Birch tar in hair and face cosmetology. The use of birch tar and tar water for skin diseases and from dandruff, seborrhea and hair loss

Birch tar in hair and face cosmetology. The use of birch tar and tar water for skin diseases and from dandruff, seborrhea and hair loss

The use of birch tar to treat various diseases.

Birch tar has long been known as an effective natural skin care and hair. From the article you will learn why and how birch tar is used.

Birch tar benefits and harm for hair, skin and face

Birch tar is quite widely used and the cosmetology industry. This is a universal hair care and skin. Differences exclusively in recipes and technology of application.

Shard is used as an antiseptic to eliminate inflamed skin, as well as to cleanse the skin of the face from rashes. If you have oily hair or dandruff, then tar to help you. Thanks to his ability to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, you will forget about the problems that have previously worried.

First of all, before using a birch tar, you need to determine the type of your skin. Since if you have dry skin, choose masks with the addition of all kinds of oils. Clean tar can be very overdried so dry skin. Its benefits for the skin and hair are obvious, so you can use tar without fears.

Birch tar helps improve the condition of hair and skin
Birch tar helps improve the condition of hair and skin

In addition, he does not carry any harm, and, accordingly, there are no contraindications.

Video: Birch tar for hair and skin

Birch and tarry water for hair growth from falling out and baldness: recipes

With these simple recipes, you can keep your hair and stop its loss:

  • birch tar in an amount of 100 g mix with shampoo and apply to the hair in the usual way. Then rinse with a lot of water. The hair will be just gorgeous
  • with the help of tar water, you can rinse your hair after ordinary washing with shampoo. Take 100 g of birch tar mix with purified water and rinse your hair
Birch tar - a simple remedy for baldness
Birch tar - a simple remedy for baldness

Birch tar from dandruff: hair mask

As we already found out earlier, the birch tar copes with dandruff. To do this, prepare the mask according to the specified recipe. You need to mix 1 tsp birch tar with vitamin A and burdock oil, then rub the resulting mixture into the hair roots.

With the help of such a mask you will forever forget about dandruff
With the help of such a mask you will forever forget about dandruff

You need to hold the mask for about 20 minutes, then rinse it with a not large portion of shampoo very carefully.

Birch tar from seborrhea: Mask

It will be very simple to cope with seborrhea with the help of a birch tar, for this, take a birch tar 0.5 tsp. And mix it with an egg and a few drops of castor. Rub into the hairy part of the head, leave for 3-5 minutes and rinse with shampoo.

Use birch tar to combat seborrhea
Use birch tar to combat seborrhea

Video: Birch tar from seborrhea and dandruff

Birch tar and tar -water for the face from acne: recipe

Tar water for the treatment of acne and inflammation on the face can be prepared independently. To do this, mix 100 g of tar and 500 g of boiled water. The mixture must be constantly stirred for about half an hour, and then leave to infuse for 8-10 hours.

Next, add 1 tsp to tar water. Olive oil and a little May honey, mix everything well and apply to pre -cleansed skin. After 5 minutes, rinse with warm water and moisten your face with cream.

Tar water will save from acne
Tar water will save from acne

How does a birch tar cleanse the face of age spots and spots after acne?

First of all, you need to clearly know your skin type, since tar has small drying properties. Birch tar is an excellent long -known remedy for acne and age spots.

Use tar to get rid of age spots
Use tar to get rid of age spots

He cleanses very carefully and, gradually removing and nECEPTION FROM PO And cleansing them, thereby contributes to the disappearance of acne. When applying masks based on this substance, acne can forever leave your face, but age spots can, and will not leave at all, but will not become so noticeable. Pigment spots will help to leave tinctures, Specially prepared on the basis of a birch tar, which you need to wipe your face every day, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Birch tar and tar water from the skin rash

Birch tar has good antiseptic and drying properties. Therefore, with proper use, the rash will disappear from your skin. It is worth picking up and trying a couple of three recipes with a birch tar and the skin will become much cleaner. All means for the skin must be used carefully, having previously checked them on the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wrist in order to protect themselves from allergic reactions.

