Infertility in men. Analysis for infertility. Treatment of male infertility

Infertility in men. Analysis for infertility. Treatment of male infertility

Male infertility is curable, if you pay attention to the problem in time and fight it, so you should not put an end to happy paternity - modern medicine can overcome most of the causes of the reproductive function.

According to statistics, in 35% of barren couples, pregnancy does not occur due to the inability of a man to fertilize a woman due to absolute or relative infertility.

Factors that affect male reproduction can be very different as treatment, if possible. Let's try to figure out what the reasons, signs, features of male infertility and how to overcome this ailment that prevents the creation of a full -fledged family and feel like a real man.

Signs of infertility

If during the year a couple in the prime of reproductive age lives an active sex life (at least two times a week, sexual intercourse occurs) and at the same time does not use contraceptive means, but it is not possible to conceive a child, then both partners need to be examined for infertility.

As a rule, the infertility of men, absolute or treatable, does not make themselves felt by any symptoms until the moment when the spouses decide to conceive a child and all attempts do not end in success.

Infertility does not make itself felt until reproductive age

Since there are many diseases that can provoke a reproductive function disorder, individual symptoms of these diseases can still be observed:

  • a small amount of sperm during ejaculation, the presence of non -characteristic interspersed (blood) in it
  • pain in the testicles, prostate gland
  • weak erection
  • the presence of neoplasms
  • underdevelopment of the genitals
Mobile sperm capable of fertilization

The causes of male infertility

As already mentioned, certain diseases, congenital malformations of the genital organs or injury are the cause of infertility. Pathological processes and changes in reproductive function arise under the influence of such factors:

  • excessive drinking, smoking, the use of narcotic substances
  • ecology pollution
  • infections, including venereal
  • the presence of other diseases, indirectly or directly affecting the formation of infertility (diabetes, mumps)
  • hormonal violations
  • frequent stresses
  • stay under the influence of high temperatures
  • inflammatory processes
  • contact with radioactive and chemicals
  • long -term intake of certain drugs (including antibiotics)
Taking many drugs can cause temporary infertility

A separate category is made up of such causes of male infertility as trauma of the genitals and congenital abnormalities of their development.

Diseases with male infertility

All factors that provoke infertility affect the process of sperm production, its qualitative composition, and the ability of sperm to get to the egg. This is expressed in such diseases:

  • Anaeaculation - complete absence of sperm during ejaculation
  • Necrosperia - All sperm in the ejaculate dead
  • Leocopermia - increased content of leukocytes in the sperm caused by the flow of a strong inflammatory process
  • Azoospermia - sperm is completely absent in sperm
  • Piospermia -the presence of pus in the sperm that occurs due to the inflammatory process
  • Astenozoospermia - insufficient mobility of sperm
  • Oligospermia - isolation of insufficient sperm volume (less than 1.5 ml)
  • Teratozoospermia- an increased number of spermatozoa with an irregular structure that cannot be fertilized (normal spermatozoa less than 4%)
  • Cryptospermia - The ejaculate contains a small number of living spermatozoa

A number of diseases that provoke infertility that are not associated with a change in sperm quality are also distinguished:

  1. Varicocele - expansion of the veins of the seed canal, which is treated surgically
  2. erectile dysfunction -sexual intercourse does not occur due to the lack of an erection or its weak strength
  3. Anatomically incorrect structure of the genitals - sperm is displayed in the hole on the scrotum, and not into the hole of the urinary channel, the absence of the seed ducts or their obstruction
  4. Endocrine disorders

Video: Male infertility. What are the reasons?

Which doctor to contact with male infertility?

If male infertility is suspected, you should not despair - modern medicine operates with a sufficient number of methods for diagnosing and treating this ailment. The problem of impaired reproductive function in men is engaged in andrology - the section of medicine that studies men, their health, diseases of the genital area and the ability to reproduce.

Therefore, the most rational, with possible infertility, will be an appeal to a qualified Andrologist who will prescribe the necessary tests and studies, and when making a diagnosis, it will prevail adequate treatment (if it is possible)

Andrologist consultation

If a rather specific specialist does not manage to get to such a rather specific specialist, then a urologist will be able to provide qualified assistance.

The doctor will listen to complaints, collect the anamnesis, clarify the living conditions and work, nutrition of a man, as well as the features of sexual life. After an external inspection, the urologist will prescribe an examination.

Anamnesis collection

Examination and analysis for infertility

After collecting the anamnesis, the doctor visually examines the genitals of a man to establish possible pathological processes, the presence of neoplasms, the size of the genitals, in particular testicles.

Also, a urologist or andrologist will pay considerable attention to the hairline on the body, the intensity of which can indicate the level of male hormones.

After that, a number of tests for infertility are prescribed, which include:

  • general blood and urine tests
  • spermogram
  • analysis for various sexual infections
  • analysis for antibodies to sperm
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum
  • study of the patency of the seeds of the ducts
  • analysis for the level of sex hormones

The most indicative analysis is the spermogram - sperm study. During the study, the volume and consistency of ejaculate, mobility, quantity and quality of sperm, as well as the presence of various interspersed (blood, leukocytes, pus) are established. Using this analysis, you can not only establish the ability of a man to fertilize, but also the presence of various diseases of the reproductive system.


It is necessary to prepare for the spermogram in order to ensure that the analysis is as indicative as possible. The man before passing sperm should:

  • refrain from sexual intercourse for 4 days
  • exclude alcohol intake
  • avoid overheating: do not visit a sauna or bath, do not take a bath
  • stop taking drugs
A man must approach the surrender of sperm with all responsibility

Most often, sperm is obtained by masturbation - this species is the most optimal and recommended WHO. It is also allowed to obtain an ejaculate by conducting interrupted intercourse, in which sperm is placed in a special sterile container.

