The fable of I.A. Krylov “Dragonfly and the Ant”: morality, basic thought, analysis of fables, briefly summarized for the reader's diary, characteristic of heroes. What winged expressions can be distinguished from the “Dragonfly and Ant” fable?

The fable of I.A. Krylov “Dragonfly and the Ant”: morality, basic thought, analysis of fables, briefly summarized for the reader's diary, characteristic of heroes. What winged expressions can be distinguished from the “Dragonfly and Ant” fable?

This article describes the history of the fable “Dragonfly and Ant”, its plot, morality and basic idea.

The fable is a moralizing work in which vices of people are ridiculed. Fable characters are usually animals, things, plants or insects. With their help, it is easier to understand the essence of morality. Who wrote the fable "Dragonfly and ant"? You can find morality, basic thought and reasoning in this article.

Who and when wrote the fable “Dragonfly and Ant”: author, history of creation

"Dragonfly and ant"

Author of the work "Dragonfly and ant" Ivan Andreevich Krylov is considered. This work appeared no later than May 1808. It was first published in the printed publication "Drama Bulletin".

But the creator of this work was not Krylov. He simply rewritten from another language to the Russian fable of the French writer Jean de Lafontaine "Cicata and ant". Lafontaine is also not the author of the fable, as he borrowed the plot from Aesop - a Greek fabulist, who lived in the 6th century BC. But it was Krylov who made a translation into Russian. It turned out a work that we know now, and on which many generations have been brought up.

Basnya I.A. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant": Text

The text of the work is small. It is set to teach him primary school. It is easily remembered. Here is the text of the fable I.A. Krylov "Dragonfly and ant":

The text of the fable
The text of the fable

Basnya I.A. Krylov “Dragonfly and Ant”: morality, basic idea

Like any other work, "Dragonfly and ant" Krylova contains morality and the main idea.

  • Morality It is in the end, and before that an interesting plot unfolds. The dragonfly did not prepare for the winter, she sang and danced all the warm summer days. But when winter came, she came to the ant and began to ask for him to eat and warm.
  • The ant worked hard from the beginning to the end of summer to be prepared for winter colds. Therefore, he answered a dragonfly with a note of sarcasm: since she sang all summer, let her be dancing now.
  • The basic idea The fable is that the dragonfly did not work in the summer, and in winter she was left with nothing - without a house and food. The ant worked all summer, so he has where to live and what to eat.

Under the actions of the dragonfly in this fable, human vices are hidden. After all, there are people who do not like to work, but when they need something, they ask those who worked.

Basnya I.A. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant": A summary for the reader's diary

Pupils of primary school in Russian literature need to keep a reader's diary in which they record brief content of the read works. This helps to better remember stories and fables. Here is a summary for the reader's diary I.A. Krylov "Dragonfly and ant":

Dragonfly did not work all summer, but only sang and danced. Under each sheet she had a table and a house. But the summer quickly ended, the dragonfly had neither food nor at home, and she decided to go to the ant, which worked all summer. The ant asks the dragonfly, but what did she do all summer? Dragonfly nothing to answer, as soon as: "Sang." “Ah, you sang? So go dance, ”the ant answered her.

How to characterize the heroes of the fable "Dragonfly and Ant": characterization of heroes

"Dragonfly and ant"

The school is set to characterize the heroes of this fable. Using the characterization, you can understand which character is positive and which, on the contrary, is negative.

  • Dragonfly characteristic - Frivolous and proud. He does not like to work, but only sing and dance. Cheerful, mobile, joyful, but at the end of the fable - sad and preoccupied.
  • The characteristic of the ant - Wise, loves to work. Serious and always insists on his decision. Smart, as he understands that in order to have food and housing in winter, you need to work all summer.

If these characters are characterized in two words, then the dragonfly is chickenpox and unrealistic, and the ant is reasonable and businesslike.

Why did the Dragonfly turn to the ant, what did the anthogetrian anticipated about?

The dragonfly turned to the ant, because he was hardworking, and all summer worked so that he had where to live in winter and what is. Dragonfly acknowledged her mistake, and asked the ant politely about the shelter and food so that he would conquer and heat it.

What is condemned is ridiculed in the fable of “dragonfly and ant”, what does the fable teach?

"Dragonfly and ant"

In the work "Dragonfly and ant" Frightity and narcissism are condemned. Also, such vices of people as laziness, carelessness and idleness are ridiculed here. The fable teaches to be hardworking, wise, serious and responsible. In addition to holidays and fun, there are also workdays when you need to work, so that there is something to eat and where to live.

How does the author relate to a dragonfly and an ant in Krylov’s fable “Dragonfly and Ant”?

The author perceives the ant as a hardworking and positive hero. It can be set as an example, since he understands that it is wrong to live one day, you must always think about tomorrow.

Dragonfly is sympathetic. She cannot realize what she acted incorrectly, is used to living one day and on everything ready. She is ready to accept advice, but only for a while, since basics can only be capable only for careless existence. It is not a negative hero, but it is not worthy to be an example for others.