Video: Pure skin with birch target

Birch tar and tar water from eczema

Birch tar has many antiseptic, anti -inflammatory and antipruritic qualities that contribute to the rapid healing of all kinds of skin diseases. And all because the product has a large number of different resins and antioxidants.

It should be noted that the tools prepared on the tar -basis have a pronounced anti -inflammatory and disinfecting Effects have a detrimental effect on many microorganisms, which is important in the treatment of such a complex and unpleasant disease as eczema.

Cure eczema birch tar
Cure eczema birch tar

Birch tar with demodicosis on the face

Demodecosis is a fairly unpleasant skin disease that provokes the tick of the Demodex clan. Therefore, a local treatment must be combined with special internal therapy.

Birch tar will reduce the symptoms of demodicosis
Birch tar will reduce the symptoms of demodicosis

An indispensable assistant in the fight against this parasite is a birch tar possessing a large number antioxidants and antiseptic components. With the help of ointments on its basis, you will achieve the fastest getting rid of this unpleasant ailment.

Video: Treatment of demodicosis at home

Birch tar and tar water from lichen

Lichei is one of the fungal and viral infections accompanied by severe peeling of the skin. This kind of dangerous skin diseases need to be used to treat special antiseptic drugs.

But if you are a supporter of traditional medicine will help you birch tar. With it, you can both wash your hair and apply medical masks on its basis on the scalp. On the use of birch tar for the treatment of lichen and determining the necessary composition for the mask, consult with the attending physician.

Birch tar and tar water from psoriasis

Since ancient times, all the most effective remedies for the treatment of psoriasis were prepared on the basis of a birch tar. You can use both decoctions based on it, as well as various masks and ointments.

Get rid of psoriasis with birch tar
Get rid of psoriasis with birch tar

For a faster effect, you can use birch tar in pure form with a small amount of salicylic acid, since psoriasis is infectious and fraught with a fungal infection.

Video: Treatment of psoriasis by birch target

Birch tar and tar water from golden

Zolotukha is one of the unpleasant and obsolete skin diseases. In order to remove its manifestations from the skin, birch tar and tar water is perfect.

Symptoms of the golds disappear after using the birch tar
Symptoms of the golds disappear after using the birch tar

Based on the birch tar, you can prepare an ointment that will contribute to the disappearance of the manifestations of the gold on the skin. Tarry water can be rinsed affected areas of the skin. The antiseptic, healing and antipruritic properties of these two components will help you soften the symptoms of this unpleasant disease. In the fight against Zolotukha, birch tar and tarry water occupy One of the first places in its effectiveness.

Birch tar and tarry water with neurodermatitis

Neurodermatitis is a skin disease of the same etiology as eczema and psoriasis. Birch tar and tar water have disinfectant and antiseptic effects suitable just under the line of these diseases.

All the wonderful and healing properties of these two substances will help to forget about problems with the skin and the whole body forever. The use of birch tar and tar water in this vein will accelerate the regeneration processes, improve blood circulation and rejuvenate the skin.

Video: Treatment of birch target

Video: Treatment of psoriasis by birch target

Birch tar for skin and hair: reviews

Anna, 43 years old

Birch tar is just a find for me. One of the simplest and most effective products for the skin and hair growth. I used recipes based on it with great pleasure.

Vera, 35 years old

I tried a birch tar on the skin of acne. I did not like the strong smell, which is hard to disguise with something.

Victoria, 38 years old

There was a problem with dandruff for a long time. I bought expensive shampoos, masks but the problem periodically arose again and again. I read an article about the birch tar on the Internet and decided to try the masks from dandruff on its basis. Everything helped, the action of tar simply affected my hair.

Svetlana, 31 years old

Grandmother advised to use tar, as I often suffered from itching skin on my head. I prepared a liquid for rinsing on the basis of tar and everything removed like a hand.

Video: How to drink birch tar?

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Comments K. article

  1. I constantly use Berestine tar shampoo, so I never have dandruff and itching of the scalp. And the hair looks great. I can’t even believe that there was once dandruff

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