It is also possible to use a sterile medical condom that does not have a lubricant during sexual intercourse.

Medical condom

The resulting ejaculate is measured in volume, checked for viscosity, acidity, sperm color, examine it under a microscope and set indicators that do not correspond to the norm.

Male hormonal infertility

If the studies establish pathological changes in the spermogram, which are characterized by inactivity of spermatozoa, their anatomically incorrect structure (the occurrence of two tails or their complete absence) or their small amount in the ejaculate, then an additional study is prescribed for the level of hormones.

Testosterone molecules are produced in testicles

This analysis should show how correctly the FSH and LH hormones produced by the pituitary gland are produced, and testosterone produced by testicles. If the level of LH is underestimated, then replacement therapy is used when hormonal drugs are taken, and in the case of an underestimated level of FSH and testosterone, treatment is usually ineffective. The increased level of these hormones can be corrected and patients receive a positive prognosis.

Treatment of infertility in men

First of all, in the treatment of male infertility, the living and labor conditions of a man, nutrition and sex life should be adjusted, and other factors that negatively affect spermatogenesis should be eliminated. Further, the treatment will be symptomatic, that is, it will completely depend on the reason that caused it:

  • surgical intervention for varicocele, obstruction of vitro -transitional channels, some abnormalities of the development of the genital organs
  • treatment with antibacterial, antifungal and other drugs if the patient has infectious, bacterial or fungal pathogens in the patient with infertility
  • hormonal adjustment with improper production of male hormones
Treatment of infertility

If the cause of infertility is incurable and sperm quality cannot be improved, but at least one live and mobile sperm is possible in the ejaculate, then artificial insemination or fertilization can be the only way of conception when the selected sperm (or several) are introduced into the uterus or egg artificially.

Treatment of infertility with folk remedies

Among the means of traditional medicine, there are many recipes that help improve the process of spermatogenesis. Most often it is recommended to take various herbal decoctions:

  1. On an empty stomach, it is necessary to take half a glass of celery and parsley for 15 days for 15 days
    From infertility, you should take quince juice: 1 spoon. within 10 days
  2. Mummy helps stimulation of sexual function if it is mixed with carrot juice in the proportion: 1 part mummy for 20 parts of juice
  3. Pour a spoonful of sage seeds with a glass of boiling water and insist until completely cooled. It is necessary to drink infusion on a teaspoon twice a day, for 2.5-3 months
  4. The leenses and birch leaves must be poured with 1 liter of boiling water and insist for 2 hours, then drink a glass three times a day
  5. 2 tbsp. The spoons of Adam's root should be poured with 1 glass of boiling water, and after the decoction cools, take twice a day on a spoon. The course of treatment with this tool should be 1.5 months
Timely treatment of infertility will allow you to become a father

Male infertility is not a sentence. Today there are innovative methods for the diagnosis and treatment of a reproductive function disorder in men, so you should not despair and put a cross at a happy future - visit a specialist, go through treatment and enjoy life in a full -fledged family.

Video: Male infertility. How to help a man become a father?

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  1. Very high quality article! The photos are well selected! The author is the highest rating 😉

  2. The article is really good, thank you very much. My husband faced such a problem due to the fact that there was a poor sperm quality. But in the end, everything turned out to be not so scary, he was healed and soon we were able to get pregnant)) treatment, by the way, on the advice of the doctor, was the effect of a tribulus and various herbal tinctures. So everything is not as difficult as it seems)

  3. Hi girls! I want to share our history with you. For more than 2 years, my husband and I tried to have a child. My husband found a small mobility of sperm, after the course of treatment, it became better and after a couple of months I became pregnant. My husband and I began to eat right, we both lost weight, did not take alcohol and did not smoke. Plus, my husband took Actire Andro, so I think also played an important role in conception. In general, the point is that you should not sit and wait for the weather by the sea, but go to the doctor!

  4. Of course, you need to find out the reason. After all, there can be a lot of reasons, stress for example, or even chronic prostatitis, like my husband. The doctor explained that frequent inflammation, that’s the result. So the husband, not only with exacerbation of prostatitis, was treated, but also on the advice of a doctor began to take Bestferil, which, as it turned out, turned out to be vitamins, minerals and other substances. So the spermogram of her husband became better, and we succeeded. I am the happiest mother in the world.

  5. by the way, many men accuse women, supposedly they cannot get pregnant, or maybe the reason for themselves. When we could not conceive a child, the husband began to sin on himself immediately, because he has chronic prostatitis, which from time to time exacerbates, inflammation of all matters. It turned out that it was, sperm was not very - this spermogram showed. The doctor prescribed him to take a bottom to take to improve seed fluid. Everything turned out, substances collected in this tool did their job, and I became pregnant.

  6. thanks

  7. Often the diagnosis of infertility is made already simply because sperm indicators are not very. For a husband, for example, to solve this gap, just a pair of spermaplat courses was enough. There, in the composition of useful amino acids and nettles, this positively affects the reproductive function. The tests are now good ... Yes, we did not need to hand them over at all, because even before the end of therapy I became pregnant))

  8. As a doctor, I can say that the most important thing is to hand over the spermogram. She shows whether a barren man or not, because it all depends on the quality of the sperm. As a rule, I advise everyone to take a spermactin to improve indicators. It is based on beneficial amino acids and alpha-lipoic acid, there is also vitamin C that the benefits are additional for immunity. Usually praised after that and thank, because the wives get pregnant quickly))

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