Why did I like the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant": reasoning

All fables are moralizing and therefore they like adults and children after reading. After all, with their help you can see vices and learn not to make such mistakes that characters make. Here is a detailed reasoning why I liked the fable “Dragonfly and Ant:

The dragonfly, although she did not work all summer, and did not stock up food and shelter for the winter, but only sang and danced, she is still a pity. It is not worthy to be an example for others, but causes regret. Dragonfly asked the ant to shelter only until spring. But he refused, because she did not realize her mistakes that would repeat again and again. The diligent and hardworking ant, on the contrary, worked all summer, and it is clear why he refused the help of a dragonfly. He knows that you need to take care of the tomorrow. But I still do not agree with the morality of this fable, since the ant could show mercy and let the dragonfly live for the winter.

What advice can you give an ant and a dragonfly in Krylov’s fable?

With the help of this fable, the author gives advice to readers how to live: not to be lazy, but to work. But you also need to rest. The ant worked all summer, and in winter he rests, because it is cold outside the window, and he has shelter and food. An ant can be given such advice: to remain as serious and hardworking, and a dragonfly - to gain a mind, work and think about the future.

Basnya "Dragonfly and Ant": a plan for writing, what questions can be posed?

Dragonfly came to the ant to ask for food and blood
Dragonfly came to the ant to ask for food and blood

Schoolchildren from elementary school are set at home or in the classroom to write an essay on the fable “Dragonfly and Ant”. Here's a plan for writing

  1. Dragonfly entertainment.
  2. A request for help from an ant.
  3. How did he teach the Dragonfly for loaosity?

To make it easier to write an essay, you can raise questions, and answers to them are a finished essay. Here are questions:

  1. What did the dragonfly do in the summer?
  2. What has changed in her life with the onset of cold weather?
  3. Who did the dragonfly contact when she needed help? What did she ask?
  4. What did the ant said to her? How to understand his words: “You sang everything? This business. So go dance "?
  5. Do you feel a sense of pity for a dragonfly? Give a detailed answer.
  6. To make you make an ant and why?
  7. What lines are the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fable?
  8. With the help of this work, what did the author want to convey to us?
  9. On the example of a dragonfly and an ant - how should people not do?

When writing an essay, it is important to understand the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. In this fable, it is that you do not need to do thoughtlessly, otherwise you can then stay with nothing.

What winged expressions, a proverb can be distinguished from the “Dragonfly and Ant” fable?

Winged expressions and aphorisms from this work are used even by modern people in colloquial speech. This suggests that this work is really interesting and instructive. Winged expressions that can be distinguished from fables "Dragonfly and ant":

This expression means spending time without benefit, a waste of time.

This expression indicates the fleeting time. Summer is short and quickly passes, and winter quickly comes behind it.

The dragonfly had a treat everywhere. In any place you can sleep and eat.

This expression indicates that I do not even want to deal with your favorite business, if hungry and cold.

Frivolous behavior always leads to the fact that a person forgets about important matters.

To the fable "Dragonfly and ant" Such proverbs are suitable:

Proverbs that fit the fable
Proverbs that fit the fable "Dragonfly and Ant"

How to quickly learn the fable "Dragonfly and Ant": Tips

Any Krylov fable can be learned for half an hour. It is necessary to use some tricks. Here are the advice on how to quickly learn the fable "Dragonfly and ant":

  1. You can sing the words of the work. Three or four such repetitions for your favorite melody, and the fable will be quickly remembered.
  2. Imagine yourself a great reader And read the fable in front of the mirror.
  3. Imagine the events described in the fable. Also imagine the sequence of development of the plot. The first time, of course, it will not be possible to remember, but you can peep during memorization - 30 minutes and the fable is learned without difficulty.
  4. You can also repeat the quatrains. First, learn the first 4 lines, then the second and so on. Then repeat the entire work 3 times.

In addition, memorization can be helped if you imagine yourself with a dragonfly. You also need to say everything according to a pre -drawn up plan. The plan and questions for the fable were written above. Designate the sequence of events for yourself and then to learn the work will not be difficult.

Tights of fables, script of the theater production for the holiday of autumn "Dragonfly and ant": words, text

Fable "Dragonfly and ant" Small and you can tell it in 30 seconds. But this does not mean that with this work it will not work to make a theatrical production. You can come up with an original fable staging, for example, for a holiday of autumn. Here is the script for this fable - words, text:

Tights' staging: Actors
Tights' staging: Actors
Tighting fables
Tighting fables
Tights' Stage: Next scene
Tights' Stage: Next scene

The dragonfly goes to the anthill, wrapped in a dry sheet. The ant peeps out.

Tighting Tights: Copping
Tighting Tights: Copping

This scene is 5 minutes. It will turn out interesting and fun. An important role is played by the scenery and costumes of the characters. The festival of autumn with a staging of the Krylov fable will be memorable, as the work "Dragonfly and ant" Everyone's beloved is both adults and children.

Video: Dragonfly and ant. I.A. Krylov. Fable

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  1. Can write an essay, remember childhood?))))))

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