Bedal beer during breastfeeding. Is it possible to nursing mom non -alcoholic beer?

Bedal beer during breastfeeding. Is it possible to nursing mom non -alcoholic beer?

An article about whether it is possible to drink non-alcoholic beer for a nursing mother or is not worth it.

Nonalcoholic beer although called non -alcoholic, but there is still alcohol in it, albeit a little, 0.1-2.0%.

The non-alcoholic beer began to be carried out in the 30s of the 20th century in the United States, during the introduction of an anti-alcohol law, so as not to stop the alcohol production workshop.

Real beer (alcoholic) Previously, it was made from a malt of barley, hops and water. It should roam it for several months. But this technology is not suitable for modern businessmen. BUT to accelerate fermentation, all kinds of preservatives, chemicals and harmful additives are added to the beer.

Here is some of them:

  • Conservice of a gas station sodium - Strong carcinogen, affects DNA, is often the cause of allergies, it is added to increase color and extend the shelf life.
  • Chemical compound cobalt - It badly affects the work of the heart, stomach and intestines, this substance in beer is added to preserve foam.
  • Sugar substitute-fruit-glucose syrup, in the body does not produce energy, but is immediately deposited into fat.

Blood beer also contains all these substances, it only reduced the amount of alcohol in it.

It is possible or not a non -alcoholic beer of a nursing mother - opinions diverge. Some doctors believe that it is possible. But there are many cases when the child damaged the beer drinked by his mother.

Does beer get into breast milk and how much?

Alcohol of non -alcoholic beer, drunk with a mother, when breastfeeding, falls into breast milk immediately

When breastfeeding a baby, everything that a nursing mother eats and drinks in breast milk.

Alcohol from non -alcoholic beer also immediately goes into breast milk if the woman drank it. The concentration of alcohol in breast milk is the same as in the blood of a woman.

If a woman drank 1 cup of beer once, then nothing will happen from this. Alcohol can seriously affect the child if a woman drinks often and a lot.

This is what happens in the female body with frequent use of non -alcoholic beer:

  • Beer has a diuretic effect, and therefore lered potassium from the body
  • In the body, a woman develops male hormones
  • Lactation is reduced
  • Appetite intensifies and you can gain excess weight
  • Headaches become regular

How does breast milk beer affect?

Alcohol of non -alcoholic beer, drunk with a mother, with breastfeeding affects breast milk very much

If a child receives alcohol every day with breast milk:

  • He is sluggish, indifferent
  • Does not gain enough weight
  • Lags behind in development compared to other children
  • Often sick

Beer with breastfeeding after how much is it withdrawn?

Alcohol of non -alcoholic beer, drunk with a mother, during breastfeeding, is displayed no earlier than an hour and a half after an hour

Alcohol from breast milk, when a woman drinking non -alcoholic beer is removed from an hour and a half to two and a half. It all depends on the drunk drink, if more, then it will be withdrawn longer.

You should also know:

  • The less a woman weighs, the longer alcohol will be excreted.
  • Remember, if you get drunk literally from one sip, so in your body there are few enzymes to digest alcohol or its intolerance, then you need to completely abandon alcohol.

What will happen if a nursing mother drinks beer?

Alcohol of non -alcoholic beer, drunk with a mother, with breastfeeding can harm the child, and even lead to death, if beer is constantly consumed

There is no enzyme that breaks down alcohol in the body of the baby.

Even a small dose of alcohol can lead a child:

  • To allergies
  • To the stomach disorder
  • To liver diseases
  • To the unbalanced nervous system
  • In rare cases to epilepsy
  • Sometimes even to death

If a woman, during pregnancy, sometimes drank non -alcoholic beer, then the baby’s health was done less than now that he was born. In her mother’s belly, the child protected the placenta, and now he completely defenselessand only mom can protect it by choosing and using it, useful products for a child.

If a young mother wants beer, then this should alert a woman, and she should review your diet. If you want a beer, then the body lacks group B vitamins, and vitamin D.

These vitamins are in such products:

  • Bread with bran
  • Vegetables
  • Meat
  • Dairy products

Beer for lactation of milk in nursing women

The fact that non -alcoholic beer increases the amount of breast milk in a woman is a myth, you can strengthen lactation with herbal tea with milk

In Japan, a non -alcoholic beer is produced, specially intended for young mothers, which, according to experts, increases the amount of breast milk.

Maybe in Japan there is such a beer, but we have, in the post -Soviet space, non -alcoholic beer does not have such properties. Some scientists and doctors prove the opposite, but no one has yet confirmed that beer stimulates lactation.

For this purpose there is special teasDrunk in warm form, which enhance lactation.

How long can you feed the child after beer?

After a non -alcoholic beer drunk with mom, breastfeeding can be started no earlier than 12 hours

If you are used to drinking beer before pregnancy, and after the birth of the child you also decided to drink non -alcoholic beer, then before doing this, we need to prepareSo that the child does not suffer because of your whim.

How to do it?

  • It is necessary to scode milk for several feedings.
  • After the baby’s beer, you can not feed with breast milk from 12 to 24 hours.
  • You can’t drink any beer if your child is less than 3 months old.
  • Carefully study the composition of the beer.
  • Drink only fresh beer.
  • Before drinking, release gas from beer, and drink no more than 0.5 liters.
  • Do not drink beer more often than 2 times a week.
  • If the baby, after a non -alcoholic beer you drink, has signs of allergies, you urgently need to stop drinking alcoholic and low -alcohol drinks.

Breeding beer for breastfeeding, Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky is not so categorical to inflorescence non -alcoholic beer during breastfeeding

Is it possible for a woman while breastfeeding of non -alcoholic beer?

Dr. Komarovsky It is not categorical about this. He says that beer, made of brewer's yeast, hops and barley, is not harmful to the health of the child, only alcohol and preservatives that are contained in it are harmful.

If you really want to be a beer, then a woman can afford 1 glass of ordinary non -alcoholic beer from a bottle. It is necessary to choose non -alcoholic beer, which has a short expiration date, and therefore less preservatives in it. Branch beer does not fit - it has a lot of preservatives.

But, nevertheless, Dr. Komarovsky believes that drinking beer to mom, when she breastfeeding is an experiment.

And the fewer experiments, the better for the child.

The fact that beer increases the amount of milk in a nursing woman, according to Dr. Komarovsky, is a myth.

So, we draw conclusions: if a young mother worries for the health of her baby, then she should think, first of all, about him, and not fulfill her whims.

Video: alcohol with breastfeeding

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