doctor should be prescribed drugs! Self -medication is life -threatening!

In addition to drug therapy and painkillers, massage, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises are prescribed and, in some cases, surgical treatment in the form of endoprosthetics, arthroplasty, and so on.

Video: Elena Malysheva. What to do if the hip joint hurts?